Testimonial for Linda Anne by Susan - July 16, 2019

“I had a most wonderful experience with Linda Ann this evening. I’ve been so discombobulated with so much change, so much in the air and to be honest, not seeing any clarity in what to do next. I decided on my first Sunday not at work in a really long time to seek guidance from one of the wonderful readers on Michele Knight’s site. Well, didn’t the havoc of mercury retrograde shadow decided to scupper that plan, and it was by chance I checked later on this evening and the site was back and waiting. I saw Linda Ann’s profile and I knew this was the person for guidance and wisdom I needed. And honestly, she was amazing. Insightful, intuitive, straight to the point, spoke to me with examples that resonated old conversations and just a warm, compassionate and wonderful human. I feel more focussed, aware that not everything needs to be revealed all at once. Thank you so very much. You were the perfect human and perfect soul to offer guidance and insight at this tricky time.”