Testimonial for Arya by Alina - January 27, 2023

“It feels like Arya and I have been together on a journey. I had a first reading with her in January this year when I was wondering where to take my career and my studies to. I cannot remember the actual reading, but I know she supported me in following my heart saying that through commitment, everything that seemed impossible was doable. So I joined a Master’s in neuroscience. It turned out to be exactly what I wanted to study and I would never regret this decision. A couple of weeks ago, I was struggling to find the energy to work on an assignment and intuitively I knew that Arya would give me that boost and guidance. She could not remember me, understandably, I told her I needed a reading about my studies. She very quickly picked up on my energy saying I was exhausted but I needed to stay focused and my result for that assignment would be 84. I totally ignored that score thinking it was her wishful thinking for me. My marks up to that point were around 70-74 on average. Last night I received my result and it was 84. Looking at that mark in bewilderment, I thought they had made a mistake but then remembered Arya’s prediction saying: ‘I can see the paper in front of me and it’s 84’. Beautiful! Thank you!”