Monthly Astrology August 2023 Forecast For All Signs
Rare and special, Blue Moon August serves us not one but two full supermoons! Your monthly forecast also shows you how to escape the retro blues which peak this month. Revived, refined, resonant, recaptured love is a theme for all of us. Check Michele’s monthly and weekly video horoscopes for more.
Welcome to Super Blue Moon August! Rare and special, we have two full Supermoons this month – the first in Aquarius and your 11th (1st), and then the second in Pisces and your 12th (31st). They bookend the month and as the supermoon on the 31st is the second in a month, this makes it a Super Blue Moon.
Recapturing past loves and connections remains a theme for you. This is due to Venus still retrograde in Leo and your 5th. Keep your focus on what fires up your soul. Especially if other demands have led you to putting these aside. No, it still isn’t time to embark on that fresh romance or splurge like a billionaire on the Cote d’Azur! August isn’t about starting new fires but rekindling any flames you have allowed to go out.
Do pause under the first full Supermoon at the very start of the month and ask yourself when and where you stopped having fun or allowing yourself to fully express your creative fire? Has your social life withered and died on the vine? Did you tell yourself a goal was no longer a priority and you would ‘come back to it’? Has your relationship become lackluster overwhelmed by everyday demands? That hobby that was once such a joy ‘childish’. Or did you fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others and come up with the erroneous thought you’re not good enough?
Bright burning Aries – ditch all these thoughts. Focus on fun and pleasure, Resurrect old loves and creative projects. Reach out to friends you haven’t seen or heard from in a while. Fun is not a frivolous thing. It’s essential to our very soul and wellbeing! Yes, due to the retro weather, money and love are slow. But the old is the new fast, Aries!
Mercury slows in its ruling 6th from the 4th. While ruler Mars remains in here. Yes, one more reminder fun is good for you. The return of something close to your heart, rewards or a full throttle pleasure trip is promised mid-month (13th-16th), thanks to wonderful aspects between Mars and Uranus, and the Sun and retro Venus.
A new Moon in your 5th also on the 16th is like a ray of light. Showing you the difference between a life which encompasses pleasure and one where it is in short supply. The latter is one half-lived and one which you are no longer willing to consider, Aries. Your star radiates again. Take up any opportunity to enjoy yourself or initiate something that sees romance, joy and sensuality flood back in! Yes, there’s more in your New Moon in Leo Moonscope.
Sun in your 6th from the 23rd coincides with Mercury in retrograde 5.0 in here. Do remember that when Mercury retros in a ruling sign/house in our charts, its capacity to create mayhem in maximised. Your attention is about to be drawn to something you simply can’t afford to ignore or overlook. Remember, Mercury deals in facts. Mars your ruler in action. You need to act on the facts as they are or the information received
There’s a change of vibe and a change of pace coming through now. Where you focus on what you have to work with in the moment. Bring your attention into the present. Consider the impact of everything you do on your overall wellbeing, and make adjustments accordingly over the next few weeks. If you are offered a new job, promotion or position now, do ask the right questions and examine it carefully.
Time for stillness and listening to your own inner voice as the second supermoon of the month appears right at the end of it (31st). The blue moon is in the sign of the deep blue sea – Pisces. And there’s no deeper ocean depths to be found than those within, Aries. Full Moons intensify our feelings. This is your house of the past, healing, spirituality, angels and inner wisdom, the creative muse, the Tarot, mediumship and your 1000 psychic senses. It can bring deep feelings and memories to the surface. And if this occurs, you need to feel the feels – and resist any desire to block or numb them.
Your tools are meditation, journaling, exercise, meditation, creative play, being in nature, therapy and alone time. Avoid self-soothing with food, alcohol, substances or other anaesthesias such as binge watching, shopping or looking for love in all the wrong places. The blue moon brings a tide which comes in higher – but then like all tides, leaves the beach pristine and renewed. By allowing yourself to fully experience your emotions at this time, you wash away pain for good. And can make fresh footprints in the sand.
Uranus ups the retrofactor in your 2nd from the 29th. But ruler Mars in your 7th (27th) is what really brings the change of pace and altered vibe. Pause now to think about where you are in your personal relationships. Or your search for one. Next month when Venus heads direct again, you can embark on this. Mars is now asking you what you want from love, what you do and above all, who you want to be doing it with! Is a change breezing through with this Venus retro? In many ways this is a Summer of Love revival for you, Aries. Recapture anything and all that lets the sunshine back in!
In a nutshell: Much as it goes against your surging, self-confident fierceness – slow down this month, Aries. The retro weather intensifies and slow becomes the new fast. Do this and you’ll see exactly what’s been getting in the way of progress.
1 Aug 2023 Full Supermoon in Aquarius (11th)
1 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 2nd)
4 Aug 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (6th)
7 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 2nd)
9 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)
10 Aug 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 2nd)
13 Aug 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (5th)
16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)
16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 2nd)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (5th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)
16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (5th)
20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (7th to 1st)
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 2nd)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (6th to 12th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (6th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (6th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 10th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (6th to 12th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (7th)
29 Aug 2023 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (2nd)
31 Aug 2023 Full Blue Supermoon in Pisces (12th)
Rare and special, Blue Moon August serves us not one but two full supermoons! Your monthly forecast also shows you how to escape the retro blues which peak this month. Revived, refined, resonant, recaptured love is a theme for all of us. Check Michele’s monthly and weekly video horoscopes for more.
August is about to revive some much needed magic in your life, Taurus! Yes, you begin it with your ruler Venus retrograde in your 4th. Think of this as literally home-work for the coming month which asks you to focus on issues close to home and which touch on property, your family and what underpins your security. Reconnecting to this, rebuilding, recommitting or sending those roots deeper is what this Venus retro is made for.
Yes, you are feeling nostalgic as August begins, Taurus. You’ll be looking at what you’ve created, established and what love has or hasn’t delivered for you. But it’s important you don’t get too bogged down in the past. Venus retro also sadly puts an embargo on new love and spending. Don’t worry, this lifts next month. However, the opportunity to reunite with the ‘one that got away’ remains while Venus is backwards. Don’t force this however.
August is a once-in-a-blue Moon month! We have not one but two full Supermoons. The first in Aquarius and your 10th on the first day of August. The second – which is the super ‘blue’ moon, in your 11th on the 31st. They bookend the month for you.
The first could deliver satisfaction, recognition and rewards as it occurs the same day as Mars in your pleasure zone trines Jupiter in your sign. This is no time to be shy about what it is you want as an outcome, Taurus. If asked – state your wishes with a touch of confident boldness. You’ve chutzpah to burn. Others or even one important party sit up and take notice. The funny thing about those unafraid to state clearly what they want – they almost always get it.
Use this energy to gently coax from others what they want too. You and someone else important could align hearts and purpose. Either in business or take your relationship to the next level. As I said, it’s all about working with what you have established now.
What you no longer need – lighten the load this month! Post full supermoon, you’ll find a declutter one of the most satisfying tasks you can engage in. Especially around the start of the second week once Mercury enters retroshadow and especially during Retro Full Fat which starts in your 4th from the 23rd.
Clear out that closet, those cupboards. Toss anything past its Use By date. Your desk, those books you’ll never read again – recycle. If you’ve not used it in the past two years, does it still belong with you? Yes, stirring up the past means taking a sentimental journey and this includes keeping some items simply due to the memories they evoke. But holding on to too much can mean you do this from a fear there are no better times ahead. Let me tell you, Taurus – this simply isn’t your fate. But letting go simply clears the way to make better memories.
What remains relevant, what will create something new for your future reveals itself the day of the Sun/retro Venus meeting (13th). This is a return or reappearance of an opportunity for you. The dynamic energy of Uranus in your sign along with Mars, combined with the new Moon in its ruling 4th (16th), asks if you are ready for an important move? Family and lifestyle choices see you focussed on what is best for the long term. Don’t be afraid to explore a range of different options especially if you are considering a move.
During the retro period and now the North Node has quit your sign for your 12th, it is an important part of your soul journey to now reflect on where your relationships have taken you over the past nine or even 18 years. Mars co-rules your long term partnerships along with Pluto. The Mars/Neptune opposition on the 22nd cuts through any confusion about me/you futures or what you think you want for your future and shows you what you need. And also the actions you need to take to get it, Taurus!
The Sun’s arrival in your 5th (23rd), coincides with Mercury’s full reversal and your yearly pleasure peak. So, yes. Back to the Future love for you, Taurus. Along with Venus still retro this increases your chances of a reconciliation with that lover if there has been a falling out. Travel back to places or even a topic you love may feature for some.
Mars is on the move into your 6th from the 27th. If you have been running on empty, living off energy drinks and take-out, or simply trying to do too much, the effects of this will show in burn-out and you feeling uncharacteristically cranky. It can also manifest in bumps, falls and scrapes, stress headaches, inflammation and high temperatures. If any of these occur, it is a sign you need to stop and recharge for a while. Uranus shifts to backwards motion in your sign from the 29th. Giving you plenty of time to reassess anything from your schedule to your priorities if needed.
August should deliver rewarding changes and an opportunity in at least one key area. Due to Venus still retro, your love life may not be how you’d like, but your continued focus on gaining more insights into it show be paying off with slow improvements. Or a regained clarity around what you need from love from here on in.
The month ends in the blue room. It’s the new VIP space for you, Taurus as the Full Blue Supermoon illuminates your social sphere. You are the rare blue pearl in the oyster. And what you are craving is the right setting for yourself when it comes to socialising with friends, groups, clubs and associations. What’s the colour of your connections now, Taurus? Those with a deeply empathetic, accepting, all-embracing blue resonance which matches your own, are the ones you need to seek out.
If your social life is the area of love which isn’t yet giving you what you crave, then do use this lunar energy to do something about it. Does this line from the song Blue Moon: ‘You saw me standing alone’ – hit home? Even if it’s romantic love you seek in the longer term, remember that the love of friends isn’t some second rate, silver medal love. Begin to re-engage with love energy by reaching out to old friends and making new connections. And don’t be afraid to show your vulnerability either. We can have 30,000 followers but still be lonely. We can live in a city of millions and experience it. At any age. Across all groups and levels of success. How do you think the saying: It’s lonely at the top, originated?
Don’t give into the blues. If you find yourself diving into the big blue with fellow mystic and mystical souls, be sure to show your gratitude. Electric blue new connections can come to you with surprisingly minimal effort. But you do need to make a move, Taurus. This is your house of the future. And who you encounter under this Blue Moon may have an as yet unrevealed role to play next month once the retrograde energy changes to direct. Yet one more sign from the universe that improvements are on their way.
In a nutshell: Ruler Venus backwards asks you exercise all due caution when it comes to love and money, Taurus. But a full supermoon in your career and status sector points to you finally getting the credit – and the rewards, that you’ve worked so hard for.
1 Aug 2023 Full Supermoon in Aquarius (10th)
1 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 1st)
4 Aug 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (5th)
7 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 1st)
9 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)
10 Aug 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 1st)
13 Aug 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (4th)
16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)
16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 1st)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (4th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)
16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (4th)
20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (6th to 12th)
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 1st)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (5th to 11th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (5th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (5th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 9th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (5th to 11th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (6th)
29 Aug 2023 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (1st)
31 Aug 2023 Full Blue Supermoon in Pisces (11th)
Rare and special, Blue Moon August serves us not one but two full supermoons! Your monthly forecast also shows you how to escape the retro blues which peak this month. Revived, refined, resonant, recaptured love is a theme for all of us. Check Michele’s monthly and weekly video horoscopes for more.
Step free and leapfrog over any roadblocks at the very start of the month with the first of two supermoons, Gemini. The first appears in your 9th (1st) favouring travel, journeys, big news and learning. It could point the way to a move ahead for others. Or you get that feeling something is about to happen and then it is confirmed spookily, just hours later. In fact, you may intuit what someone is going to do before they even think of it themselves. You already know the answer, predict their next move or outcome, and so remain one step ahead.
Do try to tie up any dealings related to property matters, family affairs or anything likely to impact either your living arrangements, income or security now. Ruler Mercury will retrograde in your 4th from the 23rd. And begins to slow down in here on the 4th. This is in the other Mercury ruled sign of Virgo. And as well you know, Gemini, Mercury’s capacity for throwing spanners in the works is increased when it retrogrades in a ruling sign or house in our charts.
I don’t need to run through the retro rules with you. You co-wrote the retro rules with the Virgos after all. Venus remains retrograde in Mercury’s ruling 3rd of contracts and communication. There’s a hold on love and money matters as a result. And Mercury slowing just adds to this. You will retain an uncanny ability to predict likely delays and snafus however thanks to Jupiter and Uranus in your 12th. You’ll also be able to pivot and change direction as needed. All of this will keep you out of trouble as the retro weather intensifies. Stay tuned in to it. You’ll witness again and again how accurate you are. If there is going to be an over-used phrase this August it’s ‘I knew that!’.
Right up until the 23rd when the Sun shifts into your 4th and Mercury reverses for real, do what you love and share what you love, Gemini. You have so much to say. Reviving the lost art of debating, gathering facts and information, re-visiting that project, a short trip, being a born story-teller and telling that story anew, are all 3rd house themes. Venus retro in here can bring in messages from past lovers or news you never thought would arrive. Especially around the 13th. Or did you get that feeling you were about to hear from someone, Gemini?!
Mid month brings a new Moon in here – the perfect day for relaunches in fact. And do get that application, proposal, submission or say what you need to say now before Mercury’s full backwards period. If something new or dynamically different is on offer – it needs your serious consideration at the time of this new Moon. A fresh direction may be exactly what you need. More in your New Moon in Leo Moonscope.
Do ask where you want to get to or what you truly want to achieve. Just prior to the retro and the Sun’s entry into your 4th, we see Mars oppose Neptune in your 10th. This is the midnight hour of decision making, Gemini. Where you need to balance thought-out action with soul truths. There’s no use committing to something which your heart simply is no longer in. You also need to only say yes to something if you know exactly what you’re getting into. Yes, intuition plays a role but your final decision needs to be based on facts. And unless you are 100% committed to a position, path or person, then you need to change course.
Those of you facing the classic work/life balance dilemma will find it easier to make the choices which restore it after the 25th when Mars trines Pluto in your 8th. Mars is then on the move into your fabulizing 5th. Yes, you’re pleasure hungry now, Gemini. And seeking sensuality and stimulation. Especially if you’ve been dealing with some serious home centered truths. But do keep in mind that Venus retro. Yes, you can flirt away. Provided you know it may not be more than that (you knew that, right?!).
Uranus retro in your 12th (29th) may upend some preconceptions or expectations. What is revealed is the reals. Unfiltered. Unadorned. You should know that but often Uranus exposes a blind spot. If you are still in no-person’s land when it comes to making that decision, the full blue supermoon in your 10th (31st), removes any emotional confusion and lays the situation bare for you. If you have been dealing with impostor syndrome, worrying whether you are ‘the Right Stuff’, have got what it takes or can deliver, this full Supermoon hands you true blue brave pants! In fact, it shows you that you were wearing them all along. But maybe just didn’t realise it. Talk about already dressing for success, Gemini!
Lean in and make that boss choice. If offered a chance to show those smarts or what you can serve to bosses, VIP’s or anyone in a position to say ‘Yes’, now is the time to serve your best game. If the retro weather has re-delivered that former lover who now wants a reunion, dress like you’re a keeper. It’s not so much about revenge dressing but simply showing them what they’ve been missing out on. And stating non-verbally your revised expectations if they hope to move forward.
You end the month showing you and your ideas are a force to be reckoned with. You know what’s right for you. And will commit if it is. But you’ll also not going to be rushed. Or pressured into accepting anything that’s no longer for you. You know that you can afford to slow down and wait for something better if that’s the case. What don’t you know? Just how fast life is going to take off again from next month, Gemini!
In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury changes direction and sees you preoccupied with matters close to home. Know the key difference between freedom and escapism. The latter may see you leaving it all behind you. But the former offers the option of being in the right place at the right time to receive rewards – without feeling confined, Gemini.
1 Aug 2023 Full Supermoon in Aquarius (9th)
1 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 12th)
4 Aug 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (4th)
7 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 12th)
9 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)
10 Aug 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 12th)
13 Aug 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (3rd)
16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)
16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 12th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (3rd)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)
16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (3rd)
20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (5th to 11th)
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 12th)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (4th to 10th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (4th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (4th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 8th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (4th to 10th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (5th)
29 Aug 2023 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (12th)
31 Aug 2023 Full Blue Supermoon in Pisces (10th)
Rare and special, Blue Moon August serves us not one but two full supermoons! Your monthly forecast also shows you how to escape the retro blues which peak this month. Revived, refined, resonant, recaptured love is a theme for all of us. Check Michele’s monthly and weekly video horoscopes for more.
Big unmissable moments bookend August for you with two full fat supermoons. One on the 1st and the second ‘blue’ supermoon on the 31st. A blue moon is rare enough. But a blue supermoon? Rare as a blue diamond in the sky, Cancer.
The first will trigger change, transformation and send you deep within to the source of your power. The second bigs up your sensitivity, your capacity to explore wonder, unknown peaks of bliss or far, far away kinds of love.
Your sexy self demands to be unleashed with the first supermoon which occurs in your 8th. This is good news for those of you in relationships. Do keep in mind that Venus which rules your love life and your bank account, is retrograde in what is its ruling house in your chart however. Yes, flings could be flung in spite of this. But this is all they may turn out to be. With a full supermoon in your 8th this puts the Sun in your 2nd along with Venus. Do you need to spend money to feel sexy and empowered, Cancer? If you are a diamond, you sparkle no matter the setting.
We are moving into heavier retrograde weather which sees planets retrograde in their ruling signs/houses in your personal chart. This means you need to adhere closely to the retro rules. Mercury is in retroshadow in its ruling sign/house in your chart from the 4th. And reverses from the 23rd – the day the Sun lands in here. Think of the Mercury retro rules like a sign in Piccadilly Circus. Brightly illuminated. Impossible to ignore.
Venus will remain retrograde in its ruling 2nd house in your chart until next month. And Uranus retrogrades in its ruling 11th in your chart from the 29th. Add to this you have Pluto retrograde in your 7th and Saturn retro in your 9th. That’s roughly 60% of the planets backwards by the end of the month. This is the time to look at barriers, what you consider no-go areas in your life and ask why? And also what still holds you back. And prepare for insights to appear. They may take time and the trick is – don’t force the process. Think: I need guidance and insight around . . . And then simply let go. Your subconscious fuses with universal wisdom and both will work to bring you the answer you need.
Mid-month presents you with a potential opening portal of abundance. And the opportunity to re-purpose any under-utilised resources you may have. Including those over-looked talents, Cancer. Remember, retro energy slows us down in order that we focus on where we are and what we already have. Otherwise we’re in so much of a rush we miss it!
Those insights begin to arrive. Especially if your questions were related to money or simple self-worth and values. The 13th – 16th brings you answers, insights and opportunities to have and make more. Not only that, the good news exclusively for your sign is that this effect stays with you for the next few weeks, Cancer!
It begins with the Sun’s fusion to Venus in your money zone in Venus’s ruling house and the Sun’s ruling sign of Leo (13th). This sets in motion a cosmic delivery system designed to bring you the answers or solutions you’re seeking opened up by the new Moon in here on the 16th. The same day as Mars blesses career and entrepreneurial endeavours as it trines Uranus in its ruling 11th. Dare to launch, to apply, to try something innovative, inventive and new.
As I said, this energy stays with you for four weeks. Right up until the next new Moon in fact. Do consult your new moon moonscopes for extra resources.
Mars continues to provide momentum for all business and even personal matters as it moves through your 3rd right up until the 27th. Do grasp the opportunity to pivot in a positive direction around the 25th when it comes to a duo, duet or double act you’re involved in. The 22nd is also a date when you can expect delivery on any answers you are seeking. These may arrive as a result of your own determination to find them. Or simply through a set of synchronicities or you being handed a key piece of the puzzle naturally.
With the Sun now in your 3rd (23rd). Mercury in full retro in here (same day), and Mars moving off into your 4th (27th), it’s time to look at refining or revising plans. Mars is encouraging you to down-shift a little and see if a change of environment or direction is needed. With the full fat retro weather it is time to plan rather than act. Keep up the momentum of the new Moon’s abundance creation however. That is a break you can catch all the way into September.
With Venus retro all of us are experiencing a pause in matters of the heart. You are the only sign with the get out of jail free card with your money. However, the Venus retro rules around not over-spending it – even if you have extra, still apply.
The 31st brings the second full Supermoon of the month. The Blue Full Supermoon in your 9th. This is your house of long distance travel and if you are heading anywhere, remember Mercury is now retrograde. This Blue Supermoon shines on legal matters, studies, sports, the outdoors and the mass media. It’s time for self-promotion under it. Your social media feed, that CV, that press release. This Moon opens up a pathway involving PR, sales, advertising, TV, film, marketing, that YouTube channel, your Tiktok feed, broadcasting and communication in general. It favours big, bold moves and breathtaking results if you dare to take them. No time to be shy, Cancer. Time to try and see just how high you can fly.
In a nutshell: Once in a blue Moon your ruler delivers the opportunity for a rebirth or regeneration in not one, but two key areas close to your heart, Cancer. August is that month you’ve been waiting and hoping for as two full Supermoons bring peak experiences – and decisions.
1 Aug 2023 Full Supermoon in Aquarius (8th)
1 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 11th)
4 Aug 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (3rd)
7 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 11th)
9 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)
10 Aug 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 11th)
13 Aug 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (2nd)
16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)
16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 11th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (2nd)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)
16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (2nd)
20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (4th to 10th)
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 11th)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 9th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (3rd)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (3rd)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 7th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 9th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (4th)
29 Aug 2023 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (11th)
31 Aug 2023 Full Blue Supermoon in Pisces (9th)
Rare and special, Blue Moon August serves us not one but two full supermoons! Your monthly forecast also shows you how to escape the retro blues which peak this month. Revived, refined, resonant, recaptured love is a theme for all of us. Check Michele’s monthly and weekly video horoscopes for more.
Brand new reboots are on their way mid-month, Leo. But first this birthday season may seem like a holding pattern due to Venus retro in your sign. You’re closer to fresh starts and real progress than you think however. And enticing new prospects are going to appear from the end of next month onwards.
That does not mean you get a less than sparkly birthday season which lasts right up until the 23rd. It’s just that new beginnings are slower to come into focus than usual. I can tell you they will be worth the wait however.
Love and money will continue to be major preoccupations this August. Again, this is due to Venus backwards as it rules both. Nothing new, Leo. Sorry. This includes that love prospect or that big ticket birthday treat. Yes, Leo, I know you want it and you want it NOW. But can you wait in the knowledge that quite possibly you’ll end up with something better? There’s a big spiritual lesson happening here. And if you can take it on board, you will discover over the next few months that really good things happen to those who are open to adopting new habits. Patience being one of them.
Love yourself and above all, love what you already have. Despite the retrograde weather increasing this month (more on this shortly), you are in your yearly pleasure peak. Your ruler the Sun guarantees that. The start of August highlights one particular relationship for you. We have the first of two full supermoons of the month on the 1st. This one in Aquarius and your 7th.
Your boo, bestie, beloved. That person you’re dying to impress. That ex on the beach. Your partner-in-crime or Ride or Die. That collaborator, mentor, four legged friend, business partner. Or even in some cases that rival or frenemy. This supermoon supersizes your feelings around someone and theirs for you. Just remember, Leo. Patience not push is now your mantra.
Yes, someone could reconnect or want that reconciliation. Yes, you can even be the one to hold out that olive branch yourself by sliding into their DM’s. But that’s all. It either happens organically – or not.
Something you previously set in motion could revive. That collab or business discussion. That offer you’ve been waiting for. Nothing may be resolved for a while however. Expect things to go back and forth. Not just because of the Venus retro but also due to Mercury slowing down in its ruling sign of Virgo and your money zone (which Venus rules), from the 4th. Full retro occurs in there from the 23rd. The usual retro rules are in place now. But especially again around budgeting, cash and spending.
Despite all of this, you can expect a powerful new beginning and a fresh start in a key area mid-month. And the energy from this to sustain you right through the Mercury/Venus retrogrades and on into September. The meeting of your ruler and Venus on the 13th shines on a key matter which may still be unresolved for you. It along with your extra special new Moon on the 16th, tells you that finally the wait is over. Something moves forward if it has been stalled, the details are finalised or you get the result you were after.
You’re carried forward by a desire to do things differently stemming from you stopping to take your time to consider the alternatives. Now you see how the practice of patience pays off. This retro period tells all of us: slow is the new fast. But also you could be amazed at how fast something is decided or cleared up thanks to an alignment between Mars and Uranus. Just take it when it comes to love and money, despite the retro energy or stalls or reversals – Uranus has your back even after it too retrogrades on the 29th. Why? Because it rules your 7th and it always wants what evolves your soul.
Time for that value added, whole life budget to be put into place as your ruler shifts from your sign and on into your 2nd (23rd). This day sees Mercury begin full fat retro. Keep a tight grip on those purse strings but do use this period to look closely at not just your income and what you spend it on, but also how each and every facet of your life sits within your personal value system. It either meets the standard. Or it needs to be cut free, Leo because is devalues you. The Mars/Pluto trine of the 25th shows you who or what raises this. And what doesn’t.
Mars shifts into your 3rd on the 27th when patience will be called for as well as thinking before you speak. Yes, your ideas carry power and conviction. But Mars in here can have us speaking (or sharing as this is your house of the internet), without thinking of the consequences. Yes, you have confidence in any situation where you need to sell yourself or get your point across. This is a fantastic transit for interviews, business, pitches etc. That messaging? It could get hot and XXX rated quickly. Keep the Venus retro in mind.
You’ll have zero tolerance for anyone who beats around the bush or simply talks for the sake of it however. Or if they say something and then don’t deliver (common under the retro weather). Don’t waste time or energy on arguing however. It won’t resolve matters. Again, patience is the key. As could be a diplomatic withdrawal or refusal to engage!
No snap decisions and keep that patience mantra as the second of this month’s two full supermoons shines out from your 8th (31st). The second full Moon in a month is known as a blue moon. Which is rare in itself. A blue supermoon? Rarer than a blue diamond.
Look to the give and take in relationships. Because this second supermoon takes the themes of the first at the start of the month, and then well – supersizes them. Is there too much investment on your part and not enough give on the other? This cuts across finances and yes, your intimate ties.
Are you trying too hard to keep something hidden and under wraps because you fear being judged or the reactions of others? If so, what is the long term effect of that?
Do you feel powerful, passionately alive, desired and sexy, Leo? If not, why not? What’s in the way of that? This supermoon maxes out those feelings. They feel intense and they want you to acknowledge them. A financial matter may need you to know what you will and won’t ‘settle’ for. Where the bucks stops. And please, don’t be rushed or pressured to do so. That’s a red flag.
Above all, this supermoon takes the potential which began at the time of the new Moon and asks you what you are doing with it. It could well mark the first real result or stage on this journey. Of course, it’s just a breathing space and clearing point for the next push towards love and empowerment in September.
In a nutshell: Your annual pleasure peak continues right up until the 23rd, Leo. With Venus retrograde in your sign, this is a summer of love revival. Recapture that Haight-Ashbury retro vibe and have a birthday blast of revived optimism, glamour and flowers in your hair. What’s more – there’s two rare full supermoons under which to dance in the moonlight. Once in a blue moon, Leo!
1 Aug 2023 Full Supermoon in Aquarius (7th)
1 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 10th)
4 Aug 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (2nd)
7 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 10th)
9 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)
10 Aug 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 10th)
13 Aug 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (1st)
16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)
16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 10th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (1st)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)
16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (1st)
20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (3rd to 9th)
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 10th)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 8th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (2nd)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (2nd)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 6th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 8th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (3rd)
29 Aug 2023 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (10th)
31 Aug 2023 Full Blue Supermoon in Pisces (8th)
Rare and special, Blue Moon August serves us not one but two full supermoons! Your birthday forecast also shows you how to escape the retro blues which peak this month. Revived, refined, resonant, recaptured love is a theme for all of us. Check Michele’s monthly and weekly video horoscopes for more. Many happy returns, Virgo.
Just because it’s your birthday, doesn’t mean you can afford to ignore the rules however. You know them by heart. Better than any other sign aside from fellow-Mercury ruled Gemini. So, ahead of ruler Mercury retroactive in your sign this month (shadow from the 4th, full reversal 23rd), I know I don’t need to dull that birthday vibe by listing them.
You’re in power ranger mode in the three weeks leading up to this and your fresh cycle. For which you can thank Mars in your sign. It’s doing a lot to dilute the retro weather. For which we can’t entirely blame Mercury for. The biggie being Venus retro in your 12th. Intensifying your desire to tie up loose ends, toss what no longer works for you, release the past, and move into your new year lighter and unencumbered.
Lucky for you, it’s Mars that allows you to face without fear what needs to stay – and what needs to go. Practical magic is what you can do and achieve now. Not what you will do. The magic of possibilities for your future gets activated next month. So, keep this in mind as the first of this month’s two full supermoons shines out from your 6th of all this Virgo-centric (1st). This day also hands you Just Do It trine between Mars in your sign and Jupiter in its ruling 9th. No procrastination. Zero self-doubt. Go for big, bold actions backed by the details and facts you can call on if asked. Results? Simply marvellous and super-sized.
If you can fix it, launch it, apply for it, finish it, say it, start it, send it, clear it out – this is your day. This Moon says – no loose ends. No excuses. And no time like the present. Carpe diem. Do it NOW. You need to let go or release something. From that idea to that clutter to that application.
You’ll therefore be okay with the slower vibe which comes in almost immediately afterwards. That’s your gift from knowing you did the work or what you know you needed to do. So, that makes light work of the upcoming retro cycle which is going to see 60% of the planets backwards once Uranus reverses from the 29th. Slowing down simply doesn’t feel such a frustrating chore basically.
Whether you are actively engaged in trying to achieve it or know it or not, your energy field is shifting this month. You’ve a higher, more attuned and sensitive vibe which even if you have been unaware of it, will become obvious by mid-month. The question after the actions you took at the time of the first supermoon now becomes: What more do I need to do to ensure my happiness? As well as: What direction do I need to take to find this?
The meeting between the Sun and retro Venus in your 12th (13th) as well as a potent new Moon of awakenings on the 16th, puts you in touch with your primal, hidden spiritual and emotional needs.
Something may need to be untangled or you may need to free yourself in order for you to move towards this. Are you still uncertain as to what it is you do actually need, Virgo? If in doubt, do nothing. Watch your body for increased sensitivity and reactions to what it is exposed to, comes into contact with or even fed around this time. It will prove to be your best barometer.
Mars opposes Neptune in your 7th (22nd) and then moves on to trine Pluto in your 5th (25th) revealing the truth around a current relationship or even if what you desire is actually the best thing for you!
The Sun arrives in your 1st the day Mercury reverses. Funny as by the time you arrive at this point you are completely okay with the slow start to new beginnings. That enhanced spiritual attunement that the new Moon ushered in has handed you the safety and surety of knowing that things will happen when the time is right. And actually that may not be right now.
Again, that doesn’t stop you from enjoying all that is on offer for you in the moment. The best birthday gift is being in the present. Then there’s the power of practical, everyday magic of working on the things you can do or fix. And letting the rest go. With the Sun in here you’ll have a healthy focus on how you look, how you see yourself and how you want to be seen by others. You’ve refined your inner vibe. Now, bring the outer you into alignment with that. Make any outer changes you need to in order to reflect this shift. But with your ruler and Venus retrograde – watch your budget when doing this, Virgo!
Full Moons always reflect their light back into the sign opposite to the one they are in. It’s a mirror mirror moment when the full Moon is in your 7th and opposite house. Someone will hold that mirror up to us. Showing us a reflection of how they see us. It’s a bold, bright visual of enlightenment. And yes, if we are engaged in the process of image fine tuning, can help us with any adjustments.
Embrace any insights someone offers simply via their interactions with you under the second full supermoon of the month – a Full Blue Supermoon, in your 7th (31st). Blue moons – the name given to the second full moon in a month, are rare. A blue supermoon? Rarer still.
Who do you love, admire or even envy? Even if this is someone you don’t know except via the media or their online presence, ask yourself exactly what qualities they have which appeal to you? Because chances are you already have them but just need to bring them out. That’s why you are drawn to them.
Of course this blue supermoon usually much more personal as under it, someone you are close to is usually the one you both admire and who holds the mirror. They could be showing you just why you are loved and admirer. Rarely – but it can happen, the mirror effect occurs via someone you simply cannot stand. That opponent, rival, frenemy. If so, do they in fact represent an aspect of you that you try to keep hidden or don’t like very much? If someone at this time is ‘in your face’ or ‘on your case’ what is the most obnoxious detail of their behaviour that stands out to you? Have you ever criticised yourself for showing the same traits? Or do you in fact, need a dose of them? You may be right if you believe them to be ‘loud, obnoxious and brash’. But do you have an issue about speaking up for yourself, asserting yourself or on occasion making a bold move? That magic mirror works in a subtle way!
Take your enhanced sensitivity, energy realignment and any insights offered to you by others, and combine them all to relaunch yourself with a whole new vibe between now and the new Moon in your sign next month. Once Venus reaches your sign it’s going to feel like a rebirth, Virgo. Whether you know it or not, something new is in the making. A new you.
In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Virgo. No, ruler Mercury isn’t the party pooper despite it retrograding the same day as the Sun lands in your sign. It’s a month to look to your needs. And the real truth behind why you feel the way you do. Fierce and fearless, you’re not letting anything get between you and those goals for the coming year. When it comes to what you need to do – Just Do It.
1 Aug 2023 Full Supermoon in Aquarius (6th)
1 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 9th)
4 Aug 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (1st)
7 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 9th)
9 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)
10 Aug 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 9th)
13 Aug 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (12th)
16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)
16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 9th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (12th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)
16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (12th)
20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (2nd to 8th)
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 9th)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (1st to 7th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (1st)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (1st)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 5th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (1st to 7th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (2nd)
29 Aug 2023 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (9th)
31 Aug 2023 Full Blue Supermoon in Pisces (7th)
Rare and special, Blue Moon August serves us not one but two full supermoons! Your monthly forecast also shows you how to escape the retro blues which peak this month. Revived, refined, resonant, recaptured love is a theme for all of us. Check Michele’s monthly and weekly video horoscopes for more.
Ruler Venus remains retrograde in your 11th and this month also sees Mercury head backwards in your 12th. Do prepare for a revelation around a particular connection, Libra. Anyone from a friend to a lover. By the time Mars sweeps into your sign on the 27th, if there’s a rumble brewing, you’ll be ready.
Drama divas, attention seekers and anything one sided will be exposed for what it is. Maybe you’ve given someone the benefit of the doubt before. But now you’re left with none. The 9th in particular is a day for exposing true colours.
Before that, time for a moon dance, Libra. Just remember as the first of two full supermoons of the month (1st) takes centre stage in your 5th, that you can’t hurry love. Especially during a Venus retro. Love has its own pace, path or plan for you now. If you are not coupled-up, this first full Supermoon sees you happy to go it alone. To revel in expressing yourself your own way. And to shine without needing the approval of others. Be it that peer group, that friend or those followers. Stand by to get yourself noticed in some way under the light of this moon. There’s more in your Full Supermoon in Aquarius Moonscope.
This favours the love you have, past loves, childhood loves as in old hobbies and pastimes and joyful resurrections of play and pleasure! Indulge, Libra.
Of course this month sees you enter your annual shedding cycle. This is linked to the expose around someone I touched on at the start of this forecast. Letting go will be easy as so many planets are retrograde now. Not just your ruler Venus. Mercury enters its shadow time in your 12th from the 4th. And full dark mode from the 23rd – the day the Sun reaches here. You slow down. Focus on the details, the minutiae, the obvious that you’ve overlooked.
There’s something which is important to you, Libra. Either on a wellbeing level or just because its a dream or a goal that’s part of you. And you’ve been telling yourself that right now you’re far too busy to pay it any attention. Now that changes. It becomes a real priority for you. And you now see it has to remain that way from this point on.
There’s a fresh determination flooding in when it comes to a personal goal mid-month. This coincides with the new Moon in your 11th and the Sun/Venus conjunction which takes place across the 12th – 16th. Friendships continue to provide the highlights for you. Again, due to your ruler retrograde in this house, revivals and reunions and old, established connections are your social fuel. But don’t ignore this all-important area, Libra. Because the new Moon especially, really does set your social scene for the coming year.
Despite the retro-factor which by the end of the month includes 60% of the planets, earnings and income are one of the areas where you may actually be looking at improvements. Especially as the month winds down. Just prior to its arrival in your 1st (27th), Mars aligns to Pluto. Both co-rule your money house (Scorpio). And keep in mind Jupiter remains in your ‘other’ financial sector – your 8th. Improvements may begin to appear despite your ruler still retrograde. Yes, there may be delays or you may even have to make a greater effort than usual. But you should see definite improvements trickle in. When this happens, do use any additional money to either pay off debts or else save it. Yes, the Venus retro rules still apply and they include no spending on what you don’t need.
Despite the retro embargo on new love for singles, whether you are single or settled, you should spend August happy with your status. Singles should be revelling in their independence and with the planets in your 11th, realise that flying solo doesn’t mean going it alone. The lesson learned here is that you won’t get into a union unless it offers you the kind of fun and satisfaction you have with your friends.
The second of two full moons in a month is called a Blue Moon. This is a pretty rare thing. The fact that both full Moon are super moons? Unique and rarer still. The one on the 31st is all about the healing, Libra. It enhances your insight and intuition. And gifts you with the ability to channel true self-care wisdom and apply it to your life – direct from the wide blue yonder.
What does and doesn’t do you good, enhance your wellbeing, work for you. You’ll discover that honestly, you’ve had hunches around this for quite some time. This supermoon confirms these. And not only that, shows you quite clearly the actions you need to take to put an end to energy drains, the unreasonable demands of a crazy schedule, and bad habits.
You’re stepping away from all of the above if they are consuming your life force. And making wellbeing your major priority. You will use how your body reacts or your energy levels as your marker when it comes to what actions you need to take. And between now and the new Moon in your 12th next month, you will take your time when it comes to fine tuning the process. And here’s when that Mercury retro in your 12th turns into your friend. And your most valuable asset when it comes to true self-care. But take it the changes you do make – from releasing what drains to establishing better habits, will be permanent. And rejuvenating.
In a nutshell: Ruler Venus remains retrograde in your friendship zone. So look to the love of those rather than the one-to-one kind, Libra. Something you lost or set aside returns to ask why? And you realise some dreams are too important ever to let go of.
1 Aug 2023 Full Supermoon in Aquarius (5th)
1 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 8th)
4 Aug 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (12th)
7 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 8th)
9 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)
10 Aug 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 8th)
13 Aug 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (11th)
16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)
16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 8th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (11th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)
16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (11th)
20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (1st to 7th)
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 8th)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (12th to 6th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (12th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (12th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 4th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (12th to 6th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (1st)
29 Aug 2023 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (8th)
31 Aug 2023 Full Blue Supermoon in Pisces (6th)
Rare and special, Blue Moon August serves us not one but two full supermoons! Your monthly forecast also shows you how to escape the retro blues which peak this month. Revived, refined, resonant, recaptured love is a theme for all of us. Check Michele’s monthly and weekly video horoscopes for more.
There’s a lot of fixed sign energy happening this month. Along with a massive retro vibe, Scorpio. By the month’s end we will see 60% of the planets backwards. Just take it this is something none of us can change or resist. Pushing against it is pointless. Like trying to swim against a rip tide in fact. Surrender is your secret weapon as is slowing right down.
Being a fixed sign yourself, you don’t like changes you have had no part in initiating. But you know they happen anyway. This month tests you a little when it comes to you letting go of control. Can you do it, phoenix? More to the point, even if it takes you in a fresh direction, can you welcome it with open arms?
The month begins with the Sun and retro Venus in fellow fixed sign of Leo. And then let’s not forget Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. Like it or not, you’re being nudged towards changes during this retrograde cycle. And you are being asked to trust that what occurs is designed to bring in more love, something you’ll want to embrace or an important shift for you. Even it if lands in a surprising way.
August is a surprising month. Things will literally appear ‘out of the blue’ as we have not one but two full supermoons. The second full moon in a month is known as a blue moon. That’s rare and special. But both full moons being supermoons? That adds up to a massive and rare event.
The first appears on the 1st. In fixed sign Aquarius and in the moon’s ruling house in your chart (4th). Supersized sensitivity accompanies this. Along with a possible trepidation when it comes to moves or changes. You may find yourself yearning for the past. The way things were. You crave the familiar and nostalgic. The unchanging and the comforting.
But this supermoon coincides with ancient ruler Mars in your 11th aligning to Jupiter in your 7th. Pushing you towards something more exciting and heart-expanding. Do remember with Venus retrograde – new loves and big spends are off-limits. Or should be. This supermoon favours you and your boo envisioning a lifestyle goal together, spending time at home and with family, entertaining friends at home, and looking at what provides you with emotional, material and physical security. Shore it up, Scorpio. And yes, under this supermoon, this is an area where you can set any changes in motion yourself.
Mercury enters its retroshade time in your 11th on the 4th. You really will be picking up the change in energy by now. All areas of life may feel like they are slowing down. No, it’s not you, Scorpio. We all feel it! Mercury will be in full retro from the 23rd. Which is also the day the Sun moves into this house. Existing and past friendships rather than new ones will feature. As could rebooting an old goal of yours. Especially if this touches on love, property, career or anything which lays the foundation of a long term future for you.
While the Sun remains in your 10th, you are at the peak of your annual career and status setting cycle. When you can leverage your track record to date. And take aim at that next big step. Again, this is linked to what sustains, supports and underpins your life, Scorpio. This includes your relationship status. We can say the mainstay of our support structure for many which has equal footing with our career. There’s an ask happening: Where do you want to go from here?
Look to where you are and how far you’ve come on the 13th as the Sun in here meets retroactive Venus. Rewards and recognition for past efforts could be on offer. Retro Venus along with the Sun and new Moon (16th) are also impacting on Uranus in your 7th. Which is where the changes, surprise transitions and evolutions may come in. You could even surprise yourself, Scorpio! Perhaps in the new direction you take. Or the choice you make when alternatives are presented to you.
These aspects reawaken your desire to set yourself a goal and do whatever it takes to get there. This can just as easily apply to your personal life as it does your professional one. It can relate to an area that is actually unpaid, but you feel you have something to give or what to attain within it. No matter what form it takes, it impacts on your cred and how others see you. But the all important element is that it brings you a sense of achievement when you attain it. It’s a whole new definition of success for you. And you get to author it.
Do keep in mind all the time, that any changes or surprises that you did not anticipate are designed to adjust your course and deliver something better. If they do come from left-field and catch you by surprise – especially around the 22nd, you need to look past the obvious and beyond to those hidden opportunities.
Both your rulers (Mars + Pluto) align in your favour on the 25th. For one thing, if there’s been any changes which caught you unawares, you now understand that events are unfolding very much in your favour. If you’ve been confused around what direction to take – this exposes that path. And if you need to take action or say something, you feel confident and empowered when it comes to your choices. Bold moves can be made. With some phoenixes very much on the rise in terms of their profile (real world and on-line), how they are seen and perceived, and the news which backs all this up.
Mars moves into your more secretive 12th on the 27th. Yes, your public persona is still very much in the spotlight. But at this point you are very much in charge of what you are sharing. And what you are choosing to keep under wraps. The transits of the month all combine to create a sense of confidence and trust. In your own decisions and also in the pattern of events that are going on around you. You are also now content to just go with the flow and see there is no point trying to push anything ahead that simply doesn’t want to move right now. The universe after all, is too big to push around!
With Uranus now backwards in your 7th (29th), we reach the maximum retro peak of the month. It’s certainly time to slow down, chillax and dance in the light of the second supermoon of the month. A rare blue supermoon in your 5th of pleasure and creative play (31st). The supermoons act as bookends this month, appearing on the first and last days of August. In between, you have entered and exiting doors to progress, choices, careful nurturing and long term decision making. Now it’s time to ditch the serious stuff. To glowfully set out in search of joy, indulgence and pleasure!
Yes, this blue supermoon is in your house of lovers and romance. But it is more about good times with those existing loves – that boo if you have one, those baes if not. And this applies for as long as Venus remains retrograde. Do avoid big decisions around love and although your 5th is your house of indulgence, confine these to shared experiences with friends or immersing yourself in something you love to do, rather than spending your cash.
One final unexpected twist you will welcome could be that last minute invite, the reach out from someone from your past, or an opportunity to show off those talents. Love is always the uncontrollable element in our lives. So let go of any need to direct it this August. And simply let it surprise you.
In a nutshell: Career matters are your main area of improvement this month. That extra effort you’ve been making hasn’t gone unnoticed. Keep an open mind if something doesn’t go exactly to plan. It could be because a better option has yet to present itself. Surprises adjust more than your outlook. They affect your destiny.
1 Aug 2023 Full Supermoon in Aquarius (4th)
1 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 7th)
4 Aug 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (11th)
7 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 7th)
9 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)
10 Aug 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 7th)
13 Aug 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (10th)
16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)
16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 7th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (10th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)
16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (10th)
20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (12th to 6th)
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 7th)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (11th to 5th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (11th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (11th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 3rd)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (11th to 5th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (12th)
29 Aug 2023 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (7th)
31 Aug 2023 Full Blue Supermoon in Pisces (5th)
Rare and special, Blue Moon August serves us not one but two full supermoons! Your monthly forecast also shows you how to escape the retro blues which peak this month. Revived, refined, resonant, recaptured love is a theme for all of us. Check Michele’s monthly and weekly video horoscopes for more.
News has an unexpected twist to it or a project you have been working on suddenly takes a surprising direction, Sag. This may not be a bad thing. So, whatever happens at the time of August’s first supermoon on the 1st – keep an open mind.
If this relates to work, career or even a personal project, this month sees stellar progress possible for you. It may not happen as fast as your galloping Sag heart would like however! But take it from me – you are going to ride the forward motion energy this supermoon triggers all the way into next month. By which time plans with coalesce and crystallise in a brilliant and even more rewarding form. If you take one step towards bringing something to fruition or a work or career matter under this supermoon, you will receive an additional boost or enhancement by the time September rolls around. That’s inherent in the promise made between Mars in your status sector and ruler Jupiter. Bring something to a key stage and do whatever is required. Then be prepared to sit with it for a while.
The reason for the slow-down is Mercury entering retroshadow in your 10th and its ruling sign of Virgo on the 4th. Full reversal happens on the 23rd. Additionally you have Venus backwards in your 9th house of all things most sacred to your adventurous Sag heart. And once Uranus also heads backwards in your 6th from the 29th, 60% of the planets will be retrograde. Making this the most intense retrograde period we’ve all seen this year. It slows all of us down, Sag. Not just you. But yes, I hear you. It’s frustrating. But this is your spiritual path to walk now. Slowly.
Hey – if you rush you miss the magic! The scenery just flashes by in a blur. The same can happen with opportunities if you don’t stop and examine them properly. This August no matter what our sign is – Slow is the new fast. But this especially applies to the fire signs.
The Mercury retro rules cover the usual warnings over strikes, snafus, delays, closures and cancellations when travelling. This applies whether your journey takes you near or far. Allow extra time but with Venus backwards in your 9th of long haul travel, foreign affairs and overseas business, you need to use extra caution and have at the very least a Plan B. What is favoured are return journeys to places you have loved and have been to before. Be wary of: that far away on-line lover. They may not be what they seem. If anything appears too good to be true – it is. This includes that bargain.
Bold, truth saying Sag – despite the sluggish retro-vibe, I don’t want you to go away with the impression that expansion and progress aren’t possible this August. While the Sun remains in your 9th (up until the 23rd), you remain in your annual all-things-are-possible peak. But where the magic comes from this time around is from what is already in motion or previously explored. And in reimagining it or re-encountering it again – but from a different perspective.
Look to what can be reimagined in a new form. Or if you are travelling mid-month, even if you are somewhere familiar, expect to see it with new eyes and a fresh appreciation as the Sun and retro Venus merge (13th). An opportunity could reappear. A better solution is at hand. The 16th sees a go back to go forward new Moon appear. It wants to elevate you. Change your direction and put your feet on a higher path but towards something you have tried to do in the past. This time it’s easier, smoother but at the same time – more thrilling thanks to the angle between Mars in your 10th and Uranus in your 6th. You need a new challenge, Sag. To escape boredom and to stretch yourself again. But don’t be surprised if this arrives with a twist on an old theme.
Just take it you are vibrating at a more refined frequency now. And as a result of this well – everything old seems new again! But also there’s no confusion around the 22nd of what’s just tired in your life. Something needs to be discarded for good. You’ll identify this and let it go guilt free.
With Mars in your 10th, your energy levels should be high. You can make big inroads into existing projects and plans as the Sun delivers your yearly success cycle when it arrives on the 23rd. But unless other factors dictate (such as closing dates etc. over which you have no control), try to steer clear of applying for or launching anything new as Mercury reverses the same day. The Mars/Pluto alignment which actives both your success and money houses does however promise rewards. But again, they stem from a mission you have already embarked upon.
Mars moves into your social sector on the 27th – just prior to Uranus which rules this house, retrograding from the 29th. Old friends and contacts should be renewed and also mined. A connection from the past could be about to prove themselves truly an asset to you when it comes to a new goal you’re contemplating.
August offers not one but two full moons. They bookend the month as they appear on the first and last days. The second full moon in a month is a Blue Moon. This is highly unusual. Rarer are for both full moons to be supermoons. So, we have a Blue Full Supermoon in Pisces and your 4th (the moon’s ruling house), to close August.
Slowing down this month has led you to the realisation that your needs have been changing, Sag. The things you used to cling to or feel were necessary have evolved to make way for something fresher and more meaningful. Yes, some things have stood the test of time. This supermoon will deliver awareness as to which is which. What goes or what stays.
Also, you may be confronted with an example of how NOT to get what you want or how you allow meaningful change to enter your life. Someone may show you an unhealthy dynamic when it comes to trying to get their needs met. It’s contrary to yours because you favour the direct approach. Theirs could revolve around emotional blackmail or manipulation. Or else you see how resistant to changes someone is with their ‘That’s the way it’s always/should be done’.
If this is someone close to you and part of a pattern, you now see they are coming from a place of fear rather than a desire to control or be needy. If so, get them talking about their real feelings. You may be surprised at the understanding you both arrive at if you do. This supermoon gets you looking at what you need to sustain you, what home looks like and where it needs to be, and what grounds you spiritually no matter where you are.
If this involves manifesting a dream, use this supermoon energy to go beyond it in your imagination. Ask why you want it and most importantly, if and when you get it, how it will make you feel? Take it there’s a bigger dream behind the first one. Meditation, tarot, creativity and journaling can uncover it for you. If you rushed and didn’t take the time you’d remain unaware of what was truly motivating you. And as of next month, you get to head towards the real dream behind the dream.
In a nutshell: Blue Moon August has the ability to deliver a surprise – or two. Something you hear could lead to you making a vastly different choice to your usual one. With surprisingly satisfying results.
1 Aug 2023 Full Supermoon in Aquarius (3rd)
1 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 6th)
4 Aug 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (10th)
7 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 6th)
9 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)
10 Aug 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 6th)
13 Aug 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (9th)
16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)
16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 6th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (9th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)
16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (9th)
20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (11th to 5th)
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 6th)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (10th to 4th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (10th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (10th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 2nd)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (10th to 4th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (11th)
29 Aug 2023 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (6th)
31 Aug 2023 Full Blue Supermoon in Pisces (4th)
Rare and special, Blue Moon August serves us not one but two full supermoons! Your monthly forecast also shows you how to escape the retro blues which peak this month. Revived, refined, resonant, recaptured love is a theme for all of us. Check Michele’s monthly and weekly video horoscopes for more.
Love reborn features this month, Capricorn. Yes, resurrected, reconnected, reimagined love can arrive in the form of that old flame. And you find the torch is still very much alight.
For others, this love reboot could involve something you love. Or just Self Worth 2.0 getting a much needed upgrade. Hey – it’s all love. And no, it’s not self-involved if it does manifest as an enhanced ability to love yourself a lot more.
You discover there was always another chapter to be written, a new spin, a sweet, sharp and salty twist in that epic tale between you and someone else. If the feeling of unfinished business has been following you around, then August is about to reopen the book for you and you get to author a different outcome this time around. And if it’s simply raising that self-esteem up several notches – then this too re-writes those possibilities, Capricorn. Simply because doing so changes your vibration. And when we change that, we change who and what we attract. And therefore we change the outcome.
August is neatly bookended by two full supermoons. The first on the same day in your second house of money, values and self-worth. The second – which is known as a ‘Blue’ Moon, in your 3rd of communication, commerce, getting around and the internet. A blue moon is a highly unusual event. But the fact that both moons are supermoons – that is very rare indeed. Both pack heavy weight emotional punches and super-max’d experiences. No diet sized portions for you, Capricorn. This a supersized love on offer. And big news.
The first supermoon in your 2nd (1st), dishes feelings around money, income, possessions and values. Do remember, no unnecessary expenditure. And ask what that ‘stuff’ is really buying you? Are you trying to compensate for feelings of not being good enough? This supermoon asks you reconnect to the limitless and priceless magnificence of your own self-worth. You are unique. Value yourself. That’s all you need do to understand you are enough.
The surety of that process sets you up for the slow but certain and even bigger transformation that’s occurring across this month and on into September. One where you start to transform and ditch any remaining patterns holding you back from getting that you want.
Are you ready for elevated love? It’s lift-off with the new Moon in your 8th (16th). Love reborn or your desires for that perfect union are reawakened, Capricorn. Don’t forget, this happens in Pluto’s ruling house in your chart. And you are now in your Pluto endgame as it does not have much longer in your sign. So, if not a defibrillated love of your past, this signifies the beginning of you setting fresh intentions when it comes to what you expect from love in your future. Real love and you being ready for just that. That’s the change Pluto has been working towards for you.
Empowered, empowering, more refined and defined. Yes, I could be describing you, Cappy. But I’m also describing the union you’re now seeking. Those of you who already have it – know it. And show it especially mid-month when the Sun’s fusion to Venus brings in a rush of passion and erotic desire! If this Venus retro has been making you feel someone moved your mojo, hotcha baby! You just found it again.
Yes, new love is off the table during the retrocycle. But think of this as a new dawn when it comes to existing transpersonal connections of all kinds. Including friendships, work connections and for some, that past or long ago love coming back in. What to do if you are the one wanting to make that reach out? By all means do it, but without expectations of anything other than an answer one way or another. And do keep in mind that silence is also an answer. But no matter what, you are now free of any What if . . ? questions.
This month sees the retro weather intensify. When Uranus turns back in your 5th on the 29th, 60% of all the planets will be backwards. Going anywhere? After the 23rd, you need to allow extra time, have more than one alternative route in mind and double check everything from bookings to the weather to industrial action. Yes, it’s Mercury madness and in your 9th house. If there’s a delay, breakdown or snafu – it’s a big one.
Mercury begins its retro-shade from the 4th. Which acts like an amber light telling you to slow down and take your time. When it comes to that fierce new version of you that you are becoming, you will continue to be refined and a work in progress while the heavy retro front lasts. This also applies to your career. Fine tuning your projects, path or even that professional trajectory goes hand in hand with what you now envision for your future as Mars leaves your 9th (27th).
Two days before this you will experience a seismic shift where you get to experience just how deep that transformation runs. Especially in terms of what you can now attain or where you can go as Mars trines Pluto in your sign. Just how far have you come since 2008, Capricorn? What shifts have occurred? Take a moment to look back. Write these down and review. Could you really have imagined back then you would be the person you now are today? Bold star alchemist that you are!
Love reborn and now you in a new form. How are you going to communicate and convey this? Here comes your chance as you get to write, share or showcase that new chapter with the full ‘Blue’ supermoon in your 3rd on the 31st. Blue moons are rare which is why they get songs written about them. Blue supermoons? Once in a blue one you get the opportunity to craft a fresh message. Or say what you need to say. Your celestial moment to express yourself, share your ideas and sparks of genius, the spiritual truths around what really makes you tick, arrives. It’s a time for honesty if you have felt you were not able to be 100% that in the past. This is Pluto’s finishing touches to this new you. As Pluto demands integrity and this full blue supermoon is the compelling trigger to share your heart’s truth.
Be this via your ideas, visuals, a deep conversation you have with another. Others could find the information they have been searching for finally arrives courtesy of Mercury retrograde. What’s been at a distance for you – that place, person or even goal, will now come closer in the next two weeks. As will opportunities for you to clear up past misunderstandings and your willingness to hear the truth of others in return for sharing yours. Truth telling – the ultimate act of love for both yourself and others. This includes ditching any remaining self-deception too. Now how self-loved up, whole and fierce do you feel? Looks like that transformation is almost complete, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: Is this burning an eternal flame? The retro weather lets you know for sure whether that torch is worth carrying, Capricorn. When it comes to your feelings around any relationship – Blue Moon August demands you tell the truth about how you feel right now.
1 Aug 2023 Full Supermoon in Aquarius (2nd)
1 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 5th)
4 Aug 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (9th)
7 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 5th)
9 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)
10 Aug 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 5th)
13 Aug 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (8th)
16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)
16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 5th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (8th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)
16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (8th)
20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (10th to 4th)
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 5th)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (9th to 3rd)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (9th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (9th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 1st)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (9th to 3rd)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (10th)
29 Aug 2023 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (5th)
31 Aug 2023 Full Blue Supermoon in Pisces (3rd)
Rare and special, Blue Moon August serves us not one but two full supermoons! The first one in your sign at the start of the month. Your monthly forecast also shows you how to escape the retro blues which peak this month. Revived, refined, resonant, recaptured love is a theme for all of us. Check Michele’s monthly and weekly video horoscopes for more.
Love what you have. Venus is retrograde in its ruling 7th. Which adds up to a slow burn on what is normally your annual partnership peak. But think of it this way, Aquarius. The slow burn doesn’t fizzle out. It simply gets hotter.
The very start of August brings the first of two supermoons. The opening act being the one in your sign. One particular relationship is lit. Literally. What are your true feelings about this double act, duo, duel or duet? This supermoon draw them out. There’s no diminishing the reals about your feels. One way or another. What this supermoon wants is your honesty. Soul centered and heart-felt. Take away labels like ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Don’t try to deny or suppress them. Instead look to expressing them.
All this supermoon does is intensify what you have felt for a while now. That is why it fits with the retro energy. And the overall August vibe – take it slow. That’s very different from trying to deny your feelings. You can choose to sit with them, to talk about them, to look at new ways to express them – all of these support well – the feelings your feels are having. It’s the slow burn or lean in to what you do next.
And you can take your time. The retro energy increases throughout the month. Mercury enters retro lite from the 4th and retro 5.0 on the 23rd in Virgo and your 8th. Once your ruler Uranus also heads backwards in your 4th from the 29th, 60% of the planets will be backwards in the sky. That’s a a lot of intense retro energy across houses to do with money, love, what you share, family and yes, sex.
You begin August with Mars (very much direct), in its ruling 8th where it will be until the 27th. Mars will trine ruler Uranus as well as Jupiter in your 4th. While the Sun and retro Venus square them. Money, family money, property decisions, your partner’s finances – issues around these may be difficult to ‘square away’ or may flip-flop for a while. Also don’t try to cover over cracks in your intimate relationship with sex – as tempting as it may be. And do remember if single that Venus backwards isn’t the time to go seeking something lasting. Your criteria for choosing someone may revolve around hotness. And that’s when you discover the flame quickly fizzles out.
Loving what you have includes loving your talents, gifts and what sets you apart from others. No matter what you do or whether or not someone else does it too, nobody does it in your way better than you. With Venus retro in your 7th the new Moon in here is about love reawakened and re-appreciated.
Seeing as if you are single you need to continue to steer clear of swiping for a little while longer, this new Moon encourages you to look at how you can love what you bring to the table just a little (or a lot!) more. It wants you to shine and put yourself out there via your creativity, your skills, your gifts. To find a stage, a platform, a way. Anyway you like, Aquarius. Share these and yourself as wildly and without care of what others may think, as you can.
If it’s still burning, you’ll know it around the time of the new Moon as follows hot on the heels of a Sun/retro Venus fusion (13th). Also at the time of the new Moon look to spending time with family. But be aware that while a families may have your best intentions at heart, there may be a fine line between helping and interfering. In anything from your relationship to your lifestyle. If a family member is offering to help with a money issue, do be aware that this may come with hidden costs attached. If your parent is single and seeking, do ask questions about who they may be talking to if they mention anyone they have recently met online.
Transformation, empowerment and the first signs of the return of forward momentum reveal themselves from the third week as the Sun crosses into your 8th and Mercury retros (23rd). Both Mars and Pluto rule this house along with Mercury itself. Watch the 25th when Mars aligns to Pluto in your 12th. Something could quite literally be back from the dead at this point. The past resurrected. That dream you thought over, the hope that was crushed, the love lost, the path not taken. Something now has a heartbeat again.
The second full Moon in a month is a ‘Blue’ Moon. As in ‘once in’. Chances are you could already have experienced that ‘once in a Blue Moon’ event that people refer to before the full Moon rises in your 2nd on the final day of August. Not just any blue moon either. These are rare enough. But for the blue moon to be a Full Blue Supermoon? That’s something truly out of the blue. Chances are August may have delivered more than one of these.
And if you do happen to be contemplating what to do next now they’ve appeared, this blue Moon provides the all-important blue tick. Or you simply see that while love may have returned in some form, you have moved on. Keep in mind that just because we are offered something, doesn’t mean we have to accept it. The truth around real love is that when we express our feelings about it honestly, we are equally confident giving a no answer as we are a yes one. But chances are there’s an updated love on its way to you in some way, shape or form this August you are absolutely going to want to reinstall, Aquarius.
In a nutshell: Love it lit for you thanks to the first supermoon of August falling in your sign. One particular duo, duet or double act – or even that duel, has your undivided attention. Stand by for a truth exposing month when it comes to your feelings – and those of others.
1 Aug 2023 Full Supermoon in Aquarius (1st)
1 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 4th)
4 Aug 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (8th)
7 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 4th)
9 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)
10 Aug 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 4th)
13 Aug 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (7th)
16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)
16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 4th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (7th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)
16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (7th)
20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (9th to 3rd)
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 4th)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (8th to 2nd)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (8th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (8th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 12th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (8th to 2nd)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (9th)
29 Aug 2023 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (4th)
31 Aug 2023 Full Blue Supermoon in Pisces (2nd)
Rare and special, Blue Moon August serves us not one but two full supermoons! Misty, mystical blue notes are struck with the second one in your sign at the end of the month. Your monthly forecast also shows you how to escape the retro blues which peak this month. Revived, refined, resonant, recaptured love is a theme for all of us. Check Michele’s monthly and weekly video horoscopes for more.
Too much work and not enough play, Pisces? The good news is August wants you to reset that ratio! The big, fat retro weather of the month is slowing all of us down, baby. There’s nothing we can do as if affects all of us. But slow is the new fast under it. It may sound counter-intuitive but by taking more downtime you will actually get more done.
How you choose to do this is up to you. Your gut feelings lead you to the steps you need to take at the very start of the month. Whether its down-time, a break, a social media detox, meditation or hanging with that important someone, the first full supermoon of the month (1st), which occurs in your 12th, is about the soul recharge. Unplug, turn off the rush, the static and the unceasing demands of the 21st century, and tune in to your unspoken needs within instead.
The quiet calling, the resonant, the spiritual reboot wants your participation. You know all this comes naturally to you. Being in sync with your psyche that is. But inner wisdom whispers while outer noise screams. Turn up that inner channel and tune out the world and you’ll emerge from this renewed and more productive. More in your Full Supermoon in Aquarius Moonscope.
This month sees you heading into your yearly partnership peak from the 23rd. But wait – literally. Or at the very least slow down. Venus which rules your love life remains retrograde in your 6th. While Mercury gets retro-shady in your 7th from the 4th, and then reverses on the 23rd – the day of the Sun’s arrival. This tells you that those retro rules apply when it comes to going after anyone new now. And also that it’s time to take that go slow energy and apply it to your existing relationships in the coming month.
One in particular may need your particular brand of empathic TLC. In the weeks leading up to the second ‘Blue’ full supermoon in your sign (31st), do get out in front of this. If you can resolve this before this supermoon appears, you will be setting sail on beautiful, uncharted tides as opposed to heading into stormy weather!
The retro weather front intensifies this month. And by the time Uranus reverses in your 3rd from the 29th, a massive 60% of the planets will be backwards in the sky. Intuitively you understand this is when you slow down, take your time, ask the deep, quiet questions which bring clarity. And attend to any outstanding business and tie up those fiddly loose ends.
Right up until the 23rd, you are in your yearly work and wellness peak, Pisces. The Sun in your 6th enlivens and energises you. Work gets an up-tick. And despite Mercury slowing down, this is one of the best times of the year to land that new gig, launch that project or return to the work force if that is what you have been aiming for.
The new Moon in your 6th (16th) follows hot on the heels of the Sun/retro Venus fusion in here (13th). Then there’s the Mars in your 7th trine Uranus in your 3rd trine happening on new moon day. This makes mid-month and this new Moon in particular, not only good for landing that job or if you are an employer, finding the perfect fit for that opening, but it sets something in motion that keeps on giving long after the new Moon has passed.
This new Moon also allows you to create a better work/life balance. Where play and downtime get equal footing with those responsibilities. All in the name of ultimate and lasting wellness. If you shift any habits at the time of this new Moon – know you will stick with the changes you make. Again, its about the long term side effects. More energy. More time for what you want to do as opposed to what you have to do. An enhanced, refined, rebooted You 2.0. More in your New Moon in Leo Moonscope.
If anything has to be released following these new Moon intentions, the 22nd shows you exactly what as Mars in your 7th opposes ruler Neptune. It cuts through any confusion, guilt, self-doubt or wavering, Pisces. And simply shows you what needs to be done. All in the name of your own wellbeing. You may well wait until the 25th to take action on this however when the energy between Mars and Pluto on this day ignites your determination to bring about changes. Or clears the way between you and an ultimate goal.
Just keep in mind as the Sun moves into your 7th and Mercury reverses (23rd), that you need to stick with that playful mindset, the love you have and also self-love actions. This is a wonderful retro/love period under which to show yourself the love with a makeover or image upgrade. Do stick to your budget on this however.
The problem with going looking for new love now is that with this retro energy, you are likely to attract someone who is emotionally unavailable or who simply isn’t ready for the kind of love you have to give, Pisces. The classic ‘It’s complicated’ scenario can result. As could you discovering the other party simply doesn’t know what they want. Which of course makes it impossible to recognise the real thing even if you attract it. Do save yourself the heartache and the time wasting, Pisces. You will make up for lost time next month.
Long term goal planning and adjustments are also energised and any reinvestment in these will pay off before the end of the year for you.
As September appears on the horizon, set sail on the rare and mystic tides of the blue supermoon in your sign. Super, ultramarine and ultra rare. Blue Moons appear well – you know the saying. For there to be two consecutive supermoons in a month – rarer than blue pearls or diamonds. This Full Blue Supermoon is about to trigger a total turning point for you. Around how you see or appreciate yourself. Or around a key relationship.
You are the sign associated the most with empathy, compassion and your capacity for almost limitless, non-judgemental giving. But has someone been taking advantage of that, Pisces? If it’s all take and not reciprocity, you need to address this. Above all, this Moon says its time to focus on you.
Yes, use the retro energy to wait before responding in any partnership matter, Pisces. The full blue supermoon shows you who is very much on Team Pisces and where you are loved and liked. And by whom. And what you love about yourself. Do ditch self-criticism or body shaming yourself. Funny as we can end up being our own worst critics and tell ourselves things we would never ever dream of saying to someone else.
This full Moon is the half way point between one birthday and the next for you. It tells you that as much as you may have been giving someone else your time, love and attention, its now time to ensure you know you are your own #1. And ensure the balance is equal. You get a twice yearly love re-set, retro planets or not. Make the most of this one, Pisces. And make self-love play.
In a nutshell: Super-sensitize me! A full Blue Supermoon in your sign is about to expose where the love goes. And just who returns yours with equal time, empathy and devotion, Pisces. Get ready for a turning point when love flows back to where it all started. With you.
1 Aug 2023 Full Supermoon in Aquarius (12th)
1 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 3rd)
4 Aug 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (7th)
7 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 3rd)
9 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)
10 Aug 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 3rd)
13 Aug 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (6th)
16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)
16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 3rd)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (6th)
16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)
16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (6th)
20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (8th to 2nd)
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 3rd)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (7th to 1st)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (7th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (7th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 11th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (7th to 1st)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (8th)
29 Aug 2023 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (3rd)
31 Aug 2023 Full Blue Supermoon in Pisces (1st)
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group.
Any similarity in trade names is coincidental only: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way connected with Rider-Waite,
the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, or the Penguin Random House Group.