Horoscopes July 2022 – Building Security

Prepare to stand out
Up that ability to receive and radiate
What hats are you going to be wearing?
Ruler Mars leaves the building on the 5th when it moves into your 2nd. Work your worth, Aries. And I’m not talking about just your money either. Mars ignites that real ‘Be cause I’m worth it’ feeling. Which has little or nothing to do with an advertising slogan or the stuff you buy. Your expectations around how you should be treated take on a heated, reality infused with searing self-worth. Which is different to self-entitlement. You value yourself and you know what you got. And from this point on, you’re not about to undersell your soul in any circumstances.
Sure, it’s about more than just what money buys you, but don’t be surprised if during the first week of the month, there are discussions around this. What you do to earn your dough, your expectations from any deal (biz/love) and leveraging your talents and smarts. That’s Mercury in its ruling 3rd working for you. In focus – money, possessions, income, assets, what you owe or is owing to you. Your ideas and ‘marketability’ – all you bring to the table. The first half of the month could see you in discussions about a new position, project or combining resources with someone else. Don’t forget this can include emotional ones too.
This month brings us another Supermoon on the 13th. The full Moon in Capricorn and your 10th is known as a Buck Moon (due to stags getting new antlers) or a Mead Moon. Mead is brewed from honey so we can say this is quite literally a ‘Honey Moon’. In your 10th this implies the sweet taste of success.
The Moon will oppose Mercury in the Moon’s ruling sign/house – your 4th. And trine Uranus in your 2nd. This is setting you up for a move forward or bigger decision next month. For some this could even involve a financial commitment/decision around property as Mercury moves off into your 4th from the 5th. What’s clear however is a feeling of certainty around your self-worth and your choices. This means that you’ll know for sure if you’re on the right path – or not. If it’s the latter expect a U-turn or exit ramp which takes you in a radically fresh direction come August!
Stay boss and no matter what you are feeling inside under this full Moon project an outer image of someone who is in charge of their destiny. A career matter may peak now and questions around rewards and again, self-worthiness, reputation and receptivity arise for you to answer them. This is one of the ‘public’ houses of your chart. Where you are scrutinized and also often asked to step up. The other ‘public’ house is your 5th which is about to be activated too. Lurking under the radar? Not going to be possible. Are you ready to be noticed and receive rewards if they are due? For more on this see your full Supermoon in Capricorn Moonscope.
Venus arrives in your 4th on the 16th and any rewards or assets at your disposal are now likely to be channeled into your home and living arrangements. Feathering your nest in other words. Choices and decisions can be made – especially joint ones or those involving your partner, family members or those you live with thanks to the pivotal meeting of the Sun and Ceres in your 4th on the 21st. Enrichment or something lasting is on offer for you.
If so far this month seems to be all about money, status and career progress – the shift towards celebrations, fun, vacations, romance and reveling in those achievements begins on the 19th when Mercury enters your 5th. And your yearly pleasure peak begins on the 22nd when the Sun follows. This is the Sun’s ruling sign/house in your chart – so the month when you are energised and shine at your brightest. This is why I say that lurking under the radar like Maverick evading the enemy, simply isn’t possible. You are Top Gun.
Radiate to attract now. And yes, if you are single and seeking, those swipes could be happening thick and fast. If dating apps aren’t your thing, then simply allowing yourself to stand out in a way that feels right for you, should snag you at least one prospective suitor’s attention.
There’s a new world and a new deal on love, what you love to do, being loved and recognised once Ceres joing the party in your 5th from the 24th. And remember, in order to receive all of this we need to first have a clear picture of our own worth. Babies, children, Gen X, those younger than you and even that lover who has to potential to make you a parent or step parent may feature.
It’s a time to create and conceive. Especially as we head towards the end of the month. This includes creating a new version of you if necessary to reflect all that’s going on. I’m about to tie up all these themes for you. And you will see how perfectly they align by the end of the month. You, your self-worth, your image, what you desire, your unerring belief in yourself, the success story you are writing and how you want to be treated, perceived and recognised. As well as the love you give and get. Up that setting to more, more more!
Jupiter puts the brakes on the rock star headline act you’re been fronting since May when it heads retrograde on the 28th. It stations at 8 degrees of your sign. Please do go check your chart for Aries factors at 8o. If you have them this is of major importance. It literally is as if the cosmos pushes the reset button for you. You can redo, relaunch or reboot your image, future or how you want to be seen between now and February 2023 when Jupiter will return to 8 degrees. This can be a powerful opportunity to become that person you truly want to be. Align your soul with the outer you. Powerful transformations occur when we bring how we feel within into alignment with the image we project out into the world.
The same applies if you have an Aries descendant at 8o except this reset will be around partnerships. Again, check your chart. This is now where we tie those themes together that this month’s forecast has interwoven for you. The Sabian Symbol for 8 Aries is ‘A large woman’s hat with streamers on it blown by the east wind’. Sabian Symbols work as psychic signposts and triggers for us to tune in to the meaning of events and planets at key degrees of our charts. So, what does this say to you?
Large hats can bring up images of Royal Ascot – when people get dressed up to go racing they stand out. Perhaps you think of a different kind of hat – a cowboy hat for instance. Hats are distinctive. When we wear one we stand out from the crowd and we’re not afraid to. We’re fully in our power and confidence. We are unafraid to be noticed for who we are. Hence, you pressing the reset button on who you think you are, your expectations and being recognised. You can read more about the Sabian Symbols online.
The next day brings a true sense of renewal and sweet, sweet love as the new Moon appears in your 5th. Time to make some love. With that boo or look for that new potential one. To show your love via your creativity and individuality. And yes, if this means donning new hats by all means do so. Wearing a new hat can also include heading in a new direction in terms of your career. This new Moon is in your pleasure zone of heated fierce self-confidence. But doing this with self-care, wonderment and sensitivity. For more on what hats you are going to be wearing as we head into August, see your New Moon in Leo Moonscope.
In a nutshell: Flying under the radar isn’t something you normally do, Aries. This month is all about being seen and what (or who!) you believe you can attract. The shade isn’t where you belong so step into the spotlight this July!
Jul 2 2022 Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 10th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 11th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 12th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (3rd to 1st)
Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (2nd)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (4th)
Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (12th)
Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (4th to 1st)
Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 2nd)
Jul 13 2022 Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 11th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (10th to 4th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 2nd)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn (10th)
Jul 14 2022 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 2nd)
Jul 14 2022 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 12th)
Jul 15 2022 Venus in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (3rd to 9th)
Jul 16 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (4th)
Jul 16 2022 Venus enters Cancer (4th)
Jul 17 2022 Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (4th to 12th)
Jul 17 2022 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (4th to 12th)
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 10th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 10th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (5th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (1st)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 10th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (4th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (5th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (5th to 1st)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (5th)
Jul 25 2022 Venus in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (4th to 1st)
Jul 26 2022 Mercury in Leo square Mars in Taurus (5th to 2nd)
Jul 28 2022 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Aries (1st)
Jul 28 2022 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)
Jul 28 2022 New Moon in Leo (5th)
Jul 31 2022 Mercury in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 11th)
Jul 31 2022 Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (5th to 1st)
Harness that Can-Do confidence
Reach for that higher power
Live the love you choose
Self-assertive freedom and forward progress is your main focus this month, Taurus. Get ready for a serious juiced up injection of can-do confidence once Mars arrives in your sign on the 5th. The thing is Taurus, you are now actively seeking out passion or what’s been missing in your life. For a sign which normally relishes the status quo, you confound all the usual perceptions by heading towards that heart-starting change. Or looking for that opportunity to relight the fire!
The 5th also has Mercury move into its ruling 3rd. Chances are you won’t have to look far to find what you’re seeking. Travel may feature for many Taureans this month. Especially with your 9th house in focus as well. Business, communication, siblings and cousins, your commute if you have one, design, writing, the media, studies and the internet have a prominent role to play. Applications, discussions, contracts, agreements and paperwork. If you are seeking work or to change jobs, to launch a project or simply to sit down and talk about the future with someone, this is the month for agreements, wins, news, commerce and a fresh chapter to be written. Especially once your ruler Venus moves into your 3rd from the 16th.
Expect a focus on your deep seated beliefs around what you can have, do or experience. And your ability to make these happen. Your creative, psychic and intuitive abilities will be enhanced as we head into August. Jupiter in your 12th is your guru and guide on this journey and this month also brings us an important Supermoon in Jupiter’s ruling 9th in your personal chart on the 13th. Massive attack moves can be made now. And many of you may be looking at stepping across a threshold into a realm of bigger possibilities.
The full Moon in Capricorn and your 9th is known as a Buck Moon (due to stags getting new antlers), or a Mead Moon. Mead is brewed from honey so we can say this is quite literally a ‘Honey Moon’. In your 9th this implies the sweet taste of freedom or something bigger than you’ve simply settled for in the past. Again, travel may feature for some of you due to this being your house of far far away people and places and mass transportation – especially airlines. Perhaps this means a second honeymoon for you and your boo?
Focus on the dream you want to attain now. The Moon will oppose Mercury in the Moon’s ruling sign and your 3rd. And trine Uranus in your 1st. You’re bringing sensitivity and your wholehearted responses to the table when it comes to discussions. And perfecting the art of compromise as you go. But at the same time not compromising on those values and what you know is right for YOU, Taurus. Giving up on those dreams or plans which form part of who you are – no longer possible and I will tell you why shortly. For more on what the full Moon in your 9th holds for you, sail away to your Full Supermoon in Capricorn Moonscope.
What underpins that vision you’re in pursuit of gets your attention from the 19th onwards. Mercury arrives in your 4th, followed by the Sun (22nd) and Ceres (24th). Before their arrival, the Sun and Ceres meet in your 3rd on the 21st. New deals, new dawns follow. And with Venus also in your 3rd new win/wins in love are possible too. If you’ve been yearning to put yours on a fresh footing, this is the day to talk dreams for the future with your significant other. Or look to what you can create with someone new – either personally or professionally. Above all, if you are seeking any position – be it in a company or someones heart, now is the time to get talking and initiate that conversation.
The Sun, Mercury and Ceres in your 4th show you what’s working and what isn’t. They also tell you that you need that home base, that stability and that port from which the adventures begin and where you return to, Taurus. Yes, you crave something bigger but certainly not setting yourself adrift or without a compass or soul stone to guide you. As we head into August, decisions around family, foundations, property, your home, living arrangements and anything which adds to these and which provide the launchpad for those dreams can be made with enhanced awareness that what supports and grounds you also sets you free.
You are also attuned to the needs of those you care about. Again, your spidey-senses are tingling with awareness. But this also makes your own needs impossible to ignore. You search for the sweet spot, the win/win, the compromise that hands both parties what they need. But you’re no push over either. You truly desire to make and create the perfect deal – but you know the deal breakers too and will walk away if necessary. That’s Mars working with you – and for you.
Back to no longer being willing to compromise on that big love or dream which forms an integral part of who you are. The months end highlights this clearly as Jupiter makes a retrograde station in your 12th at 8 degrees of Aries. Many Taureans have Aries factors so please check your chart for any at this exact, pivotal degree. When a station occurs on a personal horoscope factor it represents a total reset in a given area. So, asking you to give up that vision will now be impossible and will be the one thing you will refuse to compromise over.
All of you will feel the effects of this retrograde no matter whether you have the exact chart factors or not. This is about your beliefs in a higher power, your own belief in yourself, acting on your intuition, mediumship, religion, soul contracts, astrology, Tarot and the hidden mountains we need to climb in order to reach what we want – such as self-sabotage or continuing to invest in something that isn’t working for us. And also makes no sense.
The 29th welcomes home the new Moon to its ruling 4th. Yes, this is about the traditional themes associated with this house – home, property, lifestyle, roots, family and emotional and material sustainability and comfort. But it is also about own individual story, path and journey. About whose life is it anyway? If you are living in the shadow of a parent, bending yourself out of shape to meet the expectations of others, holding to beliefs around what you should or shouldn’t do or behave, this Moon along with Jupiter offers the point where you open your eyes to claim your own journey. Of course you want that big love to come on it with you. But if the big love is what is beckoning now, you’ll head towards it. For more on this, see your New Moon in Cancer Moonscope. True freedom is allowing ourselves to live the life we choose and go in the direction we know we are meant to, Taurus.
In a nutshell: You’re fired up with reawakened confidence, surety and a desire to no longer sacrifice those dreams, Taurus. If you are still seeking answers on the right path to take, inner wisdom guides you towards the previously impossible dream.
Jul 2 2022 Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 9th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 10th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 11th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (2nd to 12th)
Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (1st)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (3rd)
Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (11th)
Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 12th)
Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 1st)
Jul 13 2022 Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 10th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (9th to 3rd)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 1st)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn (9th)
Jul 14 2022 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 1st)
Jul 14 2022 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 11th)
Jul 15 2022 Venus in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (2nd to 8th)
Jul 16 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (3rd)
Jul 16 2022 Venus enters Cancer (3rd)
Jul 17 2022 Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 11th)
Jul 17 2022 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 11th)
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 9th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 9th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (4th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (12th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 9th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (3rd)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (4th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (4th to 12th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (4th)
Jul 25 2022 Venus in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 12th)
Jul 26 2022 Mercury in Leo square Mars in Taurus (4th to 1st)
Jul 28 2022 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Aries (12th)
Jul 28 2022 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)
Jul 28 2022 New Moon in Leo (4th)
Jul 31 2022 Mercury in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 10th)
Jul 31 2022 Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (4th to 12th)
Prepare for peak experiences
Bank on love
Let those ideas shine
Mars in your 12th is one of those peak energy transits. It’s intentions are geared towards freeing you of illusion and delusion. And also if making excuses for others has been your soul-trap – to free you from that too. Anything you have feared tackling or have hesitated over – including confronting someone for taking that step too far too often, you now have courage to tackle head on.
Not that you are looking for conflict. Quite the reverse in fact thanks to Venus’s peacekeeping mission in your 1st up until the 16th. But it is time to reclaim lost pieces of your power. Doing so feels good, Gemini! Your only regret around any of this is going to be that you didn’t just tackle things sooner. Along with Venus, ruler Mercury starts the month in your sign and then moves off into your 2nd the same day as that Mars shift. This is of course your house of self-worth as well as your money. Which is why you are no longer going to be content to stay silent if something is amiss. However, your ruler in here will bring in a new focus on your resources, income, money and possessions. And new and inventive ways of using what you have and generating more if that is another desire you have right now.
Your work load may increase with Mercury in here. And if so, so should your bank account. You are in self-starting mode when it comes to anything to do with income. And also feeling asset rich on a deeper level. Or you should be. A greater appreciation of your talents, skills, problem solving abilities, emotional resources and achievements to date simply sets you up to have more to be grateful for. Interacting with the material world is every bit as valuable spiritual work as is meditation so please keep this in mind. It how you approach it that counts.
A new appreciation of this is on offer as well as a heady dose of empowerment with this month’s full Supermoon on the 13th. Time to examine any residual feelings of inadequacy you may be hanging on to – in any area. Not just around the adulting stuff like career, status, achievement but also in your most intimate life, fears and insecurities.
This Supermoon in Capricorn and your 8th is known as a Buck Moon (due to stags getting new antlers), or a Mead Moon. Mead is brewed from honey so we can say this is quite literally a ‘Honey Moon’. In this house this brings to the fore what you share, is shared with you, what you owe, are owed in turn, joint assets and what you have and hold with others. So, the joint mortgage, account, family home – this is the house of marital assets. It also rules benefits, legacies, payouts, your salary, shares and investments, loans, taxes as well your sex life, fears and that all important self-empowerment.
This full Moon will oppose your ruler in your 2nd but trines Uranus in your 12th. Yes, something is intense, defining and could even ask you to take a stand somewhere, but the result sees you feeling so much more powerful. A negotiation may come to completion under this supermoon which results in a big release and transformation. Perhaps you simply cutting down an insecurity to size. Or adopting a different perspective has you seeing an issue in a radically liberating way. For more on this, see your Full Supermoon in Capricorn Moonscope.
Venus finishes its work of beauty in your sign on the 16th and moves into what is it’s ruling 2nd in your chart. The work you have been doing around empowered self-worth can now be put to good use with Venus in here. Just be aware however, that while Venus rules your bank account, the planet of pleasure can have you spending faster than you make it. This is a good time to put that sense of empowerment to good use by taking control of where that money goes and setting new priorities. Please note I did not use the word ‘budget’. It ranks right up there with ‘diet’ in its ability to conjure feelings of deprivation and lack. That is not what this is about. Think of this as simply making choices that are better investments of your resources than you have done previously.
Your 2nd isn’t just about cash and possessions. It is about relationships that are ‘assets’ to you. We can say people and love are our greatest ones no matter our financial situation. So, with Venus now in here and ruler Mercury in its ruling 3rd giving you the ability to flirt up a storm – that’s exactly what you should be doing if love is what you want to bank on now. The Sun’s meeting with Ceres on the 21st is about to put a new deal on the table for many of you. This may be directly linked to what was happening at the time of the Supermoon mid-month.
The Sun follows Mercury into your 3rd on the 22nd and Ceres follows on the 24th. For the next month expect a flurry of messages, news, trips – especially those short in duration and/or distance, a fresh focus on what’s local, your siblings or cousins if you have them, studies, work projects, design, photography, writing and the internet. This is your ruler’s ruling house. Say it, share it, apply for it. And yes, if you want to upgrade your devices, or buy anything from a car to a horse, you can source a good deal with Venus backing you up from your 2nd.
The 28th pushes the reset button on friendships, groups and goals as Jupiter stations retrograde at 8 degrees of Aries and your wish-fulfilling 11th. What has come to fruition for you so far since Jupiter entered here? Who has entered your life? How have you progressed towards goal attainment? Check your charts for any factors at 8o Aries. If you have them then this marks a key point of attainment, release or a complete reset of something you have wanted for a while. Or a pivotal point in a friendship or within a group. You can use this retrograde period to re-assess or realign connections and goals if needed. Perhaps what you once wanted no longer holds the meaning it did? Or you need to reboot that dream.
Ideas around this flood your consciousness at the time of the new Moon in your 3rd the following day. If you are thinking of launching, starting or applying for anything, this is your day. See your New Moon in Cancer Moonscope for your sign for more. But this new Moon isn’t just about what you have to say – but really listening too. You are hungry for new ideas under this new Moon. You are curious and truly open to hearing others’ truth now. Speak yours lovingly in return. Expressing yourself with honestly, getting behind your ideas and message, your authentic, empowered and contagious enthusiasm – wins you love, friends and even success this month, Gemini.
In a nutshell: You know what’s right for you – and what no longer holds true. So when the truth is revealed – act accordingly Gemini. Speaking it and sharing those ideas or your contagious enthusiasm, gets you the results you seek.
Jul 2 2022 Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 8th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 9th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 10th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (1st to 11th)
Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (12th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (2nd)
Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (10th)
Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 11th)
Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 12th)
Jul 13 2022 Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 9th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (8th to 2nd)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 12th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn (8th)
Jul 14 2022 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 12th)
Jul 14 2022 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 10th)
Jul 15 2022 Venus in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (1st to 7th)
Jul 16 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (2nd)
Jul 16 2022 Venus enters Cancer (2nd)
Jul 17 2022 Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 10th)
Jul 17 2022 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 10th)
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 8th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 8th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (3rd)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (11th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 8th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (2nd)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (3rd)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 11th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (3rd)
Jul 25 2022 Venus in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 11th)
Jul 26 2022 Mercury in Leo square Mars in Taurus (3rd to 12th)
Jul 28 2022 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Aries (11th)
Jul 28 2022 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)
Jul 28 2022 New Moon in Leo (3rd)
Jul 31 2022 Mercury in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 9th)
Jul 31 2022 Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 11th)
Expand that orbit
Work that runway moment
What does love have to show you?
You’re social and circulating everything from yourself to your ideas this month, Cancer thanks to Mars in your 11th (5th) and Mercury’s arrival in your 1st the same day. Yes it’s still you birthday season right up until the 22nd. And you can look forward to powerful, passionate, positive changes as the cosmos’s gift to you, Cancer.
Your mind isn’t only on the Wonderful World of You, however. It’s leaning towards the Wonderful World of Two. You and that significant other or special connection. That past, present or potential pairing. With superb alignments happening between the planets in your sign and those in your social centered 11th, it’s time to be focused on circulating, party and play!
Know now that no-one is you and it is precisely that which is your superpower, Cancer. Time to be an original in your approach and in showcasing all you have to offer. Especially if those new cycle goals include attracting that special someone. Your unique facets and elemental mix need to be allowed to stand out and shine now. Express don’t suppress this. It doesn’t matter if this is in your personal or professional life. What only you can bring to the table is the secret to your success. The 9-10th could demonstrate the truth of this.
You’re surfing a wave of amazing potential, Cancer. Step up and stand out. Settleds could be drawn into a key conversation as the full Supermoon appears in your 7th on the 13th. This may pave the way for positive changes to follow. This extends to your career as there could be more than one kind of partnership opportunity on offer for you. What’s crucial to this is your willingness to try something new and take a chance.
This Supermoon in Capricorn and your 7th is known as a Buck Moon (due to stags getting new antlers), or a Mead Moon. Mead is brewed from honey so we can say this is quite literally a ‘Honey Moon’. You and that boo could relive those days under it. It promises a little sweetness in all unions. That goes for that potential date or even that working duet. Others could see their other half enjoying the sweet taste of their own success. Or actively engaged in wanting to bring about a change in your dynamic themselves.
Certainly if you are single and seeking, this full Moon and its links to Mercury in your 1st and Uranus in its ruling 11th has you looking at new ways to snag the attention of that prospective love interest. Do not decline any invitations around the time of this full Moon. If your birthday falls on the 13th, it can offer you a foretaste of what love has in store for you in the next 12 months. You may see profound changes arrive in 2023 around your relationship or your relationship status.
Pro tip: Ever wanted to try scrying? There’s no better time than under this full Moon as it acts as a mirror reflecting the truth back at us. Especially when it comes to love or a key relationship. Traditionally, psychics would use a crystal ball but any reflective surface will do. A mirror or a bowl of water works just as well. If you can, do this outdoors weather permitting under the light of the Moon. Above all, relax and don’t try to force the process or push to get answers around a specific person or situation. Simply asking to be shown what love has to teach you in the coming year is the best approach. Let your mind drift and the surface go into soft focus. You may be surprised what’s revealed. Using this method you don’t just ‘see’ with your eyes but with your third eye vision so it’s important to remember you need to sync the two. So, if what you see is fleeting or blurry, chances are your insight will bring it into focus for you.
To add to your superpower allure, Venus brings its particular brand of love makeover when it sashays into your sign on the 16th. It shows you the hidden elements and overlooked parts of you that you may not have appreciated up until now. Because if you don’t know what you got baby, how are you expected to make the most of it? Now you see it, werk it. No more underselling yourself. You are coming from a new place of self-appreciation and power from the 21st when the Sun and Ceres align in your sign. Now you are tapped into all you have, you cross a threshold and there’s no going back.
Mercury shifts into your 2nd from the 19th and the Sun joins it from the 22nd. Ceres isn’t far behind so expect your no one quite like you superpower to be directed into self-worth validating moves around your cash, income and talents.
Jupiter in your 10th of career, rewards, recognition and reputation turns retrograde on the 28th at 8o Aries on the 28th. Do check you chart now. Firstly for chart aspects at 8 Aries and secondly for anything at 8o of your sign, Cancer. If you have them, Jupiter makes a station on them before heading backwards. This is literally a reset or a realignment around your path, purpose, public image, status and your achievements. Perhaps this now has to align to that superpowered you. After all, when an inner shift occurs, the outer world must follow. You may also view success and what that is to you, through a very different lens now.
If you have questions around your career, ambitions or path you are on, you can use the time between now and October to reset and adjust. The following day hands you a freshly minted new Moon in your money zone. You now own the journey you have been on since the start of the month and are in a position to take it further in August. With material, emotional and tangible benefits flowing your way as a result. That cashed-up, rich feeling doesn’t come from what you buy, Cancer. But from how you value yourself and how other reflect this back at you.
In a nutshell: Your intuition offers insights into what love has in store for you next. Is it also time for a more personal reboot, Cancer? A little spoiling and self-enhancement simply draws new opportunities and people to you this July.
Jul 2 2022 Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 7th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 8th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 9th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (12th to 10th)
Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (11th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (1st)
Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (9th)
Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (1st to 10th)
Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 11th)
Jul 13 2022 Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 8th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (7th to 1st)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 11th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn (7th)
Jul 14 2022 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 11th)
Jul 14 2022 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 9th)
Jul 15 2022 Venus in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (12th to 6th)
Jul 16 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (1st)
Jul 16 2022 Venus enters Cancer (1st)
Jul 17 2022 Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (1st to 9th)
Jul 17 2022 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (1st to 9th)
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 7th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 7th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (2nd)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (10th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 7th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (1st)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (2nd)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 10th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (2nd)
Jul 25 2022 Venus in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (1st to 10th)
Jul 26 2022 Mercury in Leo square Mars in Taurus (2nd to 11th)
Jul 28 2022 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Aries (10th)
Jul 28 2022 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)
Jul 28 2022 New Moon in Leo (2nd)
Jul 31 2022 Mercury in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 8th)
Jul 31 2022 Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 10th)
Prepare for transformational acts of love
Get ready for eye opening insight
Happy birthday, Leo!
Rise and shine, Leo because here comes the Sun. Yes, your ruler puts you back where you belong – in the spotlight once is reaches your sign on the 22nd. What’s in store for you in your upcoming yearly cycle? Transformative love experiences and partnerships redefined. Let duos, duets and double acts take you into previously unexplored territory as you head into 2023!
For now however – let’s get this party started! Before your ruler reaches your 1st it is moving through your sensitive and deeply resonant 12th. Mercury (5th) and Venus (16th) join Ceres in here alongside your ruler. So, at one point you will have a stellium of four planets in here – Sun, Mercury, Venus and Ceres.
Two major events that occur in this house this month will show you that something cannot come with you into your new cycle in its present form. It has gone far enough. That does not mean it cannot evolve and change. Only that things can’t stay the same. You will become more and more aware of this as the month progresses and that feeling will peak around the 13th when we have the full Supermoon in Capricorn and your 6th.
This Supermoon in Capricorn and your 6th of every day habits, responsibilities, that day job, study, routine and pets is known as a Buck Moon (due to stags getting new antlers), or a Mead Moon. Mead is brewed from honey so we can say this is quite literally a ‘Honey Moon’. This of course occurs when your ruler is still in your 12th. And the full Supermoon beams its light back into the house opposite to the one it is in.
This Moon falls opposite Mercury in here – from what is Mercury’s ruling house, and trines Uranus, planet of revolution and revelation, in your 10th. That’s an eye opening event or wake-up call for you that something that may have been right up until now, has to evolve or else be let go of. It can be a simple as a habit, as complex as a relationship or career goal, or as soul releasing as realising what you thought you wanted, you no longer do. That routine may have turned into a rut for instance. Those habits may no longer support you. Or something you have simply accepted as ‘That’s just the way it is’ is now revealed to you as possible to change.
Have no fear for your sweet, beating heart, dear Leo as the blinders come off and you are called to shake up the status quo, innovate and free yourself. Whatever is uncovered is for your delicious benefit. For more insight please see the Full Supermoon in Capricorn Moonscope for your sign.
The angels are onside now. Not just with Venus linking you to universal love and empathy (for yourself as well as for others), and Mercury’s high speed connection to ideas and answers. But you have new day, new day, new deal Ceres providing you with the power to make positive change when it meets the Sun on the 21st – the second of those revealing and soul shifting moments I mentioned. Be open to talking, to win/win outcomes and above all, solutions and discovering you and someone may not be poles apart after all.
Elsewhere in your chart, Mars powered into your 10th on the 5th, adding torque to those ambitions and turning you into a dynamo for self-assertion, confidence and determination. This is your house of rewards and also what you commit to for the long haul. That career path and that long term relationship as this house also rules your partner’s status in life as well as your own. It will square your Leo factors as it moves through this house. This is a good thing as you are handed the inner resources plus the opportunity to discover just what you can attain when you commit to a serious direction or outcome.
One word of advice however – with Venus now in your 12th, this is not the best time to be looking for that new lover. It’s time to build on what you have already established, in some cases revive an old amour or to determine those qualities you’re now seeking in a significant other and to get serious about these. But wait to begin your search until Venus arrives in your sign next month.
Now it is all about the new YOU however. And there should be nothing standing in your way from expressing this. Get a head start on communicating what you are now all about from the 19th when Mercury arrives in your 1st. The Sun is close behind (22nd), followed by Ceres on the 24th. You are bringing forward with you what is lasting, meaningful and as timeless as an Audrey Hepburn movie, and consigning everything else to the past.
Big bold moves may go into a planning or major upgrade stage at the month’s end. Jupiter turns backwards in its ruling 9th in your chart on the 28th. Please check your chart for Leo factors at 8 degrees or anything at 8o Aries for that matter. If you have your Leo Sun at 8o then this station will trine it. If a planet stations at a degree where we have chart factors, this will bring a major reset for us in a key area. In this case, around travel, foreigners, foreign affairs of all kinds including overseas business as well as lovers, the mass media, mass transportation, airlines, academia, religion and beliefs, the law, sports, the outdoors, large animals particularly horses, taking a chance and those big aims and ambitions. Jupiter will return to this house but in the interim, use this time to review your progress so far in a key phase or journey.
The all important new Moon in your sign on the 29th marks the start of your astrological fresh cycle. The next 28 days sees you able to soar and shine. This is also the day to state your intentions and to set those personal goals for the next 12 months. You now have all the insight you need to make the perfectly right choices for the perfectly refined new you, Leo. For more on those new beginnings, see your New Moon in Leo Moonscope and bring in renewal and relaunch!
In a nutshell: No sweet beating heart in all the zodiac is as loyal and shining as yours, Leo. Just ensure as you begin your new cycle that others are not taking advantage of this. And save some of that love for yourself – and for firing up those goals now.
Jul 2 2022 Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 6th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 7th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 8th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (11th to 9th)
Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (10th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (12th)
Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (8th)
Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (12th to 9th)
Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 10th)
Jul 13 2022 Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 7th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (6th to 12th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 10th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn (6th)
Jul 14 2022 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 10th)
Jul 14 2022 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 8th)
Jul 15 2022 Venus in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (11th to 5th)
Jul 16 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (12th)
Jul 16 2022 Venus enters Cancer (12th)
Jul 17 2022 Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (12th to 8th)
Jul 17 2022 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (12th to 8th)
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 6th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 6th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (1st)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (9th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 6th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (12th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (1st)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (1st to 9th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (1st)
Jul 25 2022 Venus in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (12th to 9th)
Jul 26 2022 Mercury in Leo square Mars in Taurus (1st to 10th)
Jul 28 2022 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Aries (9th)
Jul 28 2022 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)
Jul 28 2022 New Moon in Leo (1st)
Jul 31 2022 Mercury in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 7th)
Jul 31 2022 Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (1st to 9th)
Top gear goals and future friendships beckon
Ask what you want your new cycle to deliver
Take a chance
Your best times are when your ruler is in full forward motion. No retrogrades or retroshade. Mercury starts the month in your ambitious 10th. Bring career moves to completion and get those applications in or projects launched by the 5th when Mercury moves into the 11th of your social scene and future plans.
Mercury in here should bring in invitations and new people. Do not be a hermit at this point. If one friendship or even a group connection no longer serves, you’ll know this on the 9th. Don’t worry if you have to let someone(s) go. This creates the space for the new to enter. It’s important to maintain a universal outlook if this happens and to thank those involved on a soul level for the times you shared. And if you decide a goal no longer lights your fire, please don’t continue to hang on to it because of the time you’ve invested in it until now. See this as a learning journey and therefore a goal lived. You learned it was not for you after all. Now – aim for something new and enticingly exciting and relevant.
Once Venus arrives in your 11th on the 16th, you will have four planets in here until the 19th when mercury switches signs into Leo and your 12th. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Ceres. Just remember – this is not about romantic love but the love of friendship although you do have a magic window to that mid-month! But with the planets moving into your 12th, the focus will be on reviewing the past in preparation for new beginnings when the Sun arrives in your sign in August. So, do bear this in mind before you swipe right.
You also have Vesta retrograde in your house of partnerships from the 8th. This may put you in a reflective mood when it comes to how you are treated, seen and perceived within partnerships. Be they the romantic or the working kind. You may discover you need to know you are recognised as an equal and treated with respect and sovereignty. As the planets move into your 12th, you will see where you may need to address any shortcomings around this.
This month’s full Supermoon in your fabulizing 5th on the 13th opposes Mercury in your 11th and trines Uranus in your 9th. This Supermoonis known as a Buck Moon (due to stags getting new antlers), or a Mead Moon. Mead is brewed from honey so we can say this is quite literally a ‘Honey Moon’. Remember I spoke about the window where the energy shifts from the love of friends to a more romantic flava? That’s now, Virgo.
That doesn’t mean the party and play factor is absent. Single or settled, this full Moon wants to show you that love is varied and all around. And ready to be expressed via the company you keep – be it the friendship or romantic kind. However, if you are seeking that lover or hoping things may move on to the next level this full Moon offers that opportunity. For more on this, see you personal Full Supermoon in Capricorn Moonscope.
The time of deep contemplation or even mindful withdrawal doesn’t really begin until the 19th when Mercury arrives in your 12th. For the first three weeks of the month are filled with significant opportunities to share good times with friends, join in or expand your reach when it comes to people powering those goals, Virgo!
Mars in your 9th is stoking the fires of adventure. This month is fabulous for travel and taking a vacation. But if you are going anywhere now, please don’t rush. You’re in a daring, take a chance mood and provided you keep this within reasonable limits, your powerful confidence should pay off now. Mars loves action and if you love the outdoors, immerse yourself in it be it at the beach, in the countryside or by taking that far flung activity holiday.
Playful, daring, social you takes a backseat to reflective, deep diving, depth defining you once Mercury (19th), the Sun (22nd) and Ceres (24th) enter your 12th. You are now in your most reflective month of the year – the soul clearing time before your new cycle. Dreams and ideas for the future proliferate in your calmest moments – when you meditate, spend time in nature, journaling, with your Tarot cards, lost in a creative pursuit or in your dreams. Who do you see yourself being in the time ahead? Allow these visions to proliferate and populate your downtime.
These may be especially powerful at the time of the new Moon in your 12th on the 29th. Who you see yourself as becoming, what you see yourself experiencing, having or doing, you can attain in your coming cycle. All by giving your imagination free rein. For more on this see your personal New Moon in Leo Moonscope for your sign.
With Mars powering forward in your 9th, bear in mind what I said about resisting the rush. The ruler of your 9th Jupiter turns retroactive in your change sector on the 28th at 8 degrees. You may want to check your chart for any factors at 8 Aries. If you have them this is a reset around your salary, sex, marital (joint) assets and your personal power drive. Others may now go deeper into the mysteries and what they believe underpins their lives and belief system. The multiverse is yours to explore as is your imagination where all possibilities begin. Take your time with this all the way up to your birthday cycle next month, Virgo.
In a nutshell: Go deep or go home, Virgo. In fact, go for a deep dive in the comfort of your home. Your annual soul discovery cycle begins in July. Reconnect to what truly inspires that future you ahead of brand new beginnings.
Jul 2 2022 Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 5th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 6th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 7th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (10th to 8th)
Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (9th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (11th)
Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (7th)
Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (11th to 8th)
Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 9th)
Jul 13 2022 Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 6th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (5th to 11th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 9th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn (5th)
Jul 14 2022 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 9th)
Jul 14 2022 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 7th)
Jul 15 2022 Venus in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (10th to 4th)
Jul 16 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (11th)
Jul 16 2022 Venus enters Cancer (11th)
Jul 17 2022 Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (11th to 7th)
Jul 17 2022 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (11th to 7th)
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 5th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 5th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (12th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (8th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 5th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (11th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (12th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (12th to 8th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (12th)
Jul 25 2022 Venus in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (11th to 8th)
Jul 26 2022 Mercury in Leo square Mars in Taurus (12th to 9th)
Jul 28 2022 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Aries (8th)
Jul 28 2022 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)
Jul 28 2022 New Moon in Leo (12th)
Jul 31 2022 Mercury in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 6th)
Jul 31 2022 Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (12th to 8th)
Team work makes the dream real
Dress for success and to impress
Realign to true love
Ruler Venus gives your public image and career path that touch of enhancement when it arrives in your 10th on the 16th. Dressing for success, getting serious about your ambitions, both personal and professional – Venus adds that touch of creativity and allure. Mercury lands in here on the 5th and at one point this month you will have four planets in your status zone – Sun, Mercury, Venus and Ceres. Career negotiations and deals may feature. Get ready to move on up, Libra.
The biggest event in the sky for you this month actually takes place at the end of it – on the 28th. This is the day Jupiter retrogrades in your 7th of partnerships at 8 degrees of Aries. Do you have chart factors at 8o of Aries or your own sign? This includes your ascendant, descendant, Nodes, IC or MC as well as planets or asteroids. If a planet stations on a personal chart factor then it is as if the universe presses a total reset button in that area.
So, if you have them, this will be a total reboot for you in a key relationship or your relationship future. This may not happen immediately. Or it may only occur or become obvious when Jupiter returns to 8 degrees of Aries which occurs in February next year. Between now and then, watch what direction a partnership of some description takes you.
No matter whether you have those 8 degree factors or not, time to review that love journey so far and what you want from it next. Jupiter will re-enter your 6th of day job, responsibilities, routine and wellness for one final renovation before arriving back in your 7th in December.
Peak desire and gotta do impulsion results at the start of the month when Mars barrels into your 8th and what is it’s ancient ruling house in your chart. Again, this is linked to that partnership progress or what you are seeking from your long term connections with others. But this is also your ‘other’ money house. The joint account or mortgage, that loan or investment, benefits, your salary and also boundaries and control. Take a Ruler of Your Universe approach to managing ALL your resources now. And know when to say: The buck stops here.
Fill yourself up so you can fill up others in turn under the full Supermoon in your 4th on the 13th. This Supermoonis is known as a Buck Moon (due to stags getting new antlers), or a Mead Moon. Mead is brewed from honey so we can say this is quite literally a ‘Honey Moon’.It will oppose Mercury in your 10th and trine Uranus in your 8th.
This is a take care of yourself first full Moon so you have enough to give to others. This is of course, the Moon’s ruling house in your chart and as it is super-sized, this makes it especially powerful. Prioritise self-care and emotional welfare. And again, look at where you send those precious resources – both emotional and material. They need to be directed where they are needed most.
This full Moon along with the Sun/Ceres conjunction in your 10th which occurs on the 21st could see a property or money matter outcome that is very much in your favour. Bees make honey and if you’ve been busy working towards something, that’s the kind of satisfaction you could be looking at. That honey pot or hive. Ceres favours satisfying deals but also links us to harvests, new dawns and days. For more on this see your personal Full Supermoon in Capricorn Moonscope forecast for your sign.
As the planetary energy begins to shift from long term ambitions and gains, you take that vibe and use it to relax with friends, let your hair down and even celebrate. Mercury is the first to arrive in your house of social contacts and connections on the 19th, followed by the Sun on the 22nd. Ceres will follow on two days later (24th). That new direction you are sending those resources in includes making more time for friendships, group activities and the kind of team work that makes the dream real as this is your house of goals and your future.
If you have been thinking of joining any kind of group, club, movement or association, now is the time to do so. Perhaps explore a different kind of social scene or circle to your usual one? The Sun and then the new Moon in your 11th tell you that the people you know, interact with or meet now have the ability to influence your future outcomes in ways you cannot yet imagine. But you only get to discover how if you join in.
The new Moon in here (29th) asks how a goal or dream or even being part of a larger group experience can lead you to truly enjoy and express yourself and stand out in some way? You need people who accept you for who you really are and with whom you co-create each other’s futures. This is the best new Moon of the year under which to set yourself a new goal or recommit to a past one. Just as you have been with your other resources – prioritise this. Make a list and only commit to no more than three. Or simply that one that calls the strongest. For more on this see your New Moon in Leo Moonscope. Goals and your love direction pivot this month, Libra. What follows is a fresh direction or re-injection into an area of life you’ll fall in love with like a Shires song – all over again.
In a nutshell: Who or what do you need to fall back in love with, Libra? Jupiter retrograde in your 7th isn’t about stopping in the name of love, but of resetting or restarting it. It’s also time to invest in yourself. And be ready to make your best boss moves.
Jul 2 2022 Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 4th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 5th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 6th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (9th to 7th)
Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (8th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (10th)
Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (6th)
Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (10th to 7th)
Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 8th)
Jul 13 2022 Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 5th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (4th to 10th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 8th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn (4th)
Jul 14 2022 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 8th)
Jul 14 2022 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 6th)
Jul 15 2022 Venus in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (9th to 3rd)
Jul 16 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (10th)
Jul 16 2022 Venus enters Cancer (10th)
Jul 17 2022 Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (10th to 6th)
Jul 17 2022 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (10th to 6th)
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 4th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 4th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (11th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (7th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 4th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (10th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (11th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (11th to 7th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (11th)
Jul 25 2022 Venus in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (10th to 7th)
Jul 26 2022 Mercury in Leo square Mars in Taurus (11th to 8th)
Jul 28 2022 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Aries (7th)
Jul 28 2022 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)
Jul 28 2022 New Moon in Leo (11th)
Jul 31 2022 Mercury in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 5th)
Jul 31 2022 Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (11th to 7th)
Seek out the heat
Emotional honesty is your superpower
Open your heart!
Like a heat-seeking missile, ancient ruler Mars asks you just where the heat as it arrives in your partnership sector on the 5th. You can’t fake it on any level now Scorpio if passion and depth have both left the building. You’ll know if you have this or if that fresh connection offers it, with a soul certainty that is impossible to deny. Faking it, people pleasing? Simply impossible to maintain.
Your direct approach however wins the hearts and minds of those that matter. If you are single and seeking, you won’t tolerate time wasters nor superficial people. Mars demands action and an outlet for passion. Of course, that makes you the sexiest thing out that and like a classic disco track Hot Stuff. If you are already in a relationship, your partner will be delighted and reciprocate that extra scorching attention in return. Just pace yourself, Scorpio.
If you are single and seeking, it’s never just about sex for you. You certainly will be wanting to know what really makes that prospective boo tick in your search for that depth of feeling you need to turn the bedroom lava hot, Scorpio. Nothing less than intense sex magic love alchemy is going to do it for you. And for you that means a soul turn-on too!
If things have turned somewhat vanilla lately, you’ll make the effort to spice it up. But the other party has to be willing to meet you half way. If however you come to the conclusion your connection as flat-lined beyond resuscitation, keeping up the pretense everything’s okay is something Mars is incapable of. Emotional honesty is your love superpower.
With a slew of planets now in your 9th of freedom, staying with the status quo will prove again to be impossible for you. As will staying quiet over it. The full Supermoon in your 3rd on the 13th is all about the conversation(s) you now need to have. It falls opposite Mercury which rules this house and tries Uranus – again in your 7th.
This Supermoon is known as a Buck Moon (due to stags getting new antlers), or a Mead Moon. Mead is brewed from honey so we can say this is quite literally a ‘Honey Moon’. Now, this does not rule out having a ‘difficult’ conversation but what it does gift you is the ability to choose those words with love and care. Others well – those words drip with honey. The flirt in you is unleashed, your ideas drip with creativity and sweet success.
This is your house of writing, speaking, publishing, design, images (don’t let other astrologers tell you otherwise!), communication, commerce, commuting, siblings and the internet. Applications, pitches, approaches,, swipes and hello’s and where they can take you feature as well as what you say and share. Say it with love now. Conversations flow around togetherness or new double act dynamics. For more insight, look to your Full Supermoon in Capricorn Moonscope.
The fact this full Moon trines Uranus whispers evolution and freedom as your outcome on some level for any interaction that begins or peaks under it. Plus we have those 9th house planets intent up until the 22nd to propel you into something heart-opening in terms of your experience. A theme which will continue into August. Plan for wonderful travel and holiday experiences if you can once Venus arrives in here from the 16th. You now have four planets in here – Sun, Mercury, Venus and Ceres.
This is also your house of universities, higher education, the law, the outdoors, mass media and big business. One or more of these areas may be offering you an opportunity to enter into something eye opening and mind expanding on the day the Sun and Ceres meet in here (21st).
Big dreams and big ambitions, the desire to discover just what you are capable of if you stretch yourself further extend into your ambition, rewards and career sector as Mercury heads into your 10th on the 19th. The Sun (22nd) and Ceres (24th) follow and along with the new Moon in here (29th), this offers a positive shift around your path and purpose for many. Something that gets your noticed or hands you the recognition you deserve is waiting for you to claim it if you have the courage to head in its direction and claim it now.
The new Moon in your 10th occurs the day after Jupiter turns retroactive in your 6th of work (paid and unpaid), habits, routine, wellbeing and pets if you have them. It makes what is known as a station at 8 degrees of Aries. Should you have any horoscope factors – not just planets but your ascendant/descendant, IC, MC, Nodes or asteroids at 8o of this sign, this will see the universe press the reset button potentially on your current work but also on how this impacts how you are seen and perceived too.
For all Scorpios out there however – whether or not you have that 8 Aries factor, you should be looking at a new path, solution or opportunity around the path you take this month. See your new Moon in Leo Moonscope for more insight. The result of staying true to your passion combined with loving conversations – oh so sweet, Scorpio!
In a nutshell: Ancient ruler Mars tells you if something is hot or not when it comes to duos, duets and double acts of all descriptions. The heat is on – or should be this July. Prepare to ask – and receive more. And to discover just what you can achieve when you stretch yourself.
Jul 2 2022 Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 3rd)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 4th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 5th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (8th to 6th)
Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (7th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (9th)
Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (5th)
Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (9th to 6th)
Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 7th)
Jul 13 2022 Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 4th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (3rd to 9th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 7th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn (3rd)
Jul 14 2022 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 7th)
Jul 14 2022 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 5th)
Jul 15 2022 Venus in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (8th to 2nd)
Jul 16 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (9th)
Jul 16 2022 Venus enters Cancer (9th)
Jul 17 2022 Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (9th to 5th)
Jul 17 2022 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (9th to 5th)
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 3rd)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 3rd)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (10th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (6th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 3rd)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (9th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (10th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (10th to 6th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (10th)
Jul 25 2022 Venus in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (9th to 6th)
Jul 26 2022 Mercury in Leo square Mars in Taurus (10th to 7th)
Jul 28 2022 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Aries (6th)
Jul 28 2022 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)
Jul 28 2022 New Moon in Leo (10th)
Jul 31 2022 Mercury in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 4th)
Jul 31 2022 Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (10th to 6th)
Travel expansion and opportunity open horizons
Everyday change leads to release
Love makes a welcome return
When ruler Jupiter turns retroactive – which it does on the 28th, it’s a very big deal for you, Sag. This occurs at 8 degrees of Aries and your 5th house. Check your own chart now. Do you have any Sag factors at 8o? Do you have anything at 8 Aries? Include ascendant/descendant, IC, MC, Nodes and asteroids in this. If you have Sag factors at 8 degrees Jupiter will trine them as it makes a station. If you have Aries factors, it will conjunct them. This is a major positive reset for you around the following: lovers, romance, babies, children, Gen X, your creativity, travel & holidays and what makes you stand out, sparkle and shine!
Needless to say, in your house of romance the one that got away may feature. As could a return to innocence for you. That welcome back of optimism, self-belief in yourself or the power of love, or a second bite of that apple of opportunity. Travel back to places you have past connections with or have visited in the past is on offer. As could be a hobby or passion revival.
Up until the disco ball dazzle of the Sun’s arrival in your 9th from the 22nd, focus on the mundane stuff, Sag. I can hear the yawn happening! But by finishing up those projects you may have been procrastinating over, or consciously directing your power into career/financial matters, you’ll be in a position to totally abandon yourself to what fires up your soul as we head into August. With the guilt as that’s not to kind of trip I want you to take now!
Money, values, shared resources, salary, loans, assets and negotiations and agreements are set to send your personal stock higher and are the benefits on offer for simply being willing to focus and Do The Work. Funny as the more you direct your energy into these areas, the more you feel aligned within and project a sexy self-assurance that gets others sitting up and taking notice.
Mars’s entry into your 6th says no task is beyond you and you are a force to be reckoned with. Do however ensure in your determination to get stuff done that you don’t burn yourself out in the process. Exercise is both your release and your recharge so take time out of your schedule to do this. And don’t come up with the excuse you are too tired or don’t have enough time. You will quickly discover that if you make the time and the effort you in fact get more done and more energy back. That’s all part of Mars fueling you forward.
If changes need to be made to your job (paid or unpaid), work and/or routine, you will have a clear picture in your head around how this needs to happen – along with the outcome you’re seeking. This will be around creating that sweet spot between security and freedom, Sag. Wax on those moves as the full Supermoon appears in your 2nd on the 13th. This Supermoon is is known as a Buck Moon (due to stags getting new antlers), or a Mead Moon. Mead is brewed from honey so we can say this is quite literally a ‘Honey Moon’. Bees make honey. And if you’ve been a busy busy bee your honey pot may be full under it.
Look to your emotions around your bread that honey gets spread over. This full Moon falls opposite Mercury in your ‘other’ money house and trines Uranus in your 6th. Do you still have hidden anxieties of not having enough or even on a personal level BEING enough for someone? Are you comparing yourself to others in a negative way? Setting standards to which no-one could ever live up to? Or simply thinking of success in terms of what you have or make? Your point of transformation lies in that sweet spot between knowing and having, feeling you are/have enough and channeling what you make into what really matters.
For more on this, please see your personal Full Supermoon in Capricorn Moonscope. Deals can be sealed and like Winnie the Pooh you may be left hugging that honey pot once Venus which rules your bank account as well as your self-esteem, enters your 8th on the 16th and the Sun and Ceres meet in here on the 21st.
The planets now align exactly where you like them to be. Starting with Mercury on the 19th and then the Sun (22nd) and Ceres (24th). 9th house transits always feel like an extra birthday season for you, Sag and this one is no exception. The new Moon in here on the 29th promises a touch of excitement and adventure. That all important Sag soul explorer within is reawakened and ready, passport in hand for a new journey. Check your chart for Sag factors at 5 degrees as this new Moon will trine them if you have them – making its potential so much more emotionally bigger and more satisfying.
Yes, you don’t mind going it alone if necessary. But there’s an extra special gift for singles with this new Moon which is the potential to bring you that fellow free spirited lover to share the adventure with. Or simply that non-romantic companion who is adventure inclined. You will find as you head into August, that the people you meet – especially those who embody those Sag qualities, offer friendships, support, a stage on which to showcase your talents, entree to fresh circles and opportunities. For more on this see your New Moon in Leo Moonscope. Time to put yourself out there and find out just who is waiting for you, Sag. It’s a whole new world.
In a nutshell: Ruler Jupiter turns retroactive in your 5th this week. The one or that opportunity that got away could feature. As could simply resurrecting that passion. Travel back to places that have meaning for you has you seeing them with fresh eyes.
Jul 2 2022 Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 2nd)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 3rd)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 4th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (7th to 5th)
Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (6th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (8th)
Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (4th)
Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (8th to 5th)
Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 6th)
Jul 13 2022 Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 3rd)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (2nd to 8th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 6th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn (2nd)
Jul 14 2022 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 6th)
Jul 14 2022 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 4th)
Jul 15 2022 Venus in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (7th to 1st)
Jul 16 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (8th)
Jul 16 2022 Venus enters Cancer (8th)
Jul 17 2022 Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (8th to 4th)
Jul 17 2022 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (8th to 4th)
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 2nd)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 2nd)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (9th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (5th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 2nd)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (8th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (9th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (9th to 5th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (9th)
Jul 25 2022 Venus in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (8th to 5th)
Jul 26 2022 Mercury in Leo square Mars in Taurus (9th to 6th)
Jul 28 2022 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Aries (5th)
Jul 28 2022 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)
Jul 28 2022 New Moon in Leo (9th)
Jul 31 2022 Mercury in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 3rd)
Jul 31 2022 Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (9th to 5th)
Who is in focus this July?
Refine and realign those living arrangements
You are the target Cupid is aiming at!
The hottest epicentre of the zodiac just happens to be you this month, Cappy. Mars enters your 5th turning up the heat on romance, pleasure and sheer, sexy abandonment from the 5th – the same day as Mercury enters your 7th. So, you have both your houses of attraction functioning as hothouses of desire. How are you going to use this?
Needless to say, if you are single and seeking or looking for a new double act in work, business or friendship, while the planets remain in your 7th house of partnerships, now is the time to make your move. Who makes it happen? You do as Mercury’s arrival in here sparks conversations around It Takes Two.
By the time Venus arrives in its ruling 7th in your chart on the 16th, you have four planets in here for a short period of time – the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Ceres. Your secret? Sure that exterior may be elegant and unruffled as per usual. Behind closed doors however you are passionate beyond belief now which should delight the other halves of the settleds. Or turn into a scorching surprise for that new lover. Who incidentally has to prove they deserve your extra special love and devotion now. Of course, you can also channel your passion into your career as well. But although you can and do make those boss moves this month, it’s the fact you r vibe says you will drop whatever you’re doing and make a little love at the drop of a hat that translates into sexy irresistibility.
In between the ins and outs of planetary movements – as in Mercury and Venus into your 7th, we have a full Supermoon in your sign on the 13th. Get ready for a heart, mind and eye opening insight into a specific relationship or simply your needs for the future. Some of you may suddenly put the pieces together around your love history. As in why you fell for who you did when you did and how the forces of attraction conspire to bring us the person who will show us what we need to know.
Just who is showing us what we need to know? Your emotional searchlight picks them out now. This Supermoon is is known as a Buck Moon (due to stags getting new antlers), or a Mead Moon. Mead is brewed from honey so we can say this is quite literally a ‘Honey Moon’. This full Moon opposes Mercury in your 7th and trines Uranus in your 5th. Their identity may surprise you. Be on the lookout for revelations and also encounters now! For more insight see your Full Supermoon in Capricorn Moonscope.
Conversations are helped along now. Not just eased by Mercury and Venus’s love talk diplomacy but also your willingness to be open and share. That conversation or discussion leads to an agreement which pleases both parties on the 21st when the Sun and Ceres align in your 7th.
Passion and desire intensify now first Mercury (19th) and then the Sun (22nd) and Ceres (24th) move into your powerhouse 8th. Those Sea Goats who started seeing someone new may take things to the next level. Financial negotiations, vault access and fresh resources feature. Again, you have the power to negotiate a new or better deal. Not just on a financial level but a personal one too.
The new Moon in here on the 29th wants you to work your worth in a new, more empowered way. It’s about what you do with what you have in other words. And if offered more, to be ready to embrace it. That sexy surety you’ve been serving all month long should now pay off for you. This is a preview of what 2023 and beyond has in store for you when Pluto finally leaves your sign and enters your 2nd. A major transformation and rebirth around abundance and self-worth. Are you ready to embrace this and let go of self-doubt, sabotage and struggle Capricorn? In all areas? This new Moon is your testing ground. Read more in your New Moon in Leo Moonscope.
Jupiter, planet of expansion, solution and door kicking in opportunity, retrogrades on the 28th in Aries and your 4th at 8 degrees. Check your chart for any key Aries factors at this exact degree. This includes your ascedant/descendant, IC, MC, Nodes or asteroids. If a station occurs on a personal chart factor, this represents the cosmos pressing the reset button in a key area of our lives. In your case – home, lifestyle, living arrangements, buying, selling, leasing, renting property, your airbnb income, family and what sustains and supports you.
No matter whether you have that 8o factor, use the time as Jupiter reverses back into your 3rd to review how you are living and what to be living and where in 2023. Next year with provide powerful and pivotal opportunities for change. Determine what you want these to be, Cappy.
In a nutshell: Cupid could just go crazy this month firing off those arrows in your direction. Love struck? That’s you. Singles could be snagged by that special someone. While twosomes of all kinds await your exploration.
Jul 2 2022 Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 1st)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 2nd)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 3rd)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (6th to 4th)
Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (5th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (7th)
Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (3rd)
Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (7th to 4th)
Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 5th)
Jul 13 2022 Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 2nd)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (1st to 7th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 5th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn (1st)
Jul 14 2022 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 5th)
Jul 14 2022 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 3rd)
Jul 15 2022 Venus in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (6th to 12th)
Jul 16 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (7th)
Jul 16 2022 Venus enters Cancer (7th)
Jul 17 2022 Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (7th to 3rd)
Jul 17 2022 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (7th to 3rd)
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 1st)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 1st)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (8th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (4th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 1st)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (7th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (8th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (8th to 4th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (8th)
Jul 25 2022 Venus in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (7th to 4th)
Jul 26 2022 Mercury in Leo square Mars in Taurus (8th to 5th)
Jul 28 2022 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Aries (4th)
Jul 28 2022 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)
Jul 28 2022 New Moon in Leo (8th)
Jul 31 2022 Mercury in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 2nd)
Jul 31 2022 Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (8th to 4th)
Get renovating that lifestyle
Don’t tune out that insight
Love makes your world go round
Is it time for home improvements? Bear in mind that Mars in your 4th needs an outlet. Otherwise it becomes a cranky, disruptive house guest that wants to hog the remote and leaves its dirty dishes in the sink!
So, make a list of those DIY projects, commit to moving or changing rooms or if that’s not on your agenda right now, then simply spend as little time cooped up at home as possible and get out and about to allow all that Mars energy a safety valve if you value domestic harmony. One word of advice here – you might want to place an embargo on family members visiting during this transit or at least avoid spending too much time with them. You will run out of patience with their quirks very quickly.
Mars in here can however get you moving if you have been putting off that relocation or simply decluttering all that stuff which actually when you examine it closely, is depressing you. Mercury aids the process when it arrives in its ruling 6th on the same day as Mars switches signs. This is your house of everyday work – paid and unpaid, study, habits, routine, pets if you have them and wellbeing. What impacts on our wellbeing includes the environment in which we spend most of our time and ‘atmospheres’. That vibe that either elevates or enervates. So, you can harness the energy of these two and make changes that boosts yours. Changing up that work routine, seeking a new job, ditching those bad habits, clearing space for the new and yes, exercise are all positive applications of fiery Mars and Mercury combined now.
Take care of everyday stuff, things that are ‘close to home’, the details, those tasks you have been putting off tackling and anything that affects your wellbeing or energy levels for the first three weeks of this month. You will be glad you did – simply for the improvements it brings which will become immediately apparent, Aquarius. Above all, love and accept all the multi-facets of you – I could say warts and all. But you don’t have those! Just maybe some layers that need a little TLC and integration into your marvelous whole. Venus joining the Sun, Mercury and Ceres in your 6th from the 16th along with a key conjunction in here between the Sun and Ceres on the 21st, points to you bringing in permanent, positive change and a new life which works so much better!
Above all, stay connected to your inner voice telling you the areas you need to look at or take care of now. Those nudges, the inner whisper which says there’s a deeper connection you need to explore, anything to do with soul wounds, emotional and physical healing, acceptance, release and forgiveness – especially self-forgiveness, hands you back wholeness and release under the full Supermoon in your 12th on the 13th.
This Supermoon is is known as a Buck Moon (due to stags getting new antlers), or a Mead Moon. Mead is brewed from honey so we can say this is quite literally a ‘Honey Moon’. Think the healing properties of Manuka honey. It will oppose Mercury and trine your ruler Uranus in your 4th. You have a high speed connection to the soul internet now. And your tools to access this include astrology, Tarot, divining, scrying, creativity, meditation, yoga, journalling, self-help, therapy, psychology or even a psychic reading.
What wounds do you still carry? Where are you denying yourself your potential greatness? And if this is due to limiting beliefs just whose ideas are these anyway? You need to examine the source if so. If this revolves around the path you have chosen which no longer resonates, requires you to bend yourself out of shape simply to meet the expectations of others or long term deep hurts continue to hold you back from what you want, look forward under this full Moon to identify these, face them and then simply release them.
If you truly want answers to big questions and are unafraid to receive them, you will get them under this Supermoon if you simply ask. For more on this, see your Full Supermoon in Capricorn Moonscope for your sign.
You will be glad you sifted through all this residue and also, tackled anything mundane and meh, Aquarius. A deep dive always ends with us coming up for air but changed, charged and lighter for the experience. Ready for the new? Mercury leads the charge of planets into your 7th of duos, duets and double acts of all descriptions from the 19th. This is why I advised you to tackle the small stuff – and you now see it literally IS all small stuff, and get it out of the way by mid month. Because love or simply togetherness in all its forms is the territory you need to be free to explore. Unburdened by the past whether you are settled or single.
For the next month from the 22nd, the Sun shines on long term love. With a brand new deal on offer thanks to Ceres also in here from the 24th. This blesses you and your current boo coming to a new understanding between you. Or else at the very least agreeing to part amicably if your relationship is past salvaging.
All long term unions are ruled by this house. That bestie, your business partner or collaborator if you have one, and that long term and mutually beneficial working relationship. Whether you are seeking a heart starting job that showcases your smarts or that potential forever lover, the new Moon on the 29th marks the time when you need to pull out all the stops in your search. Settles or those already in positive and mutually supportive twosomes, open up a shining new phase which brings both parties more satisfaction. Whatever new dynamic you are seeking, the next month should offer at least one potential candidate for the role. For more on this, see you New Moon in Leo Moonscope.
The month’s end puts Jupiter in your 3rd retroactive. Past opportunities could return under it. When it comes to those work or business projects, your siblings, neighbourhood, travel plans, your technology and devices, that screenplay that’s sitting in your drawer, that idea for that website, YouTube channel or anything writing/design/internet fueled, now is the time to go back over it. Refine like you would a Mercury retrograde on steroids. Revisiting places you have traveled to in the past could have you seeing it with fresh eyes. While those ideas you shelved may contain as yet unmined opportunity.
Jupiter stations at 8 degrees of Aries. Check your chart if you have Aries factors at the key 8o. This has to be exact. If you have them – including your ascendant/descendant, IC, MC, Nodes or asteroids, expect a total reset around one or some of the themes I outlined above. For all Aquarians, Jupiter is set to revisit your house of money, values and self-worth one final time before heading back to your 3rd early in ‘23. All those inner whispers and acting on their wisdom adds up to more abundance, love and empowered choices for the rest of this year – and on into the next one.
In a nutshell: Look beyond the obvious and don’t dismiss the connections your imagination makes between areas that may appear unrelated. They are anything but. Love is about to hit a high note. Time for the power of two, Aquarius!
Jul 2 2022 Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 12th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 1st)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 2nd)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (5th to 3rd)
Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (4th)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (6th)
Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (2nd)
Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (6th to 3rd)
Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 4th)
Jul 13 2022 Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 1st)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (12th to 6th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 4th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn (12th)
Jul 14 2022 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 4th)
Jul 14 2022 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 2nd)
Jul 15 2022 Venus in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (5th to 11th)
Jul 16 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (6th)
Jul 16 2022 Venus enters Cancer (6th)
Jul 17 2022 Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (6th to 2nd)
Jul 17 2022 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (6th to 2nd)
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 12th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 12th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (7th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (3rd)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 12th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (6th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (7th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (7th to 3rd)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (7th)
Jul 25 2022 Venus in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (6th to 3rd)
Jul 26 2022 Mercury in Leo square Mars in Taurus (7th to 4th)
Jul 28 2022 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Aries (3rd)
Jul 28 2022 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)
Jul 28 2022 New Moon in Leo (7th)
Jul 31 2022 Mercury in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 1st)
Jul 31 2022 Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (7th to 3rd)
Get love fit!
Love who you are and the body you inhabit
No more party poopers
Get ready for revisits, resets and revivals, Pisces. The end of this month sees ancient ruler Jupiter head backwards in your 2nd and poised for one final return to your sign before the year is out! Many Pisces out there have Aries factors in their charts. So, before the 28th when Jupiter heads in your direction once more, do check them to see if you have any at 8 degrees of Aries.
This has to be exact – no usual 1-2 degree orb that we allow for most aspects. But it can include not just planets but ascendant/descendant, IC, MC, the Nodes and asteroids. When a planet makes a station on a personal chart factor, this will hand us a complete reset in a given area depending on the house this occurs in. So, in your case – your money, possessions, income and values. Jupiter always expands and delivers solutions, opportunities and benefits. If you have the Magic 8 Ball factor there, look forward to a complete rebalance around your budget, income, cash or even your self-worth.
All Pisces get one final bite of the cherry not only in what they can envision earning, having and attracting, but also can make those final tweaks to their image, appearance, brand and impression they make on others. If you still feel your relaunch hasn’t quite yet happened or needs just one final adjustment so that outer you matches the inner one, you will refine this between now and ‘23.
Taking yourself more seriously is going to be a theme for you in the coming year. Jupiter’s retro-revisit allows you to begin to embrace this. Think investment dressing for success, timeless style and ensuring that your first impression is always your best one. You are above and beyond fashion now. Whatever your look or even your budget – treat yourself as a priceless icon. It’s all in the attitude you project.
Don’t be a people pleaser. Your compassion and empathy can be exploited and lead you into this trap if you are not careful. Keep those qualities for those who truly deserve your extra special brand of love and caring. Above all, stay true to this and who you are. Mars in your 3rd from the 5th is all about truth telling. That includes reinforcing that personal message if need be. Especially after the 8th when Vesta retrogrades in your sign.
This month also favours anything to do with your work, studies, writing, publishing, the internet, holidays and self-promotion in both love and business, Pisces. All the more reason to be ready to receive more. Mars fires up your belief in your ideas and has you selling yourself or getting your point across with passion, confidence and self-assurance. You can use this superpower for anything from interviews, first dates and submissions to firing up that social media presence.
Mercury which rules your 3rd enters your fabulizing 5th on that day with Venus not far behind it (16th). For a few days you will have four – yes, FOUR planets in your 5th – the Sun which rules this house, Mercury, Venus and Ceres. This is one of the best windows of the month for pursuing what you love and letting go and entering that zone of pure pleasure and enjoyment. Hence romance, children, seeing the world through the eyes of a child, that all important self-expression (and not caring about what others think), holidays and opportunities to shine and stand out feature.
One thing to be watchful for however is that person whose sole agenda seems to be to find fault, nit-pick or for whom nothing is ever quite good enough. No matter how awesome the party is – they act as the pooper. The card of the Four of Cups in the Smith-Waite tarot comes to mind. And if a name just popped into yours at the mention of this – hold that thought! This especially applies at the time of the full Supermoon in Capricorn on the 13th. In your house of social connections and friendships. As well as your goals, wishes and dreams.
If you look at the 4 of Cups card, we see a dissatisfied and out-of-sorts figure with their arms crossed over their heart chakra sitting under a tree. Despite the fact there are three gold cups in front of them and they are being offered a fourth, nothing about their demeanor says they are happy. Yes, this can sometimes indicate someone may have low grade depression so they are finding it difficult to find the joy in their lives. But more often this card tells us this is someone who may be in the grips of a severe case of FOMO or for whom nothing is ever good enough. Or enough period.
This Supermoon is is known as a Buck Moon (due to stags getting new antlers), or a Mead Moon. Mead is brewed from honey so we can say this is quite literally a ‘Honey Moon’. The Moon falls opposite Mercury in your 5th and trines Uranus in your 3rd – the ruler of your 11th. Again, if someone is serving vinegar and not honey – you may have some serious thinking to do about maintaining the connection with them. Especially if this has been a recurring theme.
This full Supermoon shines on those friendships or even lovers, with whom you deeply resonate. But will also expose the opposite. For more on this, see your personal Full Supermoon in Capricorn Moonscope. The pivotal meeting between the Sun and Ceres before both move on off into your 6th on the 21st, will determine where you go from here. This also tells you everything you need to know about that lover. And also what areas of life recharge you and fire you up with enthusiasm and a desire to simply experience them.
Your day job, wellbeing, those habits, routines, the mind/body/spirit connection and even the weather take on new significance as the planets shift into your 6th from the 19th. This begins with Mercury which rules this house. And the Sun and Ceres join it on the 22nd and 24th respectively. Again, on the day the new Moon appears in here you have four planets wanting to hand you everyday blessings – Sun, Moon, Mercury and Ceres. Those of you powered up by Mars in your 3rd may see results begin to appear on the 29th – the day of the new Moon.
This is an important period in your yearly cycle and an equally important new Moon for you. You are now half way through with six months to go until the start of your new birthday cycle. Under the Sun’s influence in here and especially on the day of the new Moon, take time out to analyse where you are right now, what you have accomplished since your birthday and where you want to go next. Unless you take much needed time to do this, you will find your progress hindered on some level. Possibly by small things which individually are just snarks and snafus but collectively add up to something more problematic.
Look at what you still need to do and achieve and then set out the practical steps you need to take to get them done. If you follow this simple game plan you will experience enhanced energy and smoother forward progress. For more on this read your New Moon in Leo Moonscope.
Take care of your body and bear in mind as you head into August that your physical form is a reflection of your life in a microcosm. If your avatar feels energised, healthy, supported your outer world flows more smoothly. Tired all the time? Feeling low? Chances are if you step back and look closely, there is so much going on around you which reflects exactly how you feel too. Take care of the business of being you and you’ll find the business of living gets so much easier. You’ll be glad you did next month when the Sun and planets hit that love zone, Pisces!
In a nutshell: Loving yourself means no longer tolerating anyone who serves shade or persistently rains on that parade, Pisces. Negativity has no place in your world this July. Neither does anyone who blocks that flow of attraction into your world.
Jul 2 2022 Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 11th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 12th)
Jul 2 2022 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 1st)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (4th to 2nd)
Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (3rd)
Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (5th)
Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (1st)
Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (5th to 2nd)
Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 3rd)
Jul 13 2022 Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 12th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (11th to 5th)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 3rd)
Jul 13 2022 Full Supermoon in Capricorn (11th)
Jul 14 2022 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 3rd)
Jul 14 2022 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 1st)
Jul 15 2022 Venus in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (4th to 10th)
Jul 16 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (5th)
Jul 16 2022 Venus enters Cancer (5th)
Jul 17 2022 Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (5th to 1st)
Jul 17 2022 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (5th to 1st)
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 11th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 11th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (6th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (2nd)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 11th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (5th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (6th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (6th to 2nd)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (6th)
Jul 25 2022 Venus in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (5th to 2nd)
Jul 26 2022 Mercury in Leo square Mars in Taurus (6th to 3rd)
Jul 28 2022 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Aries (2nd)
Jul 28 2022 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)
Jul 28 2022 New Moon in Leo (6th)
Jul 31 2022 Mercury in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 12th)
Jul 31 2022 Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (6th to 2nd)
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group.
Any similarity in trade names is coincidental only: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way connected with Rider-Waite,
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