The heat is on!
Time for expansion and opportunity
Fire up those dreams for your future
Happy Beltane, Aries. Funny as I was preparing this month’s forecast and saving it, I accidentally typed ‘Firecast’ instead of ‘Forecast’. But as far as your sign is concerned, Aries – ‘firecast’ may be a more accurate summary of the lava-hot aspects occurring in your sign this May! Beltane is of course associated with the lightning of fires on May Day eve. Which makes your May ‘firecast’ so very apt and sees you on fire all month long!
We have our first sighting of the crescent new Moon on the 2nd – which also marks the end of Ramadan. This is the day when Venus enhances and entrances as it arrives in your sign on the 2nd. This is the first of three major events which bring the focus very much on to you and which form a nexus of attraction prospects for you. Turn up the heat another notch! Your personal money/values revolution is another hot zone. Venus rules your 2nd as well as your 7th. And the 5th delivers a meeting between the Sun and Uranus while the Sun moves off to meet the North Node in your 2nd on the 13th.
Something may initially feel uncomfortable for you. It may look different, require you to make a radically different choice to your default setting, or ask that you state your values – and stand by them. This may literally be future-shifting for you when it comes to your income, debts, home, possessions – and what you have to work with from here on in. Light the fire, Aries and turn yourself into a trailblazer – even if it feels strange at first. That’s how we change our future and what the universe sends our way.
It’s important you expand your ideas around this as here comes big, bigger, biggest. A rare and special period which puts you in the hot zone all the way through to October begins on the 10th when Jupiter arrives in your sign. It’s been 12 years since Fat Planet last paid you a visit. So, look back to what was on offer back then and also how your image, appearance, profile, style, look, personal brand or message or title played a role in this.
How did this shift and as a result, how did that surge of self-confidence and belief in yourself affect what you attracted or those opportunities? Charisma and chutzpah are your superpowers now. Especially as you also have Chiron in your 1st. Ruler Mars isn’t far behind – in fact it arrives on the 24th and will meet Jupiter on the 29th making this a day like no other for fierce, fearless, fiery moves. The heat is so on now, Aries.
There’s a real second time around feel to this as the day Jupiter lands is also the same day as Mercury turns retrograde in its ruling sign of Gemini. Now, I’m not saying the retro rules don’t apply here – they do. But Jupiter arriving in tandem with this can see you offered second chances, opportunities return and you ditching doubts and making your own luck simply by taking action.
It’s important now to follow your truth no matter where this takes you. This month’s full Moon in your 8th on the 16th is known as the Flower or Blossom Moon. It brings with it a total lunar eclipse which combined with the Mercury retro-factor means we are in the dark in a key area. What we feel may not tally with the facts. This eclipse can be seen across a wide area of the globe. South America will have the best view and if you are there you will be able to see the entire event. Western Europe will see the whole of the total phase while a swathe of Africa from East to West, will see it leave.
This eclipse may show you who is with you and also who isn’t. If money issues are holding up plans, you could discover other resources or pathways to what it is you need now. It’s all about opening your mind. Don’t give self-doubt or insecurities any house room under this eclipse. Continue to feel the fire instead.
May 21 sees the Sun enter your 3rd and also entangle with retro Mercury. Again, this may be a day where something returns to you or asks that this time you may a different choice. Revising those projects or that message may feature but defer launches for now. Also avoid purchases such as technology, cars and even horses. Mercury returns to your 2nd on the 23rd so bring that focus back to those core values, Aries. Especially from the 28th when Venus leaves your 1st and arrives in what is its ruling sign/house in your chart. The focus now is on your worth and your relationship to the cycle of abundance.
What may still be hidden in the shadows of the mid-month eclipse may now begin to clarify as the new Moon appears in your 3rd on the 30th. This may also deliver news you have been waiting on or the result of what you undertook the previous day when ruler Mars and Jupiter met in your sign. Validation, confirmation and also a new pathway ahead show you just what being a fire starter delivers. This takes you all the way to October, Aries so blaze that trail!
In a nutshell: It’s all about you, you, YOU this month as Jupiter, Venus and ruler Mars all arrive in your sign. Big up that message or personal brand, Aries. The next big thing? You know who that is this May, Aries!
May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 10th)
May 2 2022 Venus enters Aries (1st)
May 3 2022 Jupiter in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 10th)
May 4 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 2nd)
May 5 2022 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (2nd)
May 6 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Venus in Aries (3rd to 1st)
May 7 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (2nd to 12th)
May 8 2022 Ceres in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (3rd to 9th)
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (11th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (1st)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (3rd)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (2nd)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 11th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 12th)
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (4th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces 8th to 12th)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (8th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (12th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 10th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 1st)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (3rd)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (3rd)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 10th)
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (2nd)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 1st)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (2nd to 12th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 11th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (1st)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (12th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 10th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 10th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (2nd)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (1st)
May 30 2022 New Moon in Gemini (3rd)
Turn back time and retake that path
Discover the hidden truth around love
Second chances say it’s never too late
The path not taken reopens for you this month, Taurus. And you’ve the gift of discovering just what it would have held for you had you taken it. It’s not so much a back-tracking as an opportunity to begin again but armed with all the knowledge and experience you’ve accumulated in the meantime. The past reappears to be re-shaped, re-imagined or simply re-framed for release and healing.
It is of course the ancient pagan festival of Beltane on May 1. May 2 brings us the first glimpse of the new Moon which marked the end of April and also the end of Ramadan. The 2nd also sees ruler Venus slide into your 12th like a shining beacon of light and resurrection. This is an eclipse month and within it is entangled hidden truths around a partnership – past, present or potential.
You also have Mercury retrograde in your 2nd and returning to your sign on the 23rd. This tells you to be extremely wary of new undertakings – especially around love this month. You may not have the bigger picture or be able to peer through the clouds of illusion. What you can and should focus on is anything you have been putting off tackling. Or accepting that opportunity to re-take that missing pathway.
It’s never too late to begin again especially when you remain in your birthday cycle up until the 21st. Be prepared to be set up for surprises and opportunities this May to move away from what confines and traps you. This can occur as early as the first week as the Sun meets Uranus in your 1st on the 5th. Chances are you are by now craving the new, novel, exciting and a juice injection when it comes to love or finding an outlet for your passions. Uranus always wants to evolve our souls. So, don’t hesitate if enticing directions appear now.
For the new to begin, you have to clear away the old. Whether this entails old wounds, a healthy dose of (self) forgiveness and anything which no longer works for you – from beliefs to connections.
This month’s full Moon in your 7th on the 16th is known as the Flower or Blossom Moon. It brings with it a total lunar eclipse which combined with the Mercury retro-factor means we are in the dark in a key area. What we feel may not tally with the facts. This eclipse can be seen across a wide area of the globe. South America will have the best view and if you are there you will be able to see the entire event. Western Europe will see the whole of the total phase while a swathe of Africa from East to West, will see it leave.
What will leave for you is the end of a cycle around a key relationship. This process begins days before the eclipse with the meeting between the Sun and the North Node in your sign marking both the closing and the new beginning of a long term karmic cycle. This can even see singles exit that Love Sahara as this eclipse shadow clears, and the end of being single. However, please for now keep in mind what I said earlier. Take that time with new beginnings. All is not yet clear.
Venus continues to work its subtle magic in your 12th linking you to your creative streak, unleashing your imagination and psychic abilities. You are now set for a peak energy cycle where you finally tackle tasks your have been putting off with valour and fearlessness free from illusion. Or you step out of limitations and dare to follow that dream that’s been tugging at your heart for far too long.
The meeting between Mars and Neptune in your 11th just two days after the eclipse (18th) shows you the way to take action towards fulfilling that goal. Heed it now as the Sun shifts into your self-worth boosting 2nd from the 21st. Ideas based around how to boost this, work this or attract abundance rule now so ensure you align your desires to this freshly baked sense of self-worthiness! Mercury returning to your sign on the 23rd enables you to adjust that personal message accordingly.
The end of the month offers you one of the best opportunities to re-take that path or to reclaim your heart’s compass and reboot your direction as Mars enters your 12th and meeting Jupiter on the 29th.. Making it impossible for you to continue with anything that doesn’t ring true or to resist not breaking free of what restricts or binds you if you are offered the opportunity to do so. You may realise all that was keeping you stuck were your own fears. You act with love and yes – that self-love too now ruler Venus in back in your 1st from the 28th.
The new Moon in your 2nd on the 30th allows you to say what needs to be said or inspires you to act in a way which simply reinforces those beliefs around what you deserve to have from here on in. If you discover second chances, the opportunity to explore the path not taken, or can opt for that change or release empowered by acting with or on love, don’t hesitate this month, Taurus.
In a nutshell: Embrace some mysterious magic that allows you to reframe the past or retake the path you missed, Taurus. The combination of Jupiter in your 12th and ruler Venus in your sign this May tells you second time opportunities may be heading your way!
May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 9th)
May 2 2022 Venus enters Aries (12th)
May 3 2022 Jupiter in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 9th)
May 4 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 1st)
May 5 2022 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (1st)
May 6 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Venus in Aries (2nd to 12th)
May 7 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (1st to 11th)
May 8 2022 Ceres in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (2nd to 8th)
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (10th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (12th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (2nd)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (1st)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 10th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 11th)
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (3rd)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (7th to 11th)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (7th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (11th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 9th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 12th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (2nd)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (2nd)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 9th)
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (1st)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 12th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (1st to 11th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 10th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (12th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (11th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 9th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 9th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (1st)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (12th)
May 30 2022 New Moon in Gemini (2nd)
Make three wishes!
Be a destiny boss
Happy birthday, Gemini
Ruler Mercury reverses its motion in your sign this month (10th). You know those Retro Rules by heart and please don’t deviate from them. Mercury will back into your 12th of secrets and all the stuff you are unaware of from the 23rd. Yes, coinciding with the start of your birthday cycle, Gemini. So, take it that preparing to head forward into all that potential needs to be tempered with the waiting game this May.
Against the backdrop, keep in mind that the universe always has our best interests at heart. Even if we can’t see that at the time. If anything has reached its expiration date now, take it that it will be cleared away to make room for something more soul evolving. Anything that has gone past its ‘use by’ date or any truth being kept from you will be released or uncovered – perhaps in a surprising way as the Sun meets Uranus in your 12th on the 5th and then the North Node in here on the 13th. Karmic debts and credits fall due and are paid out or collected on as you go deeper into a new cycle of depth and meaning. The past can be healed, reframed or released. Understand that forgiveness isn’t weakness. It does not excuse someone’s behaviour. But what it does do is free you. If there needs to be an accounting, leave that to the universe. Choose to let go and remember, this includes self-forgiveness too!
While the Sun, the North Node, Venus from the 28th and retro Mercury from the 23rd are in your 12th, expect a new understanding to emerge. And your interest in spirituality, astrology, Tarot, religion, dreams and other ‘realms’ to deeper. This can be a highly creative, insightful period for you. Travel back to the past – in memory or in person to places where you grew up or visited before could open your eyes and soul to something you missed or needed to re-link to. Yes, that works well on a Mercury retro. And if you do return somewhere, you may see it with new eyes.
Along with blowing out those birthday candles, it is time to make a wish, Gemini. In fact, I would encourage you to make three. Not around something you can easily have, reach or do. But around something that requires you to step out of your comfort zone or is a dream bigger to attain than one you would normally go after. And in making three, know that between now and your birthday next year, you should see one of them come true. Perhaps more than one. Or recommit to an old goal as Jupiter arrives in your 11th of friendships and the future on the 10th (same day as Mercury retros in your 1st).
Expect goal access and also your social life to expand. Be on the look out for well-traveled people or those born overseas. Generous, open handed, fun and optimistic. They are the key to that wish fulfillment and to your future unfolding. It’s been 12 years since Jupiter was last in here so if you are old enough, think back to who you encountered back then and how they may have influenced or expanded your worldview. Jupiter will remain in here until October when it will return to your 10th for one final brief visit before landing in your 11th again in December.
Mid-month and it’s important for you to stay focused on the details, your responsibilities and to be aware at all times of your public and professional reputation and image. Time to come across as boss of your destiny and be seen as someone who delivers. Know what result you are after. Communicate this clearly. And ask others for clarity and/or confirmation. Fact check, demand answers and probe the details.
Above all, deliver on intention and ensure others do the same. And if they don’t – understand this too is an action that speaks louder than words. This month’s full Moon in your 6th on the 16th is known as the Flower or Blossom Moon. It brings with it a total lunar eclipse which combined with the Mercury retro-factor means we are in the dark in a key area. What we feel may not tally with the facts. This eclipse can be seen across a wide area of the globe. South America will have the best view and if you are there you will be able to see the entire event. Western Europe will see the whole of the total phase while a swathe of Africa from East to West, will see it leave.
You could miss an important detail or not have the correct facts to hand. This extends right the way across your entire work/career/wellbeing/professional area as just two days later we have a meeting between Mars and Neptune in your 10th. It is important you avoid confrontations with authority figures now. You have to act with accountability. If something is unclear for you, you need to consult an expert. Get a second opinion if needed and from someone qualified to give it. Don’t fudge the facts as you will be caught out. If you align action and intention with integrity and a desire to deliver, you may be handed rewards or recognition as a result.
Just in time to celebrate the arrival of the Sun into your sign on the 21st. If one of those wishes you made touched on a work or professional goal, see it ignite or some within reach. Past possibilities could reappear now Venus lands in your 12th and Mars arrives in your 11th. But please, given the fresh emphasis on your future and stepping free of whatever may hold you back from embracing this, please take your time if the past reappears in the form of a blast from it. This is more about the new now. If you do decide to give someone a second chance, begin on an entirely new footing. Don’t just pick up from where you left off no matter how tempting this may be. Let them woo and date you again as if you had just met. You are a new person with new dreams and needs. Ensure they fit in with the future you are bringing into being.
The month ends with Mars and Jupiter in your 11th showing you clearly how to move forward towards what you want. The new Moon in your sign on the 30th marks the start of your astrological new year. No matter what date your actual birthday falls. If you haven’t yet made those wishes, do so today. Combined with the generosity of Jupiter this kick-starts this amazing cycle for you. You however need to take action and take that first step – or even that back-track, to make those dreams goals and turn goals into reality. Healing and release from the past, lack and limitation flows from your ability to believe in yourself and your dreams again now.
In a nutshell: Wish on a star, Gemini. And that star is YOU as your birthday season coincides with the arrival of Jupiter in your house of friendships and the future. Recapture what is still relevant and release what’s not. The present is the gift which sets the magic in motion!
May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 8th)
May 2 2022 Venus enters Aries (11th)
May 3 2022 Jupiter in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 8th)
May 4 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 12th)
May 5 2022 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (12th)
May 6 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Venus in Aries (1st to 11th)
May 7 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (12th to 10th)
May 8 2022 Ceres in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (1st to 7th)
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (9th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (11th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (1st)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (12th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 9th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 10th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (6th to 10th)
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (2nd)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (6th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (10th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 8th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (1st to 11th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (1st)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (1st)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 8th)
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (12th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (1st to 11th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (12th to 10th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 9th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (11th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (10th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 8th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 8th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (12th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (11th)
May 30 2022 New Moon in Gemini (1st)
Get ready for boss moves
Redefine what success is for you
The future is yours to re-write
It all gets a little bit deeper and a lot more mysterious for you from mid-month onwards, Cancer. But first, let’s talk opportunities, solutions and freedom. Yes, they are still on offer even as the planetary energy begins to shift from your all-expansive and lucky 9th and heads into your 10th and then your 12th.
Just know there is no glass ceiling for you now. You don’t need to even lean in. Boss moves can be made and success setting stars align for you this May in a way they have not done for 12 years! The 2nd sees Venus pave the way for you as it enters your 10th ahead of Jupiter on the 10th. Yes, its been 12 years since Jupiter last visited this sector of your chart. Opportunity knocks and doors to progress open wide during this cycle. You can move on up or even in a totally new direction with an access al areas pass which may not be available to you at any other time.
How you work this can be refined or repositioned thanks to Mercury which turns full retro in your 12th also on the 10th. This is a wonderful retrograde under which to look at your past track record and see if you are truly leveraging your achievements to date. Also, if you have come to feel you are the proverbial square peg in a round hole, to see how you can escape that. Again, this should be easier than at any other time for you.
During its retrograde, Mercury will reverse into your 11th house. This is of course your house of connections and your future. It reminds you that your present has been shaped by your choices in the past. And if you don’t like where you have ended up, you can now choose again and events and the choices you make in the moment are what create your future right now. Uranus rules this house in your chart and the Sun meets it in here on the 5th and then moves to align to the North Node also in here on the 13th. What are you sticking with just because it feels familiar? Yes, it may but is it truly you? This is the end of one major cycle and the start of a new one. So, this month take time if needed to course correct or else to define exactly what the future looks like.
Delay too long and if you fail to take the steps away from the old and into the new and ever evolving unknown, the universe will take matter into its own hands and bring about events that force you to do this. So, don’t procrastinate – innovate, Cancer!
Jupiter will remain in your 10th until October when it will return to its ruling 9th one final time before landing back in your 10th in December. So, while it is imperative to plan, what this also tells you is that there is no need to rush either. What you may come to understand however is that anything holding you back may merely be your own thoughts. Look at this closely as we approach the full Moon mid-month. We also have a daring meeting between action packed Mars and dreamy Neptune in your 9th on the 18th. This occurs just two days after an eclipsed full Moon in your 5th on the 16th.
Are you allowing yourself to be seen or giving yourself permission to shine? Success, love, lucky breaks, attention, good times – do you still think these happen to others but not to you? Or if offered them do you wonder why you? Feel guilty or suck down a double dose of impostor syndrome? Do you then self-sabotage? Under this eclipse combined with the Mercury retro which is still in your 12th at this time, you are in the dark in a key area. And this could revolve around another person or simply yourself.
Sometimes what we want the most also is what we fear the most. That’s because having it takes us away from what’s familiar. If our ‘normal’ has involved the lack of something for instance, if we are suddenly given it in abundance it feels scary and unfamiliar. We are hard wired to stick with what we know. So when we are faced with something we have never experienced before – no matter how much we wanted it or dreamed of having it, our subconscious mind makes us act in ways to return to what it knows is familiar. So, we dream of winning the lottery but when we do, having so much money feels all wrong for us. So we lose it and end up broke just a few years later. We yearn for that person who loves us. Especially if love has been hard to ground. Someone turns up who clearly adores us but we are unable to accept the fact they do or could. So we drive them away.
This eclipse wants you to explore those shadows. This full Moon is known as the Flower or Blossom Moon. It wants you to probe your history of being afraid of success in love or any area. Of feelings of not being ‘good enough’. Or of sabotaging your success. Along with Jupiter in your 10th it doesn’t want history to repeat itself. It tells you that what you feel may not tally with the facts. This eclipse can be seen across a wide area of the globe. South America will have the best view and if you are there you will be able to see the entire event. Western Europe will see the whole of the total phase while a swathe of Africa from East to West, will see it leave.
If repeats aren’t want you want anymore – just attraction, success and acceptance, then please be aware that an eclipse in your 5th is not the time to go out seeking or swiping for new love. What you catch or haul in may end up getting thrown back when the eclipse is over.
As the Sun arrives in your 12th of hidden truths, healing and the mystical pathway to success on the 21st, keep in mind you do have all the time you need to go deeper into these themes if needed. You are now approaching your period of peak energy for the year. And Mercury retro in your 11th from the 23rd along with Venus in here on the 28th allows you to get creative and also draws to you the people and/or resources you may need to leave those patterns behind you.
Just prior to the new Moon in your 12th on the 30th, Mars ignites that fire and confidence when it comes to those career moves from the 20th when it joins Jupiter in your 10th. A trail blazing alignment between both occurs on the 29th. This allows you to break free of confinement and also claim anything from that promotion to that new position. Or simply impress the people that matter with your fearless approach. You won’t just be blinded by ambition however. Yes, you are ready to move on up if the opportunity is on offer. But you’re also aware that soul satisfaction and making a difference to the lives of others by writing your own success story is the lasting take-out of this.
If you are in a position to help others, please do so. The new Moon in your 12th may not only mark a release from old patterns which have held you prisoner in the past, but also can see others step in to help you in a major Pay It Forward way. Good karma credit gets cashed in. Or you create some new of your own by offering a helping hand to someone or sharing your own experiences of your journey.
Next year offers wish fulfillment. This month asks you to look at barriers to having ‘It all’ – or at least a bigger share of ‘it’ than you have experienced up until now. You may climb up one or even several, steps to success this May. Take it this is just to get you comfortable for an even bigger leap in ‘23.
In a nutshell: The only way is up for you now Jupiter enters your 10th of rewards and recognition, Cancer. Your status and reputation are set for VIP status. This month also tells you success doesn’t have to be a serious business. You can have fun getting there too!
May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 7th)
May 2 2022 Venus enters Aries (10th)
May 3 2022 Jupiter in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 7th)
May 4 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 11th)
May 5 2022 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (11th)
May 6 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Venus in Aries (12th to 10th)
May 7 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (11th to 9th)
May 8 2022 Ceres in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (12th to 6th)
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (8th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (10th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (12th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (11th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 8th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 9th)
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (1st)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (5th to 9th)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (5th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (9th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 7th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (12th to 10th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (12th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (12th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 7th)
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (11th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (12th to 10th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (11th to 9th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 8th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (10th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (9th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 7th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 7th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (11th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (10th)
May 30 2022 New Moon in Gemini (12th)
Set your compass for a new direction
Big up those dreams
Get ready for expansion, freedom and opportunity!
Surprise developments around your work, career or public image could see you in the spotlight in some way during the start of May, Leo. Optimism, luck, expansion, travel and big loves beckon as Venus enters your 9th on the 2nd. This is but a taster of what’s to come, Leo. Ruler the Sun meets Uranus on the 5th in your on show 10th house. The Sun will move on to meet the North Node also in here on the 13th which could open up a new cycle of achievement and recognition for you. If you’ve done the work – expect the rewards now. Or the ability to begin in an exciting fresh direction.
There’s also freedom on offer in a way it hasn’t been for 12 years this month. But the key to making the most of this is to remain mindful of your reputation at all times. Walk the royal walk and above all, talk the talk. No matter where you go or in whose company you find yourself- act like you belong, Leo. Because you do. This May is all about making self-doubt a thing of the past and embracing the truth that You Rule.
That royal career progress to date can now be leveraged if needed. It’s important over the next few weeks to take the time to look at your path, purpose and achievements to date. Even has you head towards something so much more expansive and uplifting. The 10th brings you two key events. Mercury will retrograde in your 11th and then on the 23rd, return to your 10th giving you plenty of opportunity to reassess your goals and re-purpose that path if needed for even bigger achievements.
However, this pales into insignificance next to what is the biggest astral event of the month – if not the year for you, Leo. The 10th also sees Jupiter return to its ruling 9th house in your chart for the first time in 12 years. The world is your oyster when it comes to travel, doing business in a big way, exploration, learning, freedom, solutions and opportunity!
Where do you want to go? What do you yearn to have or experience? Jupiter in here tells you its time to think big and to prepare to venture away from what you know into that place where the magic happens. Changes may occur to make way for this. Either self-initiated or organically especially across the 16-18th when you have a total lunar eclipse in your 4th (16th) and a Mars/Neptune meeting in your 8th on the 18th. I will have more to say on this in a moment.
Jupiter in its ruling house is at its most optimistic and generous. You will be feeling you can take on the world and that those big dreams are not so impossible after all. Travel especially the long distance kind, should feature between now and October and again at the start of ‘23. Even if you don’t go far, the world may seek you out. This could also be linked to learning, study or expanding your knowledge of the world on some level. The people you encounter now and the places you go open up your horizons. There’s also an opportunity to break free from a cycle by using this and the Mercury retro to apply all you have learned to your current situation and heading towards the different choice or destination.
Deep feelings emerge under this month’s full Moon in your 4th on the 16th.. This full Moon is known as the Flower or Blossom Moon. It brings with it a total lunar eclipse which combined with the Mercury retro-factor means we are in the dark in a key area. What we feel may not tally with the facts. This eclipse can be seen across a wide area of the globe. South America will have the best view and if you are there you will be able to see the entire event. Western Europe will see the whole of the total phase while a swathe of Africa from East to West, will see it leave.
Family values, living arrangements, your roots, security and also ownership of your own pathway or future are the areas where you need to probe any shadows. Feelings of insecurity need to be acknowledged, but don’t allow these to send you spiraling into a distinctly un-regal clinginess or feelings you have to resort to emotional manipulation to get your needs met. Instead take a heart-felt approach and ask directly or simply share what’s on your mind.
The shadows of an eclipse hang around usually two days before and afterwards. So please stay connected to that ‘gut’ feeling during this time. If you are faced with unexpected endings or events which push your buttons, don’t try to take refuge in denial or run away. Take it they have purpose you don’t yet know, gather that royal courage and face them head-on if they occur around the eclipse period which also brings that Mars/Neptune conjunction I mentioned earlier (18th).
Your ruler is now on the move into your future shaping 11th on the 21st. Just remember to keep those Mercury retro rules in mind as it does. In focus for you – friendship and goal revivals. Reach out to people you have not had contact with for some time. This includes those business and professional connections too. Look to your goals and check for continued relevance and also now you have a new appreciation of all you can offer, resources and new pathways to attain them.
Mercury lands back in your 10th on the 23rd while Mars powers into your 9th on the 24th. Now is the time to make those moves you may have been planning or thinking about for a while. Please if traveling now don’t rush. Venus enters your 10th turning you into the candidate or object of desire from the 28th. This is now a time to work what you have like a boss. Showcase everything from that sexiness to those smarts, Leo. This house does not just rule your professional status but your personal one too. The one that got away could even reappear now.
Second time around opportunities or the gateway to a bigger experience could be on offer on the 29th when Mars and Jupiter meet. This is asking you to accept or have the courage to step on through. Remember – you will never know unless you do. The 30th offers an opportunity to head firmly in the direction of that vision, dream or goal as the new Moon appears in your 11th. Have you been in this position before? Where you were offered the chance to attain something you desired or invited to enter a new circle? Did you hesitate, accept or refuse, Leo? No more prevarication. Take that leap and soar into the wide open horizon that awaits you.
In a nutshell: A ‘No limits’ cycle begins this month as Jupiter arrives in its ruling 9th in your chart, Leo. You’re about to venture out in a fresh direction that may involve unknown territory for you. One thing you do know however – that’s where the magic happens!
May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 6th)
May 2 2022 Venus enters Aries (9th)
May 3 2022 Jupiter in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 6th)
May 4 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 10th)
May 5 2022 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (10th)
May 6 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Venus in Aries (11th to 9th)
May 7 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (10th to 8th)
May 8 2022 Ceres in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (11th to 5th)
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (7th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (9th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (11th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (10th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 7th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 8th)
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (12th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (4th to 8th)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (4th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (8th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 6th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (11th to 9th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (11th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (11th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 6th)
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (10th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (11th to 9th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (10th to 8th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 7th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (9th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (8th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 6th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 6th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (10th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (9th)
May 30 2022 New Moon in Gemini (11th)
Enter a cycle of empowered change
Tie up loose ends
It’s all about the sharing now, Virgo!
Ruler Mercury brings its thrice-yearly mayhem as it turns retrograde in its other ruling sign of Gemini on the 10th – your 10th house. It will then reverse back into your 9th before heading direct again in June. You know the rules, Virgo. Needless to say, add in extra caution around both boss moves in your career and Plans B thru Z if traveling under this retro-cycle.
Your 8th and 9th houses are in focus this month. Venus enters your ‘other’ money house – your 8th on the 2nd. Shared assets and resources feature now as does that innate sexiness. Don’t hide that away, Virgo. I will have a lot more to say about your 8th shortly. The 5th and 13th offer up freedom, escape routes, opportunities and solutions. Taking advantage of these however may involve you opting for a difference choice or path to what you have have chosen in the past. The 5th brings soul freedom as the Sun and Uranus meet in your 9th. There is the promise of closing off a long term cycle and starting a new one when the Sun and North Node meet in here on the 13th. Larger goals, learning or even links to the past and far away places draw you onward, upwards or back towards a past pathway that shines with fresh potential. Are you ready to go down it?
Big, bold, unmissable – that’s Jupiter. It’s both powerful and empowering when it enters your 8th on the same day as your ruler heads backwards (10th). It bigs up that sex appeal, connects you to your soul fire and throws open the vault doors to more resources.
Let’s talk about sex, baby! Combined with Venus in your 9th at the end of the month (28th – – Jupiter’s ruling house), this isn’t just about sex. Jupiter rules higher learning and beliefs. So, we are talking about sex with added depth and higher meaning. It’s about the exploration of passion and reaching new heights with your partner. You want to rock their world and for them to rock yours in return. If you are single, exotic, unusual or lovers from far, far away could provide the exploration you’re seeking.
Jupiter wants to expand our experience by which we learn. One way Jupiter can work in here is to hand you access to more money or other resources. Your salary increases. You are given access to bonuses or perks – anything from a tax break to the company jet. Your application for a loan or mortgage is granted. You receive a big dividend on those shares. You benefit from your partner’s good fortune. Someone hands you access to their resources – anything from their time, expertise, social entree, loans you their car or horse, or even allows you to manage what their own. You benefit and they do too. Jupiter gets generous now. Just to see what you do with it all.
Jupiter will remain in here until October when it will make one brief re-visit to your 7th house and then exit for good in December. You have been through a period where your partnership sector has been highlighted in a way you won’t see again in your lifetime. Hopefully this has brought to the fore a key dynamic, duo or double act. Jupiter in your 8th should see you take this to the next level. Neptune is now the only slow moving planet left in your 7th. Love now needs to be on the same page as you. And any changes happening around partnerships or assets need to be a true reflection of those values and everything you hold dear, Virgo.
Contracts, agreements, what you say, promise or enter into or is promised or agreed with you in turn needs extra special consideration mid-month. Yes, not only do you have your ruler backwards but you also have an eclipsed full Moon in Mercury’s ruling 3rd in your chart on the 16th.
This full Moon is known as the Flower or Blossom Moon. It brings with it a total lunar eclipse which combined with the Mercury retro-factor means we are in the dark in a key area. What we feel may not tally with the facts. This eclipse can be seen across a wide area of the globe. South America will have the best view and if you are there you will be able to see the entire event. Western Europe will see the whole of the total phase while a swathe of Africa from East to West, will see it leave.
I should not need to tell you to double and triple check everything. If you are traveling you need more than a Plan B. Reconfirm everything, check the weather, for strike action, delays and cancellations. Try not to sign anything but if this cannot be avoided, put that fine print under the microscope. Fact check and be alert to anything from deep fake news to that dodgy looking link. Protect your ideas – yes, they can be stolen under this combo for Merc Mayhem and eclipse confusion. And be prepared to repeat yourself if necessary to ensure you have been understood.
Above all, ensure you keep your word and please – don’t come up with excuses for someone if they fail to keep theirs. Instead step back and ask if they have done this before? If so, you need to tackle this once and for all. Look to patterns and also at inconsistencies between what someone says and does. Mars meets Neptune in your 7th on the 18th and when it does, any remaining illusions will be torn down. The plus side to this is that keeping it real with someone could see you both on the same page now when it comes to moving forward together.
The Sun shines on your status, public image and reputation from the 21st. Again, with your ruler backwards you need to consolidate rather than expand now and tie up any loose ends rather than push forward into the new. Mars arrives in its ruling sign of Aries and its ancient ruling house (8th) in your chart from the 24th boosting your confidence and adding a searing determination to anything you need to tackle. Astounding, bold moves can be made when it meets Jupiter in here on the 29th inviting you to take a walk on the wild side. Or go where you would have hesitated to in the past.
Review your progress to date and ask yourself those serious questions as to your true purpose, those ambitions and what propels you onward and upward. The new Moon in your 10th wants you to find emotional as well as material satisfaction from what you do. It also has you looking at why you do it. Does it fulfill a path or calling? It tells you that success is more than just status or financial rewards. If adjustments are called for, the combo of Jupiter in your 8th and your retroactive ruler mean you have the opportunity to decide what these need to be. This month opens a portal to a new kind of success story which can enrich you on more than one level. Go explore just what this is and walk that sexy, empowered pathway, Virgo.
In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury heads into reverse this month. But that’s not stopping you, Virgo. Jupiter brings you a cycle of positive transformation and empowered change. You are in charge of your ship of destiny now so chart a fresh course – to the stars!
May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 5th)
May 2 2022 Venus enters Aries (8th)
May 3 2022 Jupiter in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 5th)
May 4 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 9th)
May 5 2022 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (9th)
May 6 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Venus in Aries (10th to 8th)
May 7 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (9th to 7th)
May 8 2022 Ceres in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (10th to 4th)
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (6th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (8th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (10th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (9th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 6th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 7th)
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (11th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (3rd to 7th)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (3rd)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (7th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 5th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (10th to 8th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (10th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (10th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 5th)
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (9th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (10th to 8th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (9th to 7th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 6th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (8th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (7th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 5th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 5th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (9th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (8th)
May 30 2022 New Moon in Gemini (10th)
Your money or your life?!
Double up that experience
Hashtag: #love
No more solo flights or for some of you, lonely nights now Libra. Ruler Venus enters your 7th and its ruling house on the 2nd and Jupiter follows on the 10th. It’s been 12 years since Jupiter was last in here. Rewind your memory back to that time if you are old enough. What was on offer for you when it cane to partnerships? Don’t just focus on the love and marriage kind but think about every possible permutation when it comes to duets and duos. It’s hashtag #love now!
Joint ventures and outreaches feature from the very beginning of May. And it’s not only your ruler which triggers the need to connect and communicate. You want to delve deep into soul shifting and sifting territory. Especially with what you share with someone. Be this your deepest emotions and desires. Or your money or your life together. This forms a backdrop from now until the 18th. Taking the next step in a relationship may feature. There is transformation and freedom in the air now. One that can liberate or else see you committing on a deeper level. Or something which represents both as the Sun and Uranus meet in your 8th on the 5th.
Mercury turns to retroactive phase from the 10th in your 9th of long distance travel, mass media, the law, learning and big plans. It also occurs in Mercury’s ruling sign of Gemini. So, take it this is Mercury retro on steroids with the capacity to unleash an extra level of mayhem unless you are prepared. Expect the unexpected and you won’t be caught unawares, Libra. Mercury will back up into your 8th on the 23rd before moving forward again next month.
This occurs the same day as Jupiter reaches your 7th. So, a past partnership may feature or you and your current boo rewind back to those heady first love days. If you are seeking ‘the one’ in any form now, please take things slowly. Ask yourself what’s the rush? Jupiter will remain in here until October when it will pay a brief revisit to your 6th before returning to your 7th to see in ‘23.
It’s time to lighten up too when it comes to love or worrying about outcomes. Or even what prospective partners (or present ones for that matter), think of you. Jupiter tells you that if you can’t be yourself with someone, time to find that love that allows you to be who you are. Jupiter in here restores your faith in the power of love if you have lost it. It’s more than a Band Aid on a broken heart. Confidence and optimism replace heartbreak or that feeling love has passed you by. It is all around you while Jupiter remains in here.
Love does need to align with your set of soul forged values to last however. You have been working on this for a few years now. Ever since Uranus landed in your 8th in fact. You and another need to be aligned on the same page and willing to forge deeper bonds and ties. Mid month brings all this welling up from the depths. This month’s full Moon in your 2nd on the 16th is known as the Flower or Blossom Moon. It brings with it a total lunar eclipse which combined with the Mercury retro-factor means we are in the dark in a key area. What we feel may not tally with the facts. This eclipse can be seen across a wide area of the globe. South America will have the best view and if you are there you will be able to see the entire event. Western Europe will see the whole of the total phase while a swathe of Africa from East to West, will see it leave.
Insecurities around money, your ability to attract abundance and again, what you share with another could lie at the heart of that unsettled feeling. Above all, take care of the details and probe uncertainties until you arrive at the facts, Libra. The eclipse may show you that you and another have a different set of values. Or ask you to step up and show what you are no longer to sell your soul or integrity over. If you are involved in any negotiations now or legal matters, ensure the advice you receive is gold standard.
We can often notice the effects of an eclipse in the days leading up to it and also immediately after. So, please put those antenna on high alert from the 13th which sees the Sun meet the North Node in your 8th – all the way through to the 18th when Mars and Neptune align in your 6th of work and wellbeing. This may have you looking at whether something is worth the cost to you. It is either oh-so-worth it – or over-priced.
The Sun arrives in your freedom inciting 9th – Jupiter’s ruling house, on the 21st but please keep in mind that Mercury which rules Gemini, is backwards. However, second chances may be on offer for many of you. Or the opportunity to revisit something or somewhere. Something may come alive again once Mercury backs into your 8th on the 23rd. Mars joins Jupiter in your 7th on the 24th making love a hot zone for you. It will also show you however if love cannot be defrosted from the ice age if that is where it has gone. Just remember that Jupiter brings solutions and blessings but cannot fix anything broken beyond repair. What is can do is make consciously uncoupling easier than at any other time if that is what needs to be done now.
The meeting between Mars and Jupiter (29th) the day before the new Moon in your 9th (30th) tells you that if you want something, you have to take action or go get it. If you have been hesitant up until now or have been putting those plans on a back-burner for far too long, this sees you taking that long overdue step towards it. The planets are on your side now Libra but remember that’s not enough. Sometimes we have to take a fearless approach and go look for our life and our love. That’s the journey that’s in front of you and will take you all the way to October now.
In a nutshell: You could find yourself in the ultimate double act, duo or duet this month as ruler Venus, Mars and Jupiter enter your partnership sector. Whether you and another come together for love, business or friendship, the sky’s the limit where you can go now.
May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 4th)
May 2 2022 Venus enters Aries (7th)
May 3 2022 Jupiter in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 4th)
May 4 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 8th)
May 5 2022 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (8th)
May 6 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Venus in Aries (9th to 7th)
May 7 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (8th to 6th)
May 8 2022 Ceres in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (9th to 3rd)
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (5th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (7th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (9th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (8th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 5th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 6th)
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (10th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (2nd to 6th)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (2nd)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (6th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 4th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (9th to 7th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (9th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (9th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 4th)
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (8th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (9th to 7th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (8th to 6th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 5th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (7th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (6th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 4th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 4th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (8th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (7th)
May 30 2022 New Moon in Gemini (9th)
Work the magic of the mundane and create something special
Juice up that love
Enter the hidden realm of your emotional truth
Prepare for a love or lifestyle reboot this month, Scorpio. And get very clear about what it is you want from both areas now. This isn’t about juicing up – this is about Champagne-ing up.
Most importantly, work it, Scorpio! You’re aiming higher when it comes to that day job now Venus (2nd), Jupiter (10th) and then ancient ruler Mars (24th) arrive in your 6th. Perhaps to be your own boss – or the boss. You’re the day star on the rise when it comes to routine and also wellbeing matters. Health and fitness may take on a new significance. Love what you do – and how you do it, from now until October and then again from December and on into during 2023.
There’s also a continued and fated focus on you and your relationships this month. Realignment of the heart and soul and refinements of those evolving needs in love or any partnership for that matter. You may also be offered the opportunity to shed a long standing pattern or dynamic and opt for something so much more satisfying and healthier. Perhaps it has been right in front of you all along? Or at least the key to having it and you’ve just not been able to see it until now?
Uranus along with Jupiter is a planet intent on us having our freedom. While Jupiter offers solutions and the higher path via learning to these, Uranus gives is the lightning shifts and bolts from the blue which bring us release from anything we have outgrown or simply doesn’t serve us any longer. Or delivers in a surprising way exactly what we need – not what we thought we wanted. So, keep a close eye on this and an open mind as this month begins and the Sun and Uranus meet in your 7th on the 5th.
We are also set for eclipse and retrograde weather combined, Scorpio. And this is why you need to get very clear about what it is you want in key areas. Don’t let confusion cloud your purpose. Mercury heads backwards from the 10th in your soul-shifting 8th house. It will return to your 7th on the 23rd and then move forward back into your 8th next month.
Retro day coincides with Jupiter’s arrival in your 6th. A Mercury-ruled house in your chart. So, second chances and returns are the flava of the month now as opposed to fresh starts and new beginnings. And again, this may involve opting for a more healthier, vibrant and energising choice in love or work – or perhaps both.
Your work (paid or unpaid), habits, routine, diet, exercise, daily environment, study and pets will be in focus while Jupiter is in here. And once Mars joins it you will launch yourself into all those moves you have been putting off, Scorpio. If you have been out of work or seeking to return to the workplace after a break, Jupiter in your 6th should deliver at least one opportunity to step back into employment during it’s stay in here. If you have been toying with upskilling or returning to education in order to take another path, you have a green light to do so.
Finding your niche, your dharma and something which works for you are Jupiter’s gifts while in here. As is more energy and aliveness. You will become every aware of what you body needs – what elevates you and charges you. And also what has the opposite effect on you. If changes need to be made, Jupiter shows you the way.
You bring staying power and depth to anything you undertake that adds meaning to your life. Once you are in you are all in. But don’t allow yourself to stay overlong with something that just isn’t giving back, Scorpio. That being said, your high standards come across to others now who are in a mood to open doors and reward you. You are willing to do whatever it takes – in the interview process and on the job itself. Your enthusiasm and confidence are your biggest selling points during this time – so work this for all you are worth, Scorpio. Especially around the 18th when Mars and Neptune meet in your 6th. Weave some pro-active magic now and don’t sell yourself short in any situation.
The same goes for that close contact sport – love. Ready to discover what or who fulfills your needs? How about a brand new beginning free from patterns of the past? Didn’t I promise you second time around chances? Yes, this could be the return of an old love with whom you begin anew. But it could also be you stepping free of that tired, washed-out love karma into something shiny and new.
This month’s full Moon in your 1st on the 16th is known as the Flower or Blossom Moon. It brings with it a total lunar eclipse which combined with the Mercury retro-factor means we are in the dark in a key area. What we feel may not tally with the facts. This eclipse can be seen across a wide area of the globe. South America will have the best view and if you are there you will be able to see the entire event. Western Europe will see the whole of the total phase while a swathe of Africa from East to West, will see it leave.
As this eclipse throws something – perhaps even your feelings, into confusion, please keep hold of the shining truth that endings have to take place in order for rebirth and new beginnings to happen. You may be filled with self-doubt over a decision or action. Are you doing the right thing? Deep down you know so don’t waver now, Scorpio.
Go towards what feels good, enlivens you, frees your spirit and injects you with that positive shot of love or even self-love juice. This eclipse occurs just three days after the meeting between the Sun and the North Node in your 7th (13th). If you are old enough then this sees love karma or partnership decisions from 19 years ago come full circle. What does this bring you? Rewards and togetherness? Satisfaction? Or the feeling you need to close a chapter for good? You will with either you and that boo going hand in hand together into this new cycle or else separately.
Others can slam the door on the past for keeps and holding on to the faith in yourself to make new choices, head out ready to choose someone or something very different now. Venus arrives in its ruling 7th on the 28th and the Mars/Jupiter conjunction on the 29th has you breaking out of anything confining or draining be it personal or work-related. The love or day job which does you good is your sole goal now – or should be.
The 30th brings a new Moon of resurrection and rebirth for you in your 8th. Between now and Mercury returning to this house next month you will experience the revival of feeling in sync with your all your needs – emotional, material, physical and spiritual. If something comes alive again, meditate on the card of Judgement in the Tarot if you are unsure whether to recommit to it. You will receive your answer if you do. The rebirth that occurs could simply be one that happens within. After all, you’re not the sign of the Phoenix for nothing, Scorpio!
In a nutshell: A powerful eclipse in your sign this month could uncover an important emotional truth, Scorpio. What’s revealed acts as a catalyst for healing and freedom. What you do everyday gets a magic overhaul juicing you up for daily benefits.
May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 3rd)
May 2 2022 Venus enters Aries (6th)
May 3 2022 Jupiter in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 3rd)
May 4 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 7th)
May 5 2022 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (7th)
May 6 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Venus in Aries (8th to 6th)
May 7 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (7th to 5th)
May 8 2022 Ceres in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (8th to 2nd)
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (4th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (6th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (8th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (7th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 4th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 5th)
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (9th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (1st to 5th)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (1st)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (5th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 3rd)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (8th to 6th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (8th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (8th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 3rd)
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (7th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (8th to 6th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (7th to 5th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 4th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (6th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (5th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 3rd)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 3rd)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (7th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (6th)
May 30 2022 New Moon in Gemini (8th)
Come and get your love!
Cupid goes crazy
Like attracts like now
Both your houses of love and attraction are active this month, Sag. Your 5th of romance, what you love (as well as who!), creativity and children as well as your 7th of long term love, partnerships and marriage. Ruler Jupiter arrives in your fabulizing 5th on the 10th. It’s been 12 years since it was last in here. You of all signs know your ruler bigs up your experience. So, think big love, extra special servings of luck, pleasure, super juiced up ability to attract what you want, being seen and noticed and no holds barred pleasure.
Your first message of the month is: Do what you love and love what you do. Also – ensure this is aligned with those values, Sag. Above all – young, old, thin, ample – worship that body it’s the only one you’ve got!! Your body needs to be a temple. Not a fast food outlet. Treasure it and value it. Protect its energy and integrity and make this your priority. How you rest, fuel it and move it around will be in focus. As will what you do and the effects of that on it this month. Because let’s face it, Libra. Unless you feel energised and alive you can’t enjoy all the other good stuff on offer now, can you? So, as the Sun aligns with Uranus in your 6th of work and wellbeing on the 5th and then the North Node on the 13th, you need to come from a place of extreme self-care. Not criticism.
Your body is no longer a dumping ground for toxic waste. And neither is your soul for that matter. I will have more to say on this shortly. For now, let’s focus on where the magic is happening. Your 5th house. Before Jupiter enters, Venus lands in here sprinkling you with stardust and Hollywood style glamour. You’ll feel the need to express yourself. Any residual lack of confidence or shyness will be banished now. Not just by your ruler but also by the entry of Mars in here from the 24th.
The same day as Jupiter arrives in your 5th sees Mercury turn backwards in its ruling sign of Gemini and your 7th. Second time around love and second chances feature. Hold off however just for now for seeking out the new and enticing. Jupiter will remain in your 5th until October giving Mercury time to head direct again and return to your 7th. What’s not to love? All the world loves a lover – and that’s you now, Sag. Keep on fallin’ as Bob Marley tells us as love is the ultimate soul shakedown party. It doesn’t even matter if your heart has been bruised or broken of late. Jupiter’s arrival in your 5th restores your faith in the power of love. And your confidence when it comes to the pursuit of it (or something you love to do). Be ready to be swept away by adventure, romance or simply a lucky break. The world’s your adventure playground and everyone wants to be your playmate!
This is of course your house of holidays too putting that all-time Sag love of travel back on your list now. Just remember to keep those Retro Rules to hand if you are travelling now with Mercury backwards. Time to get yourself noticed and shine.
Jupiter in here is like Fat Cupid. In true Sag fashion it fires off arrows every which way. If not in your own life then in the lives of those you love – your children for example. It’s time for a bigger love experience which is what Jupiter in your 5th is set to deliver. That and a shining success story of some description. The world can’t help but sit up and take notice when you walk into a room. Yes, this is your house of star quality. And Jupiter in here could deliver your shot at stardom or turn you into a headline act – at least for one person. As this is your house of romance and also children, a relationship which has the potential to turn you into a parent, step-parent, adoptive or foster parent may feature for singles. Don’t be surprised if that love interest is foreign, well-travelled or has overseas connections of some kind.
This month’s full Moon in your 12th on the 16th is known as the Flower or Blossom Moon. It brings with it a total lunar eclipse which combined with the Mercury retro-factor means we are in the dark in a key area. What we feel may not tally with the facts. This eclipse can be seen across a wide area of the globe. South America will have the best view and if you are there you will be able to see the entire event. Western Europe will see the whole of the total phase while a swathe of Africa from East to West, will see it leave.
There’s an ‘Ah-ha!’ moment awaiting you if you have the patience and also the faith in your inner voice or intuition, Sag. The truth cannot stay hidden but to claim it you can’t afford to hide in denial either. If you are willing to face it you could uncover hidden motivations, release yourself into healing or move away from something holding you back. That self-care and shedding toxicity includes looking at anyone who uses you as an emotional dumping ground or drains your soul. If you see a connection, put your own wellbeing first for once.
The 21st sees the Sun shine on past or existing connections. That second bite of the love apple as it reaches your 7th house. Retro Mercury will return to its ruling 6th house from the 24th so please be mindful of its trickster quality while in here. Venus enters your 6th and its ruling sign of Taurus on the 28th. This is about enjoying everyday magic. Or finding it again in what surrounds you and what you do. Yes, you are the sign which wants to explore what’s beyond the horizon, Sag. But you need Yoda focus on where you are and what you are doing. You could miss the joy or opportunity right under your nose otherwise. Hone that focus and look to what is right in front of you in the here and now.
Something hots up or the heat is back on at the end of the month as Mars and Jupiter meet in your 5th on the 29th. This could bring you renewed love or awakenings which manifest into something bigger later in the year. You’re in the mood to create. Go with it!
The following day sees the new Moon appear in your 7th. It asks if you have given away too much of yourself in the name of love in the past? And to now reset to something more balanced and equal. If you need to release something or even someone from you life it allows you to accomplish this with love. If you are still seeking that connection it along with your ruler, tells you it is not your destiny to live life alone. But here’s the secret to finding what you need – opposites may attract but we need to connect to our own kind. Find that free spirit who allows the one in you to fly higher with them. That’s what Jupiter wants for you now.
In a nutshell: Ruler Jupiter along with Venus and Mars arrive in your fabulous 5th this month. The most powerful source of attraction in the galaxy is most probably you now. Get ready to draw in those desires.
May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 2nd)
May 2 2022 Venus enters Aries (5th)
May 3 2022 Jupiter in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 2nd)
May 4 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 6th)
May 5 2022 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (6th)
May 6 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Venus in Aries (7th to 5th)
May 7 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (6th to 4th)
May 8 2022 Ceres in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (7th to 1st)
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (3rd)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (5th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (7th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (6th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 3rd)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 4th)
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (8th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (12th to 4th)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (12th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (4th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 2nd)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (7th to 5th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (7th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (7th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 2nd)
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (6th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (7th to 5th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (6th to 4th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 3rd)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (5th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (4th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 2nd)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 2nd)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (6th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (5th)
May 30 2022 New Moon in Gemini (7th)
See true colours
Surprises lead to freedom
You’re the homecoming sign this May!
A conversation changes the situation between you and someone else at the start of the month. Venus aligns to Pluto in your 1st from your 3rd and news transforms something for you personally. Venus is then on the move into your 4th which along with your 5th house, is where a lot of this month’s action is centered.
Home, living arrangements and family matters will be your main focus now. A sudden and surprising shift could occur. You could even discover your family is about to expand or a move is on the horizon. There’s an electricity that crackles in the air – an unexpected element in play as the Sun and Uranus meet in your 5th on the same day. Fated, dated encounters, bolts from the blue which electrify and enliven, and sudden events which propel you out of a dead end are possible this month. The Sun will move on to meet the North Node in here on the 13th pointing to a watershed moment around love and/or money. Lightning strikes, you are given the equivalent of a cosmic defibrillation which propels you out into a fresh cycle.
The biggest event of the month however is the arrival of Jupiter into your 4th house. This occurs on the 10th – the same day as Mercury turns retrograde in your 6th – and Mercury’s ruling sign/house in your chart. So, I need not tell you that Mercury’s ability to create mayhem during this cycle is to the max. Keep those retro rules to hand and stick to them.
So. you may be drawing on what you have and those roots, looking closely at your past and path before heading forward again once Mercury heads direct. Jupiter will remain in your 4th until October when it will briefly return to your 3rd, to exit this for good in December and for the start of your birthday period.
There’s going to be no place like home for you during this cycle. So, do bear this in mind even if it begins with surprises and back-tracking. It’s been 12 years since Jupiter last unpacked its bags and moved in for an Airbnb stay in this sector of your chart. Now you have it as a house guest expect it to expand your lifestyle or living space in some way.
You could also be looking at enhanced security of another kind – a better paying job or career move which allows you to upgrade your lifestyle or home. Luck in property matters often follows Jupiter unpacking its bags in our 4th. Whether we are renting or buying, we can end up with more for our money, in a better neighbourhood or in a position where we can extend or enhance our present living space. Jupiter in here simply wants to expand our experience of living – and living larger than before.
The Moon is the natural ruler of your 4th and in your chart also your 7th house. So it follows this may all revolve around your partner or spouse too. This month’s full Moon in your 11th on the 16th is known as the Flower or Blossom Moon. It brings with it a total lunar eclipse which combined with the Mercury retro-factor means we are in the dark in a key area. What we feel may not tally with the facts. This eclipse can be seen across a wide area of the globe. South America will have the best view and if you are there you will be able to see the entire event. Western Europe will see the whole of the total phase while a swathe of Africa from East to West, will see it leave.
Try not to take sides in any dispute involving friends at the time of the eclipse. Or indulge in gossip. The other thing to be wary of is that new acquaintance who friend-bombs you; the friend who only calls when they need something and the one who thrives on drama and who lurches from one crisis to the next. If out and about socialising on this eclipse, stick to places you know and feel safe. You may also want to nix that invitation to join any gathering which involves friend(s) who have issues with alcohol or other substances. And to watch your own consumption.
Someone you know may show you a side of themselves you were not aware of. Eclipses conceal and what they hide can be positive or negative. So, that revelation may open your eyes in the best possible way. Someone who you thought merely a casual connection could show you they are the stuff real friendships are made of for instance. Combined with the retro-factor right now, it isn’t the time to close the deal on property matters unless of course, you have no other choice in the matter. You may find that buyer backs out for instance. Don’t forget – you have time and Jupiter ensures you will make the right move this cycle.
Eclipse influences extend across the days immediately before and after it. Do go by what your gut is telling you now especially on the 18th when Mars and Neptune meet in your 3rd. It may be broadcasting loud and clear a different message to what you are being told. And proved in the long term to be the right one. Also pay attention to lovers and your children as Mercury returns to your 5th from the 23rd. Again, tune in to that psychic CNN – you intuition. Chances are it has the scoop before anyone else does.
The Sun shifts into your 6th from the 21st and time to focus on your day job, everyday environment, habits and routine. Of course this is all linked and intertwined to where and how you live. Don’t put off what needs to be done today. Mars is now on the move into your 4th from the 24th and needs to be channeled in a focused and practical way. DIY jobs, gardening, decluttering – please remember Mars does not do cupcakes and cocooning. Venus moves into your 5th and ruling sign of Taurus on the 28th asking you to embrace the sensual aspects of living and loving well. And also if you feel you are short-changed in these areas, what you intend to do about it? Some of you may see the return of an old lover thanks to the retro-factor in this house. Re-starting creative ventures or hobbies is also favoured now.
The Mars/Jupiter alignment in your 4th on the 29th could mark a positive outcome in property matters or propel you forward into a new cycle. It occurs the day before the new Moon appears in your 6th. There’s a shake and bake quality to this. Shaking up that mundane stuff and then rolling out a freshly baked and more nourishing way to spend your day. Plan it or design it now and then implement it next month when Mercury returns to this house. Look to what you can change that has an immediate and positive effect on your lifestyle this month whether you are moving or not. You’ll find that’s more than you imagined. And the long term benefits? Even bigger, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: Jupiter in your 4th of home and family expands your lifestyle or living arrangements. For some this could involve sending those roots deeper. Others could be one the move. The end result is the same – living larger, Capricorn!
May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 1st)
May 2 2022 Venus enters Aries (4th)
May 3 2022 Jupiter in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 1st)
May 4 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 5th)
May 5 2022 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (5th)
May 6 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Venus in Aries (6th to 4th)
May 7 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (5th to 3rd)
May 8 2022 Ceres in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (6th to 12th)
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (2nd)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (4th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (6th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (5th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (65h to 2nd)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 3rd)
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (7th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (11th to 3rd)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (11th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (3rd)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 1st)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (6th to 4th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (6th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (6th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 1st)
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (5th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (6th to 4th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (5th to 3rd)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 2nd)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (4th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (3rd)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 1st)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 1st)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (5th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (4th)
May 30 2022 New Moon in Gemini (6th)
The world is on your doorstep
Words have wings
They who control their reactions control their destiny
News you have been waiting on as well as just how far an idea can take you open fresh doors to experience for you this May. Are you ready for a change of view or even a change of environment?
Travel, learning, writing, publishing, what you say and share, the internet, your social media or web presence, flirtation, design, photography, lucky breaks, good news and opportunities to be found right where you are all feature this month as Jupiter arrives in your 3rd on the 10th.
Right before this happens we have Venus arrive in this house from the 2nd enhancing that message and just wanting to hand you attraction and positive responses you can wrap yourself up in like some gorgeous, glorious, presence enhancing outfit! Time to send your message or you winging out there, Aquarius!
Ruler Uranus features too at the start of the month. The Sun meets it in your 4th on the 5th. Roots, values, living arrangements and what truly supports you is set to feature in a very special way too this month. If something no longer does that or if there are still barriers to you achieving this, watch them being removed in unexpected ways. More on this shortly.
You are about to discover just how many people your message can reach – and just how far an idea can take you – or change your world, Aquarius! Being the inventor/magician of the zodiac you can use this superpower now to ensure that what you say, hear, write, share, teach or publish has far reaching effects for you.
The world is also your neighbourhood under this transit. Your 3rd is a house which rules your locality, your neighbours and your everyday routine such as your commute for example. Jupiter rules amongst other things, long distance travel and foreigners. There’s a ‘Faraway so close’ feel to Jupiter in your 3rd as even if you don’t find yourself heading overseas during this transit, people from different countries and cultures to you are likely to cross your path. When they do, they could open your eyes to a new world order right under your nose.
This is also your house of siblings if you have them. This includes step-siblings too. Jupiter is associated with generosity and expansion. So, some of you may be the recipients of a sibling’s help or generosity while others could be welcoming in a new sibling or step sibling. If you have had problems with a sibling in the past, while Jupiter may not be able to heal the rift between you, it can bring about a new perspective, allow you to find common ground or simply allows you to transcend the situation by you transforming how you deal with them. In fact, changing your mind around your ideas, thoughts, how you communicate and above all, how you react to what is said to you or the news you hear, are the keys to unlocking your full potential in this cycle.
With Venus also in your 3rd right up until the 28th, if you are seeking romance its time to get swiping. Or if that doesn’t feel right for you then ensure you can be found or seen – especially if this involves joining in something close to your locality. Love could be discovered right under your nose. Do be aware however that May brings us a Mercury retrograde. This begins on the 10th – same day as Jupiter enters your 3rd. Mercury will retrograde in your 5th house, move back into your 4th on the 23rd before heading direct and returning to your 5th next month.
So, hearing from an old lover and missed opportunities may also play a role this May. This could also see that job or property you missed out on unexpectedly pop up – at which point the usual retro rules are suspended.
We have all important alignments occurring in your 4th and again, this could touch on home, where you live and owning your path as well as joint finances and money. First we have the Sun and North Node making a pivotal encounter on the 13th moving you into a new karmic cycle of place and personal path.
The 16th brings us a full Moon in your 10th of career, reputation and status. This full Moon is known as the Flower or Blossom Moon. It brings with it a total lunar eclipse which combined with the Mercury retro-factor means we are in the dark in a key area. What we feel may not tally with the facts. This eclipse can be seen across a wide area of the globe. South America will have the best view and if you are there you will be able to see the entire event. Western Europe will see the whole of the total phase while a swathe of Africa from East to West, will see it leave.
Because this eclipse takes place in your house of public and professional image, it’s important that you be seen as someone in control of their destiny. And their emotional responses. Remember – we cannot control situations or others. But we can control how we respond. This tells you to keep your cool. This goes back to what I was saying earlier about how you react changes a situation. So keep connected to that Jupiter gift for being open to that under this eclipse.
Eclipse effects come into play in the days immediately before and after it. So, for you from the 13th when the meeting between the Sun/North Node takes place right up until the meeting of Mars and Neptune in your 2nd on the 18th. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries and stand by your values. Be businesslike and above all – boss when it comes to those reactions even if others push your buttons now.
You will be feeling more grounded and secure once the Sun changes signs on the 21st and Venus also changes signs on the 28th – into your 4th. What’s more, this marks a period where cares fall away and playfulness, joy and good times replace that oh-so-serious vibe mid-month. Again, with the Mercury retro this may include romance revivals or second chances in other areas for some. It’s also a fantastic period to take up old pleasures – hobbies and pastimes you enjoy as well as revisit places which you associate with good times in the past. And appreciate them all over again!
Exciting and inviting news or dynamic opportunity could arrive at the end of the month. Mars and Jupiter meet in your 3rd. Time to follow through with an idea or application. If you are attending an interview or pitch you’ll wow with your ideas, enthusiasm and dynamism! Don’t just talk a good game – bring it. It could turn into a winning move for you now. The new Moon in your 30th whispers more is to come. Past loves take on fresh meaning. Your innate potential emerges to be realised. You see that all you offer has more value than you imagined. Your words are like magic spells. They take on wings and fly further than you ever imagined. Talk isn’t cheap for you now, Aquarius. It’s everything. So start that conversation and watch just how many others join in or invite you to join theirs as a result.
In a nutshell: What’s the big idea, Aquarius? Now Jupiter is in your 3rd of ideas, the internet and communication it’s quite possibly that idea you’ve had. Now is the time to do something with it or get your message ‘out there’. The response could open up new horizons now.
May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 12th)
May 2 2022 Venus enters Aries (3rd)
May 3 2022 Jupiter in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 12th)
May 4 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 4th)
May 5 2022 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (4th)
May 6 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Venus in Aries (5th to 3rd)
May 7 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (4th to 2nd)
May 8 2022 Ceres in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (5th to 11th)
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (1st)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (3rd)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (5th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (4th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (55h to 1st)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 2nd)
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (6th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (10th to 2nd)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (10th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (2nd)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 12th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (5th to 3rd)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (5th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (5th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 12th)
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (4th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (5th to 3rd)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (4th to 2nd)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 1st)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (3rd)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (2nd)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 12th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 12th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (4th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (3rd)
May 30 2022 New Moon in Gemini (5th)
Join the new ‘Rich List’
Explore a fresh path
Your Pisces senses are tingling!
Jupiter leaves your sign this month but don’t worry, Pisces. It will be back for one final visit before the year is out. It follows Venus which moves into its ruling 2nd on that day on the 10th. Mars will also follow on the 24th. This I’m afraid brings to an end the period where you literally were the brightest sign in the sky leaving just your ruler Neptune in residence. But this mass exodus of planets is set to bring you benefits you can bank on!
See you and your resources as traveling companions now, Pisces. On a journey together to discover just what in the world this can buy you in terms of experiences. May should see your assets increase sure. But also you experiencing an enhanced ‘rich’ feeling. So, think not just what money buys you but the emotions it hands you. Money is all about choices. And very often its not about having more but doing more with what we have.
Before Jupiter lands, the Sun and Uranus will meet in your 3rd on the 5th while the Sun will also encounter the North Node in your 3rd on the 13th. Surprising news may revolutionise your ideas around money or what you do to earn it. You may see your talents and resources in a new light. So worth it, Pisces! Mercury is the ruler of your 3rd house and we are in for a Mercury retrograde. This begins on the 10th in your 4th of home and security. During this retrocycle which will take us into June, Mercury will back into your 3rd before heading direct again. It also begins its retrograde in its ruling sign of Gemini. So, take it the retro rules need to be consciously adhered to now. No deviations, Pisces.
That being said, second bites of that cherry are flavour of the month for you. Jupiter’s arrival in your 2nd should see your income increase with you handling larger than usual sums of money. A better paying job, second job or side hustle Solutions when it comes to money issues are often on offer with Jupiter in this house. As is access to ‘power’ money. Your sense of deservedness, the value you place on your time, skills and talents is set to expand. And this in turn increases your ability to attract more of the folding stuff. Your 2nd also includes relationship ‘gold’. Those connections you can ‘bank on’. At the start of this cycle, watch for second time around offers in money with a particular person. This could be a job offer you missed out on. Or someone returning – that lover, colleague or friend who enriches you on some level.
If you are seeking work or a better paying job, then between now and October when Jupiter will return to your sign before exiting for good in December, you should see at least one good offer come your way. As the cycle begins, this is a good time to reconnect with anyone you have worked for, applied to or who is in your industry. This includes recruiters. Just because you received a ‘No, thanks’ the first time around doesn’t mean you get the same answer this time!
This month’s full Moon in your 9th on the 16th is known as the Flower or Blossom Moon. It brings with it a total lunar eclipse which combined with the Mercury retro-factor means we are in the dark in a key area. What we feel may not tally with the facts. This eclipse can be seen across a wide area of the globe. South America will have the best view and if you are there you will be able to see the entire event. Western Europe will see the whole of the total phase while a swathe of Africa from East to West, will see it leave.
We feel the force of an eclipse in the days immediately before and after just as easily as we can the day they happen. So, monitor the periods either side closely with your Pisces senses tingling! As always, your intuition is your guide in any eclipse period. Because this occurs in your 9th of the law, long distance travel, learning, mass transportation, mass media, the outdoors and large animals and is combined with Mercury retro, if that tingle involves any of these areas you need to pay extra special attention.
If you are traveling, please have more than one back up plan. Try to defer decisions around legal matters. Check and double check anything you send out of receive. Avoid large purchases especially if these include communication devices, cars or horses. Revise carefully for any exams and don’t allow distractions to creep in. Act on your insight as Mars and ruler Neptune meet in your sign on the 18th and please, whatever you do, have strong boundaries. Don’t make excuses for anyone’s bad behaviour either. Especially if they have a past track record of doing this.
What defines home and security for you asks you now bring your resources and focus to bear on these areas as the Sun enters your 4th on the 21st. If you are already in a position where you have extra resources at your disposal – direct them into this area. Mars now in your 2nd from the 24th meets Jupiter in here on the 29th while Venus enters your 3rd on the 28th. You’ll be confident to take action or to push forward with plans to increase what you have or own now.
The new Moon in its ruling 4th on the 30th brings deep seated needs to the surface. And again, shows you where you need to increase or direct what you have at your disposal. Address any insecurities around living arrangements, your emotional support system or what you need to feel safe and nurtured. A sense of place, path and purpose is what this new Moon promises you. Now, sometimes this involves sending those roots deeper. Other times it may involve uprooting ourselves as we see that our opportunities for growth are now limited where we are. This can just as easily involve our home, our jobs or even our place within our family. Especially if we feel we are living up to their expectations for us when it comes to the latter.
If resources are holding up making that move or striking out on your own path, rest assured if you make an effort you will gain access to what you need at some point this year. What you have grows or simply goes further now. Get that rich feeling happening.
In a nutshell: Jupiter leaves your sign this month and heads off into your zone of money and self-worth. Time to get a bigger take on what that ‘rich feeling’ actually is, Pisces. Sure this can be about your money. But also something money can’t buy. Like love for example. Priceless.
May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 11th)
May 2 2022 Venus enters Aries (2nd)
May 3 2022 Jupiter in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 11th)
May 4 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 3rd)
May 5 2022 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (3rd)
May 6 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Venus in Aries (4th to 2nd)
May 7 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (3rd to 1st)
May 8 2022 Ceres in Gemini opposition Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (4th to 10th)
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (12th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (2nd)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (4th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (3rd)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (45h to 12th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 1st)
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (5th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (9th to 1st)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (9th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (1st)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 11th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (4th to 2nd)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (4th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (4th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 11th)
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (3rd)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (4th to 2nd)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (3rd to 1st)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 12th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (2nd)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (1st)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 11th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 11th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (3rd)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (2nd)
May 30 2022 New Moon in Gemini (4th)
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