Monthly Horoscopes All Signs September 2023 – Love Turns Around

mars in libra

weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

Get smart

Slow is the new fast

Love gets a kickstarter – and a fresh strategy

Scorching, searing clarity, love back on the menu and bold moves fuelled by deep soul learnings from the past. September arrives as the perfect antidote to all those retroactive mehs. Yes, we have all the outer planets from Jupiter backwards from the 4th. But Venus direct on the same day and then Mercury following in its ruling sign/house (6th) in your chart from the 15th.

What you’ve used this intense retro period for is to smarten up, Aries. Your act. Your habits. Your work ethic. Your thinking. Your ideas around what you want from relationships. And now, with Venus and Mercury direct again, you’ll be putting what you’ve learned into practice. All ahead of your yearly love peak which begins on September 23. More on scorching, equinox love momentarily.

With the outer planets backwards facing, but the inner planets back in top gear, this sees you leaving the shadow side of confusion and replacing it with clarity. Again, with the intense activity across your 6th, with the Sun and Mercury vibeing off the retro planets in your 2nd, you draw on past learnings so not to repeat those mistakes. Work and money matters which have been held up move ahead again. Watch the 6th and also the day of the new Moon in your 6th (15th), for clarity, rebooted purpose and you heading towards what you know you want – undeterred. More in your New Moon in Virgo Moonscope.

You’re nobody’s fool at the best of times, Aries. Watch for a reality check on the 19th when you could call someone out over their intentions. Especially if there’s a massive gap between what they promise and what they deliver. If at all. You’ll also feel validated for spending less time in reflection and taking more action in the run up to the equinox.

Time to celebrate being you and always knowing deep down what actions need to be taken. Yes, others like to project their own wishy-washy self-doubts on to you. You arrived here, Aries. At your yearly love and partnership peak by being a true partner to yourself. Now, keep up the good work, continue that but now include all those present and ragingly potential and present moment double acts. Here’s the thing – the retrograde and now the outer retrogrades, have shown you all the benefits that come your way when you slow down and take your time. Better choices, better outcomes, better love and less heartache. Who knew, right?

Keep that Slow is the New Fast mindset with you. With your money as well as your relationships. No knee jerk reactions. Less impulse, more time tuning into what really triggers those decisions. The conclusions are going to surprise you. The Tarot is your tool to get to the hidden truth around these. So, pick a card and use it to enhance this forecast. Record this in your journal so you can keep track as the month progresses. Empowering Ceres in your 8th (16th), shows you that within any situation there is always a third option for you. Do seek it out.

An all important Full Supermoon – the fourth supermoon in a row and the final supermoon of 2023, appears in your sign on the 29th. This is the Harvest Moon. It also occurs the day the Mercury retroshadows lift. And as it shines its light back into your 7th house, it is all about seeking that third way I mentioned. The us solution. Not the me vs. you. Not the compromise but the win/win. Single?

The third way may be a different criteria or dating strategy than what you have opted for in the past. You may be bold enough to suggest the untried option in an existing union. You’re filled with the desire to explore just where emotional flexibility and experimentation can take you. But without giving your soul self away in the process. There is the we approach. And used properly it results is something greater than the sum of both hearts. Do take that all important time that’s a continuing theme for you at retrogrades end, to discover what this is, Aries. A greater love or the kind of self-love that can only come from increased self-awareness, is yours if you do.

In a nutshell: The end of the intense retro weather sees you emerge with a smarter outlook. Especially when it comes to love and money, Aries. One thing’s for sure, you’re not about to repeat the past but rushing into your future.


4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (5th)

4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (2nd)

4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 2nd)

6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (6th)

8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 2nd)

14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (4th)

15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (6th)

15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (6th)

16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 2nd)

16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (8th)

17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 2nd)

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (6th to 12th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 10th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (7th) – Autumn Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Spring in Southern

25 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 2nd)

29 Sep 2023 Full Supermoon in Aries (1st)

29 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)

29 Sep 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (6th)

30 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 2nd)

weekly astrologyTAURUS

Past imperfect? It doesn’t need to repeat

Change up those habits

Start in the name of love!

All the outer planets may be backwards this month, but you will be basking in the restored love and creative harmony Venus direct again gifts you, Taurus. No matter how many moonwalking planets there are in the sky – you remain the luckiest and most charismatic sign of the zodiac for the rest of ‘23 thanks to Jupiter in your sign. And this lasts right up until May ‘24.

This month could just show you once again how the stars are in your favour. Anything that has stalled or appeared to drop out makes a comeback. We not only have Venus direct again from the 4th, but Mercury direct in your love zone from mid-month. Anything you feel has been missing or even missing you out, shows you that simply isn’t the case. No more feeling overlooked. And all this despite the fact Jupiter retrogrades in your 1st the same day as Venus heads direct (4th).

This is merely an invitation to tap deep into that limitless well of knowledge and experience you’ve gathered to date, and to use this is new, freedom creating and expansive ways. Watch the 6th in particular for a date where returns, revivals and reruns feature. Yes, that can include that long lost lover returning for a second chance, Taurus. A third? Think carefully. This may not be the charm but prove to have lost it. Yes, a past love can call to you. An old flame can burn again. But ensure it kept up with how you’ve been evolving, Taurus. And that you haven’t left it behind you.

Days which are going to stand out for you will be the 16th – the day after Mercury is direct and a new Moon breathes life back into romance and your creative endeavours. This sees majestic and empowered Ceres enter your partnership zone. You’re seeking a new, refined and truly defined union. Either within that existing double act. Or you know what you want to create within a new one.

With your ruler now direct once more, opportunity to create that across the area that is a key to your greatest personal development appears. As well as the 16th, the other day to start in the name of love is the 30th. Mercury has cleared retroshade and makes a superb angle to electric heart-starter Uranus in your sign. Delivering unexpected and surprising benefits and developments. Don’t just sit back, Taurus. Dance with luck and love on these dates!

If you have spent the Venus retrograde looking at your past, your lifestyle, living arrangements, family situation or even the path you have taken in life, the equinox and the Sun’s sashay into your 6th is the point where you begin to make changes. This is your house of day job, studies, responsibilities, staff, co-workers, habits, health, routines and pets. That daily balancing act we are all engaged in. To do the work, make our bread but also to support our very own holy trinity of wellness as we do so – mind, body, soul.

You may make changes around these now. Ones which support that trinity if that work/life balance is askew. Yes, this can touch on a family member, a real estate decision or simply what you do out of habit without thinking. Diet and exercise may be up for review. You could declutter between now and next month for instance. Or put your apartment up for sale or sign up to that tai chi class. Radical renovations may happen. As as they do, you’ll feel your energy level soar. This tells you that your choices are the correct ones.

All glowing and all knowing, the full Harvest Supermoon in your 12th – the fourth in a row we’ve seen this year, sheds light on any final conundrums you’re wrestling with. You are now fully awakened to your love destiny or the next stage in a key relationship as the day of this full Moon Venus receives an electric wake-up call from Uranus as Mercury flies free of the shadows in your love zone. What breaks you out of something stale or into something more enlivening, is the next stage in your evolution, Taurus. There’s no stopping you going towards it or seeking this out especially as Mercury and Uranus entangle the very next day. Don’t ignore what your heart wants or is telling you is right. Above all, don’t over-think or hesitate over a ‘lucky’ break or opportunity which represents a change or move in a new direction. Show the world just what it means to be the sign of the lucky star right now.

In a nutshell: Thank your lucky star Jupiter in your sign. Which despite the intense retro weather ensures you continue to shine brightest. Especially now ruler Venus heads direct again. Love blossoms – close to home, Taurus.


4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (4th)

4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (1st)

4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 1st)

6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (5th)

8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 1st)

14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (3rd)

15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (5th)

15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (5th)

16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 1st)

16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (7th)

17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 1st)

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (5th to 11th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 9th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (6th) – Autumn Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Spring in Southern

25 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 1st)

29 Sep 2023 Full Supermoon in Aries (12th)

29 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)

29 Sep 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (5th)

30 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 1st)


That dream is waiting

Welcome to Soul Entrepreneurship 101

Return to the past to find a shortcut to your future

Revelations accompany retrogrades end especially across the 4th – 6th. Especially around family, home, path and purpose, Gemini. This month sees all the big outer planets from Jupiter to beyond, in backwards motion. But Venus is direct in your 3rd from the 4th. And ruler Mercury in your 4th from the 15th.

Those realizations come with Mercury’s trine to Jupiter in your 12th (4th – same day as Jupiter retrogrades), and then the 6th when the Sun and Mercury meet in what is Mercury’s other ruling sign – Virgo. Past potentials, paths not taken or the simple truth around where you belong, what you need or what you should be doing are illuminated. You get this message – loud and clear. Don’t fail to take up an opportunity if it is re-offered – even in a slightly different format that before.

If you are filled with knowing, but now unsure how you should apply it, then wait until your ruler escapes retroshadow on the 29th. A moment of startling surely and clarity appears on the 30th as it trines Uranus in your 12th. This is Soul Entrepreneurship 101. You launch or craft a fresh direction for yourself and those you care about which is better aligned to how you see yourself living from here on in. Don’t ignore the resonant truth around this. And do remember, what works for your family may not be what works for you. Time to claim your own unique destiny and your own path if so. And be unafraid to blaze that trail!

In a dream world? You should be now and in the best possible way. Jupiter is retrograde in your most secret and mysterious house in your chart. This is an Access All Areas invitation to go explore those secret wishes and dreams, the deep recesses of your creative soul, and your psychic skills. What dream are you denying, Gemini? Had you thought what you want may want you too? Next May sees Jupiter arrive in your sign. And bestow on you the biggest cycle of brand new opportunities you’ve experienced in 12 years. This is now your readiness phase. Where you can give your imagination free rein.

Dreams may literally bring you messages from beyond when it comes to the path you are next meant to take. Do keep a journal handy by your bed. And don’t wait until morning to write down those details. Your intuition is enhanced. You’re more able to pick up messages, synchronicities, signs that you may have overlooked in the past. And yes, you could be blessed with creative ideas that not only seem like a divine muse, but resonate with so many others too. Don’t hold back from sharing or doing something with this.

Old connections, the past (including past lives) and places you have been in the past will hold new meaning during this Jupiter retrograde. Being the retro boss, you of all signs know that sometimes we have to go back to find the way forward.

Mercury retro in your 4th has been all about going back to basics, Gemini. Looking at what you need to support and sustain you. Finding your base. And also at the same time one that fills those emotional/spiritual needs as well as the physical/material ones. What gives you shelter and your foundation. As well as the totally obvious review of your living arrangements, there’s what adds purpose or can create this for you. Old projects and ideas that can be revised or reinvigorated for instance. Does something warrant a relaunch or revival? Or to be infused with that extra creative juice that’s free-flowing through you? Time to launch it, renew your belief in its viability or to evolve it as the new Moon appears in its ruling 4th – the same day as Mercury’s direct again in here. Ideas are the foundation stones of our security. When we see the results of following them, these create an enhanced sense of emotional strength. We then know our insight can support us. We are the generators of our own security. And then what we attract after that, merely adds to that. More in your New Moon in Virgo Moonscope.

The autumn equinox (spring in the southern hemisphere), always brings your yearly love and pleasure peak. How do you work your power to attract to the max? By simply being in the moment, Gemini. Your deep dive into dreamland continues to run in the background like an unobtrusive app. And the great thing about it is the more you let go and stop any double-thinking, the more effectively it works to adjust your course and put you in the path of your true destiny. Don’t censor what appears or decline that invitation. And above all, don’t censor yourself and how you choose to express your essence. If you follow these simple rules what you want or need appears as if by magic. It’s the Power of Flow, baby!

Lovers, children, conception, creation, young people, babies, performing, creative pursuits, indulgences, escapes from the mundane into living a version of your dreams are on offer. Especially under the full Harvest Supermoon in your house of social circles and goals on the 29th. This also happens to be the day when your ruler flies free of the retro-shadows. Leaving you with a clear view of what the future could hold for you.

Do be your uncensored, authentic self on this night. The more you allow yourself to be who you truly are, the more you activate that power to attract. You may simply get that feeling something or someone is waiting in the wings for you. And all you have to do is step into this flow of potential, unleash all your beauty and truth, to draw it to you. If a way is offered towards that dream – take it. And do keep in mind that people are how goals manifest through. Pay close attention to who you meet and encounter now. Be ready to exchange contact details.

No faltering. No editing. No filters. No self-doubt just pure, unadulterated self-belief. Work that under the sudden rewarding and path exposing trine between Mercury and Uranus on the 30th. Yes, it’s all very classic George and Aretha. That dream is waiting for you, Gemini.

In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury along with Venus head direct this September. No more sitting on those ideas, Gemini. Authenticity is your superpower when it comes to navigating a path towards what you want. You, unfiltered – that’s all you need serve this September.


4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (3rd)

4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (12th)

4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 12th)

6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (4th)

8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 12th)

14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (2nd)

15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (4th)

15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (4th)

16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 12th)

16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (6th)

17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 12th)

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (4th to 10th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 8th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (5th) – Autumn Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Spring in Southern

25 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 12th)

29 Sep 2023 Full Supermoon in Aries (11th)

29 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)

29 Sep 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (4th)

30 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 12th)

july horoscopesCANCER

Plug into people power

Blue ticks, upticks and move on ups feature

The real thing or no substance? You know, Cancer!

Both Venus and Mercury are in their ruling houses in your chart. The 2nd and 3rd respectively. Plus Mercury is in its ruling sign (Virgo). During this long retrograde cycle which began with Venus reversing back in July, they’ve actually been keeping up the background chatter. Around the work you do, the pay you receive for this, the ideas, the writing, speaking, designing. Your social media presence. The commute and the commerce. It might have seemed like endless backtracking and revision. A circular route or journey that saw you going back over old ground or re-doing something over and over. But retrogrades like all transits have a purpose. This one is no different.

It’s goal has been to enhance your self-worth, make you more aware of the power of words and promises – who keeps them and who doesn’t, and also shown you the ideas that are worth investing in. As Venus (4th) and then Mercury (15th) move ahead again, barriers to love and money lift. Revision time is over. Forward motion is restored. Cancellations turn into confirmations. But do take it that anything that hasn’t revived or been rescheduled by the end of the month, is to be replaced by a new and better opportunity for you. This includes that potential boo who ghosted you or that meeting. The end of the retrograde is all about making good on the promise. Not about keeping you hanging.

Jupiter will retrograde the same day as Venus heads direct again in your house of wish fulfilment. This month sees the personal (inner) planets all direct but the outer ones all backwards. Jupiter backwards doesn’t mean it stops sending you good stuff. But it does alert you to mining your existing network. And also to look at where you may be slowing your goal progress by not asking for help or else spending too much time in hermit mode and not meeting new people? Jupiter in here is a bit of a maverick magician. It will deliver on those wishes but they may appear a little different to what we thought we ordered. That’s because whatever we can visualise, Jupiter can go one better. And bigger. Do keep this in mind.

And Jupiter’s agents always come in the form of people we know or meet. This is how Jupiter’s goal manifestation works when it is in your 11th. Also – there’s no better time to create or update a vision board or vision journal (whichever works best for you), than the combination of Jupiter backwards in here and Mercury retro in its ruling sign/house in your chart. Look to doing this or to reviving connections, deals and dreams on the 6th when the Sun and Mercury retro meet.

Get talking on the day of the new Moon in your 3rd. Your capacity to attune to what others simply aren’t saying out loud is enhanced on this day. Along with the ability to now push forward with those ideas or again, reconnect across professional or social networks. Do wait to push the launch button on anything business, communication, movement or internet related until after the 29th when Mercury finally stops being retro-shady if you can.

You will be able to draw out of others what is really going on with them due to you being able to ask all the right questions. This along with your capacity to listen makes you the perfect confidant. Or the ideal person to brief for that task. Then there’s the dating aspect of all of this. Yes, romance is back on the menu. Perhaps in a new form or you just having a very different idea of who may fit the bill when it comes to that perfect match.

Your options – unlimited. But ensuring you choose the right one really does depend on your research. And being confident in your ability to make that smart, savvy choice. Ceres in your 5th tells you when it comes to love, it could be the one that grows on you slowly as opposed to the obviously, glittery, all-flirtation-but-no-substance choice. And yes, Ceres in here enables you to spot the difference so much faster!

The equinox sees the Sun move into your 4th. The love or friendship which feels like home will ultimately be the one which wins out now. This always opens up one of the best cycles of the year for you for home and family matters. It favours anything to do with property – from buying and selling, renting and leasing, renovating and Airbnb-ing. And also shines on career matters for anyone running a home based business, whose work is centered around home improvements or building, or who works in real estate.

Help may also flow from family members or those you live with. Especially in financial matters or simply assisting you with improvements to your home. This even includes that roomie who offers to help you with the decorating! September’s full Harvest Moon in your 10th (29th), is also a Supermoon. The fourth we’ve had in a row and the final Supermoon for 2023.

The term ‘bonus’ springs to mind. Yes, this could be a literal financial windfall. A reward or recognition at work as this signifies a literal harvest for a job well done. If you’ve been waiting on an answer to that application, interview, request, pitch, approval – this is the day Mercury escapes retroshade and this combined with this status serving supermoon could deliver what you’ve been waiting on. It’s validation and something tangible shifting in your favour both at the same time. The uptick or move on up.

You’re now poised on a Go For It phase as we prepare to enter October. No more waiting, no excuses and no procrastination allowed. The Mercury/Uranus trine on the 30th sends you full throttle towards that positive shift. Ride that all the way on a future promise that the universe intends to keep with you.

In a nutshell: The start of autumn (spring in the Southern Hemisphere) could bring a windfall or bonus for some of you. Now the intense retro season is behind us you’re enhanced intuition knows whether it’s the real thing – or nothing to get excited about, Cancer!


4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (2nd)

4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (11th)

4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 11th)

6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (3rd)

8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 11th)

14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (1st)

15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (3rd)

15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (3rd)

16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 11th)

16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (5th)

17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 11th)

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 9th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 7th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (4th) – Autumn Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Spring in Southern

25 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 11th)

29 Sep 2023 Full Supermoon in Aries (10th)

29 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)

29 Sep 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (3rd)

30 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 11th)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

Serving self-worth and sassy self-confidence

News finally arrives

Get back on the Love Train, Leo!

The Venus retrograde in your sign should have seen you entering a brand new dynamic when it comes to love and money, Leo. Perhaps around your needs or just a twist in how you see things. As well as your creativity, children and your approach to the serious business of pleasure! So, now gather up all those brilliant insights and learnings, and get ready to go forward and put them into practice as Venus heads direct again from the 4th.

Does all this reimagining include Leo 5.0? Because if so its time to unveil that rebooted gorgeousness that is your signature stamp at the same time!

There’s more than one kind of wait that’s over this September. Mercury is about to escape its retroactive period in your cash sector from the 15th. While Jupiter in your 10th of career, public image and rewards joins the backwards facing movement the same day Venus heads direct. However, this can bring you a revived opportunity again, especially around the 4th when retro Mercury and retro Jupiter trine. Your ruler the Sun also meets retro Mercury (6th) and trines retro Jupiter (8th), making the first week of the month one of the best for chasing up anything that you’ve not yet received a definitive answer on. Or for making that approach or request again. It’s not over until the Fat Planet sings. And it could just be playing your song, Leo.

You are in your yearly self-esteem boost period right up until the 23rd when your ruler changes signs at the equinox. There’s an extra spiritual dimension to what’s been happening in your money house. That runs deeper than the Mercury revised self-worth and cash flow audit we expect from a retrograde in here. Do you still believe your material situation is some kind of reflection on your value as a human being? Or as a unique soul? Dispelling those kinds of toxic myths has been what this Mercury retro has really been about. The great real value reveal. Your worth is the same whether you are broke or a billionaire. Hopefully you know this to be true now.

No matter what has gone on with your money, income or self-esteem, whether you are in the red or the black financially, none of this is any kind of punishment or judgement on you by the universe. Or even says you are more deserving than anyone else if you are cashed up. If there have been obstacles or delays around money that have been highlighted for you by this heavy retro weather, it has simply been for you to use them as a starting point to find a better, more worthy and workable solution. Which a heaven-sent new Moon of accountability brings in on the 15th.

Start with a fresh balance sheet, an enhanced sense of gratitude, and the confidence to know that if you need more, you have the ability to earn or create more. This new Moon brings in something with massive investment potential for you. A relationship or the next stage in an existing one. Your own ideas and talents. A job. Access to resources. That worth defining new sense of appreciation around all you have to offer. No matter what your story is with money to date. You now get to write a new one.

The new Moon occurs in sync with Mercury direct again favouring any commercial activity. The following day we have Ceres move into your 4th. Offering you the opportunity to plant fresh seeds or put down roots for your future. This may not be something you can bring to fruition in the near future however. The energy is powerful but also it calls on you to be patient. An example of this would be committing to saving for a house deposit for instance. Or starting a home based business which could allow you to do this.

You become incredibly imaginative when it comes to new ways you could actually reach a long term goal. You may also become very focussed as part of this process. Literally ‘weeding out’ ideas which don’t hold much promise. Where intention goes, energy flows. Anything lived out for you is likely to be cut back during Ceres transit of this house.

Ruler the Sun pivots with the equinox on the 23rd when it lands in your idea generating 3rd house. This is a key moment where your decision around which idea to follow or path to take will carry you forward now to the year’s end. How you get around, short trips, your commute, your neighbours or locale, siblings and cousins if you have them, will feature. As could work, study, writing, photography, visual communication, teaching and the internet. Yes, the barriers are about to be well and truly lifted on anything from applying for that new job, to buying that car or that horse.

Waiting on anything from that payment to that client’s decision will be at an end. The day of the full Harvest Supermoon in your 9th (29th), is also the day Mercury flies free of shady retroness and Venus in your 1st tells Uranus in your 10th to s*** or get off the pot! Or else present you with a better option. You’re done with the wait, Leo. And you also won’t be willing to put up with anyone who can’t make up their mind. Fence sitting? Not an option with this superized full Moon energy!

News releases you from a wait. Or you take that step you’ve been contemplating or make that move knowing that now the timing is right. That rebooted self-worth has simply made you ready for something bigger and better. And you’re now primed to accept it. Or seek it out, Leo.

In a nutshell: Like a classic disco anthem, finally Venus heads direct in your sign this month, Leo. You should emerge back out into the VIP section with a new certainty around what it is you want. And what you deserve.


4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (1st)

4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (10th)

4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 10th)

6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (2nd)

8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 10th)

14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (12th)

15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (2nd)

15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (2nd)

16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 10th)

16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (4th)

17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 10th)

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 8th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 6th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (3rd) – Autumn Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Spring in Southern

25 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 10th)

29 Sep 2023 Full Supermoon in Aries (9th)

29 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)

29 Sep 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (2nd)

30 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 10th)

weekly horoscopesVIRGO

Embrace The Big Easy

Expand your horizons

No more excuses!

Virgo, right up until May you remain in one of the best cycles for 12 years for expansion, travel and opportunity. All thanks to Jupiter in its ruling 9th. Jupiter opens doors, your mind and your horizons. What you believe is possible for you to have, experience or do sends you into an altered state of optimism. And also propels you out of your comfort zone. Just as you are escaping from all the crazy retroactive energy this month. Hopefully with your eyes wide open and firmly fixed on something bigger and more soul stretching.

Relationships can bring you lasting love and rewards this September. But you’re emerging from the Venus retro (which ends on the 4th), aware that this only comes about through hard work. And not just one party prepared to do all the heavy lifting either! Both of you need to be equally invested and dedicated to the relationship itself. As well as each other.

The Venus retro will have shown you if you have it, where you have had it in the past, but also if it is one-sided in any connection. Once Venus reaches your sign next month, you’ll be operating from a whole new playbook. Investing with your usual dedication into what you know is an equal investment in you. And withdrawing from anything that doesn’t operate on the same set of values.

You know retrogrades have rules. But that they can’t be used as reasons why you’re unable to act like the flu or bad period pains. ‘Yes, I would, but I’m having my retro time right now so I can’t . . . ‘ If anything, your ruler retrograde in your sign should see you in an enhanced state of readiness. See this as Mercury’s hidden gift to you this birthday cycle. Retroactive action or delayed gratification. What’s worth the wait. Or that big dream or plan that deserves your renewed reinvestment or research to make it happen. What this is or the direction you now need to go in will be obvious on the 6th when the Sun and retro Mercury meet. Watch for returns and reruns, revivals and retrievals of treasures or loves lost to the past. Anything that tells you ‘Hello, again’ does so for a reason. But if an opportunity reappears, don’t use the retrograde as an excuse not to explore it.

The Sun remains in your sign until the equinox (23rd) plus your new Moon of all-important new beginnings appears the very same day as ruler Mercury ends its retrograde (15th). This could signify a watershed moment for you. Where you consciously leave one phase to begin a new one. Maybe as a relaunched version of you. Perhaps leaving one job for a new one, school for university, being single for being coupled up – its the warm breath of new beginnings chasing the retro chills away. More in your New Moon in Virgo Moonscope.

Contracts, commitments, promises, options to be explored and new and better deals on the table are offered by Ceres in your house of communication and paperwork from the 16th. A conversation quickly turns into something promising and with potential long term significance. Ceres in this house doesn’t do anything insignificant or superficial. Talk isn’t cheap. Its game-changing and powerful. Ceres in here won’t say it unless it means it. It also offers ways out of a deadlock if that’s where the retrograde stranded you. One where both parties walk away feeling like winners.

You’ll be able to transform any area which remains a source of dissatisfaction or unhappiness. Plus there’s that powerful self-image upgrade that others can’t fail to notice. Especially from the 23rd when the Sun crosses into your 2nd. Is success a mindset? An attitude? An aura? Or a killer combo of all of them? You’re able to embody this cosmic catnip which acts like a magnet for the next month when it comes to income fixes and opportunities. And self-worth strengthening moments.

This is your annual money making cycle. Where you leave bust behind and just go for the boom boom. Where you can get richer and fly higher trying. The whole dollar as opposed to the 50 Cents. The universe wants you to experience a little extra in some way in the next few weeks. And you may not have to work too hard to get it for once. Just being willing to step into your power and see how that feels for you should be sufficient to trigger this cycle and send something your way.

The full Harvest Supermoon in your 8th (29th) could see it appear. It’s no coincidence this is the day your ruler is free of retroshadow either. How do you feel deep down inside about being able to attract something relatively effortlessly? That it shouldn’t be THAT easy? Are you uncomfortable as you’ve got used to having to work harder or managing on less? It doesn’t matter if what appears is actual cash, resources you need or even love – its about being open to your own power. And that of the strange attractor that sends the unexpected our way sometimes. Just to see our reactions and what we then do with it when we get it!

Watch for what comes in unexpectedly under this supermoon and also the following day when Mercury trines Uranus also in your 9th. It could revolutionise your attitude to your own power and ability to attract. And evolve your experience of love and having more in the process.

In a nutshell: Your birthday cycle comes to a close. Along with ruler Mercury’s retrograde in your sign. Don’t think you’ve missed out, Virgo. The after-party’s just getting started. And is about to prove better than the main event.


4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (12th)

4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (9th)

4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 9th)

6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (1st)

8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 9th)

14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (11th)

15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (1st)

15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (1st)

16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 9th)

16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (3rd)

17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 9th)

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (1st to 7th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 5th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (2nd) – Autumn Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Spring in Southern

25 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 9th)

29 Sep 2023 Full Supermoon in Aries (8th)

29 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)

29 Sep 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (1st)

30 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 9th)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

Hold that thought!

Ditch the baggage

Happy birthday, Libra

Happy birthday, Libra! Your celebratory gifts include your ruler direct in your 11th from the 4th. And Mercury also direct in your 12th from the 15th. As well as a super loved up full supermoon in your 7th on the 29th.

You’re in Let’s get It On mood thanks to fierce and feisty Mars serving confidence, magnetism and call to action in your sign. Let’s face it, Libra – you’ve spent long enough spinning those wheels! Anything that’s been on a back burner since Venus reversed in July now moves ahead. Or else you decide it’s not for you anyway. That’s the benefit of Venus backwards in your house of the future. It stops any time wasting and gives you clarity around what you really want.

So, there’s no better mindset than the one you’re in to be starting your new cycle. No regrets, no baggage. The same day as Venus heads direct (4th), Jupiter retrogrades in your 8th of other people’s money and sex. Don’t fear this retrograde however! Jupiter is about to do a deep clean on any stubborn insecurities you may still be carrying around with your money, your power and your sexy self-confidence. It will remove any remaining barriers to real intimacy for you during this retro cycle. And restore your faith in your own empowerment as a catalyst of positive change in your life.

Anything that has been held up – especially to do with work and money, could arrive in the first week of September. The 4th – 8th – the Venus direct period, sees Mercury and Jupiter tine (4th), a Sun/Mercury conjunction and a Sun/Jupiter trine. Drawing something delayed or lost in the past to catch up with you in the present. Reunions, reconciliations and revivals act as early birthday markers. Giving you a glimpse of what’s waiting for you in your new cycle!

Get ready for one of the most inspired and efficient new Moons of the year. The 15th – the day Mercury heads direct in your 12th, also brings a new Moon in here. The final one before your new cycle. This new Moon hones your focus. Showing you what you need to get done. And also, the best and most effective way to do it. With Mercury now direct, do bring your attention to any projects or content you have created but which need the beauty of the kind of finishing touches only you can bring, Libra.

Look to work and wellbeing matters. What do you want to change up? Now is the time to begin that new eating plan, exercise regimen or way to reschedule your day – with your best chance of sticking to it. If you want to grow your own business or side hustle or look for a new position, now is the time to take those steps. There are no short cuts and this new Moon reminds you of that. Just patience and a ‘one step at a time’ approach. Do the work however – reap the rewards. Set something fresh in motion or declutter to allow it in. More in your New Moon in Virgo Moonscope.

Counterbalancing Jupiter retro in your 8th – Ceres leaves you on the 16th and lands in your money zone. Between these two energies lies an emerging dynamic around abundance and flow you can step into and play with. Do you get the feeling you are constantly performing some kind of juggling act, Libra? This can be around your cash and that classic ‘Robbing Peter to pay Paul’ scenario. Or it can just involve you juggling other resources like your time. If there’s a resource you don’t seem to have enough of, and need more of, take this that Ceres through this house combined with the Jupiter retro will deliver the solution you’re seeking. Just don’t get hung up on one possible option. These planets tell you to consider others may be on offer. And limiting your thinking also stops the flow!

Libra Sun and Libra Rising, your new cycle begins with the equinox as the Sun reaches your 1st on the 23rd. This is one of your major cycles of attraction for the year. The others occur when the Sun and/or ruler Venus reaches your 5th or your 7th. With Mars in your sign which rules your 7th, this is all about acting in the name of, and receiving passion and love. Bask in adoration – from that partner, lover, friends and family. Indulge yourself in pleasure and hedonistic joy. Yes, with Venus now direct a splurge or treat could be in order! What have you had your eye on, Libra? Is it time for a birthday present to yourself? Choose something which broadcasts how good you’re feeling about you. And which shows off a new side of you to the world. Stepping out of your usual style zone could get you extra attention now.

Ahead you have one of the most exciting and expansive cycles you’ve experienced in a very long time. One containing expansion, adventure, opportunity and lots of luck and love when Jupiter enters its ruling 9th next May. Now is the time to set yourself the goals you want to conquer in ‘24. And to do so knowing that they have the best chance for 12 years in manifesting!

The full Harvest Supermoon in your 7th along with Mercury’s final escape from retro-shade and a Venus/Uranus square (29th), brings a pause ahead of an exciting change of direction for you! You’re not in the mood to just sit around and wait for the party to get started under this Moon. You are the kick-starter. And in the mood for bold moves. Just don’t rush into something new under this full Moon. Combined with Mars in your 1st it can make you impulsive. If new love is on the horizon, instead just be content to enjoy the flirtation phase rather than closing escrow so to speak!

What this full Moon is telling you is that no matter your age, your circumstances or how you feel about yourself in this moment, it is never too late to make a fresh start. What do you want to begin? This is the pause before you start it. And the Venus/Uranus angle can open up a new way to achieve it, if you are open to taking it. There’s more in your Full Supermoon in Aries Moonscope.

For the coming month, put yourself and your dreams first. Act with purpose and confidence. Once ruler Venus reaches your sign in November – the party and the momentum merely continues, Libra.

In a nutshell: Ruler Venus direct in your 11th sees you fully embracing the love of friends. That social circle is where you shine this September. All of which puts you in party mode as your fresh cycle begins, Libra.


4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (11th)

4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (8th)

4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 8th)

6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (12th)

8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 8th)

14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (10th)

15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (12th)

15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (12th)

16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 8th)

16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (2nd)

17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 8th)

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (12th to 6th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 4th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (1st) – Autumn Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Spring in Southern

25 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 8th)

29 Sep 2023 Full Supermoon in Aries (7th)

29 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)

29 Sep 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (12th)

30 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 8th)


Time to show up and star in your own life

Success leaves no room for self-doubt

Go bold in love

Keep that focus on re-charged, rebooted love that does you good as we begin to escape the retro freeze-frame, Scorpio. Whether this is for a person, your path or simply the need for self-love.

You’re initiating a fresh set of priorities and also, you won’t be shy about letting others know what these are now you are entering your annual soul-house clearing. You’ve one eye fixed very firmly on that future and what you now know it needs to look like. And the other? Assessing the past and present for their suitability to travel with you into it. This process deserves your unwavering attention. No detail is too insignificant to ignore.

But let’s first talk Big Picture Thinking, phoenix! Around two all-important areas. Your career and your relationships. Venus ruler of your relationships sector heads direct in your house of rewards, recognition and reputation on the 4th. The same day as Jupiter turns retrograde in Venus’s ruling 7th. Bring that future vision to bear on these two areas and make them your priority in thee coming weeks.

Despite the backwards facing Jupiter this is your time to move forwards with the love you give and get. Reunions, revivals, reconciliations continue to be a theme. Do watch for a surprise around these at the very end of the month (29th). You’ve been benefiting from Lucky Cupid’s big love transit through your house of dynamic and dramatic duos, duets and double acts of all descriptions. And will continue to do so right up until May next year. With Venus in your 10th, singles could attract that catch. Someone in search of the serious love and the keeper. They may be successful in their field. Know what you are seeking and also that you are ready.

Venus enhances your career prospects. Handing your that X Factor. You could be amongst the movers and shakers or gain VIP entree. Ancient ruler Mars now in your 12th wants you to know that if this is offered, you belong with them. This is no time for self-doubt, Scorpio. Just bring that best game be it in love or business.

Mercury also ends its retrograde in your 11th from the 15th. You’re now done with examining those goals and friendships and deciding what stays and goes. You have a clear idea of who and what remains relevant. Effortlessly release anything that you have outgrown. Do so without regret and keep your mindset open and non-judgemental. Both towards yourself and towards others if you decide your journey together goes no further.

Reclaimed authenticity powers your forward with the new Moon in here which appears on the same day as Mercury is direct. That social time out and refresh puts you in the position where you can embrace a brand new Scorpio 5.0 updated version of you from the 15th. Call this the pre-birthday party as Ceres arrives in your sign (16th). Any feelings of you not firing on all cylinders vanish. To be replaced by hi-octane self-determined soul fuel. The new Moon shows you whether your social life or those freshly relevant goals require work and effort. Do you need to show up in a fresh way?

If your social circle has shrunk. Either through your conscious shedding or through no fault of your own, now is the time to do something about that. If going out and joining seems a little daunting, ruler Mars has your back and Ceres in your sign adds that extra bold power. Don’t be afraid to try out groups, dip in and just see if something is for you. If it’s not – move on and try something else. But do make the effort.

Take that first step and initiate a goal or restart an old one under this new Moon. Keep a goal journal or create a vision board. That way you channel the energy. This is the new Moon under which you can turn goals into realities. More in your New Moon in Virgo Moonscope.

You may alternate between social butterfly you and cocoon you as the Sun lands in your 12th (23rd). This is the day of the equinox, when day and night balance. And honouring these two sides of you could well be the way you achieve that perfect balancing act. Tune in and listen to what that inner voice is saying. What could well happen is a period of intense activity or socialising. Contrasted with you withdrawing to recharge and meditate. What you feel you should be doing in the moment is right for you. So don’t feel pressured to go against this.

Research, physics, yoga, psychic skills, the Tarot, creativity, investigations, mediumship, alternative therapies, psychology, spirituality and charity work bring insights and also a feeling of achieving a new kind of soul freedom. The Sun in your 12th along with your ruler can bring profound realisations, rip off that psychic Band-Aid from that wound so real healing can occur and serve up the kind of truth which sets you free. Watch for one, some or a melange of these on the day of the final supermoon of the year – 29th.

This is the fourth supermoon we have seen in a row. A rare occurrence. This is the full Harvest Supermoon. It appears the same day as Mercury (which rules your 6th where the Moon appears), flies clear of retroshadow. And a high tensile angle occurs between Venus in your 10th and Uranus in your 7th. What has held you back or prevented you from reaching that personal goal is now laid out for you.

Mercury’s trine to Uranus on the 30th gives you that final push towards the future you’ve needed. Take this gift of pure, unfiltered truth. Don’t ignore it, Scorpio. It clears the way for the next stage in your soul evolution. And clears the way for you to live your potential for your new cycle next month.

In a nutshell: What still stands in the way of your progress is laid bare for you this September. That way you no longer have to continue to carry it around, Scorpio. A new, empowered you is ready to deal with anything that’s holding you back.


4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (10th)

4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (7th)

4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 7th)

6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (11th)

8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 7th)

14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (9th)

15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (11th)

15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (11th)

16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 7th)

16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (1st)

17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 7th)

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (11th to 5th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 3rd)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (12th) – Autumn Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Spring in Southern

25 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 7th)

29 Sep 2023 Full Moon in Aries (6th)

29 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)

29 Sep 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (11th)

30 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 7th)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

What do you need to escape?

Does a new path call you?

Embrace a bigger love

It’s not like you to fall into a rut, Sag. But let’s face it we are all susceptible to the lure of repartition. Or bad habits. If they exist, time to own them and implement an escape plan as ruler Jupiter reverses in your 6th. The same goes for that day job that has become a dead end – and you know it.

Ruler Jupiter retrograde actually rewards you with fresh focus, Sag. So don’t see this as a negative. It merely says: slow down for success. Especially right up until the 23rd while the Sun remains in your 10th. Mercury has been retrograde in here. Again, putting on the brakes when it comes to those major moves and career matters. Keep the focus and do the work. Mercury heads direct once more on the day of the new Moon in here (15th). Ahead of this, look to the 4th – 8th to deliver on the work you’ve already put into something, Sag.

The freedom you’re seeking can be found in getting organised, attending to what needs to be done and loving what you are doing in the present. At least up until the equinox when the energy changes. This can be a productive month for you. When you are able to get a lot done and also receive recognition and rewards for that. Any dissatisfaction with your path needs to be taken just as seriously however. The Mercury retrograde will have shown you if you need to take your talents and skills and apply them to a different area. The new Moon in here on the 15th is the time to commit to doing something about this. Work what you are good at and what comes naturally to you from your innate skill set.

Do get serious now. About what you want to achieve. And also about what you offer. This isn’t a time to come across as a lightweight or someone who doesn’t know what they want. Either in your career or those more personal ambitions. Yes, love is back on the main menu with Venus direct in your 9th! This includes that love of travel too, Sag. Especially once Mercury clears final retroshadow from the 29th. Your true path – revealed. Or that alternative route to it as Ceres enters your 12th (16th). You’re being pushed in a fresh direction.

Maybe you have a goal in mind but that’s slid way down that To Do list as the busy-ness of daily living takes priority. But the arrival of the Sun in your 11th (23rd) and Venus now direct in your escape club 9th house says that big dream is too important to defer. It’s all about the focus and the scheduling. Jupiter continues to hand you a way to work smarter – not at the expense of what truly matters. Watch the 25th as solutions appear.

The coming month brings you your social and connectivity peak. Seek out kindred spirits. Revive existing friendships. If you are seeking another kind of connection – anyone from that lover to that business mentor, declare your intentions and make yourself visible. Above all, do use your network. It is your best resource right now. Think community when it comes to manifesting those goals.

The full Harvest Supermoon of the 29th shines on loving relationships of all descriptions. This is the fourth supermoon we have seen in a row. And the final one for ‘23. It’s also telling you to bring your authentic self to any situation. Especially if you are looking for magic to occur.

This is in your house of romance, creativity, self-expression, childlike wonder, pleasure, star quality and luck. We can say right time, right place, right company. Or you just asking the right question and getting the answer you seek. The full supermoon asks you address any lingering longings around something that’s yet to be fulfilled. And again reminds you that other people are the conduits the universe chooses via which to manifest our dreams.

Do ensure you can be ‘seen’ in some way under this full Moon. Put your dreams out there. Tell others about them. Share your limitless belief in miracles, your sense of adventure and vibrance. If you are not able to do this in person, do utilise social media to your advantage on this night. Also those dating apps if seeking someone new!

An answer to those intentions could appear as soon as the following day thanks to Mercury’s surprising angle to Uranus. Be prepared to take up an unexpected offer or invitation. Opportunity like angels, is something which we can entertain unawares. Just take it both often arrive in disguise, Sag.

In a nutshell: Ruler Jupiter wants you to take a look at that routine and those habits. Have you unwittingly fallen into a rut, Sag? The way out is to focus on something bigger. That massive dream or big love. Reaching higher frees you this September.


4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (9th)

4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (6th)

4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 6th)

6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (10th)

8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 6th)

14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (8th)

15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (10th)

15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (10th)

16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 6th)

16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (12th)

17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 6th)

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (10th to 4th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 2nd)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (11th) – Autumn Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Spring in Southern

25 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 6th)

29 Sep 2023 Full Supermoon in Aries (5th)

29 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)

29 Sep 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (10th)

30 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 6th)


Happiness is your truth

That impression you make matters

Wherever you are at the time – give 100%

Residual angst around love or your cash gets its marching orders this month as Venus heads direct in your house of ‘other’ money, sex and transcendence and Mercury direct in your 9th from the 15th, shows you the escape route or solution.

Jupiter retrogrades in your house of lovers, children and creative play from the 4th. Here’s the thing about this particular retrograde in this house, Cappy. You’re happy. That’s your truth. Jupiter backwards in here places fun and enjoyment at the top of your agenda. Hands you the breathing space to partake. And what’s more sees you perfectly content in the moment. Joy stops being elusive in other words. Or happiness something you need to pursue. It finds you, right where you are.

Perhaps in the form of a lover or just the return of someone or something. Lovers can and do reconcile under a transit like this. Do look to the 4th as this day not only sees Venus direct in your 8th, but the first of two trines between Mercury and Jupiter this month. The second occurs when Mercury is back in direct motion on the 23rd. Something you have been waiting on rings twice. That offer, opportunity, solution or news. Your anthem this month? A combination of Pharrell Williams and Florence and the Machine. Happiness is the truth and hits you like a train on a track.

Barriers to progress and travel lift. Especially once Mercury heads direct (15th), but do plan for the odd snafu until after the 29th when Mercury finally leaves retroshadow. The 15th brings a freedom creating new Moon in your 9th. One that speaks of bold, brave new beginnings and a journey ahead for you. You’re willing to or try something you might have hesitated over before. This Moon also boosts your social skills and ability to make connections. It’s an element that many astrologers miss or don’t know about. This is a people skills new Moon so look at how you are working yours. Especially in the work or learning arena. Or with people from overseas. Someone you connect with or to could play an important role in your onward journey, Capricorn. Do check your New Moon in Virgo Moonscope for more directions!

Ceres enters your 3rd the day after this new Moon. With the ruler of your 3rd (Mercury) now direct this favours anything written, contracts, commerce, communications and deals. Take it these can be done. And perhaps in a new, better or reimagined format for you. Especially if signing on the dotted line was delayed due to the retrograde. This may now work in your favour as something better could be on offer for you.

The equinox and Sun’s arrival in your 10th always marks the start of your yearly career and status peak. You are comfortable with the energy of this house as you are the 10th sign of the zodiac. If that work/life balance has been askew – suddenly you discover you’re got enough to give to both areas equally. Your reputation is your calling card. That CV, track record and ability to deliver on what you promise. Again, what comes naturally to you.

Politics as well as your profile matter now. This is the house of those at the top. And how high you climb often depends on how well you play the corporate or social diplomacy game. Movers and shakers, door guardians and success determinators will cross your path. So ensure you always bring your best game in the coming month. Do dress for success. Especially if you are rubbing shoulders with the elite or anyone who can grant you access or your request. It’s all in the impression you create. And there’s no better time than now to invest in that image.

Do also check your social media privacy settings. Or curate carefully what you post and what your feed is really saying about you. There’s no point in creating that boss image professionally when your feed shows you downing Jagerbombs in a dive bar on a school night and their aftermath. Those you are trying to impress will check and do their due diligence. Do yours on your own behalf. You are what you project this month and on into October. You get to author this so become your own best content creator and show yourself to your best advantage.

You may be called to resurrect past skills or experiences and bring these to the fore under the full Harvest Supermoon in your 4th (29th). This is the Moon’s ruling house. And this is the fourth supermoon in a row we have experienced. And the final one for ‘23. If you are attending a meeting or interview on this day, be prepared to answer questions around how you have handled something in the past. You may need to bring confidence and reassurance to bear. Play up the fact you bring the skills backed by that all-important human touch. However, you won’t take on the job criticism well under this Moon. No matter how you may feel inside, keep up that professional facade.

You got this on the home front too. A family member could be in need of your emotional strength and knowledge. Spending more time at home – again, back to that all-important work/life balance, is what you’ll naturally want to do under this supermoon. If you work from home, you’ll want a quiet space and won’t welcome interruptions. Do let others know that unless its an emergency you are not to be disturbed until you’re finished. And then you’re 100% theirs to maintain domestic harmony.

If you’re suddenly asked to step up and take something on, do be prepared to bring it under this full Moon. Waiting for an answer? On that pitch process, interview, promotion or even from that date? The 30th brings it. Or else shines on a fresh opportunity. Follow it into October.

In a nutshell: The end of the retrograde weather sees you enter your yearly career peak, Capricorn. First impressions count. The good news is that from this point on, you get to author the direction you go in. Work it like a boss.


4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (8th)

4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (5th)

4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 5th)

6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (9th)

8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 5th)

14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (7th)

15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (9th)

15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (9th)

16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 5th)

16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (11th)

17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 5th)

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (9th to 3rd)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 1st)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (10th) – Autumn Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Spring in Southern

25 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 5th)

29 Sep 2023 Full Supermoon in Aries (4th)

29 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)

29 Sep 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (9th)

30 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 5th)


Get real!

Trust your gut

Welcome in brave, crazy truthful love

You’re in brave and crazy mode when it comes to baring your true self – heart, soul and all those shadowy bits. You’re in search of real intimacy. And Venus retro in your 7th – direct from the 4th, has shown you the only way to get it is to get utterly real. Warts and all, Aquarius. Truth and dare combined. Loving all the facets of you. Pure and unfiltered.

You remain in renewal mode up until the 23rd. See this as giving birth to a new version of yourself. Brighter, lighter, more refined. And oh so aware of your capacity to love and be loved in return. You see you no longer have to apologise for who you are. Better yet, you don’t make excuses for or bother with those unprepared to love you just the way you are. See this as a double win in the name of truth, love, beauty and freedom.

Venus direct now means those in search of truth and empowerment in love can recommence their search for it. Or has that retro-action left you confident and relaxed enough so you no longer feel the need to go looking? If so, that’s all been part of your process. Yes, you’re still searching for the cosmic click if single. The lightning bolt of attraction. Watch how as the Sun changes signs you’ll also place an emphasis on that lover who sees a relationship as a journey or adventure. You want someone who wants to push the boundaries and explore!

Jupiter retrogrades in your 4th the same day as Venus moves forward. What are you hanging on to out of a sense of sentimentality? This retrograde offers a big declutter and also tackling lifestyle changes. Mercury remains retrograde in your 8th (hence the continued focus on intimacy and the real you), right up until the 15th. Which is the day of the new Moon in here.

This is one of the most psychic new Moons of the year for you. It asks you trust your gut above all things. Tune in and ask what changes you are supposed to make. Or where it wants to lead you? Don’t doubt its wisdom or your capacity to follow through on what it tells you. That hunch? Between now and the end of the month you’ll be shown just how spot-on you are. Especially with regards to someone else. Aquarius.

Transformations can occur around your money, loans, shared or joint assets and property, benefits, maintenance, taxes, investments. Your mortgage and salary. What you are prepared to continue for the long term. And what you no longer want to commit to. You may move on from something. In a different direction. Or in search of a new and better deal as Ceres shifts into your 10th the following day. This especially applies if you feel your present job or path isn’t offering you the rewards you know you deserve.

The 16th offers an outstanding day to make any kind of breakaway move or strike a new deal as the Sun trines ruler Uranus in your 4th. It’s especially good for property matters. Your offer is accepted. Or you pick up a bargain. Work in real estate? You’re on a roll. If you are negotiating a salary or payout however – don’t go for a low ball number. That Venus retro has put you firmly in touch with your worth. Now you get to work it. Remember, you are after a win/win – not a compromise. The former means both parties come away with what works for them equally. The latter implies someone gave that up. Someone should be more than happy to meet you halfway however.

Take a tour as the Sun lands in your 9th. The 23rd brings the equinox. When day and night balance. Go big or go global in your thinking now. That idea could take you places. Travel and the mass media or entertainment feature. This includes the www of it all. Even if you are just an armchair traveller in the coming months, look to what you can explore on-line.

Big deals to wide open spaces, broad strokes to book tours and everything in between feature. This is your house of higher learning. Some of you may literally embark on a study journey. Waiting for a legal outcome? Ceres and the Sun now in here can bring that about. With Mercury clear of retroshadow from the 29th, big ticket items from that safari to that horse can be booked and paid for.

The 29th brings two other important transits. The primary one is the full Hunter’s Supermoon in your 3rd. The secondary – Venus in your 7th square ruler Uranus. News or something you hear asks you act on it or moves you in a thrilling new direction. It can be sudden, surprising but also – electrifying. If you’ve been waiting for the mehs to finally dissipate – this is when it happens. That brave and crazy version of you that’s been unleashed is so ready for this. You won’t hesitate to jump over the edge knowing you have wings to fly. And seeing as angels have wings, there’s no fear of going where you may have previously feared to tread either! Head out into the heart-starting unknown or daringly different. This is the you the retrograde created. Now, you get to find out just how far you can go.

In a nutshell: Venus heads direct again in its ruling 7th house in your chart. Love and partnership matters of all descriptions which have been stalled, move forward. You’re not waiting around however. Barriers vanish between you and the Next Best Thing, Aquarius.


4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (7th)

4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (4th)

4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 4th)

6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (8th)

8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 4th)

14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (6th)

15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (8th)

15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (8th)

16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 4th)

16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (10th)

17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 4th)

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (8th to 2nd)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 12th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (9th) – Autumn Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Spring in Southern

25 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 4th)

29 Sep 2023 Full Supermoon in Aries (3rd)

29 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)

29 Sep 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (8th)

30 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 4th)

full moon in piscesPISCES

Watch for what returns

Find the third way

The real goal or deep love – revealed!

New beginnings in love and partnership matters follow the extreme relationship health check you’ve undergone during the Venus retrograde since July. This has been a highly unusual retrograde cycle for you. You have had Venus backwards in Mercury’s ruling house in your chart. And Mercury retrograde in Venus’s. One advantage to this is that they have been working in sync and towards a joint goal for you. Slowly and methodically. Revealing the next stages like a slowly developing Polaroid.

You’re also back to peak performance and productivity on the work front. You move from Retro Madness to Post Retrograde Badass! That bigger picture that’s now in focus shows you exactly what needs to be done. And what you need to aim for next. Both in your business and your personal life.

Ancient ruler Jupiter is the next planet to head backwards. In your 3rd of communication. However, unlike the Mercury retro (direct from the 15th), this may not slow you down. Jupiter backwards in your 3rd can redeliver opportunities and solutions for you. Propel you out of a rut. And see you looking at old places from a fresh perspective.

Blasts from your past could be in touch. Watch for this or news you’ve been waiting for across the 4th – 8th. And again on the 25th when we have another Mercury/Jupiter trine. But this time Mercury is direct. An opportunity could reappear. If you’ve been scanning the job ads – scan again. Or consider re-approaching that prospective contact or employer. When it comes to love however, if that potential boo isn’t back in touch of their own accord now, consign them to the past. And be ready to open up to a fresh prospect with the new Moon in your 7th – the same day as Mercury shifts direct again (15th).

It’s about the past, present and all things possible partnership with this new Moon. I know you may feel your yearly partnership peak has been rained off by all this retro weather, Pisces. But what if I told you this was merely a rain check? Next month sees Venus land in its ruling 7th giving you an extra, longer cycle of love and attraction even after the Sun leaves here on the 23rd. You’ve not missed out. You were merely taking longer to be ready!

Make no mistake under this new Moon. You are the keeper, the class act. Time to upgrade and realise you’ve been punching below your weight if present connections – from that boo to that bae or your boss, don’t know that. Yes, you’ll do this diplomatically and on your schedule. But do it you will. Act with spirit and soul worth. And know yes, you’re worth it. More in your New Moon in Virgo Moonscope.

Ceres in your 9th is about the art of the deal. And the deal or new dawn that represents freedom and positive change for you. Don’t be in too much of a hurry to seal the deal. Slow your roll and think things through from every angle. Don’t be afraid to propose your own T&C’s but leave wiggle room for the other party. This isn’t about anyone imposing unilateral moves on the other. It’s about crafting something that works for both.

Get to grips with this ahead of the Sun’s change into your 8th. This is the house where you power resides. So its important you feel comfortable with this. The month ahead promises wins around money, negotiations and business dealings. And the hot zone of your bedroom.

Take care of any outstanding business. And do look at any ‘No Go’ areas in your relationship. The elephant in the room both of you ignore or shy away from discussing. It may now be dinosaur sized. You need to tackle this once and for all under the full Harvest Supermoon in your 2nd if so.

What you value the most needs to be validated and stood by under this full Moon. If you and another aren’t coming from the same value system, this will be all too apparent now. Tackle any money matters – especially around shared expenses, that joint account or who contributes what. Not just to the bills but to the chores as well.

Your intuition is excellent under this supermoon. If you work in advertising, marketing, sales, have a side hustle or product or service, you know exactly what it is people want. And yes, this extends to selling yourself either as a candidate or via that dating app.

If you are proposing changes, be mindful if the other party needs time to process this. Their hesitation may not signify a no. They may just need time to think it all through. Take a gentler approach rather than pushing for an immediate answer! Yes, you may see its the right choice but it may not be obvious to them. But chances are they will be all-in once the mulching stage is done.

Allow them to make their own adjustments and incorporate these. This may be a bit of a work in progress. This full Moon brings a big pause and then is followed by a surprise release or eye opening alternative. Either your inventiveness or the other party’s could usher in a brand new chapter or story in partnerships from the 30th. It also shows you that far from you missing out on love or anything else, it just made you more ready for what’s been waiting in the wings for you. Get ready to meet it, Pisces.

In a nutshell: Ancient ruler Jupiter backwards this month won’t slow you down. But it will show you the ideas worth investing in. Or path you need to take, Pisces. Love receives a much-needed boost after the 15th.


4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (6th)

4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (3rd)

4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 3rd)

6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (7th)

8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 3rd)

14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (9th)

15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (7th)

15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (7th)

16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 3rd)

16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (9th)

17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 3rd)

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (7th to 1st)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 11th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (8th) – Autumn Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Spring in Southern

25 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 3rd)

29 Sep 2023 Full Supermoon in Aries (2nd)

29 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)

29 Sep 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (7th)

30 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 3rd)

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