Weekly Astrology 21st 2023 Forecast for All Signs August

Work the truth
Take care of love business
Realness brings rewards
If it works – werk it this week, Aries. And if it doesn’t – let it go. There’s realness around you and this involves facing up to the facts. Especially around relationships and what you do.
Venus backwards in your love and creation zone pushes against Jupiter in Venus’s ruling 2nd in your chart. It’s asking if something is worth it. And honestly, as ruler Mars in your 6th opposes Neptune in your 12th the same day, there’s no escaping the truth.
We are now in heavy retrograde weather. Where you need to act based on how things are. Not how you would like them to be. Mercury slams on the brakes and reverses in its ruling sign/house of Virgo. The same day as the Sun lands in here. This is your cue to take care of business. Be that business around what you do or who you love. Certainly, your awareness of what enhances your life and what doesn’t increases. As will the need to do something about it once ruler Mars crosses into your 7th.
Passions run high now. As could your desire to get what you need. Do be aware that new love needs to be approached with caution. As does going for that new job. Rewards for what’s right however are ready to be claimed. But also be ready to let go of anything that isn’t. The universe says: Time’s up to that.
In a nutshell: Intense retro action delivers inescapable realness. This is a blessing, Aries. No more time wasting on anything which doesn’t work. Or doesn’t deliver the love or rewards you deserve. Who knew getting real could get so good?!
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 2nd)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (6th to 12th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (6th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (6th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 10th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (6th to 12th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (7th)
Just do it
Free yourself for the future
Get ready for the big love revival!
You have all the fuel you need this week to attend to any outstanding business, Taurus. This is a time to life garden. To pull up those weeds and tackle anything you’ve been putting off. No, procrastination is not your friend.
Do this before embarking on anything new. That’s the message of the big retro weather in your 4th and 5th houses. Yes, your love and pleasure zone, Taurus. Ruler Venus is backwards in your 4th of home, family, lifestyle and what offers you sustainability. It’s angle to Jupiter in your 1st on the 22nd could in fact redeliver a second time around opportunity. Or a solution to something that’s been holding you back. Yes, you do need to move on it otherwise it will vanish.
Do steer clear of simply ignoring what needs to be done in favour of simply going for something new. It’s unlikely to work out for you in the long term. The reason for caution in this area is that although the Sun enters its ruling 5th and your romance and sparkle zone on the 23rd – this is also the day Mercury retrogrades in here. And Mercury rules Virgo and your 5th. So, its capacity to create snafus, cancellations, reversals, breakdowns – you name it – increases. Combined with Venus retro – that’s double jeopardy. Don’t go there.
You can revive the love, pleasure, delight you once found in existing relationships, hobbies and passions however. Or yes, you can reconcile with a former flame. Mars in your 6th from the hands you resources to burn. It tells you Just Do It. Saturn always wants us to step up and do what needs to be done. And confines us until we do. That prevents us from moving into the future unencumbered. You know you don’t want that. So, take care of business this week, Taurus. By the time we get to the end of next month – you’ll be so grateful you did.
In a nutshell: Have a love revival during this retro weather, Taurus. Rekindle that passion. But when it comes to any outstanding business – what you know you need to tackle once and for all – don’t put this off. Time to grasp the bull by the horns – pun intended. And free yourself in the process.
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 1st)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (5th to 11th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (5th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (5th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 9th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (5th to 11th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (6th)
Where does the fire still burn?
Attend to home matters
Something old is new again
Ruler Mercury slams on the brakes in your 4th and reverses from the 23rd. The same day as the Sun reaches this house in your chart. Pay attention to things close to home. And do try to put moves or property matters on hold. Or to expect delays and reversals.
Family members may place more demands on your time than usual. Or something you thought you had dealt with resurfaces. Don’t worry if so because this is probably the final time it does. Lucky for you this time around you have a fresh set of tools to utilise thanks to Mars also in your 4th aligning to Pluto back in your 8th.
All this takes place against the other major retrograde backdrop which is Venus retro in your 3rd. To take on board what it tells you on the 22nd when it angles to Jupiter in your 12th. This might not be wanted you wanted to see. But you need to see it for what it is.
Nothing new right now, Gemini. But something old could revive and become brand new again. Maybe all it needs is your special brand of love injected into it. Or a recommitment to it to revive it and hand it that heartbeat? The Sun’s face-off to Saturn in its ruling 10th shows you where a reinvestment could pay off. Or alternatively, where you need to acknowledge you’ve done all you can and move on. Be ready to embrace the follow through from the 27th. Passion takes you back to what never lost its heat for you. Fan that flame again, Gemini.
In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury reverses this week. Intensifying the retro weather. It’s a good time to attend to matters close to home. The truth has a way of resurfacing now. As does an old flame where the fire still burns.
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (4th to 10th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (4th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (4th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 8th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (4th to 10th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (5th)
Take nothing on face value
Play the waiting game
Enter the revival
Mercury retrogrades in a ruling sign and its ruling house in your chart (3rd), Cancer. Along with Venus also retro in its ruling 2nd house, just avoid starting anything new if you can. Especially if it has links to either love or your money.
This is an exceptionally good period for revivals however. Revived friendships. Plans. Projects. Keep your focus on what can be resurrected for you and you should avoid most of the retro pitfalls. Mars is in your 3rd right up until the 27th. Its opposition to Neptune in your 9th (22nd) combined with the Sun’s opposition to Saturn also in your 9th (27th), shows you a path which can be retaken. Or a key insight you’ve been missing up until now. Revelations allow you to change your direction or realign with something you missed out on.
Do use extra caution if travelling however. Allow extra time to get where you are going whether this is a short or long trip. Before Mars crosses into your 4th it trines Pluto back in your 7th from your 3rd. Pluto is in its endgame. Adding its final transformation touches to partnerships. And also around your awareness of who you are and what you need from relationships. Putting the finishing touches to changes that are already in motion. And the fact you are actively engaged with and seeking positive change now may surprise you. And those around you. But do hold back on acting on this for now, Cancer. Especially when Mars arrives in your 4th (27th). Be willing to play the waiting game.
In a nutshell: Mercury retro in a ruling house/sign just ups the mayhem and possible disinformation. Do wait to act and ensure you have all the facts before you do. You’re hungry for positive change in love and close relationships. Take it they are in motion. But you need do nothing for now.
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 11th)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 9th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (3rd)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (3rd)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 7th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 9th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (4th)
Continue to explore the wonderful world of YOU
Be ready for your relaunch
Wait for that green light
Now, Leo. Don’t let the retro blues dull that glow. This week sees the Sun exit your sign for your 2nd. And along with this Mercury which rules Virgo, turns up the retro heat joining Venus in backward motion the same day. Yes, you do need to keep two facts in the front of your mind. 1: Mercury is retrograde in a ruling sign and 2: It is retrograde in Venus’s ruling house in your chart.
So, think of this as the ultimate embargo on new love and excess spending. No, I am not trying to be an after-party pooper, Leo. I don’t make the rules. I am just here to remind you of them.
So, you may be asking – just what is this Access No Areas phase good for? For keeping your focus on the wonderful world of you. Continue with self-love and updating your image. But again, while you can indulge in updates, a relaunch or rebrand and re-fabulization, avoid if you can, splurging on new looks to accompany that. At least until the end of next month when you have a green light. Because if you buy now, chances are you won’t love it once Venus heads direct. Or its not the bargain you thought it was.
Mars’s arrival in your 3rd is all about saying what you need to say. But have been putting off. Mars likes the tea piping hot. It’s ready to dish it. And out comes exactly what’s on your mind. Whether you mean it to or not. But you do mean it, Leo. There’s no doubt about that. What you say however, does reflect the changes that are still in motion within you. Continue to refine that for the upcoming weeks. Share your truth. Via what you say or share. Or simply via your visual message. Don’t underestimate your own impact to convey what you mean – without words.
In a nutshell: Intense retro weather may seem like a barrier you can’t surmount, Leo. But all it wants you to do is keep the focus on refining you. Don’t worry. You’ll more than make up for lost time next month. For now – refine and ready for that relaunch!
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 10th)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 8th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (2nd)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (2nd)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 6th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 8th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (3rd)
Slow is the new fast
Love all you have in the now
Happy retroactive birthday, Virgo!
Happy birthday, Virgo. Along with your fresh cycle – it’s Retro Time! The same day as the Sun lights up your sign, ruler Mercury in your 1st turns backwards. You have probably felt the vibe in the lead-up to this since the start of the month. And being the retro pro, know that slow or even backwards motion, turns into the new fast further down the track.
Many happy returns could feature for you. As Venus – also making a rare retro in your 12th, aligns to Jupiter in its ruling 9th on the 22nd. The same day as Mars in your sign until the 22nd, opposes Neptune in your 7th. Something could literally return. Or you stop replaying that old tape. Watch for the 27th which could bring about a surprising turn of events or show you that you no longer need to keep repeating the past. That’s because you’ve now learned all you can from it. You’re now ready to move on once the retro barriers dissolve next month.
For now – time to love and be content with where you are and what and who surrounds you. Sure, if you can see the changes you need to make for your new cycle, acknowledge these. And also look at what is possible for you to fix. And what honestly isn’t. Vow to be very selective about who or what you invest your energy in for the future. Mars moves into your 2nd also on the 27th. Have you been neglecting to put in much-needed boundaries, Virgo? This is your house of money and you need to take the saying ‘The buck stops here’ quite literally now. This can be around your budget or even someone’s behaviour. Your take out from this? Feeling stronger and more empowered. Priceless, Virgo.
In a nutshell: The day the Sun arrives in your sign coincides with Mercury retrograde. Many happy returns feature as something could literally reappear or revive for you. Craft wonderful fresh starts for September in the present moment but loving just that, Virgo.
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 9th)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (1st to 7th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (1st)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (1st)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 5th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (1st to 7th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (2nd)
Invest your passion in something new
No more ‘What If’s’
Get your boom-boom on!
Welcome to the boom-boom now Mars arrives in your sign (27th). You are fuelled up and ready to rumble, Libra. You’re seeking ways to express all this pent up passion. But wait – ruler Venus remains retroactive in your 11th. While Mercury now does the same in your 12th. What this tells you is to take care of unfinished business. Or to deal with the past once and for all before you think about starting anything new.
Has something lost its passion? But you’ve kept investing anyway. If so, this is now time to let it go. Have you been delaying doing something? Mars now says you’ve not more excuses. Facing your fears and seeing there’s nothing to fear from them – in other words, fear itself is no substance and all bluster, is some powerful retro magic that’s available to you. If you care to wield it.
Do use this period to ensure there is no unfinished business between you and someone else. To get answers to questions if you have them. To do away with ‘What if’s . . ?’ You don’t need them. A solution to an outstanding issue could present itself on the 22nd when Venus squares Jupiter. But it calls on you to push aside hesitation. Or even concerns about what others might think of you. The Sun’s transit through your 12th combined with all this retro weather hands you answers if you are open to them. And shows you anything that holding you back from the boom-boom and living that passion.
In a nutshell: The run up to your fresh cycle next month is all about facing up to where you have invested your love and life force, getting answers to questions and doing away with wondering What If? Get closure. It’s what that retrograde is for, Libra.
20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (1st to 7th)
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 8th)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (12th to 6th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (12th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (12th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 4th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (12th to 6th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (1st)
What revives proves its worth
Get ready for truth telling
If there’s still a heartbeat – you’ll know it
Old goals, old ambitions, old friends. There’s a revival happening around these due to the major retro weather. Venus in your 10th and now Mercury in your 11th from the 23rd. Ancient ruler Mars energises your 12rh of the past also from the 27th. All this tells you that the new springs from the old. Or that if we want to know what our future has in store for us, all we need to do is look back.
This week brings a rare trine involving both your rulers. The 25th sees Mars and Pluto align. Think of the Judgement card in the Tarot. What we thought over gets resurrected. An ending brings a new beginning. An old cycle gives way to a new. Expect a rebirth this week. Either through a connection or something you had stopped holding out hope for.
If there’s still a heartbeat or a reason, you’ll find it this week. But if it’s flatlined, you are being asked to accept that. Mars in your 12th serves only the unvarnished truth. No sugar coating. With all this retro activity, you are also asked to pay close attention to time and time keeping. Do allow for delays, cancellations and diversions if travelling. And perhaps set out earlier to ensure you arrive on time. Know someone who is chronically late? Maybe you’ve been willing to make excuses for them up until this point. But now you see it as plain disrespectful and inconsiderate. Time to say Time’s Up if so, Scorpio.
In a nutshell: The retro weather could redeliver something you thought over. Repurposed with fresh meaning. But resist trying to resurrect anything that’s flatlined, Scorpio. It either revives without you needing to do anything. Or it’s time to let it go.
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 7th)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (11th to 5th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (11th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (11th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 3rd)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (11th to 5th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (12th)
Do what you can do – then let it go
Plan that journey
Ask those ‘difficult’ questions before going further
Change gears now the Sun’s arrival in your 10th of career and ambitions, coincides with Mercury retro in here on the same day (23rd). Celebrate how far you’ve come. Without the need to go further – for now. Venus is also retroactive in your 9th of long distance travel. This tells you that if you are heading anywhere – extra planning may be needed. Factor in anything from delays, to cancellations, to the weather. And if travelling for love – sadly that your boo may change their mind.
There’s a need to know what’s waiting for you before setting out to go anywhere. And that involves being willing to ask the difficult questions if need be. Even if you’re worried about the answers you may get back. Yes, you are better off not knowing. This applies to your professional journey as well. Changing gears and looking at where you are and where you want to get to next means being honest about what this direction offers. Does your employer dangle a promotion carrot-like but it never materialises? Have others been promoted over you? Or do you know deep down this isn’t for you? This is a time of facing where you are and what you want honestly. But biding your time to do something about it.
Instead, your social life offers you the release and satisfaction you seek from the 27th when Mars gatecrashes your 11th in party-starting mood. For this retro period, your friends, circles, groups, bands, clubs, associations and networks is the area which offers you the momentum and excitement you’re seeking. Change gear into social mode, Sag. It’s your best avenue for success.
In a nutshell: Intense retro weather asks you plan carefully before setting out, Sag. And also start asking those tricky questions of people. Or of yourself. If you’re not getting where you need to go, consider an alternative route. Or even a different destination.
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (10th to 4th)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (10th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (10th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 2nd)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (10th to 4th)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (11th)
Make big moves in small steps
Feel that sense of achievement
Nothing is set in stone
A big retro weather front blows in so pack your astro umbrella. Joining retro Venus this week is Mercury retrograde in its ruling sign of Virgo and your 9th. This occurs the day the Sun arrives in here (23rd). This is your house of travel, mass transportation, airlines, big business, the law and higher education. So, while the Sun’s arrival in here would usually favour all these things, this time you need to exercise all due caution.
Retro Venus in your 8th squares Jupiter (ruler of your 9th) in your 5th on the 22nd. There’s a feeling of stop/starts to the week. Reversals and cancellations. In your romance zone a tricky square can sometimes see you ghosted on a retrograde. Just as you thought things were going well. Keep in mind no outcome is set in stone on a retrograde. It can switch and reverse back. Travelling back to something or somewhere – returns, either actual or metaphorical, are what this retro period is all about.
The highlight of the week for you will be the Mars/Pluto trine where you manage to get something across the line despite the retro backdrop. Or discover an opportunity which changes everything. The 27th sees Mars head off into your career sector while the Sun opposes ruler Saturn – retrograde in your 3rd. Watch as new information comes to light or an alternative route reveals itself. And if travelling – pack more than Plan B, Cappy. Have Plans C thru Z handy.
In a nutshell: Nothing’s decided in such heavy retro weather, Cappy. So no matter what happens, keep your cool. Chances are what reverses then changes direction again. But if travelling – have more than one plan in mind.
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 5th)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (9th to 3rd)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (9th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (9th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 1st)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (9th to 3rd)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (10th)
Where is the love you can bank on?
Slow down
It’s all about the worth, Aquarius!
Ruler Uranus will join the intense retro weather front as of next week. Right now we have a five planet retro occurring. Mercury as of the 23rd in your 8th, Venus in your 7th, Saturn and Neptune in your 2nd and Pluto in your 12th. The big one for you is the Venus retro as Venus is in its ruling house in your chart.
However, the Sun arrives in your 8th the same day as Mercury retrogrades in here. This is your house of shared resources and other people’s money. Venus rules your bank account and Saturn and Neptune are retro in Venus’s ruling 2nd. What can I say, Aquarius? Love and your cash are the areas you need to focus on. The state of them right now. This isn’t about the new. It’s about working with what you have.
Love and money audits should be undertaken. We can easily understand the money part. But the love? Yes. What you save and spend. How it comes back. Even where it is – this may surprise you. Above all, if you are single and seeking, take this time to really delve into the qualities you need in a partner for it to last. The shared values, dreams and interests. In areas where it counts. Did you have these in the past? How many boxes were ticked? Or did you fall for someone just because they looked cute and paid you attention when you didn’t actually have much in common at all?
It’s tough work but worth it. This week sees Mars – definitely direct, enter your 9th – your house of long distance travel, foreigners, mass media, the law, academia and sports. With Mercury retrograde – don’t rush to get where you’re going, Aquarius. Do check everything before setting out. If you rush you could miss a key detail, make a mistake or accidents can occur. In fact, during this retro cycle taking everything slow is just the smartest move you can make.
In a nutshell: Slow down and take the time to appreciate the resources you have. Rather than go chasing after what you don’t. A quick love bank audit reveals there is so much more than you first imagined. But if you’re travelling – allow extra time. Don’t rush anything this week.
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 4th)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (8th to 2nd)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (8th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (8th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 12th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (8th to 2nd)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (9th)
Only the real thing will do, Pisces
The past reveals its pitfalls
Deal with the unreal – once and for all
Ruler Neptune and Saturn are retrograde in your sign. Venus is retrograde in your 6th. Pluto in your 11th. This week we have Mercury adding to this freaky retro weather front as it reverses in your 7th. The same day as the Sun’s arrival usually kick-starts your yearly love and partnership peak.
Don’t despair, sweet Pisces. This retro is set to deliver you love realness. Honestly, do you want any other kind? You know the answer. This is an expose which will show you clearly if what you have is the real deal. And how to deal with it if it’s not. And the other good news for singles? You’ll be able to look back at the past and spot all those red flags that told you the real thing wasn’t actually on offer and avoid these for the future.
If you are lucky enough to be in something real, do show it. And do remember, the real thing can be found in many forms. In that beneficial working relationship. With that Ride or Die who always has your back. With that collaborator who sparks so many ideas. You’ll see the realness on the 22nd when Mars opposes ruler Neptune. And again with your larger circle on the 25th.
The 27th and you’re ready to deal with the unreal as the Sun in your 7th opposes retro Saturn. Nothing that isn’t real heads forward with you from this point on. Mars crosses into its ruling 8thof endings and rebirths. And yes, if you have love reality with that special someone, you’ll be showing them just how much you care in the bedroom too.
In a nutshell: Love is in a state of ultimate realness as intense retrograde weather sweeps in to your partnership sector. You’ll know if what you have is for keeps. While the past reveals just where you ignored those red flags. So you can avoid them in the future.
22 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 3rd)
22 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (7th to 1st)
23 Aug 2023 Sun enters Virgo (7th)
23 Aug 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (7th)
25 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 11th)
27 Aug 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (7th to 1st)
27 Aug 2023 Mars enters Libra (8th)
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