Weekly Astrology April 8th 2024 Forecasts – Opinions!

Escape the shadows of the past
Embrace the unbelievable
A turning point leads to a brand new you!
This birthday cycle you arrive at a very definitive milestone. And once reached, you will always look back at it as the date where everything changed. Your personal story from this point onwards will be different to what led you here. And you truly will see it not just as a new chapter but an entire new book. This week is a major turning point, Aries.
The new Moon in your sign (8th) is a supermoon. Falls conjunct Chiron, and triggers the Great North American Eclipse. A total eclipse of the Sun which will be visible from across the United States, Canada and Mexico. This occurs at 19o of your sign. Do check your chart for anything within 1 degree of this. Your new Moon is normally a time when your fierce magnificence is channelled into something specific. Your become a warrior for your future self. All that is there – but waiting. Or set to astound when it comes to what you do next, Aries.
Chiron puts the maverick factor into this. Lending you even more daring. Or, as John Lennon malapropped – ‘A Spaniard in the Works’. Unbelievable you has the will and the means to dare something. That ‘Have you heard?’ or ‘Can you imagine?’ action that surprises everyone – maybe even yourself. But also watch ruler Mars and its meeting to Saturn in your 12th (10th). This is the point of no return. Where you let go of something, release and move on, unencumbered. It represents an end and also a beginning. The Sun’s encounter with retro Mercury in your 1st the very next day points to a conclusion. Yes, you may use this eclipse energy to work at this in a very private way. But then you’re ready to announce to the world it’s dealing with an entire new you. Game on, Aries!
In a nutshell: Do read your Moonscope for the Great North American Eclipse which occurs in your sign this week. The old rules give way to the new now. And you get to write them, Aries.
8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (1st)
8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (1st)
10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (12th)
11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (1st)
Future proof those dreams!
Unleash your greatness
No fate but the one you create
The question you are asking yourself under this week’s powerful solar eclipse in your 12th (8th) is: Is this fit for future purpose?
Of course, what this question concerns will be highly personal to each one of you. You will however approach it with your usual divine mix of loving kindness and spiritual compassion. No matter the decision you may reach around it. And of course, you will be taking your time over it. Eclipses conceal. And this one is all about the hidden truth you unearth by delving deeper into the her/history of what brought you to this point.
What’s that super-secret wish, desire or even hidden talent you’ve been keeping under wraps, dear Taurus? Something is about to be declassified under the influence of this eclipse. Maybe that thing you thought you would never say or do. Or just your willingness to try and allow yourself to succeed instead of worrying about failure. Often the future requires us to take a chance. On ourselves or simply risking the uncertainty of changing things up.
Unless we are willing to tap into our hidden reserves of courage and greatness, we resign ourselves to continuing to accept things that no longer support our growth. This week’s eclipse is accompanied by a fate changing by us, meeting between Mars and Saturn in your 11th (10th). Followed by a Sun/retro Mercury encounter in your 12th the next day. Your time has come to reach for something more, Taurus. Move on into that future potential. And ditch the doubts for keeps.
In a nutshell: Do read your Moonscope for the Great North American Eclipse which occurs in your house of secrets and mysteries this week. The secret you’re keeping could just be that dream you’ve not dared to follow – until now, Taurus.
8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (12th)
8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (12th)
10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (11th)
11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (12th)
Prepare for a twist in the tale
What you need is delivered – in disguise!
Changes evolve your soul
Do you have questions about the path you are on or your journey? Course corrections can happen now. Either by you electing to steer your ship of dreams on stranger tides. Or by the universe itself charting a fresh course for you.
There’s a strange and charmed unpredictability about this week’s eclipse in your 11th. What it conceals are surprises as this is Uranus’s ruling house in your chart. The eclipse also falls conjunct Chiron in here. Adding to that whimsical and out-of-the-blue flavour. If changes catch you unawares, then keep in mind they are designed to bring in something better for you. Especially if the path you are on is leading to a dead end. Your 11th house is where your future is formed. And the energy is that of evolution, not stagnation.
The path you wished you had taken could re-present itself. Perhaps in a slightly renovated format. And one that is far more suited to where you need to go next, Gemini. Do watch what reappears around the 11th when the Sun and retro ruler Mercury meet in your 11th. The day before you will experience a deep fusion of action within limits encounter between Mars and Saturn in your 10th. Your house of ambition, status and public image. Now is the time to ensure any moves you make are within the established parameters. And to work with authority figures – bosses, teachers and those at the top. If your feet are on the wrong path however, nothing and no-one will keep you there. One way or another – you’re moving on up. Even if like Bilbo Baggins – the journey is an unexpected one.
In a nutshell: Do read your Moonscope for the Great North American Eclipse which occurs in your 11th house of friends and your future. If we don’t engage in what evolves us, the universe steps in and puts our feet back on the path which does. Keep this in mind, Gemini.
8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (11th)
8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (11th)
10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (10th)
11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (11th)
Work that track record or reputation
Fine tune your path
In a blackout you’re the one on show!
This week’s eclipse is a very big deal for you and next door sign of Leo. The new supermoon in your 10th triggers one of the most powerful eclipses we’ve seen this century. A total solar eclipse which will be seen across the United States, Canada and Mexico. In your house of career, status, recognition, rewards and public persona. Do guard your reputation under it, Cancer. Remember – eclipses conceal. Which in this house can mean you are unaware of just how you are coming across.
Try not to be tempted to attempt to ‘get away’ with something which involves colouring outside the lines. Because chances are, you will get caught out. Hopefully your past is nothing but a caring, compassionate and open book. This is an excellent eclipse to reflect on your achievements to date. To be mindful of coming across as boss in all situations. To embrace more responsibility if asked to. And to think about how you are the author of your own story. Or step into the director’s chair if you want to re-write your role in the movie that is your life.
Do not diminish your own achievements now. As no matter what you do – they mean something. It’s not a time to initiate your next move however. Gather your experiences, revise how you see yourself, redefine what success means to you – and wait for your moment. Not just because of the eclipse cover-up. But because of retrograde Mercury also in this house. It meets the Sun three days after the eclipse (11th). With the potential to highlight for you something that deserves a second look or reinvestment.
Accolades that have been delayed or are the result of your past efforts could catch up with you in the wake of the eclipse thanks to a meeting between Mars and Saturn in your 9th (12th). This is when you could suddenly see there is a better way to get where you want to go. Or restrictions are burned away. By next week you’re ready to make that move, Cancer.
In a nutshell: Do read your Moonscope for the Great North American Eclipse which occurs in your 10th house of career, rep and rewards. Despite the black-out, you’re on show on some level. Take it others are watching. Time to serve your brilliant best, Cancer.
8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (10th)
8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (10th)
10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (9th)
11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (10th)
The only sure thing – is YOU, Leo
Leap past restrictions
Fortune spins you in an upward cycle!
The Great North American Eclipse in your 9th on the 18th is triggered by the new supermoon. This is a total solar eclipse at 19o. Do check your chart for Leo factors within one degree either side of the eclipse. The eclipse will be visible from the United States, Canada and Mexico. It occurs in your house of long distance travel, foreign affairs, mass transit/media, the law and academia, sports, the outdoors and large animals – especially horses.
This is also your house of speculation and luck. Seeing as you know a cover-up involving your ruler the Sun means the lights are turned off, take it there is no such thing under it as a ‘sure thing’. Either that insider tip or that front runner. All bets are off. And where luck can be found is probably not where you may think it is due to the eclipse’s proximity to wild card Chiron.
A change in fortune – as this house is linked to the Wheel of Fortune in the Tarot, is on its way. You know that eclipses represent a temporary dissociation from your inner light. And are not necessarily covering up anything negative. What has been going down can head back up again. Set-backs are resolved in your favour. In a way you didn’t see coming. Of course play by the eclipse rules. Especially if travelling. This is due to Mercury also retrograde in your 9th meeting your ruler three days after the eclipse. Do check all departures and connections. Ensure you back up copies of important travel documents. And don’t stray off the beaten track.
A financial matter could play a role as could an event which in fact, releases you back into freedom as Mars and Saturn meet in your 8th (12th). This is Mars’s ancient ruling house in your chart. This can also cut a fear down to size. Once the shadows blow away you see there was in fact, nothing to fear. Or that monster in your emotional closet is revealed to be nothing but Oscar the Grouch in need of some love. Go boldly past restrictions now. But do wait to ensure the street lights on that path are turned back on before you do.
In a nutshell: Do read your Moonscope for the Great North American Eclipse which occurs in your all expansive 9th house. Yes, you may feel disconnected from your inner light. But it’s only temporary, Leo. The hidden element is fate – spinning you in a new direction!
8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (9th)
8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (9th)
10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (8th)
11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (9h)
Reclaim your power
Expect the unexpected
Flip that switch on how you see love
If anyone has been pulling a power play or gaslighting you, expect a revelation this week. You may be calling it like it is. But only after you have ensured the facts add up, Virgo.
This week’s Great North American Eclipse in your 8th is visible from the United States, Canada and Mexico (8th). There’s a Monty Python aspect to this. As in: ‘Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition’. This is due to the eclipse hitting Chiron also in your 8th. So, in the wake of it, true agendas or intentions will be revealed.
Ruler Mercury is also retrograde in this house in your chart. Just maxing out those feelings of uncertainty and confusion for you. But here’s the thing, dear pristine-intentioned soul, what this eclipse momentarily hides is your distrust in your own power. It’s the ultimate switch flip! If someone has made you doubt your feelings, made you feel disempowered or distrustful, this eclipse has the effect of you suddenly realising none of this is true.
Rebirth in relationships awaits you. You’ll also awaken again to the surety of your right to love and your ability to attract or have it. The real thing as opposed to the fake or ephemeral. And you’ll know if you have it – or not. And if starting out in search of it once this retro eclipse time has passed – how to recognise it.
If a feeling has been building for you, this week will show you that nothing is being left to the imagination. And there is a real reason for why you feel the way you do. If you have been waiting for a payout, or for something to be finalised, there could be an offer on the table for you. Wait for illumination as the lights get turned back on in a key area for you.
In a nutshell: Do read your Moonscope for the Great North American Eclipse which occurs in your 11th house of friends and your future. If we don’t engage in what evolves us, the universe steps in and puts our feet back on the path which does. Keep this in mind, Virgo.
8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (8th)
8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (8th)
10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (7th)
11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (8th)
The love you seek is within you already
Let go of preconceptions
Recapture your lost heart
Back to love this week, Libra. And please, with the combination of the Great North American Eclipse and a Mercury retrograde in Aries and your 7th – don’t be in too much of a hurry to go seeking new love. This despite the fact that the new Moon in your 7th is usually the time to kick-start those relationship goals.
Check your chart for Libra factors within a one degree orb either way of 19 degrees. If you have them one particular relationship is powerfully charged by this eclipse. You are the sign adept at attunement with another soul, Libra. This is because you crave the harmony and balance that the other party can bring to you. So, do use your infinite superpower in this area to tune in to what’s going on with your current partner. And please, if there have been issues fermenting away between them, don’t ignore them any longer. Every union has its shadow side. But we dispel it by shining the light of love and communication into the areas we or another would rather ignore. That’s how lasting balance and true union gets created!
Lovers don’t meet. They’re in each other all along. When we break up with someone or lose a love, we tend to think that they take all the special feelings we experienced during our time together, with them. Forgetting the fact that all they did was awaken the love that resides within us. So, if love has turned lacklustre, or if you are seeking, just remember you have access to those special feelings of adoration, romance and acceptance at any time you need them. You don’t need another person to turn them on. If you do choose to throw the switch for yourself under this eclipse, then you and that bae can go back and experience those glorious, heady and romantic feelings of when you first met. While just doing this as an act of self-love puts you in prime position to attract that perfect partner in crime and life, Libra!
Due to the eclipse’s proximity to Chiron, let go of any preconceptions around your love journey from this point onwards. This week also has Mars and Saturn meeting in your 6th. Pace yourself not just in love but life, Libra. And ask what the need to rush is? If anything has turned into hard work as opposed to passion, maybe it’s time to see how the love you have within can transform that too.
In a nutshell: Do read your Moonscope for the Great North American Eclipse. In your house of duos, duets and double acts this is about a hidden truth around partnerships you’ve been unaware of. Until now. Is the love you’ve been seeking been within you all along? Prepare to find out!
8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (7th)
8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (7th)
10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (6th)
11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (7th)
Just the facts – not the fantasy
Review, revise, renew
‘Nothing in haste’ is your fast-track mantra!
Avoid gossip and speculation around work or your studies this week, Scorpio. You have Mercury retrograde in what is its ruling house (your 6th). Plus to add to false starts and rumours, the Great North American Eclipse takes place in here on the 8th.
This is triggered by the new Supermoon in here. This is a total eclipse of the Sun visible from the United States, Canada and Mexico. Falling conjunct Chiron. And is one of the most powerful eclipses we have seen so far this century. Back up, fact check, pour over the details, dot those I’s and cross those T’s. Proofread. Read the fine print. Then re-read it or get an expert opinion. Try to avoid signing important documents if you can. If you are sitting an exam this week, do not whatever you do, think you can get away with skimping on your revision. And read the footnotes.
Don’t succumb to click-bait or fake news. And that fake news really does extend to your everyday life. Consider the source above all else. If you are told something even from a credible one, you may want to defer acting on it. Your best tactic is to either wait. Or do your own due diligence.
If you make your mantra ‘Nothing in haste’ this week, you will emerge the eclipse boss, Scorpio. You have the capacity to look beyond the obvious at what is below the surface. Do leverage this superpower now. Just take it there is either more information to come. Or you have been handed a version that is heavily redacted. Your own due diligence will expose the truth.
Ancient ruler Mars meets Saturn in your house of lovers, children and all things fun and creative this week (12th). All this fact finding may lead you to realise you may have to put in a boundary or two with someone. And that even includes work intruding on sacred time with loved ones or what you love to do. Don’t be afraid to do this. In fact, it may have been begging you to step in for a while now. Here’s one act you can initiate without having to wait any longer. Love can be saying no just as often as it can involve saying yes.
In a nutshell: Do read your Moonscope for the Great North American Eclipse which impacts your 6th house of work, wellbeing, routine and habits. You’ll reap the benefits of slowing down and waiting for the bigger picture to come into focus, Scorpio.
8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (6th)
8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (6th)
10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (5th)
11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (6th)
I want to breathe in the open wind
I want to kiss like lovers do
I want to dive into your ocean
Is it raining with you
So baby, talk to me
Like lovers do
Here Comes the Rain Again, The Eurythmics
If you have Sag factors between 18 -20 degrees of your sign, you will be directly impacted by the Great North American Eclipse in your 5th this week. It asks the question: Are you in love with love? And if so, for whom or what? Or even where as this is your house of holidays.
Love can represent the great escape and also freedom. That all-important ingredient for you when it comes to your love experience, Sag. Your metaphor for togetherness is love is a journey you take together. And if the other party isn’t totally on board for the trip, you usually don’t get very far. The above lyrics from the album House of Gucci by The Eurythmics, hooks into the kind of joint love experience that makes that Sag heart beat faster.
No more rain falling however. You also have Mercury retrograde in this house. Telling you that along with the great eclipse cover-up, there’s a No Go ahead in effect when it comes to seeking new love right now. Unless you want a rinse and repeat cycle happening in that laundromat of the heart, that is. And it’s my guess you don’t. No lover? Take yourself on a date night simply by indulging in something you love to do. And yes, date night for settled Sagi’s (provided you feel free you can and do settle!).
Something inconceivable is hidden within this eclipse. Waiting to be born. A passion. A fresh creative direction. A relationship. Or that adventure. It is waiting in the wings for you. You don’t have to rush out in search of it. Take it by next month when ruler Jupiter moves into your 7th – it will find you.
Even starships need a base to return to. This week also asks you look to yours before launching yourself skyward in search of the next big thing. Mars and Saturn in your 4th show you how solid those foundations are when it comes to home, security and your needs. Don’t pull up roots just yet if you feel a move is needed however. But do commit to making any changes needed – and this includes to your career as well, once the retro-eclipse shadows have passed. Love revivals could also feature. Talk like lovers do in whatever area you want to experience it, Sag.
In a nutshell: Do read your Moonscope for the Great North American Eclipse in your 5th this week. Conceive the inconceivable when it comes to what you create. In love with love? Fall back into rain-free romance, Sag!
8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (5th)
8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (5th)
10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (4th)
11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (5th)
Shore up that sense of belonging
Give your needs equal footing with those of loved ones
Say what you mean and mean what you say!
Homeland security is the term that springs to mind with the new supermoon triggering the Great North American eclipse in the Moon’s ruling 4th (8th). I’m talking about your little slice of the world which you call your castle, Cappy. As well as for some of you, that wider concept of family and even country. And what these mean to you.
You are the sign which works hard. And many people confuse this with pure, self-directed ambition. When behind all this is a deep emotional need to provide for yourself and those who you care about, with security and what makes you and them feel protected. You will act like a warrior if you feel this is under threat. Or do whatever it takes if you believe more effort is required to bring about the
Own your feels under this eclipse. Your needs are asking you give them equal priority to the needs of loved ones. So, do give them house room, Capricorn. Property matters may suddenly take a surprise turn this week due to the eclipse’s proximity to Chiron. Do try to avoid the eclipse and this period in general for property dealings and moves. Mercury which rules contracts is retrograde in your 4th. Plus the eclipse means there may be something about the move/renovation/deal itself you are unaware of. This eclipse asks for groundedness. And when it comes to your career path – self-authorship.
You’re ready to defend what you love most as Mars and ruler Saturn meet in your 3rd (12th). Leaving others in no doubt of your intentions. Or your willingness to go to bat for what matters to you. Kudos to you, Capricorn. This is also the perfect day to cut through any remaining confusion left by that eclipse and the continuing Mercury retrograde in here. Homeland security includes a few home truths. But for you – it’s all coming from the heart.
In a nutshell: Do read your Moonscope for the Great North American Eclipse which occurs at the time of the new supermoon in your 4th. There’s a need for safety, security and a sense of belonging this week. And you have the tools to establish that.
8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (4th)
8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (4th)
10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (3rd)
11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (4th)
Discern fact from fiction
Ask ‘What else’?
Play with quantum mechanics
Avoid knee-jerk reactions to news or even money matters this week. There’s an eclipse hack I am going to give you that can help you discern the truth from spin. Or get to the bottom of what is really going on, Aquarius.
Ensure your meaning is clear and not open to misinterpretation as the new Supermoon in your 3rd triggers the Great North American Eclipse. The eclipse will be visible from the United States, Canada and Mexico and is one of the most powerful eclipses we have experienced so far this century. Added to this, Mercury which rules this house in your chart is retrograde. This is more than the usual eclipse cover-up. This is total confusion. Hence my advice to be clear and direct. And to keep in mind that whatever you are told may not be the big picture. And that picture is subject to change.
Mars and Saturn meeting in your money house two days later can also see you focussed on your resources. And how to make them stretch. Again, you are still under the eclipse influence. Seek advice if needed. And avoid paying for something you don’t need.
Now – that hack I promised you. Grab your trusty Tarot cards and that journal. Do you have a question? Are you seeking clarity over something? First – how many ways can you phrase your question? Think about this. Write down the variants. Now – draw a card for each one. Is there an over-arching theme across the cards? Write this down. And each and every interpretation you can apply to every iteration of the question.
Next – and this really is playing with quantum mechanics. But it can see past those eclipse cover ups and deliver you the steel hard cut-through of truth if that is what you seek. Ask your question and pick a card. Write down your impressions. Now – wait at least five minutes. Reshuffle your cards, ask again and take another card. Are they linked? Is your answer different? More insightful? Adding to the information already received? How does this work? Well, quantum mechanics tells us that each moment is different. You are different to the person who asked five minutes ago. The universe has changed to. Your answers apply not just to the question but to the moment. And inside them is the truth. And yes, you can keep asking until you get all the insight you need, Aquarius.
In the darkness hides the light. That is what this exercise delivers. So, draw it out. Turns out you are a Magician of the Universe after all.
In a nutshell: Do read your Moonscope for the Great North American Eclipse in your house of communication and the internet. It’s not just about waiting for more information to emerge. It’s also about asking the right questions. Turns out you have all the right tools to get your answers.
8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (3rd)
8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (3rd)
10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (2nd)
11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (3rd)
Help yourself to unshakeable self-worth
Where does the buck stop?
Good boundaries build love and respect
Needs not wants are what you should stay connected to under the new Supermoon in Aries and your 2nd. This brings us the Great North American Eclipse. A total eclipse of the Sun which will be visible from the United States, Canada and Mexico. It also falls conjunct Chiron in here. Adding an additional element of the unexpected. You need to see past the obvious. Especially when it comes to what you spend, save or splurge on. This at the heart of it, is about your self-worth. And also how you control the resources that you have, Pisces.
Two days after the eclipse, we have Mars and Saturn meeting in your sign. Mars is about impulse, action and self-assertion. Saturn is about working within limits and caution. On the surface of it, these two planets have zero in common. But what do we know about eclipses? They conceal and cover-up. So, nothing is as it appears.
The same goes for these two planets. The eclipse’s conjunction to Chiron asks you look past the obvious. Do that and you see both Mars and Saturn share the same qualities on a deeper level. Both are about setting boundaries. Mars tells us when our boundaries have been breached. And hands us the confidence to defend them. Saturn’s rings symbolise boundaries and also self-control. We are willing to work within a framework.
So, under this week’s eclipse you will shore up those boundaries or set new ones. Leaving others in no doubt as to where you are drawing the line. And often it may be with ourselves that a new line is drawn. You may for instance, look at the emotional triggers behind what you buy and understand you actually don’t need that after all. And are too valuable to worry about debt in any case. If you’ve wasted your time, love and energy on those who simply take you for granted, you’ll direct those precious resources elsewhere. To those who give the same to you in return. So, avoid the splurge. And feel richer for it, Pisces.
In a nutshell: Do read your Moonscope for the Great North American Eclipse in your 2nd of money, assets and self-worth, Pisces. Sometimes we get more by saying ‘No more’ just as we can from acceptance. That’s the paradox which leads to that loved-up, rich feeling under this eclipse.
8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (2nd)
8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (2nd)
10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (1st)
11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (2nd)
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