Weekly Astrology January 23rd 2023 for All Signs
Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs January 23rd 2023
By our astrologer Elena
Make a Now Age Pledge!
Love is the new deal which lasts
Is this fantasy real?
Take the pledge this week, Aries! To what exactly? To love, seeing something through, to a goal, a group, to making the world a better place? There’s serious intention in the air. A pre-spring whiff of commitment to something new, exciting, enticing.
First, hidden themes or something unfairly skewed can emerge under the Vesta/Neptune conjunction in your 12th. Vesta rules gender bias and un-level playing fields. The rules unfairly imposed by one on others. You may be shocked to discover what someone really thinks on this subject. Or find yourself in a situation where you are in a gender identity minority. Which doesn’t mean to say the latter may be unfair.
The Sun is now in all-are-equal Aquarius. This week sees it make striking angles to Jupiter in your 1st and Ceres in your 7th. While Juno, astral object of marriage, promises and commitments in your sign, opposes Ceres on the 27th. This is where that pledge, promise, commitment or compromise comes in Aries. You could be saying yes to something (or someone!) fabulous this week. And you’re going in for the long haul. But there may be a compromise required to have it. Or the deal looks dynamically different this time around than any you’ve struck in the past. And that’s a good thing. You and the other party are in agreement and all-in. It’s equal, level, fair.
Venus in your 12th sends rays of creativity, higher purpose, inspiration and imagination your way from the 27th. This is one of those weeks where the reality might just live up to the fantasy – or even be better- regarding what you wish for or the outcome you seek.
In a nutshell: Strut like Freddie this week, Aries. That reality of what’s on offer could just live up to the fantasy. There are deals to be done and hearts to be won. The future just got full of promise!
24 Jan 2023 Vesta conjunct Neptune in Pisces (12th)
25 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (11th to 1st)
26 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Ceres in Libra (11th to 7th)
27 Jan 2023 Juno in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (1st to 7th)
27 Jan 2023 Venus enters Pisces (12th)
Have an all-embracing success strategy
Ready for recognition and rewards?
Friends in high places influence in more ways than one
The more you include others in your success agenda this week, the greater the rewards for you, Taurus. Plus an all-embracing, universal and open-minded approach to friendships and socialising brings unlooked for benefits. This week (27th), ruler Venus changes signs and moves into your 11th. While Vesta meets Neptune in here. Don’t be afraid to enter circles where you may be the minority or odd one out. Especially if it is dominated by one gender. This could get lucky for you. Perhaps not romantically if that was your home, but certainly friendship or connection wise. Mix and mingle.
The Sun shines on what you have worked for and at, established, your track record and long term reputation. You and your smarts and ambitions are very much in the spotlight now. Are you ready to step up? It could be time for recognition and rewards as the Sun highlights generous Jupiter in your 12th and Ceres in your work zone. A new and better deal could be on the table now. Your consistency, dedication and the love you have shown to that path pays off. But do emphasise all you are prepared to give and bring to the table. The more inclusive, the bigger the take-out.
The 27th could show you that manifestation is simply the result of focus and a lot of hard work. But oh so satisfying simply because of that feeling of achievement, vindication and victory! There’s a deal to be done for the long term due to Ceres opposing Juno in your 12th on this day. It may have been a long time coming, Taurus. But you knew it would finally arrive.
In a nutshell: The way opens to a long held dream or ambition. You may have to compromise or relinquish something. But it’s all in the name of getting so much more in return. Do make that deal this week, Taurus. Even if it’s just with yourself.
24 Jan 2023 Vesta conjunct Neptune in Pisces (11th)
25 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (10th to 12th)
26 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Ceres in Libra (10th to 6th)
27 Jan 2023 Juno in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (12th to 6th)
27 Jan 2023 Venus enters Pisces (11th)
Get a mantra for the Now Age
You’re all in – or all out
Run towards the untried but true for you
Truth, beauty, freedom, love. That’s your Now Age of Aquarius manifesto and mantra combined! The Sun in your 9th ignites the luck factor. And promises opportunities, solutions, expansion and travel. No more so than the 25th when it aligns to Jupiter in your house of goals and connections. The cosmos is asking you to say yes this week. To take a giant leap into a soul expanding new cycle. It could involve that lover, dream job, learning opportunity, access to goal attainment or powerful, worldly, intriguing friendships.
There are no half-measures or simply sticking your toe in the water this week. You have to be all-in and ready to take the plunge. If your heart’s desire appeared, what would you do? Look closely within you as you ask this question. Because sometimes the thing we want the most, we secretly fear the most too. Usually because we are hard-wired to run towards the familiar – even if this isn’t good for us. What is may feel odd or strange at first so we reject it. Don’t fall into this trap as the Sun trines Ceres in your 5th and Juno in your 11th opposes it on the 27th. Make a deal with yourself to feel the fear and say yes anyway.
Push past your own biases this week if needed. And above all, be open to new horizons and experiences. Or going for them. Look to any issues around gender bias in your workplace on the 24th and if they impact on you – time for a change. Venus arrives in here on the 27th. Enhancing more than just your professional rep but that desirability as a partner as well. Don’t waste this with hesitation or self-doubt now. Hold on to that mantra and repeat as needed.
In a nutshell: The Now Age is all about truth, beauty, freedom and love for you. Make a wish Jupiter and the Sun in your 9th could offer an opportunity to experience one, some or even all. No taster sessions. No half measures. Just all in, Gemini.
24 Jan 2023 Vesta conjunct Neptune in Pisces (10th)
25 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (9th to 11th)
26 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Ceres in Libra (9th to 5th)
27 Jan 2023 Juno in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (11th to 5th)
27 Jan 2023 Venus enters Pisces (10th)
What’s in that soul vault?
Turn your limitations to opportunities
You are free to explore something bigger
It’s liberation time, Cancer! Solutions abound this week when it comes to changing up your circumstances, freeing yourself from what has bound you to the past, opportunities and fixes.
You soar up, up and away, freed from petty constraints. Step into something more inspiring and bigger. Remember, change is what your soul has been asking for whether you consciously acknowledge this or not. And without change, nothing can improve. So, dance in its vortex this week as what changes is all to your ultimate benefit.
Sometimes things change simply due to us changing our minds. Quite literally we cease fuelling a situation by seeing it from just one perspective. And when we do, we take back our power over it. Or we may be offered a positive change such as a new job, access to resources etc. Or enter a new relationship. There’s an end and a new beginning or fresh start to follow as the Sun in your 8th strikes Jupiter in your 10th and Ceres in your 4th. This can be across commitments relating to home, family, income, your career path or relationship status.
It’s also for the long term regarding what both parties agree to as Juno in your 10th opposes Ceres on the 27th. This can see you unshackled but the promise is you are free to explore something bigger. Perhaps a scenario where you get to at the very least co-create the T&C’s as Vesta meets Neptune in your 9th (24th) and Venus enters here on the 27th. Embrace a bigger, breathtaking future that change promises.
In a nutshell: What has been keeping you stuck could be revealed as no-biggie this week. An inner shift has you cutting something down to size. You’re ready to push past restrictions. And open the vault to those desires.
24 Jan 2023 Vesta conjunct Neptune in Pisces (9th)
25 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (8th to 10th)
26 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Ceres in Libra (8th to 4th)
27 Jan 2023 Juno in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (10th to 4th)
27 Jan 2023 Venus enters Pisces (9th)
Be a soul traveller – not a solo one
The journey is better experienced with another
Events get your heart bearing faster!
Ruler the Sun shines on your relationship sector ahead of the start of the Now Age of Aquarius when Pluto arrives in here in March. A bigger, transformative, alchemical relationship is on its way. This can be an all-embracing relationship between you and the world at large this week thanks to a wonderful angle between your ruler and Jupiter in its ruling 9th. Passions are ignited and hearts are on fire!
Explore a wild, wonderful new world of experience. News could arrive or you literally start a learning journey which involves another party. Travel could feature. As could business, the internet, creativity, ideas, studies and the great outdoors. That lover appears who exudes adventure, spontaneity and irresistible, casual sexiness. With all the major plants direct it’s time to apply, launch, pitch, make your move. Or go where you’ve always dreamed of.
Your Tarot card of the week would be The World. Yours to explore provided you don’t allow the judgement or preconceptions of others to cloud your vision. Do watch out for those telling you what you can and can’t do on the 24th when Vesta and Neptune meet in your 8th. Later this week, Venus enters here banishing residual self-doubt and also ramping up those desires. Your best days are the 26th when your ruler trines Ceres in your 3rd. And the 27th when Juno in your 9th opposes Ceres and says you’ll do what needs to be done to breakaway towards the love experience that truly fires up your soul.
In a nutshell: Duos – dynamic and dramatic, duets and double acts propel you and another towards an exciting destination. Don’t focus too much on how fast you get there however. Half the fun is simply enjoying the journey.
24 Jan 2023 Vesta conjunct Neptune in Pisces (8th)
25 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (7th to 9th)
26 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Ceres in Libra (7th to 3rd)
27 Jan 2023 Juno in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (9th to 3rd)
27 Jan 2023 Venus enters Pisces (8th)
Time to get serious
Be upfront with what you want
Put those priceless, intangible qualities at the top of that wishlist!
Your yearly love and partnership peak gets off to an early start this week when Venus moves into Pisces, ruling 7th in your chart. Just ensure before going all-in to a partnership, that all things between you are very equal. With no room for misunderstanding. Respect, truth, trust are your foundation stones for longevity this week. It’s the intangibles that enrich your relationship over the long term. So, do make certain that you are valued as much as you value in return.
Saturn is on its way to your 7th and arrives in March. It has been approximately 28 years since Saturn last visited this house. Think ‘Put a ring on it’. Saturn asks we take things seriously. This begins with taking ourselves seriously. And knowing what the deal-makers and breakers are in any union. Be it a personal or professional one.
Your 8th house is where negotiations happen and also shows how confident you are discussing what you want. Ceres in your money zone is about knowing when and where to compromise and when not to. Looks like a better deal is on the table for you this week whether it is around your income, loans, mortgages, joint finances or the kind of action that does you good but goes on behind closed doors as the Sun in your 6th opens a new portal of power with Jupiter in your 8th. It also trines Ceres on the 26th. Long term agreements can be reached and you enter into a new phase from the 27th as Juno also in your 8th, opposes Ceres. Don’t be afraid to lay your cards on the table, Virgo. Or say ‘Go fish’ as needed.
In a nutshell: Trust, truth, mutual respect are your sacred triad (or should be) when it comes to relationships now. When it comes to asking for what you want or need, how confident are you? Simply state what’s a non-negotiable.
24 Jan 2023 Vesta conjunct Neptune in Pisces (7th)
25 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (6th to 8th)
26 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Ceres in Libra (6th to 2nd)
27 Jan 2023 Juno in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (8th to 2nd)
27 Jan 2023 Venus enters Pisces (7th)
Adapt your style to suit your mood
Explore your duality
Yes, love really does make your world go round
Jupiter and Juno in your all-important house of partnerships and abundant and lush Ceres in your 1st should see you bathing in that feeling of being one with love and the world in general this week. Yes, it’s one of the best weeks for attraction. Not just that lover but attention, gifts and lucky breaks. The 25th – 26th when the Sun highlights both Jupiter and Ceres being one of the best dates so far this new year for you to be on the receiving end of attention, praise and even recognition. Be as radiant as you can be this week.
For some of you, 2023 may have got off to a slow or disappointing start. This week should more than make up for any shortfall in performance so far. It will certainly hand you back your mojo. Especially if you need to make long needed changes to that work routine or habits. You feel your confidence return. Especially when ruler Venus moves into your 6th on the 27th.
However, this can be both an inward private time where you keep certain plans to yourself and one where you are outwardly more spontaneous, fun-loving and gregarious. Ceres in your 1st asks for this balancing act or even compartmentalisation. It’s okay to feel there are two of you right now. The life and soul of the party social butterfly. And the quiet moth by the candlelight. Be both according to your mood or what you are doing at the time. Private you and public you will occasionally fuse and bond together. On those days you intentions are perfectly in alignment and you feel authentic, empowered and oh so real. That’s all part of the Libran loving and living balancing act you’ll be undertaking this week.
In a nutshell: Butterfly you alternates with your secret, private self this week. Go with who you are in the moment. Mostly you’re set to radiate and attract. But don’t ignore the call to reflect and recharge for the ultimate balancing act, Libra!
24 Jan 2023 Vesta conjunct Neptune in Pisces (6th)
25 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (5th to 7th)
26 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Ceres in Libra (5th to 1st)
27 Jan 2023 Juno in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (7th to 1st)
27 Jan 2023 Venus enters Pisces (6th)
Act on insight – don’t wait
Engage with changes
Remember – the choice is limitless
Whoever said ‘All’s fair in love and war’ clearly didn’t have Vesta and Neptune conjunct in their romance zone at the time. Or your sense of fair-play and integrity, Scorpio. Yes, Venus arrives in here this week restoring balance, equality and diplomacy. While Ceres in your 12th paves the way for negotiating a more equal arrangement if that’s what needed.
However, in-between, someone’s attitude may surprise or put you on the back-foot. Saturn is on it’s way to your 5th so if something doesn’t sit right with you, this tells you to do something about it now rather than wait. And if you can’t find that common ground, Venus in your 5th reminds you that you are more than deserving of the other options available. And there are plenty on offer for you.
Ceres in your 12th and Jupiter in your 6th are bathing in the Sun’s healing and soul boosting rays this week. Work, wellbeing and your habits – especially if you work at home or where you spend most of your time, should be your focus. What you inhale, intake, surround yourself with. If it’s time for a change or an upgrade, a fresh approach to real self-care, then now is the time to initiate this.
Changes which enhance your job, living arrangements, health matters are on offer. And are going to stick as you’re invited to enter something long term on the 27th when Juno also in your 6th opposes Ceres. Look at where you may have held yourself back in the past by simply opting for the same chocolate in a different wrapper repeatedly. Go deeper, you’ll find the pattern, phoenix. And once you see it, you can step free of the shadows and start to shine unfiltered by restrictions of your past.
In a nutshell: Keep in the back of your mind you have more than one option this week, phoenix. And focussing too much on one, blinds you to others. Don’t delay in tackling an issue if it surfaces. No need to keep feeding it.
24 Jan 2023 Vesta conjunct Neptune in Pisces (5th)
25 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (4th to 6th)
26 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Ceres in Libra (4th to 12th)
27 Jan 2023 Juno in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (6th to 12th)
27 Jan 2023 Venus enters Pisces (5th)
Get yourself noticed
Your fabulosity is contagious
Dare to step into the spotlight
Harness that signature daring and sense of adventure this week, Sag. Make a bold move. Action is what sets attraction and manifestation in motion. Take full advantage of ruler Jupiter’s remaining time in your fabulizing 5th. It moves on in May and won’t be back for another 12 years. Want to see just how lucky you can be in love, attracting the outcome you seek or simply getting yourself noticed? It’s fired up, fierce daring that gets you there.
Don’t be afraid to stand out. And do be an original not a knock-off now. Take an unfiltered approach to everything. Drop any remaining barriers or worries around what others may think or how they judge you. You can’t please all the people all the time. But you can please yourself and those who really matter. Just as like attracts like, being you means what turns up is the perfect compliment. Maybe a fellow truth-telling, free spirit who totally gets you because they are like you.
Work that fabulosity doing what you love and seeking out the company of like-minded souls. You’ve a spotlight and a stage calling you as the Sun in your 3rd ignites Jupiter’s expansive generosity and picks you out from the crowd of wannabe’s on the 26th when it shines on Ceres in your social sector. Juno also in your 5th promises a long term deal on the 27th when it draws a conclusion or satisfying compromise closer.
You’re not in the mood to become a domestic drudge. Deity is fine however. Do ensure you are not expected to take on more than your fair share this week. And speak out and craft a new arrangement if you are. It’s time for travel, play and pleasure. Venus enters your 4th on the 27th set to beautify relationships with family or those you live with, and how you live in general. Ruling the roost as well as the limelight comes naturally now, Sag.
In a nutshell: Ruler Jupiter wants you to commit to going after what you want this week. A touch of daring, a splash of scene stealing and you effortless attract what you are seeking. No more stagnation and stasis, Sag.
24 Jan 2023 Vesta conjunct Neptune in Pisces (4th)
25 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 5th)
26 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Ceres in Libra (3rd to 11th)
27 Jan 2023 Juno in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (5th to 11th)
27 Jan 2023 Venus enters Pisces (4th)
Love speaks your language
Walk the talk in career matters
Self belief fuels success strategy
What’s your love language this week, Capricorn? And what is the other party also saying? A little research in what you and they need to hear and how it is conveyed goes a long way. So, do take the time to read up on this or really listen. And think back to times when what you said or did really resonated. We all have our code that needs cracking. The syntax of emotion and words that enables us to hear what the other party is telling us. When we decode theirs and ours, all our relationships improve out of sight. That’s what’s happening this week as Vesta and Neptune meet in your 3rd (24th) and Venus arrives in here (27th).
This new found superpower works across all relationships. From your partner to family to your professional life. The results are self-worth boosting now the Sun in your 2nd angles to Jupiter in your 4th and Ceres in your career zone.
A long term agreement where both parties want the same thing and speak one another’s language may be on the table when Juno, in your 4th, opposes Ceres on the 27th. Success and money also walk the talk this week. Contracts can be entered into. With all the planets direct, you can be certain nothing gets lost in translation now.
In a nutshell: Satisfying, self-defined success setting moves shore up self-worth and add to that sense of security. Listen to how others say something. How you respond in a way they want to hear adds to that sense of connection.
24 Jan 2023 Vesta conjunct Neptune in Pisces (3rd)
25 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 4th)
26 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Ceres in Libra (2nd to 10th)
27 Jan 2023 Juno in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (4th to 10th)
27 Jan 2023 Venus enters Pisces (3rd)
Be your unique kind of lover
A new deal is on the table
Fair’s fair in the cosmos – and your life, this week
Like that other air sign of Libra, you stand for balance, equality and inclusivity. You express it in a slightly different way. But the desire is the same. Let’s just talk briefly about your sign. That water bearer is actually Ganymed. I’ve talked about Ganymed and how it rules the LBGTQ+ communities. Ganymed is actually in Libra along with Ceres right now. In mythology, Zeus fell madly in love with Ganymed, turned himself into an eagle, flew Ganymed to Mount Olympus where he granted him eternal life and made him cup bearer to the gods. He then placed him in the heavens as Aquarius the water bearer alongside the constellation of Aquila, the eagle.
So, you can see the connection in mythology with LBGTQ+ and also being loved for who you uniquely are. Hence, if you come across division or discrimination it simply doesn’t sit right. Whether it is direct at you or another. Watch this week when Vesta (which rules gender issues and identity) meets Neptune in your 2nd. Equal pay, being treated as an equal no matter your gender identity are all matters which can surface. Venus is on its way in here (27th). Work your worth and know who you are and should be treated.
Freedom, release, a better deal on the table for you are on offer as the Sun in your sign lights up lucky break Jupiter in your 3rd on the 25th, Ceres in your 9th on the 26th. While Juno also in your 3rd points to contracts, agreements, promises and something more equal, loving and fairer on the 27th when it opposes Ceres. Take that stand if you need to. That’s your individual role in the Now Age.
In a nutshell: Time to stand up for what you know is right and also showcase your individual gorgeousness this week. If you have the courage to do this, you become a beacon for others. And draw those desires towards you.
24 Jan 2023 Vesta conjunct Neptune in Pisces (2nd)
25 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (1st to 3rd)
26 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Ceres in Libra (1st to 9th)
27 Jan 2023 Juno in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (3rd to 9h)
27 Jan 2023 Venus enters Pisces (2nd)
Do the right thing
Every page has a silver lining
Honour your truth
You get to re-write the playbook and fill it with silver linings this week. Vesta encounters ruler Neptune. Honour your truth, individuality and sense of what is right and fair. It’s your own all-encompassing compassion and higher perspective that’s called for if anything is out-of-kilter or unfairly skewed in someone else’s favour. This is a week when you can’t afford to make excuses or be a pushover. Look to those who may have taken advantage of this in the past.
Doing the right thing should come easy. Especially when it is aligned to your self-esteem. Ahead of your main cycle of attraction which begins next month, Venus lands in your 1st on the 27th, enhancing your message, image, appearance, brand and anything you are proposing or putting on the table.
Ancient ruler Jupiter now in your 2nd angles to the Sun in your 12th highlighting missed opportunities and long forgotten dreams. Something is about to be re-born or rebooted for you ahead of Saturn’s arrival in your sign in March. The Sun scorches Ceres in your 8th of transformation, warming up desire and determination. While Juno, also in your 2nd, pulls in Ceres ability to know when and where to compromise the following day. Now you get to write the rules, Pisces. Turn over a new leaf in the next chapter and bring the past up-to-date in the present.
In a nutshell: That self-esteem tells you exactly what the right thing to do is. So, don’t leave yourself out of the picture when it comes to higher love and empathy. Putting yourself first, isn’t selfish. It’s simply the right action this week.
24 Jan 2023 Vesta conjunct Neptune in Pisces (1st)
25 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (12th to 2nd)
26 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Ceres in Libra (12th to 8th)
27 Jan 2023 Juno in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (2nd to 8th)
27 Jan 2023 Venus enters Pisces (1st)
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My New Tarot Deck
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