Weekly Astrology January 30th 2023 for All Signs – Full Moon in Leo
Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs January 30th 2023
Turn back time
No more Mehs . . .
Does restoring balance require you turn up the dazzle?
Confidence and boldness is oh-so-sexy, Aries. Make the most of your fierce bravado this week as the Sun in your social sector shines on ruler Mars in your 3rd. Anything you need to reclaim now could be yours for the taking. It all gets that disco bass thumping, Cher-strutting Turn Back Time momentum with Ceres retro in your 7th from the 4th. Right now, Ceres is the only astral body heading backwards in the sky. Expect a rebalancing or finding that way. Reunions and second chances between you and another could appear. Don’t forget – you still have plenty of Jupiter’s juiced up luck to fuel you. If you are willing to take the chance that is.
That revival or time-turning experience could just as easily be around an opportunity or even something you loved to do. There’s a sense of recapturing something around this weeks full Moon in your 5th. Perhaps that sense of awe and wonder. This full Moon has no room for that jaded view or cynicism. This is the Snow Moon, Ice Moon or Storm Moon.
Do the winds of optimism need to blow away the clouds of disappointment? How about just marvellous replacing Meh . . ? Dull with disco dazzle? You could be craving romance, fun, pleasure and excitement. Go make it happen. This day also has Venus in your 12th angle off to Mars in your 3rd. Don’t judge anyone harshly now and that includes you, Aries. And don’t hold hard and fast to a point of view. Turning back time means taking a fresh approach. Especially when it comes to who or what makes your heart sing.
In a nutshell: Turning that boldness back on could just make you hard to miss, Aries. And if you’ve become jaded lately, retracing those steps could get you a different result this time around. Reclaim what’s been lost.
30 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (11th to 3rd)
30 Jan 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 2nd)
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (7th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 2nd)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (5th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (12th to 3rd)
Refuel and reset
Your vision is the one you need to follow
Don’t resist the action you know you need to take
Push ahead with work, career and financial matters this week, Taurus. It’s time to refuel when it comes to your ambitions and to have and to hold onto success. You’ll feel a resurgence of determination to succeed as the Sun in your 10th trines Mars in your money zone. While Mercury in your 9th trines Uranus in your sign – all on the 30th.
Above all, don’t allow anyone or anything that can impinge on what you know is right for you, any bandwidth this week. Or give in to unfair demands on your time and/or patience. Simply settling for keeping the peace shouldn’t be your fallback position. Especially if all it does deep down is fuel a simmering resentment. If you have been giving away too much, this week’s full Moon in your 4th is a wake-up call when it comes to taking the time to refuel or simply re-arrange your priorities.
Along with Ceres now retrograde in your house of day job, studies and daily responsibilities, this Snow or Storm Moon asks if you are simply taking on too much with no support or appreciation shown in return? Now is time to reset the scales if so and lean them more in your favour. I could mention the reality check of the series of squares also around this week. Just think of them as speed bumps with the intention of slowing you down enough to check whether you are been running on empty. Especially around something which may have drained your resources for sometime. Or someone. That amber light on your dashboard now turns to red. Pull over or take that exit ramp, Taurus. Deep down, you know this has been your only way forward for a while.
In a nutshell: Acting in our own best interests, knowing that inner voice is our GPS of the soul – it takes courage to follow what we know is right. Your value system asks you stand by it under this week’s full Moon. Don’t give anything that doesn’t support your path houseroom this week.
30 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (10th to 2nd)
30 Jan 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 1st)
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (6th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 1st)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (4th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (11th to 2nd)
If not, why not?!
Break away and break free in a new direction
Unexpected events contain the opportunity you’ve been waiting for!
Seize that momentum this week, Gemini! Breakout moves can be made as the Sun in your 9th floods Mars in your sign with the confidence to take on love and life on your own terms. You won’t be able to ignore the desire to shake yourself out of limitation. Or set yourself free from the so-so of status quoville. Mercury’s trine to Uranus brings you the unexpected boost you needed to accomplish this. Just go with it, Gemini.
As the full Moon waxes in your 3rd it along with the Sun in your 9th also hands you an impulsion that is going to be impossible to ignore or act on. You feel an electric charge of breakout certainty and the desire to head in a fresh direction. After months of retrograde stasis, that heady drink of freedom and new directions will be impossible to ignore. It tells you if not now, when? And if not, why not? What excuses are you coming up with? Know these are fear based and that fear may have no real basis. Not when you examine it closely. More in your Full Moon in Leo Moonscope.
The only retrograde planet now is Ceres which moves backwards in your romance sector. That does not mean love is off-limits now. But along with Venus in your 10th and Mars in your 1st, it does mean you need to opt for a more cautious and traditional approach to love. Give the other person time to reveal who they truly are. Go for the mental turn on and the slow burn which simply keeps turning up the heat for you. And be aware – someone could quite literally grow on you. Make ‘em wait for that special love only you can offer.
In a nutshell: Say goodbye to inertia and wheel-spinning. The full Moon in your 3rd along with Uranus opens up an unexpected and bold new direction for you. You veer off that dead end and head on down a new highway towards opportunity. But love asks for a more traditional approach.
30 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (9th to 1st)
30 Jan 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 12th)
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (5th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 12th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (3rd)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (10th to 1st)
Align your expectations to your self-worth
The feels are justified
Don’t over-think that new direction – head down it!
Full Moons always bring intense feelings to the surface in a specific area for you, Cancer. The one in your 2nd could trigger emotions around how you are treated by others, your expectations around this and how open you are to receiving. As well as addressing the issue if you (rightly), feel you are not getting enough. This includes everything from money to respect.
It’s okay to have a strong sense of self-worth. To know how you should and need to be treated. And it’s also okay to address any shortfalls around this. And go in search of a better deal if a new one is not forthcoming. Don’t be afraid to state your terms. From business opportunities to friends or even partners, lay your cards on the table. Especially as Ceres now heads backwards in your 4th. The only planet right now to do so.
The full Moon and the Sun square Uranus in your 11th making a tight T-square which number crunches what you are being given or where you are being short-changed. So please, don’t be afraid to tackle this. Others could be presented with something better on offer under this full Moon and if so, don’t over-think it or hesitate. If you have deep seated fears or issues around your own ability to earn, have or attract what you need, see this not just as financial but as simply a relationship that needs your nurturing, care and special kind of love. You got this, Cancer. In more ways than one. More in your Full Moon in Leo Moonscope.
In a nutshell: The full Moon in your 2nd wants you to look at where you accept less than you know you deserve. It’s changes up and charges that self-worth. Be open to accepting so much more in the future. And no longer settling for so-so, Cancer.
30 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (8th to 12th)
30 Jan 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 11th)
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (4th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 11th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (2nd)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (9th to 12th)
Love is your turning point
You are your own significant other
Be a lover – NOT a critic!
The full Moon in your sign pulls those undercurrents of emotion to the surface, Leo. Especially around someone significant. Ruler the Sun is of course in your partnership sector and this is where your focus is directed.
You will be ultra aware of how those close relationships make you look. How they reflect or impact on your image and identity. This is the Storm Moon or Snow Moon. And what it promises for you is that a key relationship will reach a turning point in the next few weeks. Or that there are new beginnings to follow.
It’s not just about others however. Personal insecurities, worries about not being ‘good enough’, your appearance or impostor syndrome can make themselves heard in an attempt to dull that Leo shine. If it is someone else contributing to this, you need to examine your relationship closely now.
But are you your own worst critic, Leo? By whose standards are you judging yourself? Do let go of any comparisons to others under this full Moon. And silence the critic within if it is making itself heard. Remember, critics can tell you what you should be doing – but they can’t actually do it themselves. Be a lover, not a critic. The same goes if you are becoming over-critical of love. It may be a facet of you reflected back at you. So, love your imperfections. And the other party’s.
Ceres heads backwards in your 3rd opening up the way for renegotiations if they are needed. Friendships may also shift this week or change form with a new and exciting one on offer. If one connection ends, it is to make room for another. Love is your turning point this week.
The full Moon in your sign has you focussed on partnerships. But don’t forget your relationship with yourself, Leo. Be the kind of partner you want to be to others when it comes to self-love and support. And dump any comparisons to others.
30 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (7th to 11th)
30 Jan 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 10th)
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (3rd)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 10th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (1st)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (8th to 11th)
Bring that realness to bear
There’s no hiding from the facts
Truth telling makes the love bonds stronger
The full Moon in your 12th shines on mysticism, magic and manifestation. Especially when it comes to illuminating the truth, Virgo. Unlike other signs (and I name no names), when you are confronted with a fantasy vs. reality scenario, you stare it down the barrel.
This full Moon is known as the Snow or Storm Moon. The winds of clarity, creativity and a reset of your soul compass happens now. You are coming from absolute truth but that doesn’t mean everyone else shares your integrity. Ruler Mercury along with Uranus in your 9th is about the freedom which comes from truth telling. Or simply not shying away from the facts when it comes to what actions you need to take. Your desire this week is for a higher, spiritual path and to uncover the real meaning behind events. Or someone’s actions. Do probe as you will emerge with not only answers, but the magic solution when it comes to what you need to do next.
Exposes and exposures need to be weighed up against your own set of unshakeable values. Then comes the truth-telling, Virgo. Emotional release comes from sharing what’s really on your mind. Or simply the realisation you’ve arrived at. As you do, you magically change up the dynamic. Especially when combined with Mars in your 10th and Ceres now retrograde in your 2nd and heading back your way. Venus is in its ruling 7th and delivering your yearly focus on duos, duets and double acts ahead of the Sun’s arrival in here later n the month. There could be something better on the table for you that springs from being willing to deal with realities. And table that discussion around realness in relationships. You know realness is your superpower, Virgo. Bring it!
In a nutshell: You are ready for truth and dare under the full Moon’s influence this week. Staring down the facts and then daring to take a fearless approach. You don’t shy away from shaking things up. And crafting something so much more rewarding in the process.
30 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (6th to 10th)
30 Jan 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 9th)
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (2nd)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 9th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (12th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (7th to 10th)
Forgiveness is the ultimate route to freedom
Put a new spin on the future
Showcase your authentic self!
You are at your most outgoing, authentic and generous with the Sun in your 5th, Libra. You’ve a free spirited vibe about you this week that others cannot help but be attracted to. You search out the myriad ways to show and express love and passion. As you do, you simply energise that attraction field around you. Don’t be afraid to go large and extra now.
Showing the love also includes showing forgiveness to others. That does not mean you forget. That’s a different matter entirely. But forgiveness means release for both of you. And your decision to take a higher path. Again, release of old hurts and holding on to resentment, blocks the flow of the new into our lives. So, why hang on to it? The full Moon in your 11th is focussed on the future you can co-create with the people you know. This does not mean entertaining those who may have taken advantage of you. But it does mean putting yourself back in the flow of love simply by sending out forgiveness on a spiritual level.
Do this and you will suddenly be charged with a sense of lightness and freedom you have not experienced in a long time. The new rushes in to greet you. As if by some kind of magic force. You don’t have to do anything, Libra. This is the power of forgiveness and release. Ceres turns retrograde in your sign on the 4th. The only power player now backwards in the sky. There’s no better time to experience the kind of rebirth and recharge of simply letting go. Ruler Venus now in your 6th asks you to look at what keeps you stuck when it comes to that day job, those habits or that routine. Its angle to Mars offers yet another opportunity to break out. Don’t hang on, Libra. It’s a week for letting go.
In a nutshell: Release supercharges the force of attraction. And effortlessly sends your future careering down a more authentic and freeing path. Don’t hang on to the past. Look at what you need to let go of under this full Moon. Including the old you, Libra.
30 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (5th to 9th)
30 Jan 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 8th)
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (1st)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 8th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (11th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (6th to 9h)
Run towards emotional safety
Become the emotional observer of your journey
You are free and strong enough to be vulnerable
Have you been running from emotional safety, Phoenix? Often we can do this without even realising it. We think we are protecting our tender hearts when in fact we are simply putting up barriers to the very love we so deeply crave. This week can see you heal and stop that pattern for keeps.
There are some astrologers out there who will tell you the full Moon in your 10th which appears on the 5th, is an unemotional one. That is simply not the case. It does however hand you the strength to become the observer of your own emotional journey. Which is a valuable gift to have. Along with the angles to Uranus in your 7th, ancient ruler Mars in your 8th and a retrograde Ceres in your 12th, you can detach and expose patterns you were previously unaware of.
Venus in your fabulizing 5th wants you to be ready to receive all the love, joy, passion and worldly delights you deserve. And can imagine. So, under the light of this full Moon your task is to write a letter of thanks to those behaviours and habits you have reached for in the name of self-protection. Perhaps this is distancing when someone gets close? Or using food, shopping, bingeing on something to avoid those powerful emotions. Don’t push them aside or deny them. Instead express your gratitude to those habits which have kept you safe. But now tell them you no longer need them to do this. You are strong in your vulnerability and unafraid to expose your soft, secret core. In doing so, you heal without pain. And know you are safe. Move ahead, running towards what you need, arms and heart open.
In a nutshell: Float free over your past and become the watcher of your emotional journey. If you’ve been running in the opposite direction to what you need, you can course correct and heal under this week’s powerful full Moon.
30 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (4th to 8th)
30 Jan 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 7th)
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (12th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 7th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (10th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (5th to 8th)
Head towards joy and heart-starting freedom
Love should be right on your wavelength
Saddle up and ride towards those dreams this week!
What do we want? Heart-starting love and freedom! When do we want it? Well, that’s a stupid question for a sign whose mantra is: Instant gratification takes too long.
The wild pony side of you wants to run free this week thanks to the full Moon in your 9th. You are likely to resent what you feel confines or restricts you. And as for the boring, repetitive or mundane – forget it. Something ‘out in the wild blue yonder’ is calling to you. And you can’t ignore the call to head towards it. It could be a project or plan that fills you with joy and makes you start out from the crowd. It could be an activity you love to do. And yes, we can’t ignore the fact you may simply be itching to travel, Sag. Or at least set plans in motion to do so. You need something or someone new to explore. A bigger dream to aim for.
Free-spirited, wild love can now be part of this process thanks to angles between the Sun in your 3rd and Mars in your 7th. Just don’t totally push aside those must-do’s or rush through them in your haste to unhitch yourself and run free. The business of living or simply being you, still needs to be attended to. Venus in your 4th makes a ‘Don’t fence me in’ angle to Mars on the 5th while Ceres heads backwards in your 11th. You may set or reset a powerful future goal or craft yourself a sexy, free spirited deal with another. Remember, opposites attract but lasting love is found with our own kind. So pick another wild mustang to run with this week, Sag.
In a nutshell: Wild pony you seeks out fresh territory or soul expanding horizons to explore under this week’s full Moon in your 9th. The perfect companion is a fellow free-spirit. Kick down those fences and fly, Sag!
30 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (3rd to 7th)
30 Jan 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 6th)
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (11th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 6th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (9th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (4th to 7th)
New deals for the Now Age
Changes work out in your favour
Know your outcome – and your values
Decisions around work and career matters, finances and anything you owe or are owed mean you have to step up and be counted under this week’s full Moon in your 8th. Know your worth or have a very clear idea what you will or won’t ‘sell out’ over. Ceres which rules the Art of the Deal and compromise, turns retroactive in your status and career sector. While the Sun and waxing full Moon square Uranus in your 5th. This is about standing by your values, knowing when to be flexible and also the certainty of where the buck stops.
Because both your 2nd and your 8th are linked to relationships that you can count on as assets to you, your 10th rules your relationship status and your 5th rules lovers and children, as well as what’s borrowed, owed, earned or paid to you, this full Moon can just as easily impact on a love relationship as it can a financial one. Again, its connected to your value system. What is given and what is returned and how you are treated. What are the deal makers and breakers? You of all signs should have a clear idea of this. Thanks to Venus in your 3rd.
Yes, you are prepared to be diplomatic and flexible. But you need to know the other party is willing to do the same. Job changes or shifts around resources could put something better on the table. And changes simply benefit you later. Above all, rise above the petty this week, Capricorn. And if others get bogged down with them, simply detach and walk away. There’s a bigger vision at work. And it is all designed to work out in your favour.
In a nutshell: What you share, is shared with you, what you owe or are owed in return – whether this is a financial or personal matter, can be negotiated or paid forward this week. Look to the long term and the bigger picture. There’s no room for petty thinking – or small outcomes.
30 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (2nd to 6th)
30 Jan 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 5th)
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (10th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 5th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (8th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (3rd to 6th)
Own your path and purpose
You are not your past
Now Age, New You!
Stop identifying with who you were in the past. And start identifying with Now Age YOU in the present. Ruler Uranus along with this week’s full Moon in your 7th wants you to claim who you have become. Not who you have been.
Uranus is always pushing for us to own our individuality. And engage with what evolves us. You cannot stay stuck when Uranus is around. And you know this better than any other sign, Aquarius. Your 4th house where Uranus is in residence for the long term, isn’t just about home, family, your roots and what supports and sustains you emotionally, physically and materially. It is about your path and owning this. Uranus wants you to stop living up to other people’s ideas of who you should be or what you should do. And live on your terms.
Someone may hold up a mirror to you this week and show you how they see you. And when this occurs you need to look for any incongruencies between who you used to be and who you now know you are. And how those wants and needs in relationships have evolved along with you. If you feel they have an outdated vision of you, then do look at whether or not you are still holding on to some aspect of out-dated, superseded you. And adjust accordingly. Do take this as a gift of important feedback. And remember, only true connections have the courage to show us who we really are. Or can be.
See yourself no matter what as your own beautiful work in progress. This week also sees you in the hot zone when it comes to love and romance or simply pure, passionate joie de vive as the Sun in your sign angles to Mars in your 5th. Ceres is the only major cosmic body retrograde now as it turns backwards in your 9th on the 4th. There’s no better time to show the world who you know yourself to be. And be loved for just the way you are for the Now Age.
In a nutshell: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most stunning artwork of them all?
30 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (1st to 5th)
30 Jan 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 4th)
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (9th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 4th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (7th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (2nd to 5th)
Slay those bad habits
Have an energy declutter
Insight is found where you least expect it
Bring pristine precision to bear on wellbeing matters, your studies, day job or even those pets if you have them, Pisces. Your intuition is nudging you in a certain direction under the full Moon in your 6th. You may need to stop, pay attention and look closer as seemingly unrelated areas reveal themselves to be very much connected.
Especially when it comes to where you spend the majority of your time, what you have established in terms of habits that you have taken as written in stone, or that mind/body/spirit connection. You could even stumble across Information that leads to an ‘Ah-ha!’ moment could be found in the most unlikely place and when you weren’t looking. That line in a film or TV show, a book or article online. It may appear as if it is talking directly to you and is utterly relevant to your situation thanks to the Sun and full Moon impacting on Uranus in your 3rd. Yes, you DO need to know, Pisces. And now you do, please use this insight to make necessary changes aimed at everyday improvements.
Ceres offers assistance as it retrogrades in your house of rebirth and change. Time to release that soul, emotional and physical clutter and replace it with what energises you. Time to be beautiful inside, outside and to bring your living space up to spec as you do. Cobwebs and clutter impact your energy. Stuff you have not used for years. Again, those habits which might once have supported you but now deplete you. Slay the everyday dragons that keep you on that treadmill that no longer serves. And serve yourself that double shot of vibrancy instead!
In a nutshell: The full Moon’s searchlight illuminates the shadows and dark crevices where what drains or traps you, lurks. How to release this may appear out of the blue. You’re re-energised and rebooted as a result of simply letting go.
30 Jan 2023 Sun in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (12th to 4th)
30 Jan 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 3rd)
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (8th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 3rd)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (6th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (1st to 4th)
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