Weekly Astrology July 3rd 2023 Forecast for All Signs – Full Moon in Capricorn

Own it, Aries!
Be boss
Lean in to your path
The full Moon in your 10th brings something full circle. It’s all in the timing this week, Aries, Whatever you do – don’t rush. And do own your choices and decisions.
Gatekeepers or people in positions of influence and authority may feature. And it’s important you craft your approach if dealing with them. This can be anyone from the admissions officer at the school or university you want your child to attend, to that person interviewing you for that key position, the deal makers or the individual who can sign off on that loan or request. Have your pitch ready. You only get one shot under this full Moon. And you do need to come across as someone who owns that plan, vision or their integrity. And be willing to work it.
There’s more lean in insights to work in your Full Moon in Capricorn Moonscope. Mercury’s moves this week allow you to present a new face, fact or facet of yourself thanks to its aspects to the Moon, Uranus and Neptune. From the Moon’s ruling sign of Cancer and your 4th. Who you are or how you come across within your family, household, company or organisation dynamic, or even your public image, is what you decide it is going to be from here on in. You state your terms, your purpose and your ideals. Stand by this and know that sometimes, to get what we want or where we want to go means we need to say No once in a while. Be boss and stay cool this week, Aries.
In a nutshell: Lean in your way under this week’s full Moon in your 10th. Craft your pitch and know your outcome. Above all, stand by what you say – especially if you need to say No. How others see you shifts in the moonlight.
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn (10th)
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (10th to 4th)
7 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 2nd)
9 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces (4th to 12th)
Where are those second thoughts taking you?
Big up that perspective
Go to the heart of the matter, truth seeker!
Restlessness is an unusual mindset for you. Yet, you could find yourself experiencing it under this week’s full Moon in your 9th. Have you a yearning to find the truth, Taurus? Because chances are this is what you are really searching for.
Yes, travel or the desire to escape may feature. Something draws you to explore beyond the familiar. Do answer this but also keep in mind what may be fuelling it too. That truth? Or dare for that matter? Here’s a clue – it could be around something you are questioning. As in a person or a decision. Does it still hold true for you? I could even go so far as to say you may be having second thoughts. Or even third ones. Don’t shove this aside whatever you do. The full Moon draws those questions to the surface in order for you to examine them and find the answers. It asks you step back and see the bigger picture here. Or to shift your perspective in order to see the direction you now need to take. Just because something is familiar or was right for you at some point, doesn’t mean it cannot or should not change or evolve.
All this desire to uncover just what is behind that yearning for more is due to Mercury’s aspect to not just the full Moon but also Uranus in your 1st and Neptune in your 11th. Your 9th is where the truth resides while Mercury rules facts and communication. Take a fearless, explorer’s stance and go seek it out. Get the answers you know you need to that big question, Taurus. Not knowing keeps you stuck. And don’t they always tell you: the truth will set you free? More truth telling in your Full Moon in Capricorn Moonscope.
In a nutshell: Any feelings of restlessness you experience under this week’s full Moon could be linked to questions around a past choice or decision you made, Taurus. It’s your desire for answers that you need to explore now!
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn (9th)
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (9th to 3rd)
7 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 1st)
9 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 11th)
All fair – or needs to be
Is this As Good As It Gets?
Just ask, Gemini!
Fair’s fair or needs to be under this week’s full Moon in your 8th. It impacts on ruler Mercury in your house of money and values. Hence the need to keep things very much on the level. Or steer clear of agreeing to something you know isn’t right. Or is skewed unfairly in the other party’s favour. Steer clear of ‘This is as good as it gets’ thinking. Or being afraid to ask for what you really want.
There’s a shift occurring in either the balance of power around a key area or simply what you are or aren’t prepared to accept now. This is a full Moon on alchemy and transformation. Yes, it touches on your money, income and finances. Especially the shared kind. But also puts you in the hot seat when it comes to your ability to ask or negotiate. Or simply walk away if it doesn’t feel right.
Mercury’s angles to Uranus (7th) and then Neptune (9th) could have you looking back at when you maybe should have done exactly that or stuck to your guns, but didn’t. And also asks the question: what did you think would happen if you did? What do you think will happen now if you say: The buck stops here? Is that scary, empowering – or both? If something does not work out the way you thought this week, it’s because the universe knows there’s a better deal out there for you, Gemini. You need to know without a doubt you deserve that if so. Go get it.
In a nutshell: You were never destined to simply ‘settle’, Gemini. This week’s full Moon in your soul empowering 8th taps you back into your emotional core and determination. You’re suddenly unafraid to go for what you want. Or ask for it, fearlessly.
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn (8th)
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (8th to 2nd)
7 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 12th)
9 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 10th)
Express your highest, purest truth
Love brings a turning point
Open your heart
Pure love and intention is what you radiate now. And you are seeking this in return, Cancer. Whatever your feelings under the full Moon in your 7th – don’t doubt your right to feel the way you do. Especially if this involves you and another.
That pure love asks for your honesty and your intention should be sharing this. The Moon opposes Mercury in your 1st asking you open up and allow others in to your emotional world. Share don’t censor now. If not with that significant other then with a friend or someone you trust. The more open you are, the closer you’ll feel. Giving you the emotional validation you’re seeking. You want to be heard and also, want to listen in return.
Full Moons bring full stops. Pauses and peaks. This one is no exception. An interaction between you and another may bring a turning point for both of you. Mercury in your sign also interacts with Uranus in your 11th and Neptune in your 9th. Is it time to be out and about? Either with your boo for an extra special date night. Or simply circulating if single? Don’t necessarily go out looking for just one kind of love however. It’s a many splendoured thing this week and comes in many forms. So, take a No Limts, open hearted approach and see who crosses your path. In fact, pure, open-heartedness is what invites love in, Cancer. Let your feels lead you.
In a nutshell: An all-important full Moon marks an important milestone in how you feel about one particular union or connection, Cancer. You’ve no problem communicating your highest, purest intentions now. Share those feels – and own them.
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn (7th)
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (7th to 1st)
7 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 11th)
9 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces (1st to 9h)
Deep clean your life
Release what doesn’t work
Realness is in focus
July and the full Moon on the 3rd opens up the path to a whole lot of truth telling and exposes, Leo. Seeing things as they are and not how you might like them to be. The full Moon is in your 6th of fact-checking and ultimate wellbeing. Which means it opposes your ruler the Sun in your 12th as well as Mercury also in here. Mercury rules your 6th house. So, its intention is to show you whether something is good for you – or not, as the case may be.
You are at the peak of your annual soul house clearing process this week. All in the run up to the Sun’s arrival in your 1st. This is always an invitation to look closely at what or even who goes forward into your new cycle with you. This includes those thoughts or ways of doing things as your 6th is your house of work, habits and routine. Again, look to what supports and assists you. What elevates and makes life easier. Or what blocks, drains or has simply turned into hard work with little to show for it.
Mercury aligns with Uranus (7th) and Neptune (9th), and this is a cosmic highlighter showing you exactly what you need to accept as being real. It tells you: It is what it is. You can only change how you react to it. If you doubt your ability to do this, this week taps you into hidden resources you may have no idea where available. You plug back into your own power and astound anyone who may be underestimating you. You could have a major rethink in the next two weeks. What’s working beautifully for you goes the distance and on into your new cycle. What’s not – there’s no covering up those flaws. It’s decision time. But your next move is clear and certain, Leo.
In a nutshell: Get the reals around what works in your life – and what simply needs releasing. This week’s full Moon is the cosmic highlighter which shows you which is which. And the choice – simply effortless, Leo.
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn (6th)
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (6th to 12th)
7 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 10th)
9 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces (12th to 8th)
Go with the flow
Embrace joy
Express yourself!
The full Moon in your 5th wants to bathe you in beauty, romance, inspiration and pleasure, Virgo. So, indulge and immerse yourself fully. Ruler Mercury in your 11th along with the Sun, not only enters this moondance, but draws Uranus and Neptune onto the floor along with it. You should be surrounded by like-minded souls. Or simply one special one.
Holidays, hobbies, children and stepping out of the flow of time and into where you totally lose yourself in a matrix of play and hedonism is possible. Abandon yourself into the moment. Pleasure is a valid spiritual experience. So why deny yourself the sheer joy of experiencing it?
Express yourself, don’t check yourself. And if someone has a problem with that – that’s theirs so don’t make it yours. Or allow it to dull your shine. Although this week promises sparkle, there’s always someone who has to find fault or get nitpicky. Understand if so, this isn’t about you. The message of the week is to be a joy bringer and to seek out your fellow co-creators of beauty, love and heaven-sent delights. It’s good for your soul and it’s good for theirs too. And simply give anyone who doesn’t share this view a wide berth. Don’t dilute your vibe. More joy in your Full Moon in Capricorn Moonscope.
In a nutshell: Feel the fabulizing effect of the full Moon in your 5th this week. It tells you that love isn’t just all around you – it’s within you. Unleash it via creative self-expression and how you shine. And yes, you’re set to attract the outer kind too, Virgo.
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn (5th)
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (5th to 11th)
7 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 9th)
9 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces (11th to 7th)
You define cool
Buy out of others’ drama
Be specific
This week’s full Moon is in the Moon’s ruling house in your chart. It therefore amps up your sensitivity and packs an unexpected emotional punch. You may not be the one who is bringing the drama under it however. This full Moon asks you take your time over how you respond to those around you who may be thriving on whatever drama they can create. And it may seem someone is going out of their way to use this as an excuse to grab anything from your time and attention to your life-force if you allow it.
You may have to (temporarily) appear to emotionally distance yourself and may even find yourself criticised for this. Especially if someone is seeking to push your buttons and elicit a specific response from you. Continue to keep things in review over the days immediately following this full Moon. And refuse to be rushed, Libra.
This full Moon actually fills you with a new kind of strength. It sees you keeping your cool even when others around you are losing theirs. If you have a specific goal in mind, you are fine tuned and focussed now especially over anything to do with home or your career. One thing is for sure this week, Libra. You gain a certain perspective over a specific dynamic operating in your life. Between you and someone close to you. This could be a relative, someone you live with or even a boss. But what you realise is you are not responsible for their emotions. Only yours. Sure, as usual you are there to listen and to support. You are not responsible for their happiness. And their feelings are theirs and yours are yours. Seeing where that boundary lies is the ultimate revelation this week. Do use it.
In a nutshell: It could be you redefine what keeping your cool looks like this week, Libra. Especially if someone around you is losing theirs. You’re the rock in that stormy sea. The light to steer by. Keep your focus – rewards are in sight.
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn (4th)
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (4th to 10th)
7 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 8th)
9 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces (10th to 6th)
News or a conversation proves pivotal
Share that truth
That timing – pitch perfect
Something could be said that has a big impact on you under the full Moon in your 3rd (3rd). The Moon opposes not just the Sun in your 9th but also Mercury – which rules your 3rd. So, expect news, interactions, extreme activity across your social media and internet and for one discussion to prove pivotal.
Thanks to the angles Mercury makes with Uranus in your 7th and Neptune in your 5th, love or ‘I love you’ could be that all-important topic. Your heart is open and what you are broadcasting is your emotional truth. Don’t even try to pretend you’re not feeling what you feel, phoenix. Because you won’t fool anyone! Just own it.
This week could also see you busy. Lots of movement not just of the information kind but tooing and froing. Travel could even feature while others just seem to spend time rushing around to meetings or simply their neighbourhood. Keep a To Do list or that diary handy as it could be easy to forget where you need to be or even why. A personal or work/study project cycle could peak and if you’re planning your pitch or launch – this is pitch perfect timing. Your truth is impossible to hide and the other bonus is others can’t hide theirs from you. You know what they are thinking – or needing. If you work in advertising, sales or any industry where you deliver the message – or offer the product or service – people are buying now. This includes you personally if dating. Appy days, phoenix!
In a nutshell: The full Moon in your 3rd is linked to perfect, cosmic timing when it comes to what you say or act on, Scorpio. Something you hear could bring a pivotal moment or a decision which opens up opportunity or possibility. Go with it.
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn (3rd)
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (3rd to 9th)
7 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 7th)
9 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces (9th to 5th)
Focus is your superpower
Set your intentions
Know your destination
The bottom line beckons as in your bank account, income, benefits, investments under the full Moon in your money zone. If the Moon is in your 2nd, this puts the Sun and also Mercury, in your ‘other’ money house – your 8th. Mercury is also angling across to Uranus in your 6th and Neptune in your 4th this week. If you’ve allowed matters to drift – this is the moment you decide to take control and change course.
How you make your bread and even extra brioche becomes your main area of motivation. Of course, there’s an end game behind all of this, Sag. Chances are you want to shake and bake in order to fund a big dream. Anything from that holiday to a house or a horse. This full Moon hones your focus and considerable emotional resources. While Mercury hands you the ideas. Upskilling? A better paying gig? A side hustle? Uranus in the mix says you’re at your most inventive while Mercury’s angle to Neptune adds the all-important practical aspect. It’s no good to simply dream. You gotta do now.
What you will recall under this full Moon or see demonstrated in results you can bank on, is that where your intention and focus are invested, the results flow back. You may even recall examples from your past where sustained focus brought you the take-out you wanted. This Moon highlights that truth. So, sustain that focus on throughout the month and watch for the change, Sag.
In a nutshell: Think back to those times where you have been utterly focussed on bringing about a specific result or goal. You have that kind of laser-like intention available to you this week. Where that goes – energy flows.
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn (2nd)
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (2nd to 8th)
7 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 6th)
9 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces (8th to 4th)
You can’t hide the truth
Step into a new dynamic around relating
Good things come in different wrappers
Emotional truths and also a new road towards love and relating are exposed by the full Moon in your sign (3rd). The full Moon shines back into your 7th. Where the Sun ignites your yearly partnership peak. And also aligns to Mercury boosting your ability to share your feelings.
Dreamy, steamy and even unexpected developments in love and partnership matters colour your work as Mercury also angles to Uranus in your 5th and Neptune in your 3rd. Someone could share their feelings with you, opening up a new dimension between the two of you. But if you have been avoiding anything between you and that boo which needs airing, it could come tumbling out of its own accord. What this tells you is not to shy away from having that conversation now. Or refrain from starting one. This is a full Moon under which to make your move – and this includes the first one. So, swipe away if love is what you seek. More in your Full Moon in Capricorn Moonscope.
It’s not just love and marriage partnerships which are in focus. It’s one particular double act, duo, duel or duet that plays a part under this Moon. It could therefore be that boss, that bae, that ride or die, that activity partner or business partner. Or that rival or opponent. If there is outstanding business to be resolved or even new business to be started, this full Moon points the way to a fresh approach or a better outcome for you. It asks you be open to trying at least. And if love arrives looking different to what you thought it would – good things come in unusual packaging now. Keep that in mind, Cappy.
In a nutshell: Love opens up a new avenue to relating thanks to the full Moon in your sign this week. Don’t hide from the truth – yours or another’s. If love is on your mind – open it to the possibility that it may not look exactly like you thought it would. And that’s a good thing.
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn (1st)
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (1st to 7th)
7 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 5th)
9 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces (7th to 3rd)
Revelations bring release
You don’t need to do anything this time
Focus on the good stuff
The full Moon is in your 12th and brings a revelation on the 3rd. Mercury is in its ruling 6th and will highlight any areas where changes need to be made. You also can’t escape the mind/body/spirit connection either this week. Your particular holy trinity of wellbeing is intertwined. Changes to your work, routine or approach to fitness may follow over the next two weeks. Be aware under this full Moon you will be unusually sensitive to atmospheres and vibes. From that aura that person puts out to where you spend your time – from your workplace to home, and the effect they have on you overall, become apparent now. Once you make that connection – make the necessary adjustment. This includes that relationship vibe too. It’s all connected.
Mercury’s angle to ruler Uranus in your 4th (7th), could sweep away any confusion around an issue. Funny as you may not actually need to do anything with this one or even follow through. By the time Mercury trines Neptune in your 2nd, it might just have resolved itself (9th). So, don’t be in too much of a rush. What the full Moon also highlights this week is the good stuff and what truly works for you. As a result you could literally be counting your blessings and letting all the other stuff go. That in turn boosts your own energy level making this a perfect circle of love and connection. Love what works and what doesn’t – stop worrying, Aquarius.
In a nutshell: If faced with a choice or action this week, not choosing or inaction sees the situation resolve all by itself. Your focus should be on those blessings. The more gratitude you give, the more you have to give thanks for.
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn (12th)
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (12th to 6th)
7 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 4th)
9 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces (6th to 2nd)
Circulate to kick-start those dreams
Intuition is your compass
Flow and be flexible
This week sees Mercury in your romantic 5th make a wonderful angle to your ruler Neptune on the 9th. It comes hot on he heels of the full Moon in your 11th – the house where your dreams begin. This is a full Moon under which you need to put yourself out there. To socialise and circulate. You could meet someone and not be aware of the huge role they will play in your future. Someone you think of as a friend could offer you so much more. Or that new contact could end up having a bigger influence than you think now.
Do however use your intuition as your guide. Especially if you have been feeling that the synergy has changed between you and someone else. The full Moon can expose friendships which have run their course. As well as uniting you with like-minded souls. If what is highlighted is the former, let go of labels such as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and keep a universal thankful mindset for the time you have spent together. Release with gratittde and move on.
Mercury’s angle to Uranus in your 3rd will bring unexpected news, an invitation or mark the start of an exciting shift for you (7th). It asks you keep an open mind, remain flowing and flexible. And above all, wait for the full picture to develop. Be playful and willing to experiment and explore. Especially when it comes to creative ventures, friendships and love, Pisces. Dreams are being born whether you realise it or not. Watch as they begin to coalesce over the next two weeks.
In a nutshell: Not a week to hide your light, Pisces. You need to be seen, to circulate and to be open to the last-minute, the exciting and the shift. This is a week to stand out or put yourself out there. It’s the point where new dream can begin.
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn (11th)
3 Jul 2023 Full Moon in Capricorn opposition Mercury in Cancer (11th to 5th)
7 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 3rd)
9 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces (5th to 1st)
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You are the best michelle!! These full moon horoscopes are just brilliant!! I’ve been a follower of yours for over 20 years now and you never disappoint!! Thank you! I am grateful to have you on this planet!! ❤️