Weekly Astrology March 25th 2024 Forecast for All Signs

Draw love out of the shadows
Ask and be answered
What’s the story, Morning Glory?!
Eclipse season kicks off with an eclipsed full Moon in Libra and your 7th (25th). It’s not a total eclipse of the heart as this is a penumbral lunar eclipse. This is when the Moon moves through the outer, fainter part of the earth’s shadow. As opposed to when the earth is exactly between the Sun and Moon and all three line up to create a total lunar eclipse.
I’d like to call this kind of eclipse a foreshadowing. Eclipses cover up. Especially any kind of total eclipse. But this one isn’t that. It acts more to nudge you. Or to give you a heads-up around something that is building and may need your attention. Yes, the most likely scenario is that it involves you and another.
Like a clever storyteller who plants a clue in the early part of a book or film, the universe does the same for you. On an emotional level. Around a love or working partnership, friendship or even in some cases, a frenemy. Your psychic and emotional radar could malfunction. You could read something wrong in other words. Do try not to jump to conclusions or act solely on your feelings.
What you do have working in your favour is your ability to ask the right questions. And then an answer revealing angle three days later between Venus in your 12th and Uranus in your 2nd. Of course, asking the right questions includes asking them of the Tarot too. They may reflect or confirm that foreshadowing. Jot down your interpretations. And above all, treat this week as an exercise in reading right. Both your intuition and what the other party is saying beyond words.
In a nutshell: It’s all in the sub-text under the eclipse in your 7th of partnerships this week, Aries. Pay attention to the signs that show you what’s to come. Need answers? If you ask the right questions, you’ll have all the insight you need to decode what’s being said.
25 Mar 2024 Full Moon in Libra – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5o 7’ (7th)
28 Mar 2024 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 2nd)
The only agreement you need is your own
Take a new approach to work and wellbeing
What is your body saying?
Something is nudging you to delve deeper into a work or wellbeing matter this week. Conventional thinking or your default solutions may not work due to the lunar eclipse and full Moon in your 6th (25th).
It’s not a total eclipse of the heart as this is a penumbral lunar eclipse. This is when the Moon moves through the outer, fainter part of the earth’s shadow. As opposed to when the earth is exactly between the Sun and Moon and all three line up to create a total lunar eclipse. You need to stay connected to your own wisdom in the above key areas. And be prepared that others may not agree with you. Your body has a lot to say and it communicates via energy levels and its reactions. This is your clearest channel when it comes to the information you need.
Obviously this does not mean ignoring advice given to you by a qualified professional. But do look at how you can compliment this. And also monitor how even thinking about a different approach is reflected in your energy level.
Something out of left-field, an idea you stumble upon or even a totally new approach could appear after some reflection and research. All thanks to the angle between Venus and Uranus in your 1st three days after the eclipse. It’s what works for you and you alone. That’s all that matters.
In a nutshell: You may be able to craft your own solution to a work or mind/body/spirit issue. Sure, others may not see things the way you do. But if if works for you – then work it. And work it your way, Taurus.
25 Mar 2024 Full Moon in Libra – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5o 7’ (6th)
28 Mar 2024 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 1st)
Make a date with your true self
Let the joy back in
Set your emotional intention
If you’ve been feeling ‘Close but no cigar’ when it comes to your romantic life, then this week slowly exposes the solution for you. Perhaps you have been fishing in the wrong pond. Or need to ditch that ‘type’. The eclipsed full Moon in your romance zone doesn’t obfuscate to the point you are totally unaware as this is a penumbral lunar eclipse. This is when the Moon moves through the outer, fainter part of the earth’s shadow. As opposed to when the earth is exactly between the Sun and Moon and all three line up to create a total lunar eclipse. Which throws our emotions into a void of confusion.
This is more a pause for thought. And do take that, Gemini. Look back at your history and find the common denominator. Hint: that’s you. Getting serious about pivoting those tactics. Or listening to your intuition more hands you solutions and results. Do however steer clear of the swipe in the immediate days leading up to and following the eclipse. Use this for a date with your truth instead. Honestly, it will be worth it.
Also be attuned to your children’s moods (if you have them). Normal teenage angst not withstanding, be mindful of any concerns you have. Also look at where you need to return to joy or let more pleasure in. Whatever surfaces, know that your intentions now to bring about mindful change will be set. It’s a new modus operandi from this point on, Gemini.
In a nutshell: Watch the direction Cupid fires off those arrows under this week’s eclipse in your romance sector. Stupid Cupid may take aim blindfolded. So, resist the urge to swipe. And do things differently from here on in.
25 Mar 2024 Full Moon in Libra – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5o 7’ (5th)
28 Mar 2024 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 12th)
Insight guides you to fresh choices
Lead with your truth
Feel all the feels – don’t filter them!
Of course lunar eclipses are a very big deal for you, Cancer. The eclipsed full Moon on the 25th may only be a penumbral one – but for you, it will feel very intense. A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves through the outer, fainter part of the earth’s shadow. As opposed to when the earth is exactly between the Sun and Moon and all three line up to create a total lunar eclipse. The full Moon is in the Moon’s ruling 4th – which increases its effect on you. This is because it will square your Cancer factors as it builds and then dissipates.
Whatever you do, feel all the feels, Cancer. Pay attention to your dreams and insights. And don’t try to dull or avoid your emotions by self-soothing behaviours or running away! There is a very good reason why you are feeling the way you are. And no – please don’t allow others to tell you that you are over-sensitive or exaggerating things. This eclipse can bring up family issues, matters to do with where you live, insecurities and old wounds that need healing. Time to let down any barriers and share what’s really going on within you with at least one other person, Cancer.
There’s a big difference between avoidance and/or denial, and breaking free consciously. Or having processed something, moving on in a fresh direction. Venus in your 9th brings you opportunity and expansion fuelled by higher truth. It’s link to Uranus in your 11th puts a fresh spin on your future. Leave the past where it belongs. In the shadows behind you.
In a nutshell: Bravery rules under this week’s lunar eclipse. Be willing to fully experience and own your emotions, Cancer. By doing so you can move through old wounds. And then leave them where they belong – in the past.
25 Mar 2024 Full Moon in Libra – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5o 7’ (4th)
28 Mar 2024 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 11th)
The feels ask you use them to find the facts
Is that the truth you’re being served? Or an edited version?
Your BS radar is on high alert!
Like those Cancerians next door, eclipses whether solar or lunar, have a big impact on you. This is because no matter what kind, they always involve the Sun, your ruler. With a lunar eclipse, the earth is between the Sun and the Moon. All three line up and the Sun throws the earth’s shadow onto the surface of the Moon.
This week’s full Moon in your 3rd is a penumbral lunar eclipse. This occurs when the Moon moves through the outer, fainter part of the earth’s shadow. So, unlike total eclipses where we are plunged into deep unknowing, with this kind of lunar eclipse we intuit part of the bigger picture. Or are handed a heavily edited slice of it. So, in your house of communication and the internet, take it that what you are told or hear may not be the whole truth. It hides a facet of a deep emotional truth. And do use all due caution, Leo.
It’s a good idea to avoid the hard sell, the sob story and the too-good-to-be-true. By the 28th, you are fully attuned again. There’s a fresh direction and certainty emerging from the shadows. You know what you want, need to do or the right action. Especially if this impinges on your career, status and your pride, Leo. It’s worth just taking the time to stop and review this week. To seek out the truth and know that feelings often obscure the facts. Whether they are yours or another’s – wait for the light to get turned back on.
In a nutshell: There’s one infallible guide you can rely on under this week’s eclipsed full Moon – your emotional radar which tells you if something is ‘off’. It could be someone’s serving something heavily redacted. See past the story to the facts.
25 Mar 2024 Full Moon in Libra – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5o 7’ (3rd)
28 Mar 2024 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 10th)
Know the difference between want and need
Cement those values
What are you really buying?
Hold the purse strings and look to what you spend out of emotional wants rather than true needs, Virgo. Also, are you setting your value by what you earn or own? This can be a complex puzzle to decode. But, if we take the time to do so, can hand us real, tangible rewards.
This week brings us a lunar eclipse in your 2nd house of money, income, earnings, possessions and all-important values. It asks you look a little deeper at your emotional connection to your cash. Certainly past the obvious one. If you buy stuff out of a need – well, go directly to that need and fill it. As no matter how much you buy, the hole will still be there until you deal with it. If you feel owning something boosts your value – then look past that. And start to value yourself more without the need for labels or outer validation.
This isn’t the kind of cover-up we see with so many eclipses. This is a penumbral lunar eclipse as opposed to a total one. Lunar eclipses occur when the earth is between the Sun and the Moon. The Sun throws the earth’s shadow onto the Moon’s surface. A total lunar eclipse happens when all three are in a straight line. The eclipse of the 25th sees the Moon move through the outer, fainter part of the earth’s shadow. Yes, there’s fuzzy, clouded thinking but the truth is actually in plain sight if we look past our own emotional shadows to it. That takes bravery of course. Out of the dark and on into the light again.
The 28th has Venus which rules your 2nd, in its ruling 7th and angling to Uranus. Allowing you to step free of what you’re trying to buy. And allowing you to see that it won’t buy you love – or self-love either. Your priceless perfection is not up for sale or negotiation, Virgo. And if you feel others don’t appreciate you, then begin by appreciating yourself as your most valuable asset. You are enough.
In a nutshell: What need are you really trying to fill, Virgo? This week you can see past any holes you’re trying to fill. And go directly to the need itself. Once you do that, you align to your real needs. Wholeness and lasting satisfaction awaits you.
25 Mar 2024 Full Moon in Libra – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5o 7’ (2nd)
28 Mar 2024 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 9th)
That radical approach frees you
In your vulnerability lies your strength
Share yourself without fear
No matter how close to someone you may be, don’t expect them to know what you are thinking or feeling unless you tell them. And also – when it comes to partnership matters – don’t be afraid to try something outrageously different too. Especially if you face issues or communication blocks under the eclipsed full Moon in your 1st (25th). That experimental approach could just be the solution you’ve been seeking.
This is not a complete emotional black-out as this is a penumbral lunar eclipse. This is when the Moon moves through the outer, fainter part of the earth’s shadow. As opposed to when the earth is exactly between the Sun and Moon and all three line up to create a total lunar eclipse. So, there is some uncertainty or something which needs clarification. And with the latter it may be only you can provide this to the other party.
That being said, no eclipse in either your sign or your opposite one of Aries is a good time to go seeking that mate or embark on that first date. So, do steer clear of this. And avoid the two days before and after the eclipse as well.
If something needs to change – anything from an approach to a better understanding, then the good news is that ruler Venus in your 6th delivers this when it angles to Uranus in your 8th (28th). That radical new way of tackling something is not only healing – but a breath of fresh air. And a better understanding of what makes you – and possibly another, tick.
In a nutshell: Emotional truth – yours and another’s, should be your goal under the eclipsed full Moon in your sign. Don’t be afraid to be the one who starts the process by letting down any barriers to share your real feelings. Others follow your fierce desire for real connection if you do.
25 Mar 2024 Full Moon in Libra – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5o 7’ (1st)
28 Mar 2024 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 8th)
Knowing replaces uncertainty
There is one answer
The truth sets you free
Emotional uncertainties are about to be cleared away. If you are willing to slow down and listen to your own inner wisdom, Scorpio. The fact is, under this week’s lunar eclipse in your 12th, you already KNOW. Or have your answer. The only remaining question being: are you willing to confront the truth rather than trying to dodge it?
This can touch on what you really want (accept no substitutions), or the truth around someone else’s feelings. If you are avoiding asking a question because you fear the answer – again, you already know what it is which is why you are hesitating. The reason I say that you already have your answers, is that this is a penumbral lunar eclipse as opposed to the cover-up of a total one.
What’s the difference? A lunar eclipse happens when the earth is between the Sun and the Moon. The Sun casts the earth’s shadow onto the Moon’s surface. A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves through the outer, fainter part of the earth’s shadow. As opposed to when the earth is exactly between the Sun and Moon and all three line up to create a total lunar eclipse. So, feelings are obscured – but not completely. Our intuition may be interrupted by static. Which is why often turning to the Tarot for clarity and also simply waiting for the light to reappear, is always our best option under any eclipse.
No matter what, LOVE is your answer. Or the answer pertains to that. A who or a what that you love. Or love to engage in. It clears away any remaining uncertainty from the 28th when Venus and Uranus align across your entire love and attraction sector. Let’s just say – the wait is over, Scorpio!
In a nutshell: Escape delusion and uncertainty. And head towards the truth. This week’s eclipsed full Moon in your mysterious 12th has all the answers. So come from a place of love. Whether it’s love for others – or the power of self-love.
25 Mar 2024 Full Moon in Libra – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5o 7’ (12th)
28 Mar 2024 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 7th)
Friends are people who let you be yourself
Only accept requests on your wavelength
Tune in to the vibe which surrounds you
What’s that feeling you are getting around a particular friendship or group, Sag? Either the resonance is truly there. Or you’ll understand it’s time to orbit in new circles under the lunar eclipse in your 11th (25th). It’s not a total eclipse of the heart as this is a penumbral lunar eclipse. This is when the Moon moves through the outer, fainter part of the earth’s shadow. As opposed to when the earth is exactly between the Sun and Moon and all three line up to create a total lunar eclipse.
You need to surround yourself with people who ‘get’ you emotionally. And with whom you feel comfortable sharing your feelings. And even those vulnerabilities. You want to surround yourself with a community of like-minded souls. Where pretence is unnecessary and acceptance of each other is all that matters. And it is the glue that binds you together. For more insight into this eclipse, do see your Full Moon in Libra Moonscope.
Venus is blessing all home and property related issues right now. Its angle to Uranus on the 28th also points to something healthier for you. This touches on ‘atmospheres’ which you spend time in. And what surrounds you. Including those invisible energy fields. You’ll come to see which connections represent ‘home’ to you by this date. Which ones drain and which sustain you. You know what to do with this knowledge, Sag.
In a nutshell: Atmosphere and ambiance are big influences under this week’s eclipsed full Moon in your social sector. Don’t waste any more time on people who overshadow or impact yours negatively, Sag. Other more resonant connections are waiting.
25 Mar 2024 Full Moon in Libra – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5o 7’ (11th)
28 Mar 2024 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 6th)
Escape the shadows
Balance your responsibilities
Live up to your potential
Cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra and yourself, will feel the build up to this week’s eclipse more profoundly than other signs. The full Moon (25th), is filled with nuance and shadows. It occurs in your 10th house of career, ambitions, public image and reputation. This is a penumbral lunar eclipse. This is when the Moon moves through the outer, fainter part of the earth’s shadow. As opposed to when the earth is exactly between the Sun and Moon and all three line up to create a total lunar eclipse.
So, the effects may be both subtle in some ways but intense in others. And you may be aware of this two days before the full Moon and then for two days after it. Certainly, you should allow this time either side of it for the energy to clear. Look to what you have built or established. For yourself and those you care about. Or have you taken on too much responsibility? Are you trying to be all things and look after everyone but yourself? These are the kinds of subtleties this eclipse wants you to explore. Do you need to accept more or push yourself to achieve more? Are you living your potential? Or conversely, do you need to delegate to others or let other family members take on their share? Or even in some cases, let something go entirely?
This may result in you having to step outside your comfort zone if a ‘Me first’ mindset isn’t something you usually embrace. This eclipse asks you take your own needs seriously. While the light relief comes on the 28th as Venus and Uranus conspire to send you out in the direction of something good. You know what they say, Capricorn. All work and no play make for shadows.
In a nutshell: Prioritise yourself under this week’s eclipsed full Moon in your 10th. Especially if you are trying to fill too many roles in your life. Being there for yourself is the best move you can make now when it comes to your future success story.
25 Mar 2024 Full Moon in Libra – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5o 7’ (10th)
28 Mar 2024 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 5th)
Don’t leave home without a plan
Moves require due diligence
Maybe it’s the journey that matters – not the destination
Travelling? Due diligence is what you need to pack along with that passport, Aquarius. All kinds of moving experiences are aspected this week due to the eclipsed full Moon in your 9th. This also includes those close to home.
Lunar eclipses happen when the earth is between the Sun and the Moon and the Sun throws the earth’s shadow onto the lunar surface. A penumbral eclipse is when the Moon moves through the outer, fainter part of the earth’s shadow. As opposed to when the earth is exactly between the Sun and Moon and all three line up to create a total lunar eclipse. In ancient time the Moon ruled explorers, trade and travelling due to its association with the tides. So, in your 9th house of airlines, foreign affairs and long distance travel, this is why pre-planning, research and preparation are so important.
Take it that there is something about your journey or that relocation you don’t yet know. Or will miss. It could relate to the trip or move itself. It could be the place or the destination. Also if you have been ignoring your emotional needs, now is the time to give them priority. They are intensifying for a reason. Something needs to be met and acknowledged within you. Do take time in coming up with the right answer. And don’t dismiss your needs as unimportant.
If you are getting the feeling that something is about to happen on the home front. Or with anything pertaining to your material or emotional security – hold that thought. By the 28th when Venus in its ruling 2nd aligns to your ruler Uranus in your 4th, chances are you’re proven right. But if its a new direction you’re seeking – that’s on offer too. What eclipses hide can be surprising. And designed for your ultimate benefit.
In a nutshell: Movement features. If travelling, a little pre-planning saves time. Are you feeling restless? Does somewhere new call to you? Is it time to move away from the familiar and into something bigger and more exciting? A change of location brings in a fresh perspective.
25 Mar 2024 Full Moon in Libra – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5o 7’ (9th)
28 Mar 2024 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 4th)
You decide where you go from here
Reclaim your lost power
Become the change you’re yearning for
Change is change only. So, don’t fear it. Without change, no magic can enter our lives. You don’t get to fly, butterfly. Or show the world those radiant colours. When you think about it this way, change is something to welcome and embrace. It frees us from stagnation. Hands us back lost power. Opens portals that lead us to our dreams.
Let go and let it come this week if you have been resisting it. In fact, become an agent for self-directed change under the eclipsed full Moon in your 8th. You initiate it and make it happen.
Chances are, you may have been feeling a growing need to do something for a while. To discover just how powerful and magical you can be when you commit to actively making change happen. It will intensify in the lead up to this eclipse. And the way forward will begin to emerge. Do resist the urge to rush however. Take your time.
This is a penumbral lunar eclipse as opposed to the emotional darkness of a total one. This occurs when the Moon moves through the outer, fainter part of the earth’s shadow. As opposed to when the earth is exactly between the Sun and Moon and all three line up to create a total lunar eclipse. The truth emerges from the shadows. You can see its outline if you look closely. If it’s lost power – you can recapture it. You take back control.
You are aided in this by Venus in your 1st. Especially if this relates to your money, your intimate life or how you see yourself. You come from a place of certainty and deliverance by the 28th when Venus aligns to Uranus in your 3rd. You’ve no issue around letting others know what you want. Or what you intend to do from here on in. What’s more – it feels so good to be back in control of your destiny, Pisces. Drive your fate in a fresh direction.
In a nutshell: Don’t hang on. And don’t stay stuck or resist the impulse to set change in motion. An eclipsed full Moon in your 8th calls on you to embrace your inner power. If things don’t change – they cannot improve. You are the catalyst which brings this about, Pisces.
25 Mar 2024 Full Moon in Libra – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5o 7’ (8th)
28 Mar 2024 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 3rd)
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