Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs May 16th 2022 – Scorpio Eclipse

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs May 16th 2022 – It’s Intense
Flip your vision on a key situation
Is there a better option?
Explore the deep dynamics of your desires!
Eclipses are all about cover-ups. Total eclipses and we are in the dark in a key area. This week delivers a total lunar eclipse in your 8th. This is your ‘other’ money house – the one which rules shared income or assets. As well as our buried fears, desires or even the dynamics of connections we may not be able to see. The waxing Moon will trine your ruler Mars in your 12th and two days later Mars meets Neptune (18th). This tells you to be unafraid to probe the shadows deeper. Especially if you have been ignoring that ‘gut’ feeling. Revelations can include suddenly seeing a situation and/or behaviour in a different way. But this can take a while to emerge.
Combined with Mercury retrograde this is not the week to enter into contracts or agreements. Could there be a better outcome or result on offer you are presently unaware of? The only way to discover that is to delve deeper into the mysteries of discovery. For pro eclipse hacking tips read the article on how to use the Tarot to discover just what it may be covering up. This is a big one so please, take your time with the information. Go deep and be willing to use your love warrior energy on your own behalf. Especially if what you divine from the cards or just your intuition touches on fears or the most intimate parts of your life.
The Sun enters your 3rd – house of communication, and meets Mercury on the 21st. Ensure what you are being told is 100% factual. The 22nd brings a sextile between ruler Mars and Pluto which could deliver that punch of clarity and you now know exactly how to proceed as a result. Guard your resources and know where your boundaries are this week. Above all – nothing in haste, Aries!
In a nutshell: A powerful eclipse occurs along with a full Moon in your sector of shared resources, assets and yes, your sexiness, Aries. You desire what you want for a good reason. Delve deeper into the dynamic this week.
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (4th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces 8th to 12th)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (8th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (12th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 10th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 1st)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (3rd)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (3rd)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 10th)
Your willingness to compromise says everything about that connection
Say it and mean it
What aren’t you sharing?
Ceres in your 3rd either hands you the gift of compromise or sees you adopt a scorched earth policy when dealing with others, Taurus. A willingness to meet someone half way if a disagreement occurs or a negotiation is needed simply tells you how invested you are in the relationship. If your finger is hovering over the button which launches those soul missiles however – well, this too tells you where you are with the connection.
There’s a deep mystery or cover up occurring around one particular duo, duet or even duel in your life this week. Or is it just you at war with your own feelings? What you feel you need to do vs. what you want to do for instance? If someone’s name just jumped to the forefront of your mind reading this then chances are the hidden truth involves them. Hold that thought at the time of the eclipsed full Moon in your partnership sector on the 16th.. The cover up – of feelings (yours or theirs), the truth, needs and wants, what is being unsaid or held back could concern a working relationship, a bff or yes, even that person you cannot stand just as easily as it could your marriage or long term lover. It tells you to look deeper and closer.
You are in the dark but have that precision laser beam of your intuition to search out the truth. It may mean searing through layers of time, fears and insecurities to get to it. You have help as the sextile between retro Mercury in your 2nd and Jupiter in your 12th on the 20th gifts you the 20/20 insight of past perspective. Need more help? For pro eclipse hacking tips read the article on how to use the Tarot to discover just what it may be covering up. This is a big one so please, take your time with the information.
Your word reflects your worth now and should be a true statement of your values. Especially when the Sun leaves your sign on the 21st and arrives in your 2nd. This is your house of money and also relationships you can bank on. So as the Sun and retroactive Mercury meet in here on the same day ensure that you don’t put off any conversations you need to have around your values and whether that connection aligns to them. The future is in motion this week from what you eventually decide or say due to Mars and Neptune in your 11th. Compromise tells you where your heart lies. Conflict or disconnect – something else entirely.
In a nutshell: Your willingness to find that win/win solution or compromise tells you just how much you value a relationship, Taurus. And if you’re no longer willing to seek one out – that is also a powerful message under this week’s eclipse.
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (3rd)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (7th to 11th)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (7th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (11th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 9th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 12th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (2nd)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (2nd)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 9th)
Wish fulfilment beckons
Who you know forms part of your future celebrations
Happy birthday, Gemini!
Happy birthday, Gemini! The Sun in your 1st tells you its time to plan for the future and to show the world a brand new facet of you. But with a past flavour. Call this is a time of relaunch, rebranding and resurrection due to ruler Mercury retrograde in your sign as your fresh cycle begins. No, it’s not about re-heating past leftovers. But reclaiming what really matters to you and re-envisioning those goals in new ways. Think of this as your rebirth.
Friends, connections, groups and goals will continue to propel you forward into this. Remember the rule about Jupiter in your 11th – don’t just make a wish when you blow out those candles – make three. And expect delivery of at least one.
Above all this week, craft carefully how you wish to come across to others, take yourself seriously because if you don’t then who will? Be extremely mindful of your public/professional image and guard this carefully. Your money/work/career/wellbeing houses are all impacted this week. Ceres in your 2nd is all about deals and negotiations which add up to increased self-worth. You have Mars and Neptune meeting in your 10th on the 18th – making this a day when you have to be seen as someone in control of their destiny. You cannot control others but you can control your responses and where you direct your fate. Keep this in mind.
The week’s major event is the total lunar eclipse on the 16th in your 6th. Just like retrogrades, eclipses have rules. They tell us there’s a cover-up happening or we only have part of a bigger picture. Total eclipses tell us we are completely in the dark in a key area. In this case this touches on your day job (paid or unpaid), study, habits, health, pets if you have them and that mind/body/spirit union. The small stuff isn’t small stuff under this eclipse. It’s depth-sounding, Titanic level iceberg massive.
Don’t ignore what your body is telling you now. Your energy levels are your navigation system through this. What this eclipse may hide from you is the effect a situation is having on them. Or even what you do, think, eat or who or what is around you. Need more help? For pro eclipse hacking tips read the article on how to use the Tarot to discover just what it may be covering up. This is a big one so please, take your time with the information. But what emerges not only improves your life on a daily basis, but boosts that rebirth process, Gemini.
In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Gemini! With ruler Mercury retrograde as the Sun arrives in your sign plus a powerful eclipse, you may be backtracking before heading forward into fresh possibilities. Is it time to revive a wish or dream? That could form part of your gifts now.
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (2nd)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (6th to 10th)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (6th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (10th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 8th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (1st to 11th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (1st)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (1st)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 8th)
Is what you feel real?
Watch for love revivals
Seek reality – not wishful thinking
Lunar eclipses for you are a very big deal, Cancer. Your ruler is thrown into shadows and confusion. You may no longer trust your gut feelings. Your soul compass spins. You may be filled with self-doubt or uncertainty about where the truth lies. You’re gaslit on some level. Un-moored from your intuition or unsure of the facts.
Go deep within this week as the full Moon in your 5th brings a total lunar eclipse. You are thrown completely into the dark now. There’s a cover-up or blockage standing in your way which you may not be able to see due to the eclipse impacting on Mars in your 9th along with Neptune. If someone is telling you something is one way when you feel it is in fact another, you need to take your time. And also to observe. This is your house of lovers, of children and those younger than you, your creativity, fun, pleasure and holidays. With Mercury now retrograde in your 12th and the Sun joining it on the 21st, along with the Mars/Neptune conjunction in your 9th of long distance travel, I should not need to add that if you are traveling you need to allow extra time and have back-up plans in place. Just in case.
This is not a good week to go seeking that new lover. They may not be all they appear to be. If someone from the past surfaces, you should think long and hard about any reinvolvement. And if you do decide to give them a second chance, please don’t jump straight back in. Allow yourself (and them) plenty of time to assess whether changes are permanent ones. Or simply wishful thinking or what they think you want to hear. Ceres in your 1st can broker a new deal for you. But only if there is a shift in the first place.
Need more help? For pro eclipse hacking tips read the article on how to use the Tarot to discover just what it may be covering up. This is a big one so please, take your time with the information. What emerges will be that your gut feeling was right all along, Cancer. Stick with that.
In a nutshell: A powerful eclipsed full Moon in your sector of lovers, children and pleasure could have you wondering if your intuition is still working, Cancer. Take your time as it could cause you to question what you feel. What emerges will free you from anything that truly isn’t the real deal.
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (1st)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (5th to 9th)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (5th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (9th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 7th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (12th to 10th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (12th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (12th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 7th)
Take a fearless approach
Delay long term decisions if you can
Focus on self-care
Like the Cancerians next door, you are the sign most affected by an eclipse whether this is a solar or lunar one. Your ruler is involved either way. Something is unclear or totally covered up. For you this could involve your home or living arrangements, your money, mortgage, assets and what you share with a spouse or a deeply intimate tie this week.
We have a total lunar eclipse on the 16th with the full Moon in its ruling 4th house in your chart. You might want to make a quick check on your own chart for any factors at 25 degrees of your sign. Give or take a degree or two. If you have them, this is as intensely up close and personal as it gets, Leo. And the cover up is a big one.
Due to Mercury retrograde in your 11th you need to delay any decisions which may impact on your long term future, where you live, your emotional/material security and anything that is shared with you and/or by you with another if you possibly can. If you are currently involved in legal matters, contracts or deals and cannot delay, please ensure the advice you are given is 100% gold standard. Ensure transparency.
Need more help? For pro eclipse hacking tips read the article on how to use the Tarot to discover just what it may be covering up. This is a big one so please, take your time with the information. Your emotional responses and gut feelings need to be monitored closely. Watch for attempts at emotional manipulation by others too. Look to any cards you pull now closely. Sit with them. They contain the keys to unlocking the mystery hidden in this eclipse. Above all, face down any fears and insecurities. If you feel the need to withdraw or spend time alone, don’t ignore this. Nurturing and self-care assist with gaining back confidence and clarity.
Your rulers entry into your 11th on the 21st and its meeting with retro Mercury points to a social/friendship revival. Reach out to those you have not seen or heard from in a while. Old friendships can take on new meaning. Those who are older or simply have life experience under their belt can provide you with a welcome distraction from that eclipse murk. And can even illuminate the answers you need.
In a nutshell: A powerful eclipsed full Moon appears in your home sector asking you to delve deeper into those needs and what sustains you. Defer long term decisions if you can, Leo.
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (12th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (4th to 8th)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (4th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (8th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 6th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (11th to 9th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (11th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (11th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 6th)
Do your due diligence
Delve into a fact-finding mission
The Retro Rules are your new commandments!
Question everything this week and take nothing on face value. The eclipse in your 3rd has all the hallmarks of something deep fake about it. This is a Mercury ruled house in your chart so what you hear or told may not be the truth. The Mercury retro rules need to be engraved on your heart now. Do not ignore them. Read the small print and use caution when traveling or even on the internet. This is click bait in every wrong way.
Intuition needs to be backed with action at some point. But for now, tap into your Virgo superpower of doing your due diligence and simply wait to gather the facts before proceeding. This is a total lunar eclipse at the time of the full Moon impacting on Mars and Neptune in your 7th and occurring at the same time your ruler Mercury is retrograde in your 10th. It could be this relates to something you have been ignoring for far too long. Especially if this is linked to your career or relationship status.
Act with authenticity when you finally make your move. Need more help? For pro eclipse hacking tips read the article on how to use the Tarot to discover just what it may be covering up. This is a big one so please, take your time with the information. Sit with it, journal and write down each and every impression or message you get from the cards. It may only be later that you realise how apt and accurate this is.
If you are seeking an outlet at this time while you sift through the eclipse shadows, Ceres in your 11th can restore that work/life balance in favour of a social life. Distractions may be just what you need and give your subconscious time to find the facts behind what you’re feeling, Virgo.
In a nutshell: We can say feelings are not facts. But your feelings can guide you to the truth. Navigating them under this week’s eclipsed full Moon requires you to hold onto the desire to uncover what you need to discover, Virgo.
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (11th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (3rd to 7th)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (3rd)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (7th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 5th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (10th to 8th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (10th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (10th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 5th)
Work your values
What is the real cost of something?
Yes you are worth it, Libra
Not a week for splurging or spending, Libra. In fact, guard your cash. Beware of scams, get rich quick schemes and so-called bargains. Also be wary of anyone who attempts to drive down your price or makes you question your values. This is a week to stand firm and know your worth.
Ceres in your career sector shows you if there is a compromise to be made without selling out. Or if alternatively, you need to stand firm. The same day it arrives in here brings a full Moon packaged with a total lunar eclipse in your 2nd. It also impacts Mars and Neptune in your work-a-day 6th. This is a total cover up and what it is concealing may be whether or not something is worth it. As in worth the compromise or selling your soul over. Or even the cost to you in other areas depending on whether this involves your time, talent, money or even love.
Issues and insecurities around money may be another area you are fearful of probing. How you fear you may be seen if others knew your real financial status for instance. Or else someone may be hiding the truth of theirs. Or peddling something that is in fact worthless. The only thing you can be certain of are your own values and you need to stick to these. Need more help? For pro eclipse hacking tips read the article on how to use the Tarot to discover just what it may be covering up. This is a big one so please, take your time with the information. Watch for any Pentacles cards which appear now.
All this takes place against a Mercury retro backdrop. Mercury of course rules trade and commerce. What we buy and sell. Another reason to keep a tight grip on those purse strings. Or those cards. This week marks the entrance of the Sun into your 9th and it meets Mercury in here the same day (21st). This is your house of long distance travel, foreign connections and mass media. If doing business or buying anything from overseas use every caution and please don’t share your financial information. If you are traveling at this time, you need to ensure you have copies of all documents parked on your cloud, to monitor everything from the weather to Covid to strikes. Don’t leave home without a backup plan and those Retro Rules in place. And as for being a big spender – save for that sunny day instead of an eclipsed one, Libra.
In a nutshell: The total eclipse and full Moon in your 2nd wants you to discover whether something is actually ‘worth it’, Libra. This can include worth investing your time, effort and love as well as money. Get ready to discover if the price is right now.
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (10th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (2nd to 6th)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (2nd)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (6th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 4th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (9th to 7th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (9th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (9th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 4th)
Revelation and transformation occurs in love
What has already changed that needs your acknowledgment?
Go within for answers
This week brings a cover up in a key emotional area, Scorpio. It also sees both your rulers in orb of it. The day the eclipse occurs along with the full Moon in your 1st, the waxing Moon impacts on ancient ruler Mars in your 5th. Three days later while those eclipse shadows still linger, we have the Sun in your 7th making a revealing angle to modern ruler Pluto in your 3rd. Chances are the latter day (19th) will bring you a sudden flash of insight into what the cover up is.
Please do check your chart for Scorpio factors at 25 degrees of your sign. If you have them then the eclipse is hitting them. It will also affect those of you with planets or aspects within 1-2 degrees of it. Total eclipses are complete and utter cover ups. They are our blind spot when they occur in our 1st house. Because the Sun is in your 7th, this means the blind spot could involve another or a key relationship. Or even ourselves in that relationship or how we believe the other party sees us.
Need more help? For pro eclipse hacking tips read the article on how to use the Tarot to discover just what it may be covering up. This is a big one so please, take your time with the information. What cards turn up that chime with you personally or make you immediately think of someone else require that extra special attention.
There’s a big background of change behind all this with Mercury retro in your 8th joined by the Sun in here from the 21st. Ceres is also on the move from your 8th to your 9th on the day of the eclipse. Something has to change or transform now and what this is may not be obvious to you at first. Perhaps your own needs have changed and you have yet to acknowledge this? Whatever this is, it requires you to become the Hermit in the Tarot. In fact, if this card turns up if you do consult the Tarot about this eclipse then you know you are on the right track. The Hermit is illuminated by knowledge within. It tells you that this is where your answers are to be found. Eclipses may conceal the truth but the truth cannot be hidden forever. Shine the light within, Scorpio. What you need to discover won’t remain hidden.
In a nutshell: The full Moon and eclipse in your sign this week is about an area you’ve ignored or missed entirely, Scorpio. This could be a key relationship or a deep soul area. The truth or the answers can be found within you. Look deeper.
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (9th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (1st to 5th)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (1st)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (5th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 3rd)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (8th to 6th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (8th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (8th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 3rd)
Surrender being right or the need for control
In your vulnerability lies your strength
What you resist persists
Admitting you don’t know something (or even anything at all), is the first step to acquiring the knowledge you seek, Sag. Please keep this in mind this week as the 16th delivers an eclipsed full Moon in your 12th of secrets and hidden truths.
Above all, don’t attempt to take refuge in denial now. Closing your eyes to something doesn’t make the cover up go away. It just makes the inevitable confrontation with it more painful. Now, as this is your house of intuition, even though this is a total eclipse and therefore a total cover-up, chances are deep down you know what this involves. And it may well rope in deep feelings around coping, fear of loss or control, and emotional vulnerability. In these lie your strength and your ability to look beyond the obvious for real answers.
Many Sagittarians have chart factors in next door Scorpio so I do suggest you check your charts for anything at 25 degrees – or within a 1-2 degree orb of this. Need more help? For pro eclipse hacking tips read the article on how to use the Tarot to discover just what it may be covering up. This is a big one so please, take your time with the information. Watch for cards that invoke any repressed emotions or insecurities now. If so you are halfway there to discovering what you don’t know – or would rather not know.
The truth will set you free. But getting to the truth this week may involve asking some difficult questions – again, you may have been putting this off. If this involves someone close to you, you may be afraid of the answers you may get if you do. But take it you DO need to know, Sag. This eclipse takes place against the backdrop of Ceres in your house of empowered change and what you share – as well as the Sun and Mercury retrograde in your partnership sector from the 21st. What you are seeking now is more understanding and insight into your relationship and the other person’s feelings. Or to simply remove the fear you may have about sharing your own. Mercury retro says this is something you may have needed to do for a while now. Time for release if so. ‘I’d like to know how you think/feel about . . .’ is a good starting place. As is ‘I’d like to share something I have been thinking about with you’. Answers get you what you need to know, Sag.
In a nutshell: The eclipsed full Moon in your 12th represents a total cover up in a key area, Sag. Don’t ignore those hunches or take refuge in denial now. Admitting you may not know something is your first step to uncovering your answers.
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (8th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (12th to 4th)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (12th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (4th)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 2nd)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (7th to 5th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (7th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (7th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 2nd)
Craft that beautiful compromise
Create a different outcome for your future
Recharge if you are running on empty
You are so motivated to find the sweet, win/win, middle ground in all your relationships this week, Cappy. Your intentions are aligned to love or simply finding that beautiful compromise. You are invested in not only what you want but open to the other party’s needs too. And in designing something that works for you both now Ceres enters your 7th.
This same day also delivers a powerful eclipsed full Moon in your 11th. It makes you want to create a future that’s different from your past. But it may also conceal something too. Perhaps that someone wants something different. Or that a friendship, contact or even an entire group, has lost its resonance. Or may not be what you think it is. This is a total eclipse and therefore a big blind spot. Perhaps you’ve let that social life slide telling yourself you’ll ‘catch up’ later? But later doesn’t arrive. Yes, it could be a connection needs that focus. The hidden truth could just as easily be your goals don’t vibe with you any more.
Take some time with this as the secret of this eclipse runs deep. Need more help? For pro eclipse hacking tips read the article on how to use the Tarot to discover just what it may be covering up. But you have the capacity to probe those shadows thanks to Mars and Neptune in your 3rd. Retro Mercury in your 6th triggers your curiosity and desire for more information. You’ll also check that info to ensure its correct. The Sun’s arrival in your 6th (Mercury’s house) and the meeting between them on the 21st adds up to you re-looking at what does you good – and what detracts from self-care. If you’ve been running on empty for too long – slow down. Mars aligning to Pluto in your sign on the 22nd shows you are now willing to make that change you’ve been guided towards. All based on that win/win position of the perfect balance of feelings and facts, Cappy!
In a nutshell: One particular friendship, connection or group may need your focus this week due to the eclipsed full Moon in your 11th. Check those contacts for resonance now. The future can be rewritten. It doesn’t have to follow the past, Cappy.
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (7th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (11th to 3rd)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (11th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (3rd)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 1st)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (6th to 4th)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (6th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (6th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 1st)
Credibility and commitment ensure results
Work your core strengths
Rewards come from going the distance
Please check your chart for factors in your own sign or any house at 25 degrees – give or take an orb of 1-2 degrees as this week begins, Aquarius. If you have them you will be hit by this week’s total eclipse of the full Moon in your 10th on the 16th. This especially applies if they are in your own sign as the eclipse will square them.
Eclipses conceal and total eclipses throw us into darkness. We are literally blind to something. This is your house of career, status, ambitions, recognition and rewards and your public image. If you have a partner, traditionally in astrology this rules your partners status too. And your relationship status. Eclipses just are. Events like any other and neither good nor bad. What they hide may not be bad or sinister. We just can’t see it – yet.
Your eclipse work tools are authenticity, foundation, commitment, credibility, honesty, integrity. No matter what else is happening, if you operate from these values you will work this energy like a boss. Need more help? For pro eclipse hacking tips read the article on how to use the Tarot to discover just what it may be covering up.
The Sun is on the move this week into your fabulizing 5th house. Mercury is retro in here so while this is your house of lovers and romance, along with eclipse energy you may want to hold off on that swipe for now. However, celebrations and being acknowledged for all you have to offer and past efforts are very much favoured now. Things to watch for this week: feeling you have to buy love or over-achieve. And if going on holiday due to Mercury retro, factor in anything from delays to strikes or the weather. But if you’ve done the work and hold fast to your core strengths, then recognition could find you now.
In a nutshell: Go the distance! Sticking to your intentions and long term efforts could pay off for you now, Aquarius. The eclipse in your house of career and status tells you to follow through with credibility, authenticity and commitment.
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (6th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (10th to 2nd)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (10th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (2nd)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 12th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (5th to 3rd)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (5th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (5th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 12th)
Shine a light on mystery
Opportunity or solutions may hide in plain sight
Discover a hidden pathway
Send that searchlight of intuition out into the void of insight this week, Pisces. You have an eclipsed full Moon in your 9th of opportunity, freedom and solutions making angles to Mars and ruler Neptune in your 1st. Eclipses conceal and total eclipses plunge us into the vast darkness of possibilities and all that is hidden from us. Lucky our soul compass still functions under these circumstances. And especially for you as it angles to planets still in your 1st.
Check to see if you have Pisces factors at 25 degrees – within a 1-2 degree orb. If so you will have Mars and your ruler conjunct them plus they make a trine to the eclipse. What this can mean is that what is hidden for you is a new path, way out of something, direction or answer which you cannot yet see. I could say ‘Hidden in plain sight’. You may have more options or solutions than you know.
Be a seeker of truth now. If you truly do want answers then understand they will arrive for you although perhaps not immediately and they may also come in unexpected or subtle ways. Via signs, synchronicities or dreams for instance. Need more help? For pro eclipse hacking tips read the article on how to use the Tarot to discover just what it may be covering up. This is a big one so please, take your time with the information.
This week sees Ceres enter you pleasure zone asking you if you are getting enough fun, joy and soul juicing love and attention? If not, why not, Pisces? The Sun is also on the move into your 4th meeting Mercury retro in here on the 21st. The focus will be on home, living arrangements, family, emotional and material security and your path in the coming month. But for now this is all about exploring the past, your roots and what sustains you. Or what you need to sustain you for the future. While this isn’t a good time for property dealings this is a time where you can either make changes to where you live right now or research where or how you need to live for the future. What’s hidden may be exactly what you need to move forward either way, Pisces.
In a nutshell: An eclipsed full Moon in your house of opportunities, solutions and answers means that the way forward requires you to reboot that soul compass, Pisces. Changes and freedom are on offer but you may have to search them out.
May 16 2022 Ceres enters Cancer (5th)
May 16 2022 Waxing eclipsed full Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces (9th to 1st)
May 16 2022 Full Moon in Scorpio – Total Lunar Eclipse (25⁰18’) (9th)
May 18 2022 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (1st)
May 19 2022 Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 11th)
May 20 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (4th to 2nd)
May 21 2022 Sun enters Gemini (4th)
May 21 2022 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini (4th)
May 22 2022 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 11th)
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group.
Any similarity in trade names is coincidental only: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way connected with Rider-Waite,
the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, or the Penguin Random House Group.