Weekly Astrology Forecast for all Signs May 23rd 2022 – The Power Returns

Weekly Astrology Forecast for all Signs May 23rd 2022
Ignite the dream
Follow the fire
No excuses – go for it!
It’s go for it week, Aries. Especially if something you missed out the first time returns. Don’t hesitate. Despite the Mercury retro in your 2nd now, it’s about allowing yourself to feel passion, intensity and joy. And not to let these pass you by through fear.
Did you know we can get so used to the pain of feeling we are not good enough/can’t have what we want, that if we are offered it we sabotage ourselves because the pain is so familiar while the opposite – our joy and bliss, feels unfamiliar – so it scares us.
Firebrand soul – scorch a new path and blaze a trail of passion as ruler Mars enters your sign on the 24th and meets Jupiter in your 1st on the 29th. Mars is the confidence, the desire to have and Jupiter is the maker of opportunities when we have the courage to act in our own best interests. Sometimes this simply means taking that first step or saying ‘Yes’. You have Venus in your 1st right up until the 28th promising enhancement and adding that touch of allure to everything you say and do. Venus moves into its ruling 2nd on the 28th and along with retro Mercury in here has you re-working that self-worth or those ideas around receiving abundance or dancing with pleasure. The only limits now are your own thoughts. Step free of them once and for all, Aries.
In a nutshell: You have the fire in your warrior heart and the dream in your soul. Jupiter hands you the opportunity and ruler Mars the confidence. So – go for it this week, Aries! You have ignition.
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (2nd)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 1st)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (2nd to 12th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 11th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (1st)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (12th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 10th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 10th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (2nd)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (1st)
Know your truth
U-turns can be course corrections
Retake the path your soul yearns for
Listen to the lyrics of True by 80’s band Spandau Ballet if you can this week. Or simply look them up on Google. So much is linked to the massive line up of planetary activity in your 12th and the return of retro Mercury to your 1st. Jupiter in your 12th wants to hand you a ticket to the world. Tune in to the sound of your soul and what you really do want, Taurus. This is all about second chances and the opportunity to re-take a path this week.
What you want doesn’t have to slip through your hands any longer. Take some time to go within. Use that soul compass which points in the direction of true north for you. How do we access it? Via meditation, the Tarot, astrology, tapping into your intuition or the power of dreams, therapy and even body work like kinesiology. The body records what the soul knows.
You are now at a soul peak period, Taurus. And despite the Merc retro factor, it will also feel like a time of new beginnings thanks to the arrival of your ruler Venus in your sign on the 28th. The new beginning for you may however be simply a u-turn back to that path or choice you always wanted to make. Mars arrives in your 12th on the 24th and meets Jupiter on the 29th. Resurrecting that desire or opportunity for you. And also handing you the confidence and intent to see it through this time around. It’s the only and right choice for you, this week, Taurus. You know this much is true.
In a nutshell: Time to listen to the sound of your soul, Taurus. Take some time out to tune in. What message does it have about a path you need to retake? Something from the past still calls you so head back to move forward towards your truth this week.
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (1st)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 12th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (1st to 11th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 10th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (12th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (11th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 9th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 9th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (1st)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (12th)
Reclaim a dream
Time-turning options ask you choose again
Keep that wish alive
Your ruler Mercury makes a retroactive visit to your 12th this week while all the real action continues in your 11th of friends and your future, Gemini. So, bear in mind this birthday cycle this is a real Back to the Future phase for you. Like Marty McFly but without the Delorean, you can jump back in time to reboot lost potential. Or reclaim it in the lost and found department of the cosmos.
Jupiter in your 11th is all about that wish fulfillment. If you haven’t yet made your three wishes as mentioned in your Jupiter forecast for this cycle, then as part of your birthday ritual, please now do so. And in particular, look at what goal or wish you can resurrect or which remains unfulfilled. Now, look at what steps you can take towards making them real. It need only be baby steps. But you do need to take some kind of action. Pick the goal that you truly feel you will regret not trying to make happen out of the three. You have major assistance from the universe with this now Mars also lands in your 11th on the 24th.
The past promises to reappear in some way or offer you that all important second time around opportunity as Venus joins Mercury in your 12th from the 28th. This could see someone or something reappear as if by magic from that cosmic lost and found I mentioned. If so, it has your name on it. However, if despite your best efforts a connection fails to revive, take it that it has now been lived out and let it go with grace. You have ignition and permission to go after that dream on the 29th when Mars and Jupiter meet. This could see a connection or path open up for you that leads to living that dream for real. It’s an invitation to explore so please, accept any invites which come your way. Especially if they will take you up, up and away and out of your usual circle of experience. Good times are on offer this week. You’re not living in the past but mining it for future potential, Jump back in time to go forward now.
In a nutshell: There’s a saying the journey is the goal. So bear this in mind as you head towards yours, Gemini. The experience of going after it can hand you just as big a take-out as having it. Enjoy the ride!
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (12th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (1st to 11th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (12th to 10th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 9th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (11th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (10th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 8th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 8th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (12th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (11th)
Reconnect to the past
Revisits inspire a fresh vision
Go success!
Revivals, reunions and reconnections feature this week as retrograde Mercury returns to your 11th and Venus enters here on the 28th. Old contacts and friendships could feature as well as rebooting that past goal. Travel back to places from your past filled with precious memories of good times may feature. If this involves a break or a holiday, then there is a good chance it could be free of Mercury retro snafus. This is not a given however so do keep those rules in mind.
If you are getting together with people you have not seen for a while, you might want to suggest you frequent those old haunts. Revisits may have you appreciating them from a fresh perspective. The Sun in your 12th shines on the past allowing you to reactivate what is relevant while letting go of what isn’t. Yes, nostalgia may feature but not in a sentimental way because you’re also inspired and ignited by a fresh vision for what the future may hold too.
Time for big, bold moves this week as Mars and Jupiter in your 10th ignite those ambitions. This is more than just about status, rewards and recognition for you however. You want to walk your own path and feel your divine purpose is being fulfilled. This transit says: Go big or go home. There’s no half measures with these two planets in here.
If you have ended up in a role which doesn’t suit you or confines you, the meeting between Mars and Jupiter on the 29th could see you take actions towards changing your course. Others may reach for that role several rungs up their current position on the ladder of success – and be surprised at just how high they can climb. Jupiter says ‘Soar!’. Mars says ‘You got this!’. Between the two of them – ain’t no mountain high enough, Cancer. Reach for the stars this week.
In a nutshell: There’s a massive revision happening with your connections to your past and also your definition of what success looks like, Cancer. A new star to aim for and even a new course to get to it, puts your feet on higher ground.
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (11th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (12th to 10th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (11th to 9th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 8th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (10th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (9th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 7th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 7th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (11th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (10th)
Embrace a bigger vision
Blaze a trail
Rise and shine!
Take a chance this week, Leo. Your fierce, lion-hearted courage soars. If you’ve been chafing against restrictions or anything that dulls your golden glowing right to shine, this week could hand you opportunities or solutions which offer an escape route or simply restore that lustre!
See this as a journey. It could be an actual one or a metaphorical one. But learning or gaining a new perspective could form a large part of the process. As could simply being willing to take a chance and move out of that comfort zone, Leo. Think of that comfort zone as one where yes, you can stay safe or even recharge when needed. But also when you are in there you are in the shadows, the background and your inner light is dimmed.
Reignite the fire this week and use your smarts when it comes to maneuvering yourself out of the no glow zone. With retro Mercury backing into your 10th and Venus entering this house on the 28th, it’s important to be mindful of how you are coming across. Yes, you can make your own rules to a certain extent and bravely and boldly strike out onto your own path. Walk that fine line between being seen as a self-governed trailblazer and all out rebel. In other words, you can do it your way but work within the accepted way of doing things. That way you keep those who matter on your side and you don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater!
Travel or dealing with people overseas may also feature. Just keep those retro rules in mind. Above all, this week asks you step into new, unexplored territory with your soul aglow and your heart beating with confidence as Mars and Jupiter meet in Jupiter’s ruling 9th on the 29th. If you stick with what’s familiar you may miss that chance to shine in your own right. The universe wants to hand you a bigger experience this week. One that could get you noticed or see a much needed solution on offer. Just say ‘Yes’, Leo.
In a nutshell: Ready to step into a larger experience? Or blaze a trail towards something bigger and more breathtaking? An opportunity to strike out in a fresh direction could put you firmly on someone’s radar now, Leo. Take it if offered.
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (10th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (11th to 9th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (10th to 8th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 7th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (9th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (8th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 6th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 6th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (10th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (9th)
Dance with destiny
You are the point of power
Go where the winds of change take you
Retro ruler Mercury returns to your 9th of higher learning, long distance travel and big ideas this week. It will be joined by Venus from the 28th. Revisions and returns may feature. Are you traveling back to somewhere you have been to in the past or reconnecting to that far away goal?
Have no doubt big changes are in motion this week. Time for release and to trust where you are being led, Virgo. The more you resist, the more barriers to progress you may encounter now. Time to relinquish any need for control and to understand the only control you have is over your own responses. Dancing with destiny can sometimes feel like stepping into the eye of the hurricane. The elements swirl around you but you in fact are that still point around which everything orbits. Making the most of Jupiter and now Mars in your ‘other’ money house of alchemical transformation and change involves you seeing yourself as the still, calm point around which a vortex containing so many possibilities, spins.
You can reach out and cherry-pick what comes into your orbit. Or simply let it simply spin on while you wait to see what else it blows your way. If you wish to release anything that is holding you back into it – you can. You are the point of power and release this week. What you attract or draw to you as you engage in your process of surrender may ask you to confront your insecurities and limitations. Mars in its ruling 8th tells you that you have nothing to fear from this. Or from change for that matter. The meeting between Mars and Jupiter on the 29th could hand you more resources or a feeling of empowerment than you have had at your disposal for a very long time. Surrendering means you end up exactly where you are supposed to be. Or back on the path you were always destined to tread.
In a nutshell: Dance in the vortex of change this week, Virgo. No, you won’t get swept away. Instead you tap into the true soul power of being able to choose and to surrender both at the same time. What this delivers is the transformation you need.
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (9th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (10th to 8th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (9th to 7th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 6th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (8th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (7th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 5th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 5th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (9th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (8th)
Get a head start on your summer of love
Work that mojo
Love is in the air
Ruler Venus moves into your ‘other’ money house – your 8th this week. Joining retrograde Mercury which returns on the 23rd. Some of you could see money or even property matters which have been delayed or stalled, suddenly revive now.
As could that feeling of sexiness, Libra. Venus will remain in its ruling 7th up until the 28th. Mars joins it and Jupiter from the 24th. That love interest which has been simmering in the background could suddenly heat up. Or that love-in revival happen. There’s a so freeing 60’s summer of love vibe happening for you now. Embrace this in any way you can. From retro fashion to just channeling the festival, carefree, creative, Haight-Ashbury, mojo juiced up love for the one you’re with. Or for what you simply love to do.
If you’re going to San Francisco – or traveling anywhere for that matter, do keep the retro rules in mind. That being said, those good times are gonna roll, as feelgood stars just happen to be working for you, Libra. If your plans have been on hold due to lack of funds, this week could hand you the opportunity to change up how you make your bread. Or offer you a bigger slice of love or life experience.
Jupiter in your 7th is like Fat Cupid on steroids. Firing arrows off in all directions and wanting to double up your love. To discover the power of two times infinity. An invitation to take an existing double act to the next level or to jump into a new, exciting and more passionate duet could be the result of the meeting of Mars and Jupiter in your 7th on the 29th. You’re in the hot zone now, Libra. Attracting and acting to attract. However, if it’s no longer hot – you’ll move out of the freeze and towards something new and oh so summer of good, good loving!
In a nutshell: There’s a carefree, colourful, 60’s summer-of-love vibe over all your partnership connections now, Libra. Duos, duets and double acts of all descriptions free your soul. It’s all love and yes, it IS all around you.
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (8th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (9th to 7th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (8th to 6th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 5th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (7th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (6th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 4th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 4th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (8th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (7th)
Second chances reappear
No more running on empty
Work some everyday magic
Love revivals or the rebooting of a double act could follow retro Mercury’s return to your 7th. Venus rules this house and joins it on the 28th. If you and that boo need to talk or work through any barriers to togetherness, now’s the time to invite them to talk. The 25th being one of the best this week for discussions of all kinds and tackling that unfinished business as this sees retro Mercury trine your ruler Pluto in Mercury’s ruling 3rd. Schedule that discussion accordingly.
Your other Mercury ruled house is of course your 6th of your day job, studies, habits, routine and responsibilities. Have you been running on empty of late? The arrival of your other ruler Mars in here on the 24th may have you fired up and feeling there’s no task beyond you. Yes, you can crush that pesky ‘To Do’ list but please ensure you give equal priority to recharging and self-care too. Is it time to refuel? Jupiter in here also says no job is too big to tackle. This can be good news for those of you seeking to change your role or to get back into the workplace. Or even to start that side hustle. But again, please keep in mind that all work and no play doesn’t just make you dull but leaves you drained too.
This is a fabulous time to find magic in your everyday life. And to conduct a grand re-design of it if that is what is needed. Based on your true needs, a better way of doing things and more time for what you want to do as opposed to what you have to do. A new job or better way of working could follow. Above all – shed and declutter and rid yourself of what you don’t need. Yes, that includes those endless repetitive tasks or that routine that’s actually a rut. Mars pushes you to take action while Jupiter opens up the path to freedom. Just doing it can also include giving yourself time where you do nothing for a bit. The boost this gives you gets you doing more in the long run. And that’s what you’re aiming for now, phoenix!
In a nutshell: Rise out of that rut, phoenix! Refuel your soul by creating a new routine which revs and revives. If a past love returns they may be worth a second chance. But only if they enhance that feeling there’s nothing in the world you can’t handle now!
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (7th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (8th to 6th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (7th to 5th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 4th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (6th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (5th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 3rd)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 3rd)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (7th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (6th)
Grab some fabulosity
Go and get that glow on
Take a chance on YOU!
The luck factor is with you now, Sag. Time to find out just how lucky lucky can be. First, the small stuff. Retro Mercury returns to its ruling 6th this week and Venus will join it from the 28th. Double up on those retro rules and adhere to them like commandments. Mercury’s capacity to create chaos is increased. Plans, schedules and the details are your antidotes to Mercury mayhem. Apply as needed.
None of this detracts from the sheer huge fabulosity of what is happening your 5th house this week. Venus remains in here until the 28th and Mars joins it and your ruler Jupiter on the 24th. Searing, scorching and scene stealing solutions and opportunities are yours if you are prepared to simply take a chance and adopt the mindset that you have nothing to lose, Sag. Now, I am not for one moment suggesting you stake your life savings or your kid’s college fund on a spin of the roulette wheel in Vegas. Just that taking a chance by putting yourself ‘out there’ could supercharge your luck factor and the benefits your ruler wants to send your way.
There have been various books written about luck over the years. The Luck Factor by Richard Wiseman is a good one. And one that anyone with Jupiter in their 5th should probably read. Is it a mindset or a force? Or a mixture of both? Your 5th is where you show yourself off and most books conclude that ‘lucky’ people simply put themselves out there so luck can find them. So, do just that this week, Sag. Your red letter day is the 29th when Mars and Jupiter meet. Mars gives you the confidence to take a chance, start conversations, apply, show out, swipe right, let go of caring about what others may think and try something new. Luck or love will find you when you simply dare to try and stand out.
In a nutshell: Ruler Jupiter in your 5th turns you into a bright, shining light that draws what you want to you like a beacon. But only if you’re willing to stand out and be seen. So, do what stars do this week, Sag – shine!
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (6th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (7th to 5th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (6th to 4th)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 3rd)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (5th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (4th)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 2nd)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 2nd)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (6th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (5th)
Old love could feel new again
Plan your next move
Align path and purpose
Get that love revival feeling happening now retro Mercury returns to your 5th. It will be joined by Venus in here on the 28th. Reconciliations and kiss and make up scenarios may feature for some of you. Especially around the 25th when Mercury trines Pluto in your 1st. Something old may become new again. However, if you are seeking new love, you might want to hold off on the swipe right until next month.
You have more than one outlet where you can share or show the love, Capricorn. Your 4th house of home, lifestyle, family, living arrangements and security is all about enjoying your home, spending quality time with the people you love and just expanding your sense of place. Yes, Mars in here is a very different kind of energy but it can also work in your favour if you need to make changes to where or how you live. Jupiter in your 4th wants to big up that space or sense of belonging in some way. Just be aware that while Mercury remains retrograde then buying, selling, renting or leasing may hit delays. That doesn’t mean that you can’t plan your next move. Or make changes to your current home to start living large.
Initiate a grand design now. Rearrange, redecorate or renovate if needed. Mars loves action. Clean out, declutter. Get the whole family or if you live with someone, that roomie involved. If you are thinking of uprooting, explore potential areas. Go soak up the vibe. Can you see yourself living there? Jupiter and Mars in here don’t just want you living bigger. They want you to own your own path and direction too. What supports you can just as easily be that career structure or those future plans. Time to live on your terms, Cappy. Get ready for the keys to the door that allows you to do just that.
In a nutshell: Get ready for home improvements and a grand design which alters your space – or opens a path to a bigger, better, freer way of living, Capricorn. Keep plans to find a new love on hold for now. If an old one revives however – it could feel brand new.
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (5th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (6th to 4th)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (5th to 3rd)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 2nd)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (4th)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (3rd)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 1st)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 1st)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (5th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (4th)
Show that lifestyle some love
Take the highway to heaven in top gear!
What’s the big idea?
Hold off on changes or moves this week if you possibly can now retro Mercury returns to your 4th. Delays around moving or contracts can occur. That buyer may drop out or simply not have the funds to proceed. That home you like turns out to have hidden problems. The exception to this would be a property you were interested in that you lost out on, popping back onto the market again. Venus also arrives in here on the 28th promising satisfaction and enjoyment around family and home. Show them the love.
Being forced into a holding pattern can be frustrating. But if something falls through or is delayed, just take it there may be a good reason even if it isn’t obvious right now. You have Jupiter in Mercury’s ruling 3rd of contracts and business. What this tells you is that a good or even better deal or outcome will be on its way. If traveling this week, please have a Plan B in place. Above all, don’t rush. Mars’s arrival in here adds a zing of confidence and conviction to those ideas and getting your point across. However, if you are moving around it can see your attention elsewhere and combined with the Mercury retro can have you missing anything from that connection to an important detail. Please pay attention and allow yourself extra time to get to your destination.
However, Mars’s meeting with Jupiter on the 29th can see you taking that big step you’ve been putting off. Writing that book or screenplay. Starting that website or blog. Applying for that position or even embarking on that radical path to self-improvement or knowledge. You are in the mood now to attempt what you previously may have thought impossible or beyond your reach. Big up that brand, message or idea. Jump into that activity. Mars and Jupiter put you in the fast lane towards something soul expanding. You’re in the drivers seat of your very own Fast & Furious franchise now. Head out on the highway, Aquarius. Whatever comes your way could reboot your work life – or your soul.
In a nutshell: An idea or plan may have you fired up. Time to discover just how far it could take you now Mars and Jupiter meet in your 3rd. Ensure your home base is there to provide the launchpad – and your point of recharge on the journey too!
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (4th)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (5th to 3rd)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (4th to 2nd)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 1st)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (3rd)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (2nd)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 12th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 12th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (4th)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (3rd)
Know your true worth
Re-explore past projects for un-mined gold
What can you ‘bank on’ now?
Details, details, details. Leave no job half-finished and no To Do box unchecked this week as retro Mercury returns to its ruling 3rd house and Vesta enters your 1st on the 25th. Of course, engrave those retro rules in indelible ink and leave them where you can’t overlook them. That goes without saying. Fresh possibilities can be unearthed from something you may have left unfinished or overlooked, Pisces. You may revive anything from correspondence to a course or idea now. Venus’ arrival in your 3rd from the 28th re-injects creativity, allure and inspiration into any projects – or anything you send out for that matter.
Saying what needs to be said or should have been discussed earlier may also feature. Especially if this now jibes with your values and beliefs. Your confidence and self-worth, your appreciation of your talents, gifts and all you have to offer is undergoing a serious upgrade with Jupiter in your 2nd. Mars leaves you sign and joins it from the 24th and meets Jupiter on the 29th. This is your ‘Price is Right’ moment. You know your worth and also how to work it. This includes asking for what you want or need. Or having the confidence to go after it.
Rewards from actions you take to boost that bottom line could be bankable now. As could relationships you can ‘bank on’. This is the house which rules those connections which are ‘assets’ to you. As well as the sensual and delightful experiences life has to offer. Jupiter asks you how is your ability to receive these? Do you take pleasure seriously? Do you allow yourself to experience it? Are you settling for less than what is on offer? Both Jupiter and Mars are working to remove barriers and limitations around the flow of abundance into your life this week. Open up and see yourself as worthy of having more, Pisces.
In a nutshell: Where have you ‘settled’ for less than you’re worth, Pisces? Mars and Jupiter in your 2nd could see you taking a stand on your values. If the price is right there could be results you can bank on this week.
May 23 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Taurus (3rd)
May 23 2022 Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (4th to 2nd)
May 24 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (3rd to 1st)
May 24 2022 Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 12th)
May 24 2022 Mars enters Aries (2nd)
May 25 2022 Vesta enters Pisces (1st)
May 25 2022 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 11th)
May 27 2022 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 11th)
May 28 2022 Venus enters Taurus (3rd)
May 29 2022 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (2nd)
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Credit card readings:
Calls recorded, 18+ with bill payers permission. Entertainment SP www.inveroak.com. . Terms and conditions.
My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group.
Any similarity in trade names is coincidental only: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way connected with Rider-Waite,
the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, or the Penguin Random House Group.