Weekly Astrology October 23rd 2023 Forecast for All Signs

full moon in taurus

weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

Know what you do and don’t want

Make that choice

Unchain your heart!

Full Moons represent a stop and a release point for us emotionally. The full Moon in your 2nd triggers your value system. And with the Sun now in your 8th – there’s a feeling of ‘Enough is enough’ or ‘This is where the buck stops’. This may take you by surprise. The reason being you may have simply put up with something or sustained it for too long. But the eclipse plus ruler Mars opposing Jupiter on this day simply points to you making a definitive decision about what you do or you don’t want from this point onwards. And you may not have been aware of just how much. What chains you is removed for what sets you free.

Ruler Mars’ opposition to Jupiter is what shows you that you can have or simply deserve more. And also fuels your determination to bring about changes to get it. And despite what you may have heard – knowing what you don’t want is every bit as important as knowing what you do. And both feature in the change process. Sometimes confronting what we no longer want, need or be willing to accept means owning our shadow side. But in doing this, we reclaim our truth and our power.

You don’t put up with manipulation, power-plays or anything unjust either. But owning that power can see you claiming that raise, success story, better job and yes, more loving relationship. This is a week to trust in your own integrity and search for truth, Aries. Don’t speculate with your money – or your heart. You know what you want – and what you no longer need from this point onwards.

In a nutshell: Knowing what you no longer want is every bit as revealing as knowing what you do, Aries. Expect revelations around this week’s eclipse. A powerful certainty leads to positive change. And no more short-changing your heart either.

23 Oct 2023 Sun enters Scorpio (8th)

24 Oct 2023 Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (8th to 12th)

28 Oct 2023 Full Moon in Taurus – Partial Lunar Eclipse (5 02’) (2nd)

28 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 2nd)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 2nd)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury and Mars conjunct in Scorpio (8th)

weekly astrologyTAURUS

Bring the balance

Own your needs

Your superpower? Emotional intelligence!

An eclipsed full Moon in your sign is covering up where you need to bring a little bit of balance back into a key area, Taurus. The full Moon in your 1st (eclipsed or not), can only occur when the Sun is in your 7th house. And it arrives earlier this week on the 23rd. Bringing with it your yearly partnership peak.

The Sun and other planets in here are impacting on the planets in your sign – Jupiter and Uranus. Offering up solutions and surprising ones at that. The key to all this is openness when it comes to doing whatever is necessary to bring about balance and harmony. Often this involves confronting something we may have pushed aside. Remember – eclipses conceal and this one is no different.

Reaching for a different set of emotional tools could be just the solution you seek, Taurus. Do as well stay attuned to the vibe given off by that opposite number. And don’t be afraid to ask questions you might normally not want the answer to. Why? Because they may involve owning your own feelings and needs too. That’s where the restoration this week can take place.

The other area to look at is your money. And its not a week to over-extend or speculate there either. Anything ruler Venus has dominion over this week is where you need to pour your love, care and attention. They who dare win under thus eclipse as the day sees Mars in your 7th oppose Jupiter in your 1st handing you emotional and fearless freedom and opportunity. Emotional intelligence is your greatest asset this week, Taurus. Don’t be afraid to wield it in new ways.

In a nutshell: This week brings an intense emotional focus on one particular relationship, Taurus. The eclipsed full Moon in your sign links you to a new set of tools when it comes to love and relating. Be ready to uncover these. And use them to up those emotional smarts.

23 Oct 2023 Sun enters Scorpio (7th)

24 Oct 2023 Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (7th to 11th)

28 Oct 2023 Full Moon in Taurus – Partial Lunar Eclipse (5 02’) (1st)

28 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 1st)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 1st)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury and Mars conjunct in Scorpio (7th)


Stay tuned to your 100 Psychic Senses

Wait for the facts to emerge

Act in the name of your own wellbeing

Eclipses conceal – we know this. And no more so than when they occur in our mysterious 12th house. Which is what happens on the 28th with the eclipsed full Moon in Taurus. Yes, it is a partial eclipse. But that means a big chunk of a bigger picture is missing, Gemini. As this is your house of your 100 Psychic Senses this means that provided you remain attuned to them, nothing can be covered up or hidden from you. It’s by only ignoring that peerless gut instinct that you can get into trouble.

Have your Tarot deck to hand for confirmation if needed. You may also want to spend time alone or in a deep recharge. Certainly think things through before taking action. This isn’t a week for haste or knee-jerk responses. Ruler Mercury is in its ruling 6th in your chart along with the Sun and fiery, impulsive Mars. This is where you can be led astray into acting without having all the facts at your disposal. So my advice is don’t, Gemini. Especially if it goes against what you feel deep down is the right thing. And this may go against what others may be saying.

There’s a need under this eclipse week to recharge your soul or re-prioritise your own needs. Again, this may be found in your own stillness and taking time out. And seeing this as a sacred act which is necessary for your own wellbeing. There’s a question of boundaries around this as well. Being unafraid to set them be they needed with work, family or simply with yourself. The past features but in a way that allows for release into something better following the Mars/Jupiter opposition on the 28th. And then the final pieces of the puzzle or way ahead for you is revealed on the 29th when Mercury and Mars meet. This is when you’ll see oh-so-clearly, just how right you were to stick to your gut, Gemini.

In a nutshell: This week’s eclipse in your mysterious 12th house asks you to pause, look, watch and wait. Especially when it comes to anything that impacts on your holistic wellbeing, Gemini. As always, the answers are within you. Don’t ignore the whispers.

23 Oct 2023 Sun enters Scorpio (6th)

24 Oct 2023 Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (6th to 10th)

28 Oct 2023 Full Moon in Taurus – Partial Lunar Eclipse (5 02’) (12th)

28 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 12th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 12th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury and Mars conjunct in Scorpio (6th)

july horoscopesCANCER

Work with the stars to manifest

How does what you want serve your journey?

Embrace a bigger vision

Attraction and manifestation. There’s so much written about it right now. It’s having a ‘moment’ again if it can be termed that (for many it never went out of vogue). But then of course, there’s the variable results. This week is a ‘Be careful what you wish for’ week. Yes, you may get it, Cancer. So do ensure you really REALLY want it.

The Sun moves into its ruling 5th in your chart from the 23rd. Serving you your yearly pleasure peak. Plus you have Fat Fairy Godplanet Jupiter in your 11th. Remember what I told you back in May when Jupiter landed in here? Make three wishes and expect at least one to manifest during Jupiter’s transit of this house. Well, this is the week where that may just happen. When you attract whatever it is you have been ‘putting out there’. Freshly served and hot, hot, HOT baby!

An eclipsed full Moon is a really big deal for you as we are talking about your ruler. Something important to you is obscured. Or you feel strangely disconnected to your emotions in a key area. Hence, the need to ensure going in that you are certain that goal is what you truly want as the eclipse is in your house of goals, wishes, dreams and your future. In fact, this is an ideal time to review those outstanding goals to ensure Jupiter delivers what is relevant and serves your evolutionary love journey.

Attraction and manifestation are linked to timing by the stars. That’s the key to making it work. We move with the cosmos and this just happens to be one of those weeks. You are the heat which attracts this week especially as Mars in your 5th opposes Jupiter the same day as the eclipse. This is a day to know exactly what it is you want and to set gaining it in motion in any way you can. The footnote is – it can arrive but looking slightly different than you thought. Just remember – whatever you can dream the universe can dream bigger for you.

In a nutshell: Lunar eclipses always bring a passive pause and then major change of direction, Cancer. Your emotional attachment to a goal may change. Or a shift occurs in your social circle. Whatever occurs – it is designed with your future in mind.

23 Oct 2023 Sun enters Scorpio (5th)

24 Oct 2023 Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (5th to 9th)

28 Oct 2023 Full Moon in Taurus – Partial Lunar Eclipse (5 02’) (11th)

28 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 11th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 11th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury and Mars conjunct in Scorpio (5th)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

Those who keep cool stay boss

Is it time to step into a bigger role?

Make those choices future-proof

Like the Cancerians next door, any eclipse type has a big effect on you. Of course a solar eclipse is the most impactful as this is when the Moon literally ‘turns off’ the light in your life. However, the earth’s shadow across the Moon can put you literally in the dark emotionally. Or see you dealing with someone who seems totally disconnected from theirs when a lunar eclipse happens in your 10th house.

Do keep your regal and signature cool under this eclipse, Leo. This is the only thing you may be able to control. And if someone else appears to have an empty void where their heart should be, know that your only recourse is to simply stick to the facts and avoid becoming emotional. They will use this against you if you do.

Do not be tempted to get into arguments or conflicts with bosses, anyone in a position of authority or influence, gatekeepers etc. That being said – this is no week to be a pushover. And it is important to know what take-out you want from a given situation. This can be an epic week for career moves, seeing your personal and professional stock soar, or for making big, long term decisions around home, property and your future. If you have been hesitating or delaying, the opposition between Mars and Jupiter (28th), hands you the courage to go forward. You don’t have a risky ‘damn the consequences’ attitude. You’re able to look at the bigger picture. The 29th could see you accept an offer or simply take that action you’ve been hesitating over. And if someone else is losing their ***t – you won’t give them the satisfaction of losing yours, Leo.

In a nutshell: This week will show you that the person who is in control of their emotions is the one in charge of their destiny. So, it doesn’t matter how others react. Your reactions and ability to stay cool determine the ultimate outcome this week.

23 Oct 2023 Sun enters Scorpio (4th)

24 Oct 2023 Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (4th to 8th)

28 Oct 2023 Full Moon in Taurus – Partial Lunar Eclipse (5 02’) (10th)

28 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 10th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 10th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury and Mars conjunct in Scorpio (4th)

weekly horoscopesVIRGO

Take a chance

Trust your gut

Experiment with the power of ‘What if?!’

The next step on that journey? A little unclear this week, Virgo. There’s an eclipse in your 9th of the bigger picture, long distance travel, learning and luck. That does not mean you are not willing to take a leap of faith however. Call this a calculated risk. The odds are very much in your favour if you are willing to take a chance. Both Jupiter and ruler Mercury are now occupying their ruling houses in your chart. The conversation these two are having involves opportunity, expansion and freedom for you. This may involve leaving your comfort zone way behind to take advantage of this energy. Just because the next step isn’t clear doesn’t mean the one you take isn’t the right one if you go by your gut instinct.

In the shadows of this eclipse – discover your daring, your feistiness, your immense capacity for fun and bravery. Yes, travel may feature now. And if so, there’s something unexpected to be discovered at your destination. What eclipses conceal is not necessarily bad. This is also a week to act on those ideas. Initiate, instigate and be a fire-starter. Don’t be afraid to make the first move but in the spirit of adventure, playfulness and simply being open to see where this could take you. The more you are willing to simply experiment and see this as a journey, the more the possibilities open up from it.

Your best day to truly take a chance is the 29th which is the day of the Mercury/Jupiter opposition. And also the day when Mercury and Mars meet in your 3rd. You’ll never know unless you try or go there, Virgo. So, leap and discover just who or what awaits you if you do.

In a nutshell: Faith in your own self, your abilities or simply trusting that gut allows you to take that crucial next step on a journey this week. Yes, this may require you take a chance. But not doing so? Small steps lead to grand outcomes this week.

23 Oct 2023 Sun enters Scorpio (3rd)

24 Oct 2023 Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 7th)

28 Oct 2023 Full Moon in Taurus – Partial Lunar Eclipse (5 02’) (9th)

28 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 9th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 9th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury and Mars conjunct in Scorpio (3rd)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

The books balance in your favour

What you are owed is repaid

Become the change you want to see

Your birthday season ends as the Sun leaves your sign on the 23rd. Arriving in your money house and highlighting your values, your income and your money for the upcoming month. There’s an unusual emotional emphasis on what you owe or are owed in return this week due to the eclipsed full moon in your 8th (28th). Don’t just think of this in terms of actual money or assets, Libra. This can also be what you are owed or those expectations around love, rewards for your talents and skills and even karmic dividends as this is your house of investments.

The universe always keeps the score and karma balances the books sooner or later. So, this is a week where if you are owed anything from yes money, to accolades, to love and support, you can expect pay back – with interest. Others may be in a position where they can clear a long standing debt. In fact, if you do find yourself in a position under this eclipse energy where you are looking at some kind of payout, do consider using it to pay off what you owe. We have our own karma with money just as we do with people. So, see this as an opportunity to clear that balance sheet if so.

Good karma could also appear via someone’s generosity. They could place their resources or assets at your disposal. This could be anyone from that friend, lover or business associate, to that loan request being granted. There’s a certain boldness about you this week thanks to Mars and Mercury also in your 2nd. Both oppose Jupiter in your 8th across the 28-29th. And meet on the 29th. So, you’re not shy in being upfront and asking for that it is you want either. If you’ve hesitated over doing so in the past – take that daring vibe and see where it gets you. Chances are it gets you to yes. And if so – that’s karma paying you in self-worth, Libra.

In a nutshell: Be eclipsed by the desire to change something up. There’s a key transformation happening this week around your money, assets, investments, income or that sense of surety and empowerment, Libra. The fact is – things need to change. Become that and make it happen.

23 Oct 2023 Sun enters Scorpio (2nd)

24 Oct 2023 Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 6th)

28 Oct 2023 Full Moon in Taurus – Partial Lunar Eclipse (5 02’) (8th)

28 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 8th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 8th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury and Mars conjunct in Scorpio (2nd)


Rise into a new love dynamic

Open to emotional honesty

Happy birthday, Scorpio!

Happy birthday, Phoenix! Time to rise in love. There’s the promise of fresh emotional intimacy in the air with you and that long distance love, Scorpio. But dare you plunge into uncharted waters to find it? This may mean opening up to exploring previously no-go areas if any exist between you. Or taking a no-holds barred approach to sharing what’s on your mind. Yes, the unedited, unfiltered version is what gets you closer. Maybe you hold back out of fear of causing hurt. Or just fear of rejection. Bare your soul under the eclipsed full Moon in your 7th this week.

This applies across any long term union from a marriage or marriage-like one to that working or friendship dynamic. The week also delivers a key opposition to chime with your birthday cycle between your old and trusted ruler Mars presently celebrating with you, and Jupiter also in your 7th. You would go there in the name of love. No matter ‘where’ that is.

A new relationship dynamic could be on the horizon as a result. In a new era for those of you already in a committed union. Or a brand new dawn when it comes to someone new appearing in your life. If you’ve been ‘muddling through’ emotionally for a while, this eclipse week clears away any confusion and shows you the course you need to chart next. If this is a solo one from this point on, chances are you’ve known this was inevitable for some time. The meeting between Mercury and Mars on the 29th will give you whatever impetus you need to set this in motion. Don’t forget – every ending contains a bold, exciting new beginning. And its all about the new from here on in, Scorpio.

In a nutshell: Your birthday cycle begins with a powerful lunar eclipse in your 7th of partners – past, present, potential. Ancient ruler Mars has you seeking out the heat and the passion. Although you may not see it yet – a new phase of relating awaits you.

23 Oct 2023 Sun enters Scorpio (1st)

24 Oct 2023 Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (1st to 5th)

28 Oct 2023 Full Moon in Taurus – Partial Lunar Eclipse (5 02’) (7th)

28 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 7th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 7th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury and Mars conjunct in Scorpio (1st)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Me time is the ultimate self-care

Answer the call of the spirit

The answers are within you

You may be hanging a Do Not Disturb sign on the door to your Fortress of Solitude under the intense 12th house weather in your chart, Sag. The Sun joins Mercury and Mars in here from the 23rd. So, you are now in your official soul house clearing month leading up to your birthday. This can be a time of profound release and reflection. Where we look deep within at our real needs. And this often places demands on the spirit rather than the ‘us’ in the outer world. We do this work alone and in a quiet space. Hence that desire to unplug and channel the energy of The Hermit in the Tarot.

If you do spend time with this card under the eclipsed full Moon in your 6th (28th), you will note there is nothing lonely about this card. The Hermit has consciously chosen to be alone with its guiding light. That’s a different emotional experience to loneliness. And you will move back into the flow soon enough as the planets begin to shift into your 1st.

So, for now, go with whatever you feel you need to do to gain that all-important perspective and recharge. And if this means unplugging for a while or deciding not to go out, don’t go against this. Ruler Jupiter remains in your 6th and this week also sees Mars (28th) and Mercury (29th) oppose it. Expect a rush of ideas, inspiration and much needed clarity around an everyday situation that needs to change. You come up with a different approach. Or else see all too clearly it is no longer doing you any good. And in either case, you are handed the solution you need to change it. This is an excellent week for revising work and study plans. Or escaping that routine that is now simply nothing but a rut. Whatever you feel has had you trapped – you’re shown the escape route, Sag.

In a nutshell: Soul-seeker! Solutions and the answers you seek are found within you this week. Or by tuning to the wisdom within and following the prompts of your intuition. This week’s eclipse has a revelation for you. Turn on and drop out for a while to uncover it.

23 Oct 2023 Sun enters Scorpio (12th)

24 Oct 2023 Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (12th to 4th)

28 Oct 2023 Full Moon in Taurus – Partial Lunar Eclipse (5 02’) (6th)

28 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 6th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 6th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury and Mars conjunct in Scorpio (12th)


Left out or is that connection simply out-grown?

Your emotions are your truth

Love is in the listening this week

Someone you know may leave you feeling either left out or in the dark during this week’s eclipse, Cappy (28th). Because the Sun is now in your 11th and the eclipse takes place in your 5th this can be anyone from that lover (including that potential one), to a child or a friend. Either way, there’s a question in your mind. Or you just wonder if you are being deliberately excluded from their plans. It may expose something one-sided. Or where you have been the one doing all the heavy lifting.

Because of this energy, it may not be the best week to go swiping right. However, it you hear from someone from your past, a revival may follows thanks to the trine between the newly arrived Sun in your 11th and ruler Saturn in your 3rd on the 24th.

The Sun in your 11th joins Mercury and Mars and both Mercury and Mars align with Jupiter also in your 5th. So, the feelings stirred up under the eclipse – one way or another, are of the all-or-nothing kind. Intense, passionate, creative and backed by emotional honesty. So, don’t allow anyone to tell you that you feel something different. Or that your emotional response isn’t valid.

Likewise, if someone shares their emotional truth with you, then take it this is definitive and don’t invalidate their story. A child may seek your understanding for instance. Remember, all most of us ever want is to be acknowledged and heard. So, ‘I hear you’ is the equivalent of saying ‘I love you’ under this eclipse.

And yes, take it that someone who tells you something this week is not going to change their mind. As in that date telling you they’re not seeking anything serious or long term. Or that they no longer feel it. You are strong enough and powerful enough to accept it with love no matter what. An opportunity, a goal or an enticing new contact could appear across the 28th-29th when first Mars and then Mercury opposes Jupiter. If one door closes this week, take it that at least two more open. Truth or dare sees you set to discover what’s behind them.

In a nutshell: If you feel you have become someone’s second choice then it may be time to let them know you are not a silver-medal option under this week’s eclipse. You’ll discover that validating someone’s emotional experience is the best way to show love now.

23 Oct 2023 Sun enters Scorpio (11th)

24 Oct 2023 Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (11th to 3rd)

28 Oct 2023 Full Moon in Taurus – Partial Lunar Eclipse (5 02’) (5th)

28 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 5th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 5th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury and Mars conjunct in Scorpio (11th)


Your path, your speed, your destination

No more working behind the scenes

Ambitions – assemble!

It is time to get a boss plan happening now. Ambitions stir this week with the Sun in your 10th along with Mercury and Mars. What’s your success strategy or manifesto, Aquarius? And yes, there is a reason why I am telling you to get serious and do it now. That is because Scorpio and your 10th house ruler Pluto is heading your way again. This is your time to transform your path and your ideas around what success looks like.

Do make this self-defined and fit for your path and purpose. Your idea of ‘making it’ may not be the corner office. If it is – that’s fine. But if it isn’t, don’t buy into someone else’s story. This is yours. Your path and your right to walk it your way, your speed, is the shadowlands you need to explore with this week’s eclipsed full Moon in the Moon’s ruling 4th. Despite this being your house of home, roots, family, security, you may in fact be feeling restless under this energy. Or strangely dissatisfied with what surrounds you. Is this a soul call you need to answer? Because while our 4th rules all the above it also rules the path we take in life. And being the boss of that.

By now you see the theme emerging. Do bear in mind eclipses conceal and this one is no different. So, you may in fact get directed back to a path that you should have taken. Or as the shadows clear, understand you need to strike out in the search for one more satisfying. Others may see rewards for long term efforts or investments appear. Shake-ups at your work may trigger your ascent up the ladder. If you are offered the opportunity to step up thanks to the Mars and Mercury oppositions to Jupiter also in your 4th, know you’re ready to take on more. Staying small? Staying invisible or stuck? Continuing to be a square peg in a very round hole? No longer an option, Aquarius.

In a nutshell: Fire up those ambitions and take aim at a new goal this week. Staying small and over-looked isn’t your destiny, Aquarius. Not with Pluto heading your way. But make success something you alone define.

23 Oct 2023 Sun enters Scorpio (10th)

24 Oct 2023 Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (10th to 2nd)

28 Oct 2023 Full Moon in Taurus – Partial Lunar Eclipse (5 02’) (4th)

28 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 4th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 4th)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury and Mars conjunct in Scorpio (10th)

full moon in piscesPISCES

Ideas take you there

What expands your world?

Opportunity knocks – more than once

Big messages, publishing, writing, anything with the www prefix and lands and people far, far away feature now the Sun joins Mercury and Mars in your 9th (23rd). Travel or dealing with multicultural themes is likely now. Mars adds the impetus and impulsion. You’re part explorer, part Mage this week. Other belief systems or cultures may intrigue. You’ve a ‘What else is out there?’ question on your mind. Even if you don’t actually physically travel at this time, you may answer this by that armchair voyage or checking out that ethnic restaurant or supermarket.

Because of Mercury and Mars in your 9th, everything is fast-paced, an open road with no red lights. An alternative route or news which puts a different spin on something could be what is hidden within the eclipsed full Moon in your 3rd (28th). It asks: Are you bold enough to go find out? Barriers to progress could come tumbling down this week. This could begin as early as the 24th with the Sun’s trine to Saturn in your sign.

But let’s not forget ancient ruler Jupiter also in your 3rd. Mars (28th) and Mercury (29th) oppose it from what is Jupiter’s ruling 9th in your chart. Think opportunity, solutions, expansion and having the courage to grasp them when they appear. Whether this is an actual journey or a learning/figurative one, there are no small moves for you this week. Set something in motion for yourself. And think of the journey as a destination in itself, Pisces.

In a nutshell: An eclipse plus ancient ruler Jupiter in your 3rd sees opportunities and solutions appear and the chance to move in a new direction. Ideas open your eyes and expand your horizons. And they could be right on your doorstep.

23 Oct 2023 Sun enters Scorpio (9th)

24 Oct 2023 Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (9th to 1st)

28 Oct 2023 Full Moon in Taurus – Partial Lunar Eclipse (5 02’) (3rd)

28 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 3rd)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 3rd)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury and Mars conjunct in Scorpio (9th)

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Hooray! You can now order my Tarot deck and in-depth Tarot book. I put my heart into every page. Big love, Michele.

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