Free 4 Card Love Tarot Reading
Does the Love oracle have a message for you today? Concentrate on the four Tarot cards and choose a number between one and four. Scroll down for the love wisdom of the beautiful Stretch Tarot.
Today’s love Tarot reading has been created by our lovely Tanya Pin 2276
Card one
The Lovers.
This is such a beautiful card. If we look at the lovers in the image it’s almost like the outer world does not exist, their only focus is each other. The indigo and violet cloud that surrounds them is linked to the crown and third eye Chakra’s and this signifies a deep soul connection.
The Lovers represent perfection, harmony and mutual desire as well as trust in a suitor or partner that brings with it the strength and confidence to overcome the obstacles in life. Their love is destined and very beautiful but there are a few problems that must be faced.
Whenever the lovers card shows up, it speaks of a choice you must make. You could currently be presented with two paths, and a decision needs to be made, no matter how challenging or testing it is. There could be a huge battle between your head and your heart at this time, along with a little fear coming in too.
Remember, where fear is, love isn’t, so try and use this as your mantra. When a love turns up, it can be scary, the intensity is huge, but you must remember this can also be a blessing. You may have been hurt in the past, and to dive in to any union does have it risks, but in turning away from it you could stand to risk so much more… Follow your heart.
Card Two
Five of wands
This card talks of conflict which could be internal as well as external forces. It’s almost as if you are battling with yourself as well as others, which is only resulting in more anxiety and confusion. Within the card there are burned matches which signify bridges burned. You could be holding on to something or someone that has had its day, run its natural course and no longer serves you, but your conflicting thoughts are preventing you from letting go.
Whenever fives show up in tarot they signify a struggle of some kind and this often comes with growth and spiritual evolution. They also can signify that something that once brought us pleasure could now be the cause of our pain. Change can be daunting but is essential and most often rewarding once we cease to struggle and let nature take its course.
The butterflies within this card are there to remind us that transformation can be a beautiful thing. Think of the caterpillar, its goes through a difficult process of complete transformation to become the butterfly, it doesn’t mourn it’s change, it relishes in its colourful new world and uses its new found wings to fly. Give up the struggle you are enduring and a new way of thinking and freedom awaits.
Card Three
Page of Pentacles.
When this card shows up around areas of love, it means that you must be prepared to put a little hard work in to areas of matters around the heart. The page may be cautious but must also show willing in order to achieve their hearts desire. Are you thinking too much about what it is you want, rather than taking action to go out and getting it?
Planning and waiting is all well and good but this card is saying too much inertion could land you smack bang in the friend-zone! No relationship is perfect, they all have their pros and cons, but by analysing every word, gesture or future outcome, you could end up in a state of analysis paralysis which prevents anything from progressing. Im sorry but there is no text book you can study to learn about love, you have to learn by experiencing it.
With every relationship we learn and grow and even if we are let down we then gain strength, so cut yourself some slack, put your check list away and go after what is presented to you. The only way you can truly know if someone is trustworthy is to give them the chance to prove they are, they will show you soon enough.
Card Four
King of Wands
This king is an excellent omen in all areas of your love life. There is a wonderful feeling of creativity around this card so if you are on the search for love its time to get manifesting. Express your desires to the universe and let it know that you are ready for an adventure and you need its help. Once you set your intention, the universe will do all in its power to aid you with your quest.
There could already be someone around that you feel magnetically drawn to as a very exciting and compelling energy is coming in. Raw passion is abound and your fire is about to be ignited! Risks, adrenalin rushes and a whirlwind romance are in the air, but remember, nothing is as attractive as someone who is happy in their own skin, don’t try to please or change to fit someone else’s ideal.
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group.
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Very inspirational reading. Thank you I will take on what is said in my reading.
This was so accurate I had been contemplating ending my ltr and met someone out of the blue in May. We didn’t talk much in early June but my relationship officially ended and me and the new person have become very intimate friends. He is everything I want and he has turned my world upside down. Now I’m stuck because it’s hard to end my old relationship.fully but this new guy occupies all of my thoughts and spare time I have a feeling that this could be it but he seems careful and hesitant and we are spending hours together and dating as just firends. He does a lot for me and listens to me and spends hours with me but it seems too good to be true and I feel guilty. The reading was spot on.
Hi Michele, I chose card four, and as usual, it is right on. I am in a long distance relationship with a childhood friend, we have had a bond that trandsends space and time. How it will turn out, is unknown, but I have a good feeling about it.
Thank you dear one for your daily, presence I do so look forward to your cards and readings, as well as your team
Your Sagittarius friend
Ty xx