Free Tarot Reading – What Energy Is Around Me?

tarot reading up

Hello Gorgeous Soul,

A good tarot reading can help transform our lives. Tarot is used to predict the future and empower us and give us the skills to weave magic into our day. To become a enchanter and conjure our reality we need to know what energy is around us to take advantage of it! Focus on the four cards below and use your innate psychic wisdom to feel if there is a message for you. Scroll down for your answer.

Much love Michele x

tarot reading up

Tarot Card one – Queen of Cups

queen of cups

Kindness is your superpower, and for this, you will be rewarded. It hasn’t always been easy being you, you have such a deep sensitivity that life can feel very raw. Today the Universe is whispering that you are brave, that you have a warrior spirit wrapped in a soft and caring personality. Keep going, don’t stop being you.

Tune into your psychic intuition today and trust the messages that come. Surround yourself with other soul connections that are also kind, avoid harsh or judgmental people. You might decide to write or study a subject that excites you. You have an important message to share so pour droplets of your innate compassion into you, and step onto the life path that you sense waiting.

Tarot Card Two – The Knight of Pentacles

knight of pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles symbolises the start of a quest for success. You are able to ground your skills and start to build solid foundations in your life.

You may not know it all now, but you are heading in the right direction. Today is a day to enjoy the planning and plotting. Put practical steps in place towards your vision. Dream big,  and follow the rainbow of your heart.

Tarot Card Three – The Two of Cups

2 of cups

Yay! The Universe is bringing you together with a soul connection today. It may be a lover, a friend, or a new acquaintance, that rocks up and gets you! When we mix with someone who radiates on the same vibration as us, it recharges our batteries and doubles our power. Boom! Love energy is about to rain down.

Love should be much smoother today. You know what you want, and most importantly, you know what you deserve. A beautiful union of spirits supporting and nourishing you is on the way.

Tarot Card Four – Wheel of Fortune

Wheel Of Fortune

There are deeper forces at work than you realise! Your soul has a plan that is about to manifest! Some things, in this mysterious life, are meant to be. You’re either in that ‘fated’ moment or about to bump into it. Your heart is going to receive a message from the Universe. Yay! A positive change is coming as the cycle of life turnUnderstandings in your favour.

 The cycles on our soul’s journey is essential for growth. What patterns are you repeating? How can you step off the wheel of repeat experiences? You have the power! Unleash your wild free banshee, and create unique magic in the moment. Your heart says don’t be a victim of the past. You are strong, and you are eternal, you can shape your destiny and fate.

knight waite tarot

Hooray! You can now order my Tarot deck and in-depth Tarot book. I put my heart into every page. Big love, Michele.

Tarot Deck       Guide Book
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One thought on “Free Tarot Reading – What Energy Is Around Me?

  1. I’ve been flowing Michele for several years now. I Iove everthing about Michele Night. She is always holding the high vibrations with us and for us. You can’t help but feel better after listening to her speak with her positivity.. Plus she give free card reading all the time and encourages us to look within for our own guidance. She is a blessing.

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