Your Free Tarot Reading – Be The best psychic for you – Pick a card

Three card tarot reading

You Free Tarot Reading – Be The best psychic – Pick a card

Hello Gorgeous Soul,

Fancy a little delve into what’s going on for you? Of course, there’s not a message for everyone behind the three Tarot Cards, so take a breath, look at the backs of the cards, and sense if one of them is calling to you.

Don’t forget you’re the best psychic for you! You have an incredible intuition and all you need to do it learn to be still enough to listen to it, to drop within your body, to feel your gut feelings.

So, If you feel one of the Tarot Cards is for you, scroll down for your answer.

Tarot Card One – 3 of Pentacles- The Wild Unknown

Hey Strong one,

Look at the mountain you’re going to climb! Don’t be daunted, you’ve already laid firm foundations and also have the right support around you to complete your mission. You’ve been studying the map and worked out a clear pathway to the top, you have done important work, just keep going! Oh, and doesn’t the three of pentacles in this deck look a little like a safety net? Do not fear, if you fail the first time, you can bounce back and give it another go.

Strap on your crampons, grit your teeth and get going! The next phase for you is clambering towards your dreams reaching the peak, and. Be practical and your determination will take care of the rest. The Cosmos believes in you.

Tarot Card Two – 7 of Wands – The Wild Unknown

Beloved Spirit,

Keep shining your light. Yes, there have been hard times. You may have felt misunderstood or taken for a ride. Pressure may have mounted so you might have put your guard up, but in doing so have you muffled your inner guide?

You have courage, stamina, a wild untamable spirit. When you trust your spirit, your soul compass, your unconditional love for yourself, you can triumph. Do not let past pain define you, you are so much more than the sum of your past experiences.

The blocks are starting to part, your flame is reigniting and the light it casts will lead your way. Onwards!

Tarot Card Three – Mother of Wands

Hey Firecracker,

You have a huge warm heart and a deep protective spirit. You curl around those you love and will strike down anyone who threatens you or yours. However, you are also quick to forgive and generous with your time and energy. You’re lovable, impulsive and eager to live life to the max.

There’s an idea you’re nurturing at the moment, give it time to hatch. Know and hone your skills. You have the creative force to make it happen. Give yourself the freedom you desire, to explore,  to stretch your wings, to percolate,  to investigate and then pour your fiery passion into sharp focus, wield it like a magic wand!


To find out more about this deck the wild unknown click


Hooray! You can now order my Tarot deck and in depth Tarot book. I put my heart into every page. Big love, Michele.

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