Leap into your own future!
Do you find that you get so bogged down with what you need to do this week or month that you can lose sight of the fact that the future is out there, rapidly heading your way? I’m a big fan of setting intentions, or having goals, and regularly checking in to see if you are on track. But how do you know what goals to set if you don’t know what something is like? And if you’re at a bit of a crossroads in deciding what’s next, is there a way that you can make a better informed decision about which way you go? Also, what if you know what you’d like to do, but you can’t work out how to get there from wherever you are now?
There is a way of stepping into your own future to see how the different scenarios you might be considering actually feel once you are there. It’s called Future Life Progression, and fans of it say that it can help you make better decisions and may even reveal what lies on your path ahead.
It starts from the idea that you already know a great deal of what you need to know and can tap into anything else missing through a journey of your own consciousness, but the cares and concerns of your everyday mind can drown out that quiet voice of inner wisdom and connection to the whole. So what you need to do is find a way of getting beyond the distracting bit of your mind to the powerful voice of your own authority.
If you want to experience this for yourself, you can book a session with people who specialise in Future Life Progression, or you can use its techniques in the comfort of your own home.
Let’s say you’re trying to decide where to go on holiday (it can be good to start with something light and pleasant to give you a taste of how to do it!). You might have two possible destinations in mind – France or Italy.
Take time where you won’t be disturbed, make yourself comfortable and allow yourself to go into the kind of meditative or light trance state where you switch your attention to the chatter that runs through your mind to access a place of stillness within.
When you are in a totally relaxed state, focus your mind by saying to yourself, ‘What would I enjoy the most – a trip to France, or a trip to Italy?’
When you set your intention, it’s important that you ask the right question. I’m assuming that you want to enjoy your holiday, but you might want to take a trip to learn something, in which case you’d ask the question, ‘What would I learn most from, a trip to France or a trip to Italy?’
Then you allow your unconscious to first take you on a trip to France, and then on a trip to Italy so that you can compare and contrast the two experiences. Start from leaving your own front door and go from there, trusting that your mind will take you in the right direction. You might get very vivid images of whole scenarios that play out like films inside your head, or you may just be aware of vague sensations to which you have different emotional responses without necessarily understanding why. Usually, the more often you use this technique, the better you get at it, especially as over time you can learn to trust what it reveals.
You can go on for as long as you like (actually, you can use this to enjoy a virtual trip!) but stay focussed on the idea that you are information gathering. When you feel that you have enough information, you can return to where you are sitting, bring your attention back to the outside world, stretch and write what you have discovered in your journal.
You might be surprised by what you learn, but you can use it to inform the decision you make about where you actually go.
You can use this technique in so many ways. The above ‘compare and contrast’ approach is good for when there are two or more things in the offing for you to consider. You can also use it if there’s one path you’re thinking of following. Maybe you’re wondering whether to train as a surgeon. You can go ahead and see if it’s something that you’d like in reality (apparently many surgeons rehearse new operations during their training in a way that they might not call Future Life Progression, but that bears all the hallmarks – so there’s another way of using it if you are learning a new skill!). And you can also use it for problem solving. If you can’t see a way around or over a particular set of obstacles, ‘jumping’ forward to a point in time where it’s all done and looking back to see how you did it can be an amazing source of inspiration and creativity.
Really, it all begins with you having the confidence that you can make good decisions for yourself and giving yourself a chance to bring every bit of your mind and consciousness into play. The more you use it, the more confident that you will be that you can guide yourself through life.
Loads of love,
Michele x
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
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