Prayers and Healing to Japan and Earth

Can we all to stand together and focus positive energy, protection and love to Japan and all the countries involved in this tragedy. Earthquakes seem to be increasing and we need to all join together in love and support. We seem to be in turbulent times (or perhaps we are just more conscious of these events?) and as Uranus the planet of unpredictability and revolution goes into impulsive Aries tomorrow the next 7 years will probably bring us many turbulent and unusual times.

I am not naive enough to think we can transform all of life’s tragedy but I do believe if we join together, care and support each other and use our union of consciousness to protect and love each other we can have some impact. Action involves not just sending positive energy but also being practical and helping in any way we can. To get involved in raising money, in helping and caring for each other no only through this but in every day life even when there is no apparent disaster. To understand that fundamentally we are all one.

When the Earth reacts in such an extreme way it is difficult to understand why such things happen. life is a cycle of life, death and rebirth and being here in the moment is a blessing. Astrologically and spiritually we are in interesting times I had only just read this article on the Supermoon coming on the 19th and several astrologers predicted Earthquakes and natural disasters around this time let us all look out for each other and support those that are going through this hardship.

Wherever you are in the world and in whatever situation I send you love.

Love Michele

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