The Message of the Jackdaw

Last weekend was our second wedding anniversary and, as I was sitting in the lounge having breakfast, I heard a rustle in the fireplace. Going over to investigate I found this little girl – a bald and nervous jackdaw, staring back at me with her bright blue eyes!
I picked her up and she clung to my finger like I was mamma bird. After taking her outside and finding out she could not fly we sat and cuddled for a while. I’m not sure how long she had been in the fireplace hidden behind the grate but she scoffed loads of mince and fell asleep in my hand. Then we drove her to the Devon wildlife hospital where they have quite a few jackdaws who have taken a tumble, as well as injured owls and baby foxes.
The little bird with the piercing eyes brought out a huge maternal streak. Whilst pondering the symbolism of Jackdaw (jackdaws mate for life!) my friend Zoe Bran, a Shamanic practitioner who was staying with us, reminded me that symbolism is also what you feel at the time – ie nurturing.
Strangely, when I looked up the symbolism for ravens or crows (taken from my favourite symbolism site I discovered that the raven is connected to the welsh hero Bran!
Here is what the fabulous Avia Venefica has to say about Bran:
“The symbolism of wisdom and knowledge-keeping is connected with the Welsh hero Bran, the Blessed whose name means raven. Bran was the holder of ancestral memories, and his wisdom was legendary. So much so, that he had his head (the vessel of his powerful wisdom) removed and interred in the sacred White Mount in London. Ravens are still roosting there (in the Tower of London), and they’re thought to keep Bran’s wisdom protected and alive by their presence”
This just goes to show that one thing can have so many relevant meanings as Zoe is going to do a lot of Shamanic work with me over the coming months. I believe it was no coincidence that she was in our home when the Jackdaw magically emerged!
Crows, ravens and jackdaws traditionally symbolise death but in reality they are all about rebirth and, in Avia’’s words, are ‘the symbol of tomorrow’ and a promise of the future. I got such a good vibe from the bird I know it was a good omen!
I have to admit to shedding a few tears when I left the little jackdaw at the hospital as we formed a bond. I have been nervous to ring the hospital to see how she is doing when this morning I heard a tap, tap, tap on the window and saw Willow, our cat, looking very intently as a gorgeous jackdaw stared at me with equally piercing blue eyes, as if to say “‘ring the hospital and let me know when my baby is coming back!”
The good news is that she is doing very well and can come back to our home to be released in three weeks time :) We must have a whole ‘murder’ of jackdaws and crows living in and on our gothic chimney pots including her siblings, two of which fell down the chimney a week later but thankfully squawked, bit their saviour, and flew off!
Pay attention to any powerful symbols that come to you over the coming weeks. With Mercury in Gemini and the Uranus/Jupiter in Aries energy blasting the planet, this is a time where unexpected choices and decisions appear. If you are in touch with your intuition and allow the symbolism around you to guide you, you may find this time very rewarding indeed. We all have the ability to step to the next level if we open our awareness to the magic of our everyday life.
Much love
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
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As is often the case with the internet this thread is a couple of years old, so I’m a bit late:) But I thought I’d share this coincidence. Over the years we have had a few birds nesting in the garden, mainly wood pigeons and magpies who are the most common round here. But a few weeks ago two birds nested in our chimney (fortunately we dont use that chimney). Soon we knew there were chicks there (and they are still there) as we hear them squeaking very loudly when they are hungry. At first I couldn’t tell what type of birds they are , as I’m no expert, but then looking through the RSPB guide and discovered they were jackdaws. The pair of them seem very attentive parents and we will be sad to see them go when the chicks fledge. The reason though I mention a coincidence is that a few years ago I looked up the origin of my surname which is ‘Coe’ in the Oxford book of Surnames and oddly it goes back to Ancient Norse and is a nickname that means Jackdaw. The Nordic people always held Ravens as important, but I could never find anything about Jackdaws. I know some cultures saw sinister things , like forebodings of death with the Jackdaw, yet too us they are more a symbol of life in this rath r dark time.. The Greeks thought them flippant and insincere for some off reason, yet how good parents who mate for life be though insincere I dont know. Anyway its a mystery what the Norse thought. We also havent had any silver objects gone missing recently:) The chicks are now half chirping half squeaking , if you listen hard you might hear them:)
Wow! That’s amazing, it is clearly your power animal!
wow it’s especially cool when you know that “bran” (as in your friends name Zoe Bran) is the gaelic name for raven.. quite awesome, this synchronicity ^^
Jackdaws are adorable, I love them. I am not surprised the little one brought out your nurturing instincts as I saw a juvenile today and it was incredibly cute but – thankfully – well, and could fly. I feed a load of them around here on monkey nuts and to see at least 8 of them swooping down to feed is something to behold. I also feed at least two wood pigeons on seeds as well. One pesky jackdaw has learned to peck at the seed in its holder. It scoops up a few at a time then eats them individually on the narrow-ish wall above the gate, which is where the monkey nuts are situated. Black birds in general get a bad press (much like cats) but I wouldn’t be without ‘mine.’