Jacky Newcomb November column: Angel interventions

Hello lovely people

This month I thought I would concentrate on some more of your questions so here goes:

Q. Jacky, I always enjoy reading your columns and books. Thanks for being so positive. Good luck with the move! Amanda x


A. Not a question but a lovely comment! Thanks Amanda! I am working on lots of new ‘Jacky Newcomb Angel Products’ as well as books for the next year so I hope you’ll be pleased. My house move to Cornwall has been a massive success and I love the brighter light in the sky at this end of England…it’s very inspirational.

Q. This is not a question. Just some observations. I am a firm believer in angels and I do call upon them every day. But sometimes I do forget how resourceful they are. A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with a friend over Skype. The conversation quickly devolved into a debate and……. you guessed it we started a row. We both got really angry and surprise surprise, for no reason the Skype connection failed. When I tried to send an email even that wouldn’t work. Although I could surf the net quite happily. It suddenly dawned on me what was happening. My guardian angel and co were saying “enough is enough- take a breather” Sure enough the next day everything was working as normal. And I was able to apologise to my friend and vice versa. A lesson learned. Dominique.


A. I love this Dominique! Angels did this to me just this week. I am always very careful about what I put in writing…it’s very difficult to take a comment back once you’ve written something mean in an email for example. Although my own post wasn’t nasty a bad choice of word made it look like it was …it looked like it was. I was shocked when I re-read my email – an opportunity presented itself because my message failed to send the first time I clicked it (phew! Thanks angels).

I think the best thing for us all is to never write anything negative down (in an email, text message or instant which )….just in case the angels are on a tea-break! Thanks for your insightful message.

Q. Hi Jacky. I wanted to know what’s the reason behind the stronger connection/interaction with spirits, deceased loved ones, and angels during Autumn and all around Halloween that one feels? I also wanted to know are there any ceremonies or prayers we can do to make it a more special occasion and period of time to honour the angels and those who have crossed over? Thank you!! Lisa


A. Good question Lisa! Traditionally the veil between the two worlds is thinner at this time but I have another theory to add – we are more aware of the connection at this time because it IS Halloween (Celtic festival of Samhain)! I have stacks of ideas for ceremonies and fun rituals in my book ANGEL SECRETS (published by Octopus) – you could probably borrow this from the library or buy online if you wanted to. If not, why not have a go at making up your own loving rituals? I’m sure you’ll do just fine.
Keep your wonderful questions and comments coming and I look forward to meeting you all online again next month.

About Jacky Newcomb – ‘The Angel Lady’

Jacky Newcomb is the multi-award winning, Sunday Times best-selling author of 11 books on paranormal themes and specialist in angel and afterlife experiences. She has appeared on This Morning, The Lorraine Kelly Show and many others, working alongside people such as Gloria Hunniford and Myleene Klass. Jacky has sold over half a million copies of her books which are translated into many different languages and published all over the world.

Jacky is a regular in the national press (including The Daily Express and The Daily Mail) and is often interviewed on radio stations up and down the country. She has been voted ‘Favourite Spiritual Author’ and ‘Favourite Angel Expert’ (Soul & Spirit Magazine) as well as ‘Best UK Author’ and ‘Favourite Spiritual Book’ (Spiritual ConneXtions Acknowledgment Awards). She is also a regular columnist in ‘Take-a-Break’s Fate & Fortune magazine.

For more information about Jacky and her work visit www.AngelLady.co.uk

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