Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs April 25th 2022 – Eclipse Season!

taurus season

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs April 25th 2022


Join the new ‘rich list’

Upgrade your relationship to abundance

Take aim at a new kind of success

We all know eclipses cover up. But what they conceal often isn’t the obvious thing. This week brings us a ‘Black’ Moon in your 2nd. Which is also eclipsed. Now, the eclipse has nothing to do with it being called ‘black’. This simply refers to the second new Moon in a month – the first being the one in your sign at the start of the month.

What could be covered up or hidden is your relationship to the material. Which is usually more complex than what we think anyway. How comfortable are you with money and success, Aries? And what does success mean for you? What about that ‘rich list’? Forget the Patriachal view of wealth related to money, richness comes in many forms.  Uranus is working on a self-worth revolution now.

Powerful and positive change ripples through your career/focus sector, what inspires you. Yes, you want the recognition and the material rewards. But you also want what you have accomplished to have meaning and be emotionally satisfying too.

For all of us this week, we will be looking at how we relate to money, security and the material world in some way, shape or form. There’s a radical shift about to take place around this. Being the warrior spirit of the zodiac, as usual it’s down to you to forge ahead for the rest of us, Aries.

There is a fantastic spiritual and emotional shift due to Venus (ruler of your 2nd) meeting both Neptune and Jupiter in your 12th. If you have amassed good karma, this could see it paid out. Seeing clearly what really matters, what isn’t for sale and even new previously hidden pathways towards success as well as revealing or redefining what that means, hand you a new definition of abundance. Pay attention to your psychic antenna, feel you heart opening to empathy for yourself and others. If anyone has been deceptive you find the courage to fly onwards.

In a nutshell: On top of an incredible inner love revolution, where you open your heart to new experiences. What matters to you is under the microscope this week. Get ready for a soul revelation and expansion of your soul and spirit. Oh, and when it comes to your money and what success means to you. Redefine that now under this week’s eclipsed Black Moon.

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (2nd)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (12th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (2nd)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 10th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (3rd)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (10th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (2nd)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (12th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (2nd)

May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 10th)


The heart wants what the heart wants

What’s hidden contains your truth

Open up that box of secret longings and desires

Secrets are revealed or uncovered this week, Taurus. Something hidden from you – perhaps by another or maybe something you have hidden from yourself, is laid bare. There’s no avoiding this now. No matter what it looks like, this is your break for freedom. Because I can tell you that no matter what this is, it has been holding you back. Perhaps for longer than you even imagined.

The freedom to experience some good, good loving or perhaps to simply follow your heart may have been desires you have kept under lock and key for far too long. This week may offer an expose on a soul level you simply can no longer ignore as you have an eclipsed ‘Black’ new Moon conjunct Eros in your sign on the 30th. The term ‘Black’ moon has nothing to do with the eclipse. This simply refers to the second new Moon in a month – the first being the one in your mysterious 12th at the start of the month.

A desire or dream that has been under wraps for far too long, nurtured in the dark, imagined in your dreams or dismissed as ‘impossible’ now demands you take it seriously. Ignoring it is no longer an option. Even if pursuing it means getting jiggy with change or upsetting others. Not obeying its call feels like a loss of part of your soul. New Moons always bring fresh starts and new beginnings and the one in our 1st marks the astrological start of our new cycle. Heed its call even if you keep those plans under wraps for a while longer.

Fabulous news! You have assistance from your ruler Venus which this week meets Neptune (27th) and Jupiter (30th) in your 11th of the future and your goals. If you recall, I told you to make three wishes at the start of this Jupiter cycle and to expect at least one goal to be realised. The universe wants to share something with you. If your dream has been elusive up until now it is either because it is not aligned with what you heart truly wants or you need a bigger dream. Maybe you settled for something or someone less in the past. No more low expectations, Taurus. Within the Black Moon you’ll discover the seeds of a bigger dream waiting to be realised along with a bigger kind of love potential.

In a nutshell: You’re in a cycle of profound awakening. And that includes waking up to what your heart truly wants, Taurus. This week reveals it and releases you from limitations as a truth or consequences Black Moon appears in your sign.

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (1st)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (11th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (1st)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 9th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (2nd)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (9th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (1st)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (11th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (1st)

May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 9th)



Opportunities are hidden in plain sight

Look beyond the obvious

Time to nurture plans and that special insight!

Your ruler Mercury is slowing down and begins its retroshadow this week in your 12th before 29th Treat this as Retro Lite as opposed to Retro 2.0. During its retrograde Mercury will return to your 12th so there’s a feeling of looking back and tying up any loose ends from your past before you enter your new cycle. Yes, Mercury arrives in your sign on the 29th. But take it this is a time of planning and preparation rather than pushing forward with those ideas. And also to tie up loose ends or outstanding business.

The past casts its shadows on your present in more ways than one this week. Even if you are looking towards the future. Career, or whatever your passion is receive a boost thanks to Venus in your 10th meeting both Neptune (27th) and Jupiter (30th). Past efforts pay off and rewards fall due. Or you undergo an inner shift which sends you out on a fresh and more rewarding pathway. Again, use this time to course correct if needed.

You have an eclipse occurring this week and you need to keep those eclipse rules in mind as well as the retro ones. Because this occurs in your house of secrets and hidden truths, you need to keep in mind that its effects will be increased. So, even though this is a partial eclipse take watch out for the hidden now. If someone or something disappears under this eclipsed ‘Black’ Moon (it’s called a Black Moon because it is the second new Moon in a month – nothing to do with the eclipse!), it’s because it is truly lived out. So, please don’t waste your energy trying to resurrect it. Take it that due to the eclipse conjunction with Eros something new will emerge out of this.

This is also the day of the Venus/Jupiter conjunction – which astrologers consider the very best alignment in terms of its ability to deliver opportunities. Its heart soaringly wonderful. During this time you should be more aware of what is going on behind the scenes or below the surface for you. Pay attention to those insights especially if they relate to your dreams or your partner now. You might want to do whatever you can to source validation or uncover facts. I’m not talking about snooping but if you feel something strongly and can’t shake it, a fact-finding mission may be called for. The best tactic – just ask. Straight out. What can I say? They won’t see it coming and you’ll get the answer you want one way or another.

You’re about to enter what I can only describe as a soul-searching cycle. It’s going to favour the radical approach when it comes to unearthing hidden insights or even working behind the scenes. It’s going to be fabulous if you have ever wanted to study astrology or anything magical. And I mean that in the broadest possible sense.  So, any work, paid or unpaid, soul or professional that involves delving into mysteries or making great leaps of the imagination is going to be in focus for you this week. The truth is out there as this week offers you a glimpse of what is to come.

In a nutshell: You can combine insight and innovation to totally reshape your world now, Gemini. It’s time for delving behind the scenes. Go on a fact finding mission. There’s opportunities waiting but stick with the planning stage for now.

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (12th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (10th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (12th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 8th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (1st)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (8th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (12th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (10th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (12th)

May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 8th)



New places, new faces and new circles open up

Explore the unknown

Open to possibilities

Woo hoo! Prepare for the entrance of new people, possibilities and goals to enter and re-shape your life in ways you would not dream possible, Cancer. Venus meets both Neptune and Jupiter in your 9th of expansion, freedom and thrilling, larger than life opportunity! Put yourself out there and dance on the edge where the present and the future meet. Then – step off into something wondrous and unknown. That’s where miracles and magic live. Above all, don’t opt for the same old, same old.

We are coming to the end of the all planets direct phase which has been buoying us forward. Mercury is slowing down even as it reaches its ruling sign of Gemini and your 12th on 29th as it enters retroshadow in your 11th from the 26th. You also have Pluto retrograde in your 7th also on the 29th. Time to integrate any changes that have been happening for you on a soul/partnership level. This week also hands us an eclipse in your 11th and a new ‘Black’ Moon on the 30th. The term ‘Black’ moon has nothing to do with the eclipse but is applied to the second new Moon in a given month.

We know eclipses conceal and this is a partial one. You have only part of what is a bigger picture when it comes to friends, groups, your wider social and professional network, collective ventures and causes and yes, those personal goals, Cancer. The eclipse falls conjunct Eros so taking aim at a new one could feature. But hold off on actually going for it for now. It may change or a new pathway to it emerge. If you are getting a strong vibe off of one particular friendship – or if someone’s name jumped to mind reading this, then do pay attention to it.

You’re now being prepared to keep some very spectacular company. Get ready for the entrance of people from many different backgrounds and walks of life. To explore new social circles. To seek out new opportunities and new networks. To boldly go where you’ve not been before when it comes to not only friendships, but everything else. also your goals, dreams and dealing with people at large. Your 11th rules awakenings as well as yes, science fiction, UFO’s, entrepreneurs, revolutionary ideas and awakenings (yes I did say awakenings twice!). You’re on the cusp of a cycle of innovation, invention and evolution. Like the captain of a starship, you’re entering unexplored territory. Making the most of this means you need to be open to change and unattached to any particular outcome. In other words – don’t cling on (pun intended) to the past if what you are really after is a different result in the future.

In a nutshell: Time to look closely at those goals. If they have not manifested perhaps they are no longer relevant? Or just not big or bold enough to satisfy you, Cancer? Step into unknown terrirtoty to make them real!

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (11th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (9th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (11th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 7th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (12th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (7th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (11th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (9th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (11th)

May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 7th)



Freedom vs. Security. Or can you combine both?

Work that reputation

You are in the driver’s seat of destiny

You may not be able to see the real outcome of any changes happening this week, Leo. But then any eclipse involving your ruler always throws you into the dark. If only temporarily. This week’s eclipse is a partial one. So, think of a picture with either a piece missing or else part of it blurry and out of focus. You may want to go check your chart factors ahead of this. Especially for anything at 10 degrees plus or minus a degree. If it’s in your sign then the eclipse will square it.

This eclipse occurs with a ‘Black’ new moon in your 10th on the 30th. The term ‘Black’ has nothing to do with the eclipse but simply refers to the second of two new Moons in a given month. A rare event. It also occurs conjunct Eros. Those aims and ambitions are stirred. As is passion and intention. This is not a time to butt heads with anyone in a position of authority. It is the time to be very well aware of your public and professional image and the impression you give others. But then, that’s usually one of your superpowers.

I say usually as due to the eclipse influence, your vision may not to 20/20. New beginnings around your career may not be what they seem. It’s also not the day to chase down that promotion, job or push the speed limit. Slow down and be seen as someone in control of themselves and their destiny. Leverage that track record and draw deep on the foundation you have already built when it comes to any progress. Especially now Mercury enters its retroshadow in here from the 26th.

Back to those changes as any which do occur this week could bring you the transformation you’ve been waiting for. Venus meets both Neptune (27th) and Jupiter (30th). This occurs in your ‘other’ money house and your house of shared assets. Something already set in motion could come to fruition. You receive that yes answer you’ve been hoping for. Or a shift in circumstances hands you the freedom you’ve been seeking. The flip side of security is paradoxically freedom. A shining opportunity could present itself to establish a base, a career milestone or something that sustains and supports you for the future.

That’s your security bit. The freedom? Chances are there’s something you still want to explore or experience and you need a solid base from which to do that or access to resources. Come across to others as the person ready to take up opportunity if its offered. If you have unfulfilled ambitions, you will be unable to resist the call to explore these. Even if you are the proverbial golden round glowing peg in that round hole, expect some twists and turns that could see you take on a new shape, and a new role over the coming months.

In a nutshell: A new cycle of freedom is just around the corner, Leo. For now, take care of your image as we have a powerful eclipse in your 10th house of recognition and status. Drawing on what you’ve already achieved sets the future in motion.

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (10th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (8th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (10th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 6th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (11th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (6th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (10th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (8th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (10th)

May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 6th)



Keep firmly grounded in reality

Time for those Retro Rules 2.0

Make love your main goal

Feet on the ground, head in the stars. Doesn’t sound like a bad philosophy, does it Virgo? Make this your mantra for the foreseeable future and you won’t stray far from your goals. Especially if they involve somebody to love. This week connects you to a whole universe of possibilities around partnerships and double acts of all descriptions. All thanks to Venus in its ruling 7th in your chart entangling with Neptune (27th) and Jupiter (30th). Love could arrive built to last and wrapped in dreamy soul connectedness (Lovers, friends, cats etc the choice is endless!). Others reconcile those differences and move forward into a new understanding. Of course, all the activity you have seen in this house lately cannot fix anything broken beyond repair. But it can soothe a broken heart and ease your way out of pain. And even deliver a new possibility for you.

This week sees ruler Mercury begin its retroshadow phase in your 9th from the 26th. With an eclipse in here on the 30th, I should not need to tell you to apply Retro Rules 2.0 to travel arrangements (especially long distance), legal matters, studies, communications and to avoid large purchases at this time. If signing anything, you may need a professional opinion. This eclipse occurs at the same time as a ‘Black’ new Moon in your 9th and conjunct Eros. The term ‘Black’ Moon has nothing to do with it being eclipsed. It simply refers to the second new Moon in a month. However, we all know eclipses cover up. You are in the dark or even as this is your 9th, off course in some way. Stop or at least, triple check everything. You know the rules, that journey real or metaphorical may stall, experience delays or a piece of the map is missing. Probably the part with ‘X’ marks the spot.

Mercury will enter your 10th from the 29th – the day Pluto turns retro in your 5th  of lovers, all things pleasure and creativity,  and stepping into the spotlight. Again, slow down in these areas. Mercury will stop and then head back into your 9th again. Expect stops and starts in all areas. Another reason for you to dream of a bigger love while keeping those feet firmly grounded in reality.

In a nutshell: That free-wheelin’, retro-free period we have all enjoyed comes to an end this week as ruler Mercury enters retroshadow and Pluto heads backwards. Combined with an eclipse it’s time to take things slow, Virgo.

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (9th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (7th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (9th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 5th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (10th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (5th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (9th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (7th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (9th)

May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 5th)



Get ready for healing and release

Invisible benefits could be the most valuable

Changes have their own agenda

Arise, soul warrior! Time to heal those wounds and vanquish that trauma! Ruler Venus meets both Neptune (27th) and Jupiter (30th) this week in your 6th of everyday work, wellness and responsibilities. The Venus/Jupiter alignment is considered one of the very best transits we can experience. No matter what house it happens in. Venus/Neptune adds the divine gifts of insight and deep healing. This extends even into karmic wounds you may have carried from lifetime to lifetime. Jupiter always has our ultimate freedom in mind. Neptune adds the spiritual insight and balm we need to close those wounds. And to re-embrace wholeness.

Opportunities to create a healthy work/life balance which hands you this abound now. You can fuse passion with practical purpose. For some this may take the form of a better paying, lifestyle enhancing job or study program. Others may experience less tangible, invisible benefits but which nonetheless, free them into a life free from emotional pain or anything that gets in the way of progress.

This week sees the rock and roll forward motion of planets begin to halt or slow down. First Mercury enters retroshadow phase in your 8th from the 26th before landing in your 9th on the 29th – the same day as Pluto heads backwards in your 4th. Time to stocktake and attend to unfinished business. There’s a danger here of escapism as you feel a pull towards something that gets your heart beating faster rather than the daily grind.

This does favour any kind of creative, intuitive or psychic work however and there’s a deeper message to be decoded here. You could be missing an opportunity that’s under your nose especially when it comes to any work that falls in any of the above categories. Look closer especially if you want to create a life where you work at what you love. Then it’s all about loving the here and now rather than the fantasy of escape.

Change is in the air this spring and some of this will already be in motion. But the long term effects of this again may not be obvious now but manifest later. This week hands us a partial solar eclipse the day of the new ‘Black’ Moon in your 8th. The term ‘Black’ has nothing to do with the eclipse but simply refers to the second of two new Moons in a month. Eclipses conceal and this one touches on your salary, shared resources, pay outs, personal power and your all-important values. The latter are the only sure thing you can bank on under this eclipse so please stay firm on what you know is a deal breaker.

Try to avoid making long term decisions under this eclipse around anything that touches on income, investments, borrowing or joint assets. There’s a further reality check or revelation to come. Or anything that changes is later revealed to have a different purpose to what you envisaged. Take it to be for your benefit in the long term.

In a nutshell: Feel deep healing energy you can use for everyday benefits infuse your soul this week, Libra. The effects of change may not be immediately obvious. But take it that what shifts is all for your benefit now.

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (8th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (6th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (8th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 4th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (9th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (4th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (8th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (6th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (8th)

May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 4th)



Work that fabulousness like a boss!

What is love’s true form for you?

Don’t let anything dim that glow

Look to anyone or anything out to dim that fierce radiance this week, Scorpio. And understand this may be covert rather than immediately obvious. You are being asked to look beyond the apparent relationship dynamics to what lies beneath or behind someone’s behaviour now. Settled? Your partner could be wanting you to take some time or ask some deep questions: How are you really feeling or coping for instance. To simply be there. Mercury’s slowing down in your 7th from the 29th tells you to take time and tune in. To your own wants and needs as well as your partner’s. And then talk about these once it enters your 8th from the 29th. It’s all about deepening your intimacy. But also unearthing what’s really going on.

To preface Cher: People get all excited over nothing and then they marry them. Do ensure that’s not a mistake you are setting yourself up to make this week. Wheither it is a person, project or commitment, take your time.There are super-dreamy alignments occurring in your primary house of romance and boss fabulousness this week as Venus meets Neptune (27th) and then Jupiter (30th). Yes, this can deliver heaven-sent opportunities and lucky breaks. It can clothe you in an irresistible glamour that makes you a magnet for your desires. See you in the media or the spotlight. Get you noticed in all the right ways or send you headlong into pleasure and good times. However, when it comes to that new lover, do ensure you are not putting them up on a pedestal and that they are not exposed later as charmless instead of charming.

I’m not saying that love may not be real. Just that if it truly is happily ever after you seek you slow things down to ensure it’s not once-upon-a-time instead. The same goes for paying attention to existing unions due to the eclipse which happens in your 7th on the 30th. You also have your ruler Pluto asking you if it isn’t now time to talk as it heads backwards in your 3rd.

It’s all about the kind of love you need (Human, lama, dog, new project, all count!) and the reality of love – not the fantasy. This week hands you an eclipse conjunct the asteroid Eros in your partnership sector on the 30th. This occurs at the time of the new ‘Black’ Moon in here. Usually a new Moon which ushers in a new phase when it comes to long term relating. The term ‘Black’ moon has nothing to do with the eclipse. It simply marks the second new Moon in a month. Yes, this is a rare event. Along with those badass 5th house planets, yes it can bring in new relationships, pleasures, and wonder. But it’s true form has yet to be revealed. Or for that matter, the kind of love you need. The ultimate eclipse in your 7th movie would be Shrek. Consider you may be seeking a dragon or ogre because well – you are one too. Above all, ensure love truly is worth getting excited about before giving that heart away. That requires time to see what’s behind the illusion, Scorpio.

In a nutshell: Love may feel like a dream this week. But you also need to remain awake to the reality of your connections. The perfect match for you may yet to be revealed. Along with love’s true form!

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (7th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (5th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (7th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 3rd)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (8th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (3rd)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (7th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (5th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (7th)

May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 3rd)



Find that perfect place for you

Big up that lifestyle

Where you are affects how you feel

Where you live or reside and the place which feels like home to you may be one and the same thing – or not, Sag. If there is a lack of belonging around your living arrangements, place or even family, this week could hand you an opportunity to move into that lifestyle or part of the planet where you can feel a true sense of place. Just where this is or what it looks like will of course vary for each and every one of you. If you are lucky enough to know you are exactly where you are meant to be, ruler Jupiter offers a chance to send those roots deeper this week. Benefits come to you via your home, extending or improving it, moving or even in some cases, from a family member giving you a helping hand.

The alignment between Jupiter and Venus which occurs on the 30th is considered one of the most blessed we can experience. Jupiter’s largesse applies to the house this happens in (your 4th). While Venus acts to beautify or assist with resources. Before this occurs, Venus also meets Neptune on the 27th. It shows you the importance of your soul home. One where you feel spiritually attuned.

The Moon rules your 4th of course and this week we have a new ‘Black’ Moon and an eclipse in your 6th of wellbeing and work. The term ‘Black’ Moon has nothing to do with the eclipse. It’s just what the second of two new moons in a month is called. Of course, this means you are in the dark about something. And this may be an obvious truth around your day job, habits, responsibilities, routine and the place you spend the most time. Eros, caught in the eclipse, takes aim at a previously hidden element. Allow time for the importance of this to emerge.

Add to this Mercury which rules your 6th entering retroshadow in here on the 27th to move on into your 7th on the 29th and Pluto backwards in your money zone. Look at how you are utilising your resources. If you are coupled up, make this a joint venture. But take it there is a hidden link between where you belong or feel you do and your overall sense of wellbeing and energy. You are advised to go deeper into this before making any major decisions or moves. Yes you can big up that space or lifestyle. Room to make the right move sees you set for really living in the long term.

In a nutshell: The place you inhabit or that lifestyle gets a major renovation this week thanks to ruler Jupiter, Sag. Also on offer – adjusting that routine or work/life balance to hand you more energy, vibrance and daily dose of benefits!

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (6th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (4th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (6th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 2nd)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (7th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (2nd)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (6th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (4th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (6th)

May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 2nd)



Focus on the love experience you deserve

Change up to charge up

Follow that passion

Are you getting in the mood for love, Capricorn? Or perhaps I should say a more exciting, breathless, different kind of love experience than you may have been experiencing of late? This of course does not mean just romantic love but anything that makes your heart soar. Tired of challenges or things being in flux? Craving lightness, sensuality and pleasure? A release or change could be on offer now. But take it that intense attraction factor building within you needs to be directed in the right way. And not wasted.

You may be infused with the desire to begin anew or change things for the better. You are approaching the end of a long term cycle and when you look back on it in its entirety you will be astounded at the changes it has wrought in your inner and outer life. This week may be set to deliver good news which opens doors to fresh potentials, opportunities or solutions for you as Venus meets Neptune (27th) and then Jupiter (30th) in your 3rd. We are now exiting the retro-free period that has been propelling us forward since March. Mercury enters retroshadow in your 5th on the 26th before entering its ruling 6th. Pluto heads backwards in your sign on the 29th. All this is asking you to look closely at the changes which have taken place. And what still needs to occur. And to focus your energy on this rather than scatter it.

This is the magic ingredient: focus. The laser sharp variety. Like a proton beam it tells you not to be distracted by what simply glitters but to head for the real gold. You know deep down what that is thanks to Eros aligning you to your true desire. Don’t waver under the eclipse in your 5th on the 30th. Don’t allow confusion or distraction to distort what you know is right for you or that feeling you’re getting that something or someone needs your attention. This is a ‘Black’ new Moon. Nothing to do with it being eclipsed. It’s simply the term coined for the second of two new Moons in a given month. And that’s a rare event. Conjunct Eros and eclipsed? Rarer still.

If your soul battery is flat. If you feel mehhhhhhh – time to attend to this. Time to think about what’s missing. Think vibrance. Think indulgence. Think beauty. Think romance. Then – hone in on it or seek it out.

In a nutshell: If you know what it is you want or need – then don’t allow distraction to change your focus, Capricorn. This week brings an eclipse which may in fact highlight what’s missing. Don’t waver in your desire now.

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (5th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (3rd)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (5th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 1st)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (6th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (1st)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (5th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (3rd)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (5th)

May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 1st)



Make a soul-sustaining move

Own your emotional journey

Invest in truly living

Money, income, assets, possessions, self-worth or just plain energy boost. This week could hand you a cashed-up, ka-ching! moment thanks to Venus in its ruling 2nd encountering both Neptune (27th) and Jupiter (30th). This is also your house of relationships you can ‘bank on’. The people who are more precious than gold because you know they have your back no matter what. This week could bring you a new and better source of income, see your personal stock soar or someone proves their worth to you. Or their future worth. Jupiter always expands and offers opportunity while Neptune adds the spiritual dimension. This is a wonderful transit for making money creatively, for travel (and funding that) and to simply experience the flow of abundance in your life in all its forms.

Make the most of this as we are now exiting that full-throttle retro-free period we’ve all been cruising with since March as Mercury enters its retroshadow in your 4th of home, family, living arrangements, lifestyle and security on the 26th. Pluto will turn retro in your 12th from the 29th. It’s now time to look closely at your needs – both materially and emotionally. If you are in a position this week where you are looking at more money coming your way, have a long term plan for it to add to your overall sense of security.

Also check your chart now for factors in your sign at 10 degrees, plus or minus one degree. The 30th brings us an eclipse at the time to the new ‘Black’ Moon in your 4th – the Moon’s ruling house. The term ‘Black’ Moon has nothing to do with the eclipse. It refers to the second of two new Moons in a given month. Yes, that’s rare. Rarer still is the conjunction it makes with Eros in here. Eclipses conceal as well you know. And if you do have those 10 degree factors, it will square them triggering insecurities and a desire for something safe, nurturing and supportive. Don’t be afraid to cocoon or spend time unplugged now to explore those feelings. Above all, allow yourself to simply feel and don’t dismiss or worse, damp down your emotional journey with food/alcohol or self-soothing behaviour. You are entitled to feel what you feel as it comes from a real need.

If you need to share, please do. But back to using that money if you have extra for long term good. You may save it, use it to improve your current living situation or even move. This eclipse can lead to you linking to the kind of support or structure you need or how you live or work undergoes a total reimagining. Yes, eclipses conceal. But your gut feeling tells you the direction you need to move in – or the answer which feeds your soul, Aquarius.

In a nutshell: Home or your living arrangements are about to enter a period where you can create a something positively soul-sustaining. If resources or the lack of them have been stopping you from doing this, solutions appear this week.

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (4th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (2nd)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (4th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 12th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (5th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (12th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (4th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (2nd)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (4th)

May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 12th)



Become your own radiant deity!

What returns has your name on it

Are you being given all the facts?

Shine on Pisces, this week brings a couple of peak experiences, and you deserve it! Venus in your 1st is all about owning that inner deity. And projecting this image out into the world. You can channel inspiration via your two rulers Neptune and Jupiter this week. Venus encounters both. Neptune on the 27th and Jupiter on the 30th. There’s little chance of you being overlooked this week as a result. You draw those desires to you effortlessly. Know what it is you want. For you, these two conjunctions are the most soul boosting of the year and ask you to allow that inner spark of the divine within you to shine as brightly as it is able.

By doing so, you will draw opportunity, solutions and pure, brilliant luck to you. Travel may also feature now. Expect a journey – real or metaphorical, to commence. Show the world via the outer you – your image, look, appearance or message, that you are ready to set sail and seeking something bigger which expands your experience and worldview forever. What appears can’t be missed out on. And if it brings a return of something, it had your name on it all long.

Mercury enters retroshadow phase in its ruling 3rd in your chart from the 26th and Pluto heds backwards in your 11th also this week. Bringing that free-wheelin’ motion of all planets direct to an end. You need to put the Retro Rules in place now rather than later. Yes, Mercury is still moving forward and enters your 4th on the 29th but it is slowing down. This is also Mercury’s ruling sign (Gemini), so its ability to create madness and mayhem for you has already begun! Throw into the mix an eclipsed Black Moon in your 3rd on the 30th. This is triggered by the new Moon in here and the term ‘Black Moon’ has nothing to do with it being eclipsed but simply refers to the second to two new Moons in a month.

As you know, eclipses conceal. You’re only being handed some of the facts or part of the story as a result. And with Mercury in slow-down mode this tells you to wait for that bigger picture to emerge. If you feel someone is withholding something please stick with that and probe deeper. It may not be a negative experience however. Ideas or plans you shelved can be repurposed or resurrected in a better, more successful form. Re-knocking on that door could get you a difference response this time around. Something you thought over and done bounces back. Perhaps you uncover resources you didn’t know you had. Or found innovative new ways to use the ones you did.

You’ve one final piece of information to come through. Watch and wait for it. And don’t jump to conclusions until the bigger picture emerges.

In a nutshell: Be careful what you wish for this week as meetings between Venus and both your rulers this week could see you get it! However, do keep an open mind over what you hear or are told this week. There’s more to this than meets the eye, Pisces!

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (3rd)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (1st)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (3rd)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 11th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (4th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (11th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (3rd)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (1st)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (3rd)

May 1 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 11th)




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