Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs August 1st 2022 – Surprises

weekly astrology

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs August 1st 2022


Unexpected developments put you on a fresh path

Stay connected to your values

What shifts sets you free

Shaken and stirred! Expect the unexpected as August begins as ruler Mars and Uranus meet in your house of money and value systems on the 1st. All this takes place conjunct the North Node in Taurus so think about money karma and what you stand by and for.

If you have created a solid value system, your self-worth is pretty unshakeable and you have a handle on your cash, then this could bring the breakthrough you have been waiting for. Especially as the following days see Venus which rules your 2nd, make easing angles to both Uranus and your ruler across the 2nd – 3rd (and also the Node). With Mars involved, some kind of action or decision will be required of you.

Needless to say, this is not the week for rash purchases or investments. Yes you may be asked to respond or act to something happening right now. But you have to do this with an eye to the future consequences. If you have been coming from an ‘easy come, easy go’ mindset, this may be the week when the bill for that falls due. An accounting is in order but please keep in mind whether you are faced with a windfall or a shortfall this week, that Uranus always wants to free you and this is an opportunity to do just that.

Mercury is on the move now into its ruling 6th so this tells you to do what has to be done and have that eye fixed firmly on the bottom line. Be practical and also do what is right for you. If you have been spending simply to keep up appearance or with others, the bill is very much due as Mars squares Saturn on the 7th. Value yourself enough to opt for priceless financial freedom, Aries. It may mean less ends up being more.

In a nutshell: Hold tight to what you know is priceless or simply not for sale, Aries. That unshakable value system is your foundation this week. Make decisions with an eye to the long term even if you act in the moment.

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (2nd)

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (2nd)

Aug 2 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 2nd)

Aug 3 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (4th to 2nd)

Aug 4 2022 Mercury enters Virgo (6th)

Aug 7 2022 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (4th to 12th)

Aug 7 2022 Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 11th)


Surprises put you on a course to freedom

Awaken to what you really need

Resistance is futile

What you resist, persists, Taurus. At least up until a point. That point occurs this week when fate or Mars and Uranus in your sign take matters into their own cosmic hands. When we delay the actions we need to take in order to evolve our souls, sooner or later the universe steps in and makes them for us. So, take it something you have resisted doing now takes on a life of its own when on the 1st, Mars and Uranus both meet the North Node.

Sudden, unpredictable and awakening events may occur. You may surprise yourself with your own sudden change of heart which you blurt out. Or something occurs beyond your control which shifts you onto a radically different path,

It may take you a while to see the long term implications of all of this. Or even that it is actually designed with your benefit in mind. However, that is not to say that for some of you this may not be immediately obvious. Ruler Venus impacting on all these factors across the 2nd – 3rd keeps the situation very fluid which is why it may take you a while to see it for what it truly is.

Go with the surprises and let go of any need to control or hang on to anything which has been lived out. It will only lead to frustration if you try especially when Mars in your sign squares Saturn on the 7th. Friends may provide an outlet and a valuable resource for you so do utilise them this week. Mercury in your 5th favours good times, flirtation and anything to do with your children if you have them. This week pushes you towards freedom and ultimately, what lightens your soul. Especially if you’ve been carrying too many burdens for far too long.

In a nutshell: Something comes full circle this week. Events may seem to have a direction all their own. But there’s a purpose to them. Let go of any need to control. You’re on course for where you need to go, Taurus.

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (1st)

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (1st)

Aug 2 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 1st)

Aug 3 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (3rd to 1st)

Aug 4 2022 Mercury enters Virgo (5th)

Aug 7 2022 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 11th)

Aug 7 2022 Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 10th)


Emotions guide you to a spiritual truth

What gets paid forward?

Lay your future foundation

Of all the signs which may feel the direction of this week is like the big foot from the old Monty Python titles – you may feel the most surprised by it, Gemini. That’s because Mars and Uranus (planet of the unexpected and surprises) meet in your 12th at the start of August. They also fall conjunct the North Node in here. So it’s all a bit cosmic and karmic. A feeling of something paid forward or catching up with you.

This does not mean that foot doesn’t have diamonds on the soles of its Jimmy Choos however. Across the 2nd – 3rd, Venus in its ruling 2nd in your chart aligns to Uranus, Mars and the Node indicating that this is working very much in your favour. Even if it may take you a few days to see this although for some, it should be obvious from the start. If something comes full circle or returns, this is when you come to realise your blessings truly do have your name on them.

Others may awaken to the fact it is time to move in a new direction. Ruler Mercury changes signs on the 4th – into your 4th of home, roots, stability and sustenance. An extra resources headed your way should be channeled into these areas now. You’re going to place an increased emphasis on what you feel now as opposed to your intellect. And you will be more open to talking about your emotions than usual. Needless to say, this is a great transit for moving and property decisions but do it now. Mercury enters retroshadow later this month. What starts the week in a state of flux should settle leaving you in a state of spiritual awareness when it comes to your needs.

In a nutshell: Surprises could shake your soul but also put you back in touch with your needs, Gemini. Direct your resources towards what meets these. And get sharing when it comes to those feelings this week.

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (12th)

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (12th)

Aug 2 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 12th)

Aug 3 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (2nd to 12th)

Aug 4 2022 Mercury enters Virgo (4th)

Aug 7 2022 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 10th)

Aug 7 2022 Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 9th)


Innovate and experiment

Dare to try the untried

Is that change an answer to a wish in disguise?

Uranus in its ruling house in your chart is at its most awakening and freedom inciting. You already crave excitement, freedom and stimulation. I could say this week has a ‘Be careful what you wish for’ flavour to it as that desire may get answered. But possibly not in the way you imagined. Mars and Uranus meet on the 1st along with the North Node. This is your next stage unfolding in your soul evolution and you need to be open minded about the form it takes. And also reach for new responses if necessary.

It may be linked to a shift around people you know or groups you are connected to and impact on a goal or desire. How this all fits together may not be obvious at first. The shake up or surprise may take a while to shake-down and reveal its true purpose or direction. This week may seem a little like a rollercoaster at times with a direction all it’s own. And all you can do is hang on for the ride. However, it may also make you feel totally and utterly alive and awakened in the process. Venus in your sign links to all these aspects so don’t doubt for one moment that this is creating something valuable for you at the end of the day.

This week also sees Mercury enter its ruling sign and house in your chart – Virgo and your 3rd. Work and business, news, short distance travel, pitches, launches, studies, applications, writing, design, photography and the internet are Mercury’s superpowers. So, send out, launch it, share it, write it, podcast it, apply for it, present it. You are advised to get it done or bring that idea to a stage of either revision or completion by the third week of the month when Mercury hits retro shade. Respond to any shifts and changes this week by trying the previously untried. Success could simply follow, Cancer.

In a nutshell: The next stage on your soul’s evolutionary journey may arrive in disguise. It’s a week to look beyond the obvious, remain adaptable and above all, reach for a different solution to the usual one, Cancer.

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (11th)

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (11th)

Aug 2 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 11th)

Aug 3 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (1st to 11th)

Aug 4 2022 Mercury enters Virgo (3rd)

Aug 7 2022 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (1st to 9th)

Aug 7 2022 Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 8th)


Plans need to stay in the vault

Explore a new path to your purpose

Is that big surprise the one you give yourself?

I’m not saying this is a week to go all X-Files and Trust No-One but I would suggest you keep certain plans to yourself, Leo. Stay connected to what you intuition is telling you too. Especially if this is linked to anything to do with your work. If someone tells you something, do lock it in the vault and don’t engage in gossip. Be ultra-mindful of your public image and professional reputation this week.

Rewards could come spinning out of the blue just as easily as a reality check. There is an unpredictable element around you this week due to the meeting of Mars and Uranus in your 10th at the start of the month. They also implode on the North Node linking events to your long term path and rewards that are due or fresh directions which now offer you more growth.

The caution around keeping plans to yourself comes from Venus in your 12th while Mars links to Saturn in your 7th. The flip side of this coin is however someone or something returning like a bolt from the blue. Never say never again, Leo. A powerful resurrection could take place a bit like the card of Judegment in the Tarot.

Others could be looking at rewards thanks to Mercury moving on into your money zone and a superb alignment between Venus which rules this house and Neptune in your other money house. There is no room for self-doubt this week or in asking for the outcome you want. Your ability to do this may be the surprise you deliver yourself.

In a nutshell: You’re always mindful of how you come across to others, Leo. Your pride tells you perception is everything. Your professional rep or public image is all important this week. Stay on top.

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (10th)

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (10th)

Aug 2 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 10th)

Aug 3 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (12th to 10th)

Aug 4 2022 Mercury enters Virgo (2nd)

Aug 7 2022 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (12th to 8th)

Aug 7 2022 Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 7th)


Let’s get this party started!

Step into a wild new world

Ditch that comfort zone

Ruler Mercury returns to your sign on the 4th and the rest of the cosmos simply seems to conspire to get your birthday party cycle started earlier than usual. For you, this is the ultimate party planning transit. Not just around something short term like how you will celebrate your special day. But for a bigger and more personal event, goal or dream. If you create a plan, budget or breakdown of the steps you need to take towards it, you are in the best position now to realise it between now and your birthday cycle next year.

Mercury in your 1st means you are wearing your heart on your sleeve now. Don’t even try to keep a lid on those feelings, Virgo. And do use this as a means to ensure you and another are actually on the same page. Better to know than not now as this cycle is all about going into the future free from illusion.

You have a foretaste this week of the new world order that’s being created for you in ‘23. Sudden, surprising and above all, mind opening shifts occur ahead of Jupiter’s arrival in its ruling 9th in your chart which occur next May. This week sees Mars and Uranus collide with the North Node in here. How you see the world or what you believed may simply get turned on its head now. You are suddenly aware of new, exciting and enticing potentials set to free you from restriction and limited thinking. It can be ground or even world-shifting for you. Your life path may take a sudden turn in a new direction. Apparently of its own volition.

Watch for equally fascinating new people to enter your orbit and say yes to last minute invites or even travel plans if you can. What expands, changes or shifts you out of the familiar and into unknown territory is designed to show you there’s a big wide world waiting for you.

In a nutshell: Step out of the known and into the unknown this week, Virgo. Changes are designed to open your eyes and your horizons to incredible possibilities. That comfort zone is far too confining. Explore where the magic is.

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (9th)

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (9th)

Aug 2 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 9th)

Aug 3 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (11th to 9th)

Aug 4 2022 Mercury enters Virgo (1st)

Aug 7 2022 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (11th to 7th)

Aug 7 2022 Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 6th)


Embrace empowered change

Decisions get easy

Don’t neglect the details

What is or has been driving you crazy, Libra? A person? Your bank account? Your job? A situation you feel powerless to change? Or conversely, does the universe lob a curve ball in your direction this week? Change is on its way. Funny how you deal with it like a boss. Especially if it shifts the dynamic between you and the crazy making conundrum. If you have been trapped in a ‘Should I or shouldn’t I?’ conundrum, then the meeting between Mars, Uranus and the North Node in your 8th at the top of the month makes your decision a no-brainer.

If you are literally your own boss or contemplating this, Venus in your 10th beams satisfaction and results over the 2nd – 3rd. Or you gather your courage and take that crucial first step towards a key career milestone. Yes, you may at times feel you are playing money swings and roundabouts. But take it that when you tally up the final result you will discover you actually are ahead. Windfalls, bonuses and benefits contrast with fluctuations but the actions you take now have the ability to put you in a power position.

Do attend to all work matters in a timely and organised fashion. If you get that niggling feeling something has been missed then do heed it and double check now Mercury lands in your 12th from the 4th. Don’t ignore or skip the details. The same goes for the small print, Libra. It needs to go under the microscope now along with someone’s sub-text. Your own actions set your future in motion this week. And someone else’s actions don’t tally with their words. Mind the gap.

In a nutshell: Ensure others mean what they say. And mind the small print, Libra. This week brings a shift around your own self-empowerment or your cash. You should be able to work change like a boss now.

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (8th)

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (8th)

Aug 2 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 8th)

Aug 3 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (10th to 8th)

Aug 4 2022 Mercury enters Virgo (12th)

Aug 7 2022 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (10th to 6th)

Aug 7 2022 Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 5th)


If love is the question what’s the answer?

Duos, double acts and duels feature

Friends and goals provide an outlet

Really in all of human history there are only two questions behind conflicts. The first is ‘Who is in charge?’ and the second which most of us find ourselves on one side or another of at some point (or more than once), is ‘How much do you love me?’. Welcome to the second one, Scorpio.

Either you are doing the asking or being asked this week as ancient ruler Mars smashes into Uranus and the North Node in your 7th at the start of August. Partnership karma set in motion 19 years ago comes full circle. Explosions, implosions, sudden declarations or shifts in your relationship status one way or another, can occur depending on who is asking the questions and what the answer is.

Your value to the other party, how you both value the relationship and your personal values feature. And this may or may not involve a romantic partner or your spouse. This house rules long term business and working relationships, friendships, collaborators and activity partners. And yes, also that frenemy, rival or competitor. A sudden parting of the ways can ensue just as easily as love at first sight or the start of something new and beautiful. Especially as Venus angles to all three aspects between the 2nd – 3rd.

Mercury shifts this week into your 11th – Uranus’s ruling house. You need one eye on those future goals. And also to keep in mind that friendships, your groups, clubs, bands, parties, movements, networks and associations offer not just an outlet and an alternative source of love to partnerships, but also can be where you find your next big love or partner in crime.

In a nutshell: What’s the question you are asking or being asked around love? Is it the answer which surprises you this week, Scorpio? Just remember – connection takes many forms including friendship.

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (7th)

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (7th)

Aug 2 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 7th)

Aug 3 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (9th to 7th)

Aug 4 2022 Mercury enters Virgo (11th)

Aug 7 2022 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (9th to 5th)

Aug 7 2022 Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 4th)


Work and play your way

Take care of the small stuff

Have a life path plan

No one doubts your ability to get the job done this week, Sag. Just look closely at whether or not the path you are on is the right one. You need to feel you are achieving or contributing something. Mindless repetition is not for you even at the best of times. And the meeting between Mars and Uranus on the 1st isn’t one of those. Your patience may be tested at this point. And wellbeing, study or work dharma may come full circle as both planets impact on the North Node on the 6th.

If you have neglected to take care of the small stuff – such as yourself for instance, you may now have to change your course. Feel you’ve not yet found your niche? You could just land in it by accident due to a chain of events beyond your control. Changes which impact on your working life and wellbeing this week could however see you in a better position in terms of self-care or even compensation due to Venus in your 8th aligning to those 6th house factors across the 2nd – 3rd.

Mercury is on the move this week into your 10th from the 4th onwards. It’s asking you if you have a long term plan – even if this is just digital nomad or portfolio career. But it’s important now to have one. And one which gives equal emphasis to variety and time outs to play as it does to keeping mind, body and spirit together along with funding the next big Sag experience. This is the week to design the plan that works for you. It’s doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s. Your work, your play, your way now.

In a nutshell: Your work, study and self-care routines may undergo a change or complete reset this week. Do you have a plan around what you want to do? Design one to get on with the business of living, Sag.

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (6th)

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (6th)

Aug 2 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 6th)

Aug 3 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (8th to 6th)

Aug 4 2022 Mercury enters Virgo (10th)

Aug 7 2022 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (8th to 4th)

Aug 7 2022 Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 3rd)


Twists and turns bring excitement

No half measures

It’s all in the name of love

Unexpected twists around love, your creative projects, partners and children could occur this week. Someone’s behaviour may take you by surprise or you go from single to loved up or understudy to superstar in a heartbeat. There’s an unpredictable electric quality in the air as Mars and Uranus meet in your 5th.

News or something someone tells you could turn your world upside down. Hopefully in the best possible way. Don’t get too attached to plans this week as they will tend to have a direction all their own. I could also add don’t get too attached to that swipe right either as they may blink off your radar as fast as they appeared. Then you get asked for your number by that hottie when you go to the supermarket to buy comfort treats to eat your feelings of rejection. That’s the kind of surprises the Mars/Uranus conjunct the North Node can deliver.

Your children could be the source of the surprise. Or simply surprise you by their actions. Venus remains in its ruling 7th and aligns to all these chart factors so don’t doubt for a moment that what is happening is ultimately stopping or starting in the name of love.

Travel may feature for some of you as could a big up-tick in business or communications now Mercury lands in your 9th. Time to push forward with those big plans as this is to time to do anything by half measures. Or to simply sit on those ideas. The more edgy and creative – the further they may take you this week. Expect surprises – and breakthroughs.

In a nutshell: Love has a direction all its own – and a plan for you, this week. Sudden opportunities could bring breakthroughs. There’s no small ideas either now. Find out how far yours can take you.

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (5th)

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (5th)

Aug 2 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 5th)

Aug 3 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (7th to 5th)

Aug 4 2022 Mercury enters Virgo (9th)

Aug 7 2022 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (7th to 3rd)

Aug 7 2022 Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 2nd)


Events focus on your resources

Changes bring about a new way of living

Build foundations and boundaries

Hopefully you have not been in a bubble when it comes to your cash or income, Aquarius. Yes, we all know ‘budget’ ranks right up there with ‘diet’ with its ability to trigger images of deprivation and denial. Really ‘choices’ or ‘eating/spending plan’ is so much more likely to meet with long term success. But no plan at all or worse, an ‘easy come, easy go’ attitude could see you out of pocket or simply put out this week.

Mars meets your ruler Uranus in your 4th on the 1st and both meet the North Node in here. And yes, the card of The Tower in the Tarot captures this energy perfectly. Unlooked for changes, surprises or upheavals on the home front could point to a move or needing that cash injection. Hence this is where that spending plan comes in. Hopefully you have a contingency fund. If you are looking at a move which has come about due to events beyond your control, take it there is a purpose behind this. It could be where you are no longer offers the opportunity for growth and security it once did.

Venus in your 6th will ease the way into something new – from an update or upgrade to establishing a new way or working or home base as it angles to both Uranus and Mars across the 2nd – 3rd. This is all about where you are meant to be. And to flourish. And ultimately getting you to that place. The same goes for your career or path. If you are on the wrong one or have felt pressured by say your family to opt for a certain lifestyle or profession, you will take matters into your own hands to follow your own destiny.

Mercury enters your ‘other’ money house on the 4th which is good news for funding, joint decisions and also harnessing the pure power of transformation. It also tells you change is in the air. Do however know when you have to stand your ground and put in those boundaries this week. This can be anything from dealing with a family member to getting professional advice and acting on it. Remember, what is built on a solid foundation can only be shaken. And your big take out this week is that you now know what you need to do with your cash – and any other factor for that matter.

In a nutshell: Changes around family, work or home have you focused on your resources and channeling them in a new direction. You may need to gather your inner resources too. Know when to say ‘No’ if needed.

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (4th)

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (4th)

Aug 2 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 4th)

Aug 3 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (6th to 4th)

Aug 4 2022 Mercury enters Virgo (8th)

Aug 7 2022 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (6th to 2nd)

Aug 7 2022 Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 1st)


The truth is inescapable now

The Law of Attraction works in your favour

News pivots your future path

Reality bites this week, Pisces. Mars in your communication sector doesn’t mince words. Uranus has a ‘The truth will set you free’ philosophy. So take it s these two planets meet with the North Node in your 3rd on the 1st that if you have the rose tinted goggles on, they are about to be ripped off.

Sudden news may take you by surprise or something you say, share or send out has bigger consequences than you expected. I would warn against exchanging pointless words with keyboard warriors on the internet. Your words have power now, yes. But don’t waste that. You can’t argue with stupid. Likewise steer clear of arguments now with anyone. Cool down instead and let your actions speak for themselves over the next couple of days as Venus aligns to all these aspects.

The Law of Attraction may be in full force. Surprise opportunities, flirtations, invitations, offers and trips are of course the flip side of this. Hearing from someone from your past, reunions and reconciliations. If it’s the latter do ensure you go in with your eyes open this time around. Mercury now in your 7th marks the start of your annual love peak which will take you on into September. This is a fantastic time to have a non-heated talk with your significant other. Or to be open to looking for a new love if you are single. Like the events of this week it needs to evolve your soul. The truth sets you free towards something that offers passion and growth this week.

In a nutshell: What you hear, say, send out, or are told has surprising and far reaching consequences this week, Pisces. There’s no more room for denial or delusion. That’s why they say the truth sets you free.

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (3rd)

Aug 1 2022 Mars and Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (3rd)

Aug 2 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 3rd)

Aug 3 2022 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (5th to 3rd)

Aug 4 2022 Mercury enters Virgo (7th)

Aug 7 2022 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (5th to 1st)

Aug 7 2022 Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 12th)


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