Unveil The Mystery Of The Week Ahead

tarot reading

Unveil The Mystery Of The Week Ahead – Choose A Tarot Card


Hello Beautiful Soul,

What does the week ahead hold for you? Focus on the back of the Tarot cards and see if one has a message for you. Let your eye wander across the 5 cards and pay attention to your intuition and body. Do you get any feelings or strong attraction to any of the cards? Scroll down for your answer

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Lots of love

Michele x

tarot reading


Tarot Card One – The World

the world

‘In a gentle way, you can shake the world.’

Mahatma Gandhi

Hooray! There’s the possibility of a peak moment of joy this week. The World tells us we are coming to a point when all is well. It’s the victorious time of completion. You’re growing, flourishing, and rising toward success.  

Life is about to get thrilling as you climb to a height of happiness. You’re at the end of a cycle and can pause in a feeling of triumph. Very soon, a new phase begins, and your heart and spirit are ready.

Tarot Card Two – The Wheel Of Fortune


Wheel Of Fortune

Heart is what drives us and determines our fate. That is what I need for my characters in my books: a passionate heart. I need mavericks, dissidents, adventurers, outsiders and rebels, who ask questions, bend the rules and take risks.

Isabel Allende

You awaken your trust in your path and soul journey.

Be watchful. An extraordinary situation is happening or is about to. The Wheel of Fortune spins us into a time of soul growth, and life is moving in a brand-new direction. Watch out for synchronicities or strange coincidences which have a deeper meaning.

There are encounters, characters, partners, and experiences that are meant to be, and they entwine with our free will. Yes, we get to choose how we react to these situations. We are responsible for disentangling these fated events and using them for our spiritual evolution.

Your cycle is turning, and your energy is shifting. A twist of fate is on the way to catapult you onto the next energetic level.

Tarot Card Three – 2 of Pentacles 

2 of pentaclesNo person, no place, and nothing has any power over us, for ‘we’ are the only thinkers in our mind. When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives.

Louise L Hay

Sick of juggling things? There have been too many demands on you, and you have become skilled at keeping everybody happy. 

The two of Pentacles reveal hardship and struggle have turned you into a Magician. You are gifted at dealing with most situations and are about to be rewarded with a blessing from the Universe.

Please trust in yourself right now. You are about to go on a journey. It may be a spiritual journey, a sensual one, or even a literal one, but whatever it is, it will expand your horizons and deliver you to your next step. Well done!

Tarot Card Four – The Sun

the sun

Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.

Joseph Cambell

Blazing rays of wonder! The Sun has come to supply you with a message of joy. Your inner child is coming out to laugh and play. An uplifting adventure is on the way. What would you do if you had all the trust in the World? Where would you point your power? The Sun is filling you with enthusiasm. Bye, bye worry, and hello, delight.

It’s time to radiate. Your spirit is glowing and drawing other bright souls towards you. Your confidence is high, and there’s a sense of optimism and trust. Use this time to thread pleasure into your day-to-day routine, and you’ll be surprised by the results.

Tarot Card Five – The Queen of Wands

Queen of WandsI‘ve been through it all, baby, I’m mother courage.

Elizabeth Taylor

Tarot Card Three – Mother of Wands

Hey Firecracker,

You have a vast generous heart and a profound protecting spirit. You curl around those you love and will strike down anyone who threatens you or yours. However, you are also quick to forgive and generous with your time and energy. You’re lovable, impulsive, and eager to live life to the max.

There’s an idea you’re nurturing at the moment. Give it time to hatch. Know you have the skills and creative force to make it happen. Give yourself the freedom you desire to explore, stretch your wings to percolate, investigate and pour your firey passion into sharp focus. Wield it like a magic wand! 

knight waite tarot

Hooray! You can now order my Tarot deck and in-depth Tarot book. I put my heart into every page. Big love, Michele.

Tarot Deck       Guide Book
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