Your End Of Year Tarot Reading – Pick A Card

Your End Of Year Tarot Reading – Pick A Tarot Card
Hello Beautiful Soul,
Welcome to your end of year Tarot reading. Which card is jumping out at you? Starting from the left card one, two three or four? What is your message for the end of the year?
Allow your eyes to drift across the cards and feel if one jumps out at you. Scroll down for your reveal. Don’t forget to spend a few seconds before you scroll down to use your own psychic ability to sense what the message is.
Lots of love to you warrior spirit
Michele x
Tarot Card One – The Moon
Your unconscious is ready to spill out and reveal what you truly feel. Your psychic intuition is full on right now, and you are having an awakening. Rise Sorceress, rise! All the answers lay within you now.
What have you been ignoring? Who can you trust and who do you want to be by your side next year? Have you been making excuses for a bad behaviour? The answers are emerging.
Your divine spirit is guiding you towards freedom and your true soul path. Pay particular attention to any signs, intuitions or experiences around the Full and New Moon as something significant is being shown to you.
In traditional Tarot, the Moon is meant to be quite a negative card, but I have always felt this is Patriachal BS! The Moon is a symbol of the Goddess of female empowerment and the Mother, BUT she can awaken us to illusions or someone not being who they appear to be. TRUST your intuition to guide you to what you deserve.
Tarot Card Two – The Wheel of Fortune
The circle of life is spinning. The magical Wheel of Fortune is reminding you that nothing is static, that life is a constant cycle of change. Yes, we create our destiny but some experiences/people are meant to be. We collide with certain souls and life events to further our soul’s journey.
What do you feel ‘was meant to be’ this year? And what happened that felt ‘fated’? What was the overall message or flavour of the past 12 months?
Another event that feels deeper than usual is about to occur. Look out for important soul connections and unusual events, string them together to reveal where next year leads you,
Tarot Card Three – 8 of Pentacles
Bravo! You are working very hard to achieve your goals. You might find it tough that the end of the year is here and you are still plugging away! However, the 8 of Pentacles assures you that it will be all worth it. You’re doing it!
You might be inspired to study further, work longer hours or just go that bit extra right now. Your ability to hone your craft, to focus on what you need to do will bring you fabulous rewards.
Looking to change your job next year or start something new? It’s looking good!
Tarot Card Four – 5 of Cups
You may have experienced the past year as a bit of a mixed bag. Perhaps you have suffered a loss or felt down about a situation that hurt you?
Whatever led to a sense of disappointment, rest assured there’s hope and success on the horizon.
I love this Tarot card as it so accurately shows what’s going on. Three cups are spilt, yet two mighty cups remain upright. It’s natural to focus on what we have suffered but don’t let it obstruct what remains.
The 5 of Cups assures us that all is not lost. That the two cups that do survive contain more than we can imagine. There is positive juice left in the coming weeks and so much more to come next year.
Hooray! You can now order my Tarot deck and in depth Tarot book. I put my heart into every page. Big love, Michele.
Tarot Deck Guide Book
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group.
Any similarity in trade names is coincidental only: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way connected with Rider-Waite,
the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, or the Penguin Random House Group.
Thanks so much 3&4 were really shining through for me how accurate is amazing thanks for a bright light in these touf times love and light.